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Why to apologize to Bangladesh on 1971 war?

Bhai, I dont have any grudge about 1971 but Bangladeshis do have. So there is no question of me loosing my cooooooool or temper.

brother! If you have no personal grudge then you should not strongly advocate only one side point of view. you just mere declaring everything false which favoring Pakistan why you are not ready to give weight-age to other "research work" which favouring Pakistan even your own people are declaring it is an exaggeration ?? (see your all posts in this thread, its clearly showing your grudge).

What I always wonder is when will Pakistanis have heart to accept something was wrong on their part.

what "The Association of Parents of Disappeared persons(APDP)" (an Indian organization) report named 500 army personnel for severe human rights violations in J&K but Indian army has refuted allegations.. when you guys will learn to accept??

and whatever most respectable Justice Markandey Katju is saying,

I say ninety per cent of Indians are idiots. You people don't have brains in your heads ... It is so easy to take you for a ride

you accept his wording or you declare Him a lair and nutty???
I am sure you are not included in 90%, so please don't believe on only one side viewpoint blindly.

in last with great respect i just want to put an example in front of you;
"in Iraq, Sadam Hussain use deadly weapon even biological and chemical weapon to kill kurds, Shias and all other rebels but throughout his long tenure from 1979 to 2003 He fail to kill even half of a million people. when US attack on Iraq Thay use "cluster bombs" but still causality was mere in thousands. while Pakistan use only traditional weapons then how can they kill 3 millions people in just 9 month as well as raped 200,000 women?????
its thousands multifold figure. If you people still believe on it then you must add in your believe that they (Pakistan Army) were simply giants or other heavenly creature...
And why am I not surprised??

Because I know what kind of education system you people have. When you dont know the true vision of Jinnah who createde Pakistan how come we expect you the real history of Pakistan.

You are not wrong kid, you are just BRAINWASHED.

I don't know what kind of vision you want us to see but It seems that you are trying to show there were something negative and nefarious about Jinnah. I know one thing that after partition Indians always declare Jinnah as a "traitor, "an Agent of west", and said that "He made Pakistan because he wanted to rule as a monarch and such kind of chance was mere a dream in united India for Him "

But now even those people who were bitter opponent of Jinnah have consider His dignity. i am just going to quote some of the wording of your own people about Jinnah:

former RSS chief K S Sudarshan said in 2009: "If you read history correctly, he was with Tilak and was committed to a unified India. If (Mahatma) Gandhi had insisted that Partition would not happen, then it wouldn't have happened,"
Sudarshan also declare Khalifat Movement a mistake of Mr.Gandhi and praise Jinnah's wise decision .

L.K Advani described the founder of Pakistan as one of the "very few who actually create history".

Jaswant Singh declare Jinnah as man of great character and determination

Jawaharlal Nehru,as quoted in Men Who Overturned Empires : Fighters, Dreamers, and Schemers (1987) by Hugh Tinker,

Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.

Sarat Chandra Bose, as quoted in My Brother (1987) by Fatima Jinnah,

"Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the greatest benefactor of Hindus in modern times, if he was not a Hindu in disguise."

last but not least the recently visited Pakistan, PM Bihar "Nitash Kumar" praise Jinnah and said it was his longstanding wish of visiting the mausoleum of Jinnah.

By pasting all these quotation my purpose is not to show that He was religious or secular but to show that He was sincere, Honest, wise and of great character, whatever he did, He did with good intention.

Some of the wise Indians are realizing His greatness so they are praising Him. Now reality is that not we kids but your kids are brainwashed about Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
I don't know what kind of vision you want us to see but It seems that you are trying to show there were something negative and nefarious about Jinnah. I know one thing that after partition Indians always declare Jinnah as a "traitor, "an Agent of west", and said that "He made Pakistan because he wanted to rule as a monarch and such kind of chance was mere a dream in united India for Him "

But now even those people who were bitter opponent of Jinnah have consider His dignity. i am just going to quote some of the wording of your own people about Jinnah:

former RSS chief K S Sudarshan said in 2009: "If you read history correctly, he was with Tilak and was committed to a unified India. If (Mahatma) Gandhi had insisted that Partition would not happen, then it wouldn't have happened,"
Sudarshan also declare Khalifat Movement a mistake of Mr.Gandhi and praise Jinnah's wise decision .

L.K Advani described the founder of Pakistan as one of the "very few who actually create history".

Jaswant Singh declare Jinnah as man of great character and determination

Jawaharlal Nehru,as quoted in Men Who Overturned Empires : Fighters, Dreamers, and Schemers (1987) by Hugh Tinker,

Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.

Sarat Chandra Bose, as quoted in My Brother (1987) by Fatima Jinnah,

"Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the greatest benefactor of Hindus in modern times, if he was not a Hindu in disguise."

last but not least the recently visited Pakistan, PM Bihar "Nitash Kumar" praise Jinnah and said it was his longstanding wish of visiting the mausoleum of Jinnah.

By pasting all these quotation my purpose is not to show that He was religious or secular but to show that He was sincere, Honest, wise and of great character, whatever he did, He did with good intention.

Some of the wise Indians are realizing His greatness so they are praising Him. Now reality is that not we kids but your kids are brainwashed about Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

brother where the hell he said that Jinnah was bad???? he just meant that Jinna was a secular man and wanted a secular pakistan where minorties will have equal rights.....but later this was never practiced in pakistan.....clearly todays pakistan is not what Jinnah though it to be.
I don't know what kind of vision you want us to see but It seems that you are trying to show there were something negative and nefarious about Jinnah. I know one thing that after partition Indians always declare Jinnah as a "traitor, "an Agent of west", and said that "He made Pakistan because he wanted to rule as a monarch and such kind of chance was mere a dream in united India for Him "

But now even those people who were bitter opponent of Jinnah have consider His dignity. i am just going to quote some of the wording of your own people about Jinnah:

former RSS chief K S Sudarshan said in 2009: "If you read history correctly, he was with Tilak and was committed to a unified India. If (Mahatma) Gandhi had insisted that Partition would not happen, then it wouldn't have happened,"
Sudarshan also declare Khalifat Movement a mistake of Mr.Gandhi and praise Jinnah's wise decision .

L.K Advani described the founder of Pakistan as one of the "very few who actually create history".

Jaswant Singh declare Jinnah as man of great character and determination

Jawaharlal Nehru,as quoted in Men Who Overturned Empires : Fighters, Dreamers, and Schemers (1987) by Hugh Tinker,

Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.

Sarat Chandra Bose, as quoted in My Brother (1987) by Fatima Jinnah,

"Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the greatest benefactor of Hindus in modern times, if he was not a Hindu in disguise."

last but not least the recently visited Pakistan, PM Bihar "Nitash Kumar" praise Jinnah and said it was his longstanding wish of visiting the mausoleum of Jinnah.

By pasting all these quotation my purpose is not to show that He was religious or secular but to show that He was sincere, Honest, wise and of great character, whatever he did, He did with good intention.

Some of the wise Indians are realizing His greatness so they are praising Him. Now reality is that not we kids but your kids are brainwashed about Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

While many Indians hate India, there are equally some who do not share that opinion. I have more respect for Jinnah than Gandhi or Nehru and being indifferent to partition have not affected my opinion about Jinnah. Gandhi started this communal politics by supporting Khilafat movement while Jinnah opposed it. Not sure why Jinnah started asking for a separate country but he was a straight shooter in going in for Pakistan while Nehru was a confused idealist who caused more harm to India.
Please, do not apologize to BAL govt at least, it would hurt my ego! It has no humanitarian value to BAL, but political/

I hate BAL!
Something which caught my eye...the poster seems to believe that ISI has no hindu agents or coverts working under its pay :D. Is the pay that bad ? :D
sadly this is just a publicity stunt by the bangladeshi leading party! trust me even they really don't care about it. and musharraf did it in 2002 so how many more "apologies" does bangladesh want?
brother! If you have no personal grudge then you should not strongly advocate only one side point of view. you just mere declaring everything false which favoring Pakistan why you are not ready to give weight-age to other "research work" which favouring Pakistan even your own people are declaring it is an exaggeration ?? (see your all posts in this thread, its clearly showing your grudge).

Forget Exagerrated figures for a moment.

Lets analyse 1971 as a third pirty.

Who was oppressor and who was victim in 1971?
East Pakistan or West Pakistan??

Who denied Mujib's government to rule country after win with majority in election??
East Pakistan or West Pakistan??

Who were exploited economially in national budgets which favoured west pakistan's development and progress ignoring east pakistan entirely??
East Pakistan or West Pakistan??

Who forced URDU as a national language on bengali-loving population??
East Pakistan or West Pakistan??

Who started killing of Bengali nationalist to suppress their freedom movement??
East Pakistan or West Pakistan??

Who was more killed/harrassed in Punjabi-Bengali struggle??
East Pakistan or West Pakistan??

By answering this questions honestly you will find who the TYRANT was and who was the VICTIM.

Now, Victims dont have to apologize but Tyrant can make victims friend by apologizes or good gestures.

Is that Clear??

what "The Association of Parents of Disappeared persons(APDP)" (an Indian organization) report named 500 army personnel for severe human rights violations in J&K but Indian army has refuted allegations.. when you guys will learn to accept??

Well J&K a long topic to debate, we can discuss it appropraite thread.

But just in brief may I ask what gave right to PA/Pakistan to claim right over Princely state?? What moral right they had when they armed pashtun tribals and send them to Kashmir to harrass local population and challenge Raja Harisingh's government? which side fired first bullet in peaceful J & K? No country can blame India for foul play in Kashmir except the culprits who created mess in Kashmir.

India was invited by Raja Harisingh as a saviour and it will be there till Judgement day.

Accept it.

and whatever most respectable Justice Markandey Katju is saying,

I say ninety per cent of Indians are idiots. You people don't have brains in your heads ... It is so easy to take you for a ride

you accept his wording or you declare Him a lair and nutty???

I am sure you are not included in 90%, so please don't believe on only one side viewpoint blindly.

Read what first part of my post says.

in last with great respect i just want to put an example in front of you;
"in Iraq, Sadam Hussain use deadly weapon even biological and chemical weapon to kill kurds, Shias and all other rebels but throughout his long tenure from 1979 to 2003 He fail to kill even half of a million people. when US attack on Iraq Thay use "cluster bombs" but still causality was mere in thousands. while Pakistan use only traditional weapons then how can they kill 3 millions people in just 9 month as well as raped 200,000 women?????
its thousands multifold figure. If you people still believe on it then you must add in your believe that they (Pakistan Army) were simply giants or other heavenly creature...

Its not mine or your job to find the numbers. Bengalis official declared the figures even Hamind Ur rehman's report gives same conclusion.
They are much worthy than yours or my imagination.

I don't know what kind of vision you want us to see but It seems that you are trying to show there were something negative and nefarious about Jinnah. I know one thing that after partition Indians always declare Jinnah as a "traitor, "an Agent of west", and said that "He made Pakistan because he wanted to rule as a monarch and such kind of chance was mere a dream in united India for Him "

But now even those people who were bitter opponent of Jinnah have consider His dignity. i am just going to quote some of the wording of your own people about Jinnah:

former RSS chief K S Sudarshan said in 2009: "If you read history correctly, he was with Tilak and was committed to a unified India. If (Mahatma) Gandhi had insisted that Partition would not happen, then it wouldn't have happened,"
Sudarshan also declare Khalifat Movement a mistake of Mr.Gandhi and praise Jinnah's wise decision .

L.K Advani described the founder of Pakistan as one of the "very few who actually create history".

Jaswant Singh declare Jinnah as man of great character and determination

Jawaharlal Nehru,as quoted in Men Who Overturned Empires : Fighters, Dreamers, and Schemers (1987) by Hugh Tinker,

Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.

Sarat Chandra Bose, as quoted in My Brother (1987) by Fatima Jinnah,

"Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the greatest benefactor of Hindus in modern times, if he was not a Hindu in disguise."

last but not least the recently visited Pakistan, PM Bihar "Nitash Kumar" praise Jinnah and said it was his longstanding wish of visiting the mausoleum of Jinnah.

By pasting all these quotation my purpose is not to show that He was religious or secular but to show that He was sincere, Honest, wise and of great character, whatever he did, He did with good intention.

Some of the wise Indians are realizing His greatness so they are praising Him. Now reality is that not we kids but your kids are brainwashed about Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Your are not BRAINWASHED but you are simply BRAINLESS.When did I said any wrong word for Jinnah Sir??

Man You are just making idiot of yourself by making self-conclusions.

By the ways Thanks for all the quotes you posted here.I can add many other admirations for Mohd. Ali Jinnah Saab too.

But what does all this going to prove??

Jinnah painted Hindus as a oppressors and said muslims can be victim of Hindus if country is not divided.When the history shows exact opposite facts. Hate of Hardcore Hindus and Leaders of HIndu-Muslim unity towards JInnah was obvious for that, dont you think so??

I respect Jinnah but I respect Gandhi too. They had their own side and ideologies. Gandhi thought both Hindus and Muslims will dwell in peace and harmony as he was himself a saint-like thinker. While Jinnah had more practical approach and wanted guaranteed security for muslims which Nehru and congress failed to assure, which resulted in Partition.

Now question is, what you have done to Jinnah's Pakistan in last 65 years?? Do you know what kind of Constitution Jinnah Saab planned for Pakistan?? Do you have slightest Idea about Jinnah's views about secularism or Minorities or Woman rights in Pakistan??

Your ARMY GENERALS hijacked your country for own interests. All you study in schools and Unis about history is a false or maniopulated historical facts. This is what I meant to say in my first post in this thread.
Forget Exagerrated figures for a moment.


you are repeating almost same kind of arguments again and again. I just want to say that; don't be a robot or computer program, your mind works like a computer program which declare every thing a threat/wrong which is not according to its programming.

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