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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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For nuclear fuel deal. Our interests come first. We don't allow nations to bomb our people and passresolutions in Parliament. You army can't bring the drones down??? So much so for "frontline state in war against terror".
Its ex-Pakistani soldiers, and how so are they "incompetent"?

Funny bharati, respond to the post intelligently! Tell me, why did you country like a slave obey US orders to vote against Iran in the IAEA? LOL
We were always different, I am racially Aryan while you aren't. I resemble my Indo-European cousins a lot. ;) No the culture isn't the same either. India itself has such a vast majority of different cultures, I am pretty sure you realize that Pakistani culture is vastly different from southern & eastern Indian culture. There are even differences in our culture while travelling from province to province. You are just desperately trying to associate yourself to us, stop doing that, I would rather not come in to existence than be an Indian.

Again our food isn't that similar either, there are a vast majority of provincial dishes present that are hardly eaten from one province to another. Similarities in food exist almost everywhere to a certain extent, did you know biryani was from Persia? Does that make all the people eating biryani locally Persians? Of course not. Our languages are the same too? :woot: Besides Urdu & Punjabi, I doubt most Pakistani languages are spoken in India. For example I can't speak a word of that horribly foul language called "Tamil", I would rather listen to a cat cry all day long than listen to that being spoken. Finally, there is no India in Pakistan, thank God! Stop associating yourself to us, it's really annoying, I don't want to have anything to do with you or your country. Anyway I got to go, it's getting late here.

I am both racially and culturally Aryan
Your ancestors left Aryansim the day they bend down to foreign Invaders

What a hypocricy : u guys at first place left Aryan culture and dishonored it by converting to Islam, U have no right to call urself Aryans (it was ur call to leave Aryan culture)
Neutral. India even't condemned US attack on Iraq. India is even condemning intervention in Syria. We don't take sides unless we are directly affected as in the case of Taliban.
So in any potential conflict between USA/Israel/Arabs vs Iran...which side would you back?

Or in otherwise, if war breaks out and Iran comes to India and asks for military aid or spare parts for its military? Would India reciprocate?
I am both racially and culturally Aryan
Your ancestors left Aryansim the day they bend down to foreign Invaders

What a hypocricy : u guys at first place left Aryan culture and dishonored it by converting to Islam, U have no right to call urself Aryans (it was ur call to leave Aryan culture)

You combined so many of my replies in the quote in your response, all of my responses look completely out of context. I didn't even verify the responses you quoted under my name, so I can't be certain about the quoted responses being modified. To anyone who reads this, please read my original posts earlier on in this thread seeing as I claim no responsibility to the authenticity of what this member quoted. Anyway leaving that aside seeing as that is simply a retarded attempt at trolling, you should realize that converting to another religion does not make us any less Aryans and nor does it affect our genes. While religion does influence culture, it does not change every aspect of it. Our conversion to Islam should have no affect whatsoever on our race and heritage. Religion and culture evolves over time for all nations, there are very few nations whose religion and culture has remained the same up till now. Based on your point of view, the Greeks have no right to call themselves Greeks or take credit for their ancestors' accomplishments simply because they no longer practice Hellenism. :woot: By the way don't ever dare to insult our ancestors again, none of them ever bent down to foreign invaders.
Question: Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in a conflict with India.

Answer: No, they will not. Not under any circumstance.

*Now, you can find and give all the explanations and reasons in the world about why this would be so, but the reality will not change - There would be no military assistance forthcoming.*
What about Muslim camaraderie?

Arabs didnt support us in 1965 and 1971 because of they were incapable as Pakistan was training their military forces and they were part of the Soviet-bloc.

Now in this post-cold war era, Arab countries are American allies and have American equipment which could be easily utilized by Pakistan in any future conflict with India.

But if they refuse, then Pakistan needs to take a neutral stand in regards to Israel similar to that of Turkey and recognize Israel.

You have your history mixed up. The soviet bloc states supported India. Just moral support that is.

While the US allied countries like the Iran and Jordan provided fighter jets to Pakistan for example in 1971. The GCC countries only voiced moral support

At present, India has strong ties with ALL Arab countries with Iran as well as Israel. And as can be seen from the Kargil and the Mumbai episode, if Pakistan is the agressor, they will morally take India's side.
The best response i have seen was from p(-)0ENiX, others are just letting out their emotional responses covered by religious & national love, to be frank dont expect any one to help you in your conflict , every country has their own priorities that include political, economical & the last will be religious

yes pakistan will get support from arab countries in the form of limited equipments and finance , that too with the consent of big powers ( no consent no assistance)

Only some pakistanis, Afganis , yemenis & palestines become emotional with religion , others are more rational and selfish
Please stop trying to hide the facts, if there is an outbreak of another Arab-Israeli war you indians and your government would be cheering on the israelis, you would provide them the diplomatic support and betray the Arabs as you have betrayed the Iranians.

Why are making baseless speculations. Just look at what India did in the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006 for example. India took a just stand and condemned wrong actions. Both Israel and Lebanon see India as an honest broker and have requested Indian peace keeping forces at the border

Its no joke that Hezbullah openly praises Indian Army
Hezbollah all praise for Indian Army - Times Of India

When Israel bombed Gaza, India again condemned this action and didn't provide any diplomatic support on such a uniliateral action.

India provides more economic aid to the Palestinians per year than Pakistan and has more humanitarian projects running in West Bank and Gaza than Pakistan. As recently as this year we had our foreign minister visit Israel and the Palestinian authority announcing grants in aid

And our govt. does this because it is the morally right thing to do to REALLY help these people. Just shouting empty words of support and flaming Israelis and Jews is not help at all

What has the GoP done till now? Words dont' feed clothe or teach people. Espicially words which are basically to incite baseless hatred
America will not allow you. Your despot leaders just get commission of a few dollars per barrel of oil which the Americans have claimed. Arabs cant even sort out a nation of 4 million. I mean we had to send them commandos for a local problem lol


How are they going to assist us in amy war

I don't why Pakistanis have this urge to massage their ego in some event or the other.

The Saudi forces (the army and the national guards) fought and gave the lives of lot of their men to free the holy mosque and they deserve full credit for doing so. So stop belitting them on everything

The French GIGN provided startegic advise as well as details on using sleeping gas and other tactics to get the rebels out of the underground tunnels. There are documented pictures and photos of that time of the major forces who took part and articles and books done on them. No where is there any mention of Pakistani Army personnel. The only major operation that Pakistani army personnel did in the Arab countries was in Jordan in the infamous Black September event.

You want some authentic information, this wikipedia article is well sourced
Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arabs are for money, cars and girls.

They're not war material :D
Why is there too much debate on this. Pakistan won't need Arab soldiers or equipment if God forbid a full war with India breaks out. The only thing they will need is money and uninterrupted supply of oil and I am 100% sure S.Arabia will provide a substantial portion of that.

Well like I have said before, just look at the Saudi position in the Kargil War.

They did not provide any support to Pakistan and infact told Nawaz Sharif to withdraw back to the LoC. If you haven't read my earlier post on this, you can check it out here

Also check this interview with Saudi ambassador to India in 2011

The problem is that some Pakistanis try to make it into a Muslim-Hindu issue. King Abdullah and other Arab leaders are no longer fooled by this rhetoric. They have had it with the use of Islam and Muslims by Pakistani leadership for their own geopolitical purposes and can see through the BS.

The key here is who will start the agression. And historically, it has been mostly Pakistan including in the Kargil war in 1998.
first of all those who are claiming to be Aryans on the basis of culture and race or blood etc. Let me clarify to them that, Aryan is a word in Sanskrit just to represent ANYONE to be WISE and NOBLE irrespective of any race, color, culture and etc BUT only by the virtue of his deeds.
first of all those who are claiming to be Aryans on the basis of culture and race or blood etc. Let me clarify to them that, Aryan is a word in Sanskrit just to represent ANYONE to be WISE and NOBLE irrespective of any race, color, culture and etc BUT only by the virtue of his deeds.

I agree with this definition of "Arya" to an extent; the Sanskrit word "Arya" means "noble" & "honorable", it has been used in the religious sense in the Sub-Continent & as a title conferred on those who were "pious" or "noble" regardless of their descent. However I have read that the word originally did refer to a group of Indo-European tribes & upon their settling in to the Sub-Continent with the evolution of time, the usage of the word began to change. There are other Indo-European languages such as "Avestan" & "Old Persian" where the word "airya" has always referred to an ethnicity or race. Even Herodotus said the Medians referred to themselves as "Arioi" if I am not mistaken & they took great pride in being related to the Aryans in the Sub-Continent. Anyway Sanskrit is one of the oldest Indo-European languages & is the sister of Avestan. At some point or another regardless of how the Sanskrit usage of the word "Arya" evolved, it did refer to a specific group of people. This is a very debatable topic, but unfortunately I am not in the mood to debate over it, so let us end this discussion.

The best response i have seen was from p(-)0ENiX, others are just letting out their emotional responses covered by religious & national love, to be frank dont expect any one to help you in your conflict , every country has their own priorities that include political, economical & the last will be religious

yes pakistan will get support from arab countries in the form of limited equipments and finance , that too with the consent of big powers ( no consent no assistance)

Only some pakistanis, Afganis , yemenis & palestines become emotional with religion , others are more rational and selfish

Cool, thanks. (My response is to the bold part of the quote only.)
I don't why Pakistanis have this urge to massage their ego in some event or the other.

The Saudi forces (the army and the national guards) fought and gave the lives of lot of their men to free the holy mosque and they deserve full credit for doing so. So stop belitting them on everything

The French GIGN provided startegic advise as well as details on using sleeping gas and other tactics to get the rebels out of the underground tunnels. There are documented pictures and photos of that time of the major forces who took part and articles and books done on them. No where is there any mention of Pakistani Army personnel. The only major operation that Pakistani army personnel did in the Arab countries was in Jordan in the infamous Black September event.

You want some authentic information, this wikipedia article is well sourced
Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There seems to be this odd habit among some Pakistanis to make unsubstantiated claims about their involvement in other peoples' conflicts.

Their claims about their supposed contribution to the Arab Israel war (that never resulted in anything on the ground and didn't change the results) go on increasing. Same with claims about Bosnia, Srilanka, this mosque affair and so on...

Reason: So little to be proud of in their own military history.

Score: India 4 Pakistan 0.
In the event of a Saudi-Iran War, Iran will probably start a Shia uprising in Eastern Saudi Arabia or Southern Saudi Arabia bordering Yemen. That will tie up the Saudi Ground Forces.
No it will just tie up the national ground for 2 days until the massacre is finished.
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