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Wikileaks: India’s Muslim population largely unattracted to extremism

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i hope peace prevails in india as it seems to be moving towards its self-destruction by its own radical hindu majority.

Peace can not be prevailed untill frustrated guys vent their venom against so called radical hindu majority..
Self desturction phase 1947 has already passed as you know, its time to move forward and make India stronger by supporting true Patriots not the Traitors :)
don't worry india will not self destruct, which is dream of some ppl.
well india itself pressing its self destruction button without even realizing and living in delusion of being a superpower.
well india itself pressing its self destruction button without even realizing and living in delusion of being a superpower.

well then u dont have to worry since it's none of ur business.......
well india itself pressing its self destruction button without even realizing and living in delusion of being a superpower.

lot of ppl like u have been talking this B.S for last 63 yrs. but india had always overcome all difficulties & remain united. & as far as superpower is concerned that is general feeling of general ppl. have u ever heard a top indian leader saying that india is a superpower.
AJTR - *IF* India had a radical Hindu majority I doubt that the India that exists today would, indeed, exist. A radical Hindu majority would expel Christian Aid groups. A radical Hindu majority would riot against 'Bollywood' and the heavily westernized outlook upon duty and modesty that Bollywood movies now show.
Shows ur ignorance about wat vhp et all doing in india without even getting banned.thats the fear of hindu majority GOI is afraid to ban VHP,bajrangdal even after their are evidences available.

A radical Hindu majority would be very upset at top government positions being taken by non-Hindus. A radical Hindu majority may attempt to move the entire nation away from secularism towards a Hindu state religion.
india has moved away from secularism long back.

Perhaps you are making a leap from a small group of Hindus, within the greater Hindu majority, who are both more radical and more vocal?
silent majority can never prevail upon radicals.there silence is approval for radicals.

No one changes anyones' mind over the internet, and I am not imploring you to stop writing what you think and feel.

We both can agree on the point that we wish for peace in India, and the rest of the world.
i m just countering false secular image projected here by my countrymen here.
lot of ppl like u have been talking this B.S for last 63 yrs. but india had always overcome all difficulties & remain united. & as far as superpower is concerned that is general feeling of general ppl. have u ever heard a top indian leader saying that india is a superpower.
which india u r talking about ?????That india already got divided into 3 long time ago.and still secession movement is going on in india.
Shows ur ignorance about wat vhp et all doing in india without even getting banned.thats the fear of hindu majority GOI is afraid to ban VHP,bajrangdal even after their are evidences available.

india has moved away from secularism long back.

silent majority can never prevail upon radicals.there silence is approval for radicals.

i m just countering false secular image projected here by my countrymen here.

Yes ur countrymen are proud of u.....u r showing true colors of enemy India to the world.........

Now listen STFU........or do something smart change ur flag;)
which india u r talking about ?????That india already got divided into 3 long time ago.and still secession movement is going on in india.

as far as i know there is only one country in world known as india. i wonder if u know any other country named india. & the india which was divided was british india. nothing has been separated from independent india.
I agree that there are Hindu extremists. Bu one has to think why such a phenomenon started all of a sudden in the past century. It is to safeguard what ever remaining they have. Hindu fascism is the reply to Zia's islamic Fascism and and aggressive conversion tactics of Christians. I don't care about religion. Hindus or muslims when they are fascistic , that's when tension arise.

YouTube - TalkBack w/ Wajahat Khan & Javed Akhtar Ep31 Pt3

So you mean to say that people actually dont have freedom of religion in world largest hypo...errr..i mean democracy...while the official line of state is secular it runs undercover gangs to keep the theocracy intact..and blaming blaming Zia who came to power in 70's seems to be a no-brainer copy-paste job....one should read before pasting.. Hindu muslim tension have always been existent from the day Mohammed Bin Qassim landed his cavalry. Gandhi - Nehru alliance aggressively symbolized freedom movement into hindu color by using culture as expression of numerical superiority.
So you mean to say that people actually dont have freedom of religion in world largest hypo...errr..i mean democracy...while the official line of state is secular it runs undercover gangs to keep the theocracy intact..and blaming blaming Zia who came to power in 70's seems to be a no-brainer copy-paste job....one should read before pasting.. Hindu muslim tension have always been existent from the day Mohammed Bin Qassim landed his cavalry. Gandhi - Nehru alliance aggressively symbolized freedom movement into hindu color by using culture as expression of numerical superiority.

waahahahaha see who's talking now !Pakistan views on democracy ooopz!!as far as i know pakistan never enjoyed the fruits of democracy insted the generals rules your country for past 60years,where am wrong here just let me know ? Whatevr govt is in power now are just mooh bola leaders for generals ,wikileaks reaveled that . No doubt zardari want to strike peace cord with its neighbours but errr.. army looks other way. This is not my opinion but Wikileaks says this all . So pls saying india as a largest hypo..you must look inside you 1st !! We dont want your views on democracy.
which india u r talking about ?????That india already got divided into 3 long time ago.and still secession movement is going on in india.

the same India which broke some other country into two parts :whistle:
So you mean to say that people actually dont have freedom of religion in world largest hypo...errr..i mean democracy...while the official line of state is secular it runs undercover gangs to keep the theocracy intact..and blaming blaming Zia who came to power in 70's seems to be a no-brainer copy-paste job....one should read before pasting.. Hindu muslim tension have always been existent from the day Mohammed Bin Qassim landed his cavalry. Gandhi - Nehru alliance aggressively symbolized freedom movement into hindu color by using culture as expression of numerical superiority.

Wats wrong in this, if Islamist country can be Secular like Pakistan then why not Bhagwa Secular India can exist... You guys say yourself Islamic but all world knows how Secular you guys are..
India has second largest Muslim population (after Indonesia) on the planet near about 18 million or so, out of that majority are either middle class/lower middle class or poor, out of them (Kashmir aside) how many want to hurt India probably < 100, that speak volumes Indian Muslims are Indian and love India more than anything, they just want to earn money, live in harmony and peace like every other Indian
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