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Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

Iran warns the enemies

movements of long-range ballistic missile launchers have been reported in different parts of Iran

Iran and its friends are gradually increasing the level of tension

First, Hezbollah was activated
Now, Iraq, syria and Yemen active against Americans and jews
They can't. Only Russian capability is enough and even russia has a piecemeal navy.

Arabs wasted time not going for hypersonics and advanced integrated radar systems last 10 years and now they're countered again.Arabs proves to be dumb yet again and never listen.
I really want to see Palestine - Israel conflict to be resolved peacefully - no contention from me in this context.

But I would like to point out something. US is strong because it has huge economy, ample kinetic muscle, and it has cultivated meaningful partnerships around the world. US seem to value its bilateral relationship with Israel and will not show weakness on this front (fortunately or unfortunately). If US cannot support its allies, it will loose power. US have no choice but to show strength in the face of big odds. Even if this translate to fighting another war on a big scale which is something US can do.

American reputation is mixed in the pan-Islamic world, not much has changed in this respect. Not much will change in this respect soon.

World has changed, US cannot expect Iran to bow to US pressure in the region anymore. The sooner they realize for the better, this has security implication for their interest and for ISrael itself.

I agree a serious peace process must be implemented,always respecting Palestinian existence, dignity and rights. Unconditionally and without excuses of any kind, palestinians are native of tehir lands, and there must not be any doubt here.
Iran's FM confirmed that Iran and the resistance will most definitely go to war with the occupation if they attack gaza in a ground invasion.

Iran will NOT be a witness to all these atrocities.

lets see which other muslim country has the guts to help. or are they all going to turn the other cheek?
Very bad move by Iran foreign minister to make such statements. He is saying Iran will directly go to war with Israel if Israel launches a ground invasion of Gaza. Does he know the implications of saying such a thing?
If he said Iran will use her proxies and vassal militias like Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad etc to launch attacks against some Israeli border guards /soldiers then that will be understandable since as militias or proxy non state actors the stakes are not too high compared to a country/state going to war against another country. But he's saying Iran will directly go to war if Israel invades Gaza. Lol We all know Israel will launch a ground invasion one way or another. So when they do I don't want to see Iran not attacking or going to war with Israel. In case Iran doesn't go to war with Israel after that then you will once again become a laughing stock in the world and this will cause huge embarrassment to the country and damage your credibility even more.
So it's better to remain calm and silent than making such statements which I'm not sure can be backed by real actions.

Anyway, I'm just holding my popcorn waiting to see what happens when Israel launches her ground offensive in Gaza. I don't want to hear excuses for not declaring war( not going to war) against Israel 😆😌
World war 3 morale booster for Muslim countries.
Sexy. At least many men can go to war for this. 🤣 That definitely boosted something. 😁😇
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Nothing will happen. Why would Iran risk so much for Gaza?
This is all to divert world's attention away from Russia. I think Iran and Russia is working together on this new mischief.
to what end? Russia is still not making any gains in Ukraine
USA nature last years is very twisted, remember Iran Deal.

Israel shouldnt trust USA because they send 2 carriers, maybe the bigger support means the bigger final backstabbing, fact is: USA doesnt need Israel anymore, and USA hold one thousand secret meetings with Iran last years.

The same said to Israel can be said to GCC, watch out. Maybe in a real war scenario, USA will secretly benefit Iran and backstabbing longterm allies that they dont need anymore.
USA nature last years is very twisted, remember Iran Deal.

Israel shouldnt trust USA because they send 2 carriers, maybe the bigger support means the bigger final backstabbing, fact is: USA doesnt need Israel anymore, and USA hold one thousand secret meetings with Iran last years.

The same said to Israel can be said to GCC, watch out. Maybe in a real war scenario, USA will secretly benefit Iran and backstabbing longterm allies that they dont need anymore.
Thats a lod of BS
Very bad move by Iran foreign minister to make such statements. He is saying Iran will directly go to war with Israel if Israel launches a ground invasion of Gaza. Does he know the implications of saying such a thing?
If he said Iran will use her proxies and vassal militias like Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad etc to launch attacks against some Israeli border guards /soldiers then that will be understandable since as militias or proxy non state actors the stakes are not too high compared to a country/state going to war against another country. But he's saying Iran will directly go to war if Israel invades Gaza. Lol We all know Israel will launch a ground invasion one way or another. So when they do I don't want to see Iran not attacking or going to war with Israel. In case Iran doesn't go to war with Israel after that then you will once again become a laughing stock in the world and this will cause huge embarrassment to the country and damage your credibility even more.
So it's better to remain calm and silent than making such statements which I'm not sure can be backed by real actions.

Anyway, I'm just holding my popcorn waiting to see what happens when Israel launches her ground offensive in Gaza. I don't want to hear excuses for not declaring war( not going to war) against Israel 😆😌

Sexy. At least many men can go to war for this. 🤣 That definitely boosted something. 😁😇

Here's what's really preposterous: the way in which the USA and zionist regimes have been threatening Iran with military aggression for several decades in a row ("axis of evil", "all options are on the table") but systematically failed to act upon these threats.

Latest episode: a supposedly "fifteen-fold 9/11" taking place in Isra"el" according to Biden, but neither Isra"el" nor the USA will declare war on the only government that's been extending consequent military assistance to the Palestinian Resistance. In 2001 the USA and allies were quick to invade not just Afghanistan - for hosting rather than arming or training the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, but also an uninvolved nation, Iraq.

Joke's squarely on Washington and Tel Aviv.
Very bad move by Iran foreign minister to make such statements. He is saying Iran will directly go to war with Israel if Israel launches a ground invasion of Gaza. Does he know the implications of saying such a thing?
He did not say that
Thats a lod of BS

Iran Deal 2015 was real, it was not BS.

And from a cold point of view, it's better for USA backstab Israel and GCC and support Iran in a real war.

Because USA can't stop Iran missiles, but they can remotely disable all expensive military hardware of Israel and GCC.

Anyway, it doesnt matter, USA interests are just war in ME, it doesnt matter who win, as they kill each other and decrease energy and raw materials consumption.
Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:00 AM
Last update on: Mon Oct 23, 2023 02:02 AM
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266 killed in Gaza in 24 hours

Israel keeps pounding the enclave; US sees significant risk of attacks on Mideast interests


Members of a medical team transport a boy injured in an Israeli strike at a makeshift emergency ward set up outside the Kuwait hospital, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip yesterday. Israel yesterday stepped up strikes on Gaza killing at least 266 Palestinians as fears of a wider conflict grew.

Washington yesterday said it was increasing military readiness in the Middle East warning of a significant risk to US interests in the region.

Iran said the region could spiral "out of control" and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Lebanon's Hezbollah that if it got involved, it would be "the mistake of its life".

Amid this war of words, Gaza's Health Ministry yesterday said 266 Palestinians, including 117 children, had been killed by Israeli air strikes in the past 24 hours in the enclave.
Israel has laid "total siege" to Gaza after a mass infiltration into Israel by Hamas gunmen on Oct 7.

Hamas fighters also took 212 hostages.

Since Oct 7, Israel's air and missile strikes have killed at least 4,741 Palestinians and wounded 15,898, with over a million of the densely populated enclave's 2.3 million people displaced.

More than 40 percent of Gaza's housing has been damaged or destroyed, according to the UN. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Saturday that Washington would send more military assets to the Middle East in support of Israel and strengthen the US defence posture in the region after "recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces" - a reference to Hezbollah, Palestinian and other militants.

Washington has deployed a significant amount of naval power to the Middle East, including two aircraft carriers, support ships and about 2,000 Marines, to help deter attacks by Iran-affiliated forces.

Austin said a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system and extra Patriot air defence missile system battalions will be sent to the region and more troops put on standby.

Iranian security officials told Reuters Iran's strategy was for Middle East proxies like Hezbollah to pursue limited strikes on Israeli and US targets but to avoid a major escalation that would draw in Tehran, a high-wire act for the Islamic Republic.
Israel has amassed tanks and troops near the fenced border around Gaza for a planned ground invasion aiming to annihilate Hamas.

With Israel keeping up daily bombings, Palestinians said they received renewed Israeli military warnings to move from Gaza's north to the south to avoid the deadliest theatre of the war.

They said military leaflets dropped on the territory, just 45 km (28 miles) long, contained the added warning that they could be identified as sympathisers with a "terrorist organisation" if they stayed put.

Gaza's Health Ministry said most of the dead from air strikes over the past 24 hours were in Gaza's south. Israel says it is only targeting militants and that they often use residential buildings as cover.

The first humanitarian aid convoy allowed into Gaza since the war erupted arrived in southern Gaza from Egypt yesterday after days of negotiations. The UN said the 20-truck convoy brought life-saving medical supplies and some food.

A second convoy of around 19 trucks loaded with medical and food supplies entered the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing on Sunday and was being inspected before proceeding into Gaza, sources said.

The United Nations estimates that about 100 trucks per day are required to meet the needs of Gaza's 2.4 million residents given the "catastrophic" humanitarian situation.

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