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Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

That's what I said then, you can at most lob missile from anywhere (mostly from Iran) into Israel, which is the same what Hezbollah will do to Israel, so exactly what is the different if Iran enter the war? More missile? Well, considering those missile will end up in Hezbollah hand anyway whether or not Iran enter the war. That make no difference.

The issue here is, you can't fight a war with missile only, that's paying lip service, as that will not remove Israel into existence, not to mention they may actually fly sorties against you. You need to have ground component of any operation in order to win a war, and I am asking you, since you told me to wait and are very certain Iran have "stuff" in Lebanon, how do you plan to resupply and rearm or even deploy those ground asset into Israel?
I've seen several questions you asked on how Iran can fight Israel in a ground war. Unfortunately, the answers you got aren't complete. I'll try to give you a complete answer.

Targettig America's logistical hubs with missiles will ensure that Israeli soldiers cannot enter Iran by land. Iran can strike EVERY SINGLE American military base in the Middle East, which leaves America with the option of air strikes only.

Iran has proxies and intelligence assets allover Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. These proxies number in the hundreds of thousands and are armed with guided missiles. They will be a source of intelligence for Iran's precision missile and drone strikes on any approaching U.S./Israeli ground force. This is not to mention the skirmishes with these proxy forces.

America's most sophisticated fighter planes are the F22 and F35. But certain Iranian missiles outsrip the range of these planes. Considering that Iran has distributed these missiles across the Middle East, including in Yemen, not even carrier-based aerial refueling tankers can help these planes because they'll be vulnerable to missile fire.

Iran has proxy soldiers right on Israel's borders (Lebanon and Syria). But Israel doesn't have any forces on Iran's borders. Degrading Israeli airports with missile strikes will ensure that Israel cannot launch an effective aerial campaign that can slow down invading Hezbollah forces. With the proliferation of anti-tank guided missiles and precision drones, tanks won't be a game changer (we saw this in the Armenia war 2020).

Iran cannot move tanks into Israel. Israel too cannot move tanks into Iran. Both sides face obstacles. However, Hezbollah can still capture Israeli territory WITHOUT tanks. Humans today can face tanks if they have the right weapons and fight in a favourable terrain. Hezbollah has those weapons, and the terrain is also permissive.

Planes are Israel's most powerful weapons. But their dependence on runways and airports make them vulnerable and unreliable. Ukraine quickly lost control of its skies because Russia obliterated its airports and runways. Today, Hezbollah alone can do this to Israeli airports.

And don't forget that Bashar Al-Assad has a defence pact with Iran and has tanks, and sits on Israel's borders. Russia is seething with rage over America's arming of Ukraine. America indirectly killed thousands of Russian soldiers through Ukraine. I'm not a supporter of Russia, but this was Biden's BIGGEST MISTAKE. Russia will never forget nor forgive the U.S. for that. They will arm Iran with missiles that will sink lots of American ships, including carriers. It'll be the bloodiest war in U.S. history. Because of this very possibility, Israel WILL NOT invade the whole of Gaza.
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So, your belief is Iranian leadership is smart and hence will commit suicide with nukes? I think I will need some time to digest this doctrine.
He meant they'll have the deterrent needed to fight a nuclear-armed maniac like Israel.

War in Afghanistan was fought with Pakistani support. US focused on defeating Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan, but respected Pakistani interests in Afghanistan. US allowed Taliban to return to power when it accepted American condition for not supporting Al-Qaeda Network with Pakistan and Qatar being involved as mediators in Doha Accords. Some of you do not understand ground realities but comment on a topic blindly.
That's false. The U.S. left Afghanistan because they realized Russia will invade Ukraine. Since they intended to help Ukraine, they knew Russia would draw American blood by arming the Talbian. so they quit.
The Muslim world should uproot Israel from the Middle East once and for all.

If the Muslim World wants to be wiped off the planet with Israel’s 200+ nuclear bombs 🤣🤣🤣

You really are a simplistic idiot!!!

I am afraid muslims have zero power and zero leverage because Muslims have made no progress for 300 years.

This is what happens when you embrace jamati and Wahhabi ideologies.

Muslims will remain in darkness until they go back to their Sufi roots.
If the Muslim World wants to be wiped off the planet with Israel’s 200+ nuclear bombs 🤣🤣🤣

You really are a simplistic idiot!!!

I am afraid muslims have zero power and zero leverage because Muslims have made no progress for 300 years.

This is what happens when you embrace jamati and Wahhabi ideologies.

Muslims will remain in darkness until they go back to their Sufi roots.
israel is a 1 bomb country
Iran alone can't do shit
Oh they can and they are not alone, russia will jump in with certain support and iran can **** all world economy just sitting and firing shots across hormuz and by that china will jump in and you have proper third world war.
Iran is limited on what it can do, it would end up going in alone which I doubt they will.

I did wonder whether they would be tempted to use ballistic missiles to target the troops buildup and armour buildup near gaza, that could do some serious damage if it got through.
The first signs of Iran involving in war will happen in south Lebanon.

Secondly, NO Muslim country will risk its existence to join USA in war with Iran base on Palestine cause.

That mean USA only can attack Iran from sea.
😂😂why do you think israel Pisses their pants thinking of Iranians nuclear weapon? 1 bomb and it's over

You can bet the day Iran tests a bomb - Israel will wipe Iran off.

And even China and Russia will support Israel.

Yet again you proved you are an idiot!

And Saudis will piss themselves laughing!
You can bet the day Iran tests a bomb - Israel will wipe Iran off.

And even China and Russia will support Israel.

Yet again you proved you are an idiot!

And Saudis will piss themselves laughing!
😂😂and you are proving to be a Zionist hasbara shill 😂😂puny israel can't even wipe Gaza and Hamas, talking about a giant like Iran 🇮🇷 😂😂Israel is a 1 bomb country
😂😂and you are proving to be a Zionist hasbara shill 😂😂puny israel can't even wipe Gaza and Hamas, talking about a giant like Iran 🇮🇷 😂😂Israel is a 1 bomb country

How did I know that would be your come back?

But congratulations!

For the third time - you proved you are an idiot.
How did I know that would be your come back?

But congratulations!

For the third time - you proved you are an idiot.
this you nigga ? phull sapport saar :lol::lol::lol:

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