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Why US would want india whole?

Khan vilatey

Feb 11, 2020
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I have been pondering this question for a little while,

why would The west want India whole? From this perspective the best thing that can happen is a war between China, India and Pakistan.

a war like this would reduce all of their enemies in one go. It will significantly weaken China,

it will break India into smaller countries and without the weight of the Chinese jougernaut Pakistan a debt ridden economy will force it to break into smaller countries resulting into bite sized manageable countries focused on producing money but none strong enough to stand up. The perfect factories!

More context ?

China produces cheaper factories, a China broken down can still produce what the west needs but would lose its military expansionist dreams

The west needs their ageist workforce from factories to take on new work so the lower tear of society will take back their back office work from India and rejuvenate their red neck/ blue collared workforce

a smaller India and Pakistan can be used to produce food supplies low end and textiles. Again the threat to western economies will be minimalistic if there are say province sized countries competing to keep products going to the west
I have been pondering this question for a little while,

why would The west want India whole? From this perspective the best thing that can happen is a war between China, India and Pakistan.

a war like this would reduce all of their enemies in one go. It will significantly weaken China,

it will break India into smaller countries and without the weight of the Chinese jougernaut Pakistan a debt ridden economy will force it to break into smaller countries resulting into bite sized manageable countries focused on producing money but none strong enough to stand up. The perfect factories!

This makes no sense at all. The only country which will be weakened after this war would be India. Unless you take nuclear war into account, which in that case all three countries would be drastically weakened. But as far as I can tell, the only country that is going to be broken apart is India in a conventional conflict.
This makes no sense at all. The only country which will be weakened after this war would be India. Unless you take nuclear war into account, which in that case all three countries would be drastically weakened. But as far as I can tell, the only country that is going to be broken apart is India.
Why a long protracted war broke up the mighty USSR why will it not drain China , India and Pakistan. This can defiantly result in a major brake up , yougasalvia broke up.....

Why a long protracted war broke up the mighty USSR why will it not drain China , India and Pakistan

There is not going to be a long protracted war between China-Pakistan and India. The war will be short and decisive. After all, neither China or Pakistan plan to conquer all of India. The benefit for the US would be such a disastrous defeat of India (Modi and the Indian Military knows this) would result in a weakened India trying to seek US assistance immediately, likely allowing the US Military to build bases in India. This would be a major problem for China.
There is not going to be a long protracted war between China-Pakistan and India. The war will be short and decisive. After all, neither China or Pakistan plan to conquer all of India.

So if war starts you believe it will be nuclear, suicidal and quick rather than long protracted and conventional. The west will just help India enough to break all parties like it was done in the Iran Iraq war. Iraq got enough to drain the Iranians

So if war starts you believe it will be nuclear, suicidal and quick rather than long protracted and conventional. The west will just help India enough to break all parties like it was done in the Iran Iraq war. Iraq got enough to drain the Iranians

There is not going to be any Iran-Iraq War because the technological/industrial differences are so huge between the China+Pakistan and India. As I said before, there is no chance the war will be nuclear. It will more or less resemble a modern/larger scale version of 1962 or the Persian Gulf War of 1991. You have to understand that Iraq had much greater firepower at its disposal than Iran, not to mention huge material/equipment advantages.
There is not going to be any Iran-Iraq War because the technological/industrial differences are so huge between the China+Pakistan and India.

With due respect, it’s China , Pakistan vs India supplied by the west. Neither party would use nukes due to pressure from the west. This will be a conventional war, the long and sluggish one. If India were expected to survive they would have been offered too tech like the f-35 not Rafael. Pakistan needed to survive against the USSR hence nukes and f-16s

With due respect, it’s China , Pakistan vs India supplied by the west. Neither party would use nukes due to pressure from the west. This will be a conventional war, the long and sluggish one. If India were expected to survive they would have been offered too tech like the f-35 not Rafael. Pakistan needed to survive against the USSR hence nukes and f-16s

I doubt it will be a long and sluggish war. The war or more or less go like this ... below is an excellent post from a poster in another forum detailing what the initial stages of the war would likely look like if India attacked first (which is the more likely scenario). Once air supremacy is achieved, there would be virtually no chance for India to retain its defensive positions along the LAC as they would be under constant air and artillery attack 24/7.

I think this is a sign that China is getting serious and not just putting on a show. There would be little need to deploy JH7s otherwise, as they are very much the unglamorous workhorses of the PLAAF.

If the PLAAF was flexing for the cameras, they would be sent J16s. JH7s are for getting the job done while at the same time not placing anything too precious at higher risk.

As for air supremacy, well I don’t think the PLAAF will venture into Indian airspace in the event of combat, at least to start with.

The Chinese will focus on defence over Chinese airspace with fighters and SAMs complimenting each other while strikers and bombers spam cruise missiles form deep within Chinese airspace at Indian air bases, ground based early warning radar and other high value targets.

That puts the IAF in the impossible position of having to either pull back from most of its northern bases for fear of being obliterated on the ground, and gifting air dominance to China with a bow on top; or having to fight against overwhelming odds to try to get at Chinese bombers and strikers in Chinese airspace protected by layers of SAMs, AAA and having to fight through PLAAF fighter cap, which will almost certainly include J20s vectoring in from outside Tibet.

Forcing the IAF to fight over Tibet initially serves Chinese interests in multiple domains:
- it places the IAF at maximum disadvantage and allows the PLAAF to operate with home field advantage, which will more than offset any numerical and payload advantages the Indians enjoy due to geography.
- politically, it makes India the indisputable aggressor
- it makes it harder for India to BS away their losses as the Chinese would have actual physical evidence of shot down IAF planes and captured pilots.

Once China has cut the IAF down to size and reduced its northern air bases to rubble (via ballistic/cruise missile and air attacks), the PLAAF could then counter-attack into Indian airspace and take the fight to them and start to systematically destroy the helpless IA ground forces and any dual use pieces of infrastructure it feels necessary.

At that point it would not need to even fight very hard to achieve and maintain air dominance over huge sways of northern India.
Neither Pakistan nor China have any claim on Bharati territory, our claim is limited to disputed area.

The last time China fought bharat in 1962, it was a very short battle, actually one sided affair.
I doubt it will be a long and sluggish war. The war or more or less go like this ... below is an excellent post from a poster in another forum detailing what the initial stages of the war would likely look like if India attacked first (which is the more likely scenario). Once air supremacy is achieved, there would be virtually no chance for India to retain its defensive positions along the LAC as they would be under constant air and artillery attack 24/7.

I think this is a sign that China is getting serious and not just putting on a show. There would be little need to deploy JH7s otherwise, as they are very much the unglamorous workhorses of the PLAAF.

If the PLAAF was flexing for the cameras, they would be sent J16s. JH7s are for getting the job done while at the same time not placing anything too precious at higher risk.

As for air supremacy, well I don’t think the PLAAF will venture into Indian airspace in the event of combat, at least to start with.

The Chinese will focus on defence over Chinese airspace with fighters and SAMs complimenting each other while strikers and bombers spam cruise missiles form deep within Chinese airspace at Indian air bases, ground based early warning radar and other high value targets.

That puts the IAF in the impossible position of having to either pull back from most of its northern bases for fear of being obliterated on the ground, and gifting air dominance to China with a bow on top; or having to fight against overwhelming odds to try to get at Chinese bombers and strikers in Chinese airspace protected by layers of SAMs, AAA and having to fight through PLAAF fighter cap, which will almost certainly include J20s vectoring in from outside Tibet.

Forcing the IAF to fight over Tibet initially serves Chinese interests in multiple domains:
- it places the IAF at maximum disadvantage and allows the PLAAF to operate with home field advantage, which will more than offset any numerical and payload advantages the Indians enjoy due to geography.
- politically, it makes India the indisputable aggressor
- it makes it harder for India to BS away their losses as the Chinese would have actual physical evidence of shot down IAF planes and captured pilots.

Once China has cut the IAF down to size and reduced its northern air bases to rubble (via ballistic/cruise missile and air attacks), the PLAAF could then counter-attack into Indian airspace and take the fight to them and start to systematically destroy the helpless IA ground forces and any dual use pieces of infrastructure it feels necessary.

At that point it would not need to even fight very hard to achieve and maintain air dominance over huge sways of northern India.

thank you for the insight, it’s late will think about this and reply in the morning

china and Pakistan should work hard to divide india through an indian civil war not by any other war that's the only way .india need to be divided into 4 to 5 small countries by doing this Pakistan will get Kashmir back and no one will be left to stop china becoming super power
Let us be very clear,

It was not the west that made CCP to try and venture into ladakh,
Why blame someone else when it's the CCP that tried to change status quo.

After all, India has been resisting to join any alliance with West as well Quad..
All CCP had to do was respect status quo,
alas, it's their own doing - China has lost India for ever. Things will never be the same.

CCP ensured that China has lost the second biggest market in the world for land it will never get...
So, why blame the west for China's misadventure?
I have been pondering this question for a little while,

why would The west want India whole? From this perspective the best thing that can happen is a war between China, India and Pakistan.

a war like this would reduce all of their enemies in one go. It will significantly weaken China,

it will break India into smaller countries and without the weight of the Chinese jougernaut Pakistan a debt ridden economy will force it to break into smaller countries resulting into bite sized manageable countries focused on producing money but none strong enough to stand up. The perfect factories!

It is India responsible for most of the part of problem occupying some part of every neighbor country.Destruction of subcontinent looks destiny west will not be able to stop the use of nukes .
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