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Wikileaks: India’s Muslim population largely unattracted to extremism

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What forceful conversion to christianity are you referring to? I have seen missionaries operate. All they do is set up camps, school, run medical missions and preach. At the end of the day someone comes along with the genuine interest of joining the faith. Hindu extremist elements who cannot bear to see their "low caste slaves" leave them and get educated, stir up trouble and massacre everyone. Dont deny that fact just to make a stand for your country. Acknowledging the existence of anomalies is the first step to correcting them.

Haha.. you are talking about Christanity in Pakistan where their mere existence is questioned. Not in India. They are peaceful in places like Kerala and Goa where they have significant population for centuries. But in places like Orissa and Andhra where Christianity was non-existant a few decades ago, they have started aggressive conversion with funding from US and Vatican. The more they convert, the more money they get. It is very similar to multi level marketing. There are Hindu organizations that are money minded too. But they do not involve in conversion. When religion becomes a business, there is nothing holy about it.
In TN village without Muslims, Hindus observe Muharram

MADURAI: Every Muharram, the remote Muthuvanthidal hamlet in Sivaganga district turns a picture of religious harmony. The Hindus in the southern village observe the Muslim holy day by performing rituals like walking on burning coals, more common to Hinduism. Ironically, the village has about 400 Hindu families, but no Muslims.

S Raju, a resident of the village, recalls that a large number of Muslims had made the village their home until about four decades ago, living in harmony with the Hindus. Then many of the Muslims migrated to other parts of Tamil Nadu and some of them left for greener pastures abroad in the late 1960s, when famine struck the region. "Now not a single Muslim lives here. But we continue to observe Muharram as a mark of respect for them," Raju says.

The village also has a dargah, the Fathima Nachiar dargah, built by Muslims about 50 years ago. But with Muslims families leaving, the dargah, which could not be maintained, became dilapidated. But Hindu residents continued to go there and pray as they believed that Fathima Nachiar' was Muthuvanthidal's guardian angel.

A Chennai-based Muslim engineer, who heard about the village, has now come forward to renovate the dargah. "We told him that we would contribute by selling the firewood in our village. But he told us that our moral support was sufficient and that he would organize the funds," says Karnan, another villager.

After every harvest, the produce from the fields, like sugarcane, paddy and vegetables are offered at the dargah, just like the offerings made at the local Mariamman temple. "The only difference from a temple is that we do not see an idol here," said Sujatha, a resident of the village.

Early on Friday morning, 25 Hindu men walked over burning coal, the pit for which was dug about five days prior to Muharram. A moulvi, Kader Basha, a former resident of the village who now lives in Thirupuvanam in Sivaganga district, initiated the rituals. As women do not walk over fire, they carry a basket of burning coal on their heads which they cover with a muslin cloth. "God is above all and will never discriminate among people, so why should we discriminate among religions," says Karnan.

Read more: In TN village without Muslims, Hindus observe Muharram - The Times of India In TN village without Muslims, Hindus observe Muharram - The Times of India
Nagore dargah draws Hindus in droves

TIRUCHI: E Karthikeyan, a Chennai businessman, never fails to make his annual trip to Nagore, a small, crowded pilgrim town in Nagapattinam district. Once in Nagore, Karthikeyan, accompanied by his family, drives straight to the Hazrat Syed Shahul Hameed dargah, popularly known as Nagore Dargah, where he offers a heavily brocaded chadar' to the Muslim saint's tomb. "The ritual of presenting the chadar (blanket) started around the year 1900 when my great grandfather Palaniandi Pillai took his family for the Khanduri festival and presented a chadar," says Karthikeyan.

Karthikeyan is one among the thousands of Hindus who visit the Nagore dargah during the annual Khandhuri festival. The majestic tomb, more than 500 hundred years old, flanked by five minarets towering over the town is an epitome of harmonious co-existence of the two religions.

"Not just during Khanduri festival, Hindus visit the dargah throughout the year to get the blessings of the holy saint. Here, it is the soul of the person that matters and not the religion," says S Syed Kamil Sahib Qadiri, president of the Nagore dargah, taking a break from a meeting with police officials to discuss security measures to be adopted in the pilgrim town on the eve of the Ayodhya verdict. Even Hindu devotees from Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka visit the dargah regularly, he said.

"I have been visiting the Nagore dargah for the past seven years,'' says Sivasubramanian, a 39-year-old father of two, who works in a tea shop in Tiruchi. Hazrat Syed Shahul Hameed or Nagore Andavar', as the devotees call the saint, lived in Nagore in the 16th century. He was also popularly called Meeran Sahib or Qadir Wali.

Palaniandi Pillai, the great-grandfather of Karthikeyan, supposed to have overcome a debt problem after praying at the saint's tomb. As a mark of gratitude, he built many of the gates at the dargah besides making liberal donations. Besides businessmen like him, the Naik rulers of Thanjavur and the Marathas during the later period have also patronised the dargah. The Maratha king of Thanjavur, Tulasi Maharaja, donated 4,000 acres of agricultural land for the maintenance of the dargha. "Where comes the question of religion when all are brethren?" asks Syed Kamil Sahib Qadiri.

Read more: Nagore dargah draws Hindus in droves - The Times of India Nagore dargah draws Hindus in droves - The Times of India
I doubt this article due to generalization.

(Whole)150 Million are not saying they are Indians first and Muslims second. :P Few of them are just 'superstars'

Enough many problems in Hindus/Muslims fighting (trains, Mosque/temples, bombing, revenges, etc)....Even muslims citizens are second citizens in India.

wrong news mate !!!!!!!!!!we indians are proud of our muslim brethen who are fighting hand in hand agianst foreign terror!!!!!some young lads have been attracted but that's just temporary.....time will say everything else !!!!!external influences doesnt last for long:partay:
This all result of hindu-radicalism and kashmir opression....................

Kerala turning green

Islamism spreads its network of hate

The people of Kerala, known as ‘God’s Own Country’, have known that their peaceful State has been changing into a turbulent battlefield ever since the launch of a hunt for terrorists following the killing of four Malayalee militants at Kupwara in Jammu & Kashmir in October 2008. Since then, rare has been the day without further revelations about the worsening situation in Kerala. This week the Union Ministry of Home Affairs has confirmed fears of jihadis lying low in Kerala, waiting to strike after receiving instructions from their masters in Pakistan, following the publication of a list of 31 wanted terrorists among whom there are six Malayalees. The most important name on the last is that of KP Sabir, who is believed to be high on the LeT’s hierarchy. Sabir, according to information gathered by official agencies, was in constant contact with David Coleman Headley, the Chicago-based LeT operative involved with facilitating the 26/11 terrorist attack. The agencies have gathered information to the effect that Sabir had arranged local assistance for Tahawwur Hussein Rana, Headley’s associate, when he visited Kerala. Sabir’s two brothers are also part of the terror network and are accused of being involved with the Coimbatore Press Club bombing of 2002. Muhammad Azhar and PP Yusuf, two others on the list, are accused of being involved with the Kozhikode bombings. PA Raysal, the fourth among the Keralites on the list, is an accused in the Bangalore bombings.

All these Indian Mujahideen operatives belong to Kannur district, known as Kerala’s Marxist heartland; the LeT’s ‘South India Commander’, Thadiyantavide Nazeer, hails from this area. It is now almost certain that Kerala’s homegrown jihadis draw sustenance from their Gulf connections. Sabir’s brother, Shabeer, arrested in Mumbai last month, has disclosed that their hideouts in Dubai and other Gulf cities were used for planning terror strikes in India. According to the Kerala Police, many of the wanted men are holed up in the Gulf. Kerala has never been without communalists; the Moplah ‘revolt’ was the forerunner of today’s Islamist separatism and violent activism that manifests itself in the form of terrorism. The rapid ‘Arabisation’ of Kerala’s society, especially in the Muslim-dominated districts, has resulted in the birth and growth of violent Islamism. Needless to say, this does not augur well for the State. Competitive politics of pandering to communal elements and organisations in the hope of garnering Muslim votes has only strengthened those who seek salvation through death and destruction in the name of Islam. If the Congress is guilty of minorityism, so are the Communists who have shown no compunction in aligning with the likes of Madani. That, in a sense, is Kerala’s tragedy and India’s too.
RSS,BJP,shiv sena is to VHP and bajrang dal what JDU is to LeT.

ha ha ha .........and some more ha ha ha

O.K. ; name the countries where RSS,BJP,shiv sena, VHP , Bajrang dal etc have executed terrorist act or may be an international body that has banned these organizations...

.....take your time.........will wait till next life to get your revert.
Sabarimala, an example of Hindu-Muslim harmony


Lakhs of devotees gather at the hill shrine to pray to Lord Ayyappa, the little town of Erumeli at the foot of the hills.Sabarimala which is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world with an estimated 45–50 million devotees visiting every year is also an example of Hindu-Muslim harmony, because the first stop of each pilgrim going to Sabarimala is the mosque at Erumeli and there are reasons for doing that.


The Erumeli Petta thullal is not only about victory of good over evil but also re-lives a rare friendship between a Hindu god and a Muslim king.Hariharan, a pilgrim said, "There are legends that tell that Vavar and Ayyappa were at first big enemies. They had a big fight and later on they became thickest of friends. Ayyappa had then said that all pilgrims who are coming through this long route are suppose to take permission from this shrine."

Erumeli is in itself a shining example of communal harmony. On one side of the road is the mosque dedicated to the Muslim king and across the road is the temple.It is great tranquility that descends upon pilgrims.

Mohammed Yousuf, the Organiser, Erumeli Jamaat mosque said,"It's perhaps a lesson for the rest of the world. The Hindu pilgrims who come here say they can't go to Sabarimala without getting Vavar's blessings and we at the mosque in turn wait for this moment every year."

Every devotee lines up before the buried mortal remains of the Muslim king before his journey to the abode of Lord Ayappa begins.
When lakhs of devotees gather to celebrate this ocassion, it gathers more significance, especially in times of communal strife and disharmony.
Sabarimala, an example of Hindu-Muslim harmony


Lakhs of devotees gather at the hill shrine to pray to Lord Ayyappa, the little town of Erumeli at the foot of the hills.Sabarimala which is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world with an estimated 45–50 million devotees visiting every year is also an example of Hindu-Muslim harmony, because the first stop of each pilgrim going to Sabarimala is the mosque at Erumeli and there are reasons for doing that.


The Erumeli Petta thullal is not only about victory of good over evil but also re-lives a rare friendship between a Hindu god and a Muslim king.Hariharan, a pilgrim said, "There are legends that tell that Vavar and Ayyappa were at first big enemies. They had a big fight and later on they became thickest of friends. Ayyappa had then said that all pilgrims who are coming through this long route are suppose to take permission from this shrine."

Erumeli is in itself a shining example of communal harmony. On one side of the road is the mosque dedicated to the Muslim king and across the road is the temple.It is great tranquility that descends upon pilgrims.

Mohammed Yousuf, the Organiser, Erumeli Jamaat mosque said,"It's perhaps a lesson for the rest of the world. The Hindu pilgrims who come here say they can't go to Sabarimala without getting Vavar's blessings and we at the mosque in turn wait for this moment every year."

Every devotee lines up before the buried mortal remains of the Muslim king before his journey to the abode of Lord Ayappa begins.
When lakhs of devotees gather to celebrate this ocassion, it gathers more significance, especially in times of communal strife and disharmony.

Never blow the trumpet before the deaf....

Of all you a senior member should know this. :lazy:
ha ha ha .........and some more ha ha ha

O.K. ; name the countries where RSS,BJP,shiv sena, VHP , Bajrang dal etc have executed terrorist act or may be an international body that has banned these organizations...

.....take your time.........will wait till next life to get your revert.
u mean to say india is not a country just an artificial entity
AJTR - you seem intelligent. your fear and hatred of Hindu India must be very hard to take. why don't you move to a place that will embrace you and add peace to your mind? i'm not attempting to be glib, nor will i suggest moving to a fictional land called 'troll-istan'; i think if you were happier in life you would present a happier persona on the internet. what is the root cause of this unhappiness? find it, and if you can't fix it, then move away from it.

peace be with you.
AJTR - you seem intelligent. your fear and hatred of Hindu India must be very hard to take. why don't you move to a place that will embrace you and add peace to your mind? i'm not attempting to be glib, nor will i suggest moving to a fictional land called 'troll-istan'; i think if you were happier in life you would present a happier persona on the internet. what is the root cause of this unhappiness? find it, and if you can't fix it, then move away from it.

peace be with you.
i hope peace prevails in india as it seems to be moving towards its self-destruction by its own radical hindu majority.
i hope peace prevails in india as it seems to be moving towards its self-destruction by its own radical hindu majority.

don't worry india will not self destruct, which is dream of some ppl.
AJTR - *IF* India had a radical Hindu majority I doubt that the India that exists today would, indeed, exist. A radical Hindu majority would expel Christian Aid groups. A radical Hindu majority would riot against 'Bollywood' and the heavily westernized outlook upon duty and modesty that Bollywood movies now show. A radical Hindu majority would be very upset at top government positions being taken by non-Hindus. A radical Hindu majority may attempt to move the entire nation away from secularism towards a Hindu state religion.

Perhaps you are making a leap from a small group of Hindus, within the greater Hindu majority, who are both more radical and more vocal?

No one changes anyones' mind over the internet, and I am not imploring you to stop writing what you think and feel.

We both can agree on the point that we wish for peace in India, and the rest of the world.
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