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Why to apologize to Bangladesh on 1971 war?

Yes True …Pakistan is not worried to kill own countryman at Baluchistan, Waziristan etc on daily basis…why Pakistan will apologizes for Bangladeshi.

and Indian Government is always very cleaver, they are not killing their people directly but making them to kill themselves like "suicides of farmers"
Yes True …Pakistan is not worried to kill own countryman at Baluchistan, Waziristan etc on daily basis…why Pakistan will apologizes for Bangladeshi.

In Baluchistan and Waziristan we are fighting with terrorist but If you are worried about terrorist we are ready to send them to India. are you ready to sponsor them??
Nothing wrong in apologizing - it kind of makes you seem like the bigger guy if you apologize. Obviously, if you think you did not do anything wrong - then don't apologize. Asian nations never apologize - it hurts their ego. Japan still has friction with Korea and China over WW-2. India will not apologize for the peacekeepers in Lanka. Pakistan will not apologize for B'desh.

Pak wont apologize, doing so implies that they have officially accepted they did 'wrong' in 1970-71.

A significant percentage of Pakistani people don't think Pak did any wrong in 1971 and thus such apology will result in massive political storm, which PPP, surely wont like.
Pak wont apologize, doing so implies that they have officially accepted they did 'wrong' in 1970-71.

A significant percentage of Pakistani people don't think Pak did any wrong in 1971 and thus such apology will result in massive political storm, which PPP, surely wont like.

Are you blind and dumb or just pretending to be one. Look at post 34, Musharraf as the Head of State apologized for the injustices committed.
and now brother don't be angry and read these lines with cooooooooool mind, my dear. and try to understand what I am saying

Bhai, I dont have any grudge about 1971 but Bangladeshis do have. So there is no question of me loosing my cooooooool or temper.

Formal apology is what you demanded from US at times of Salala attack. They played mindgames in same way you are playing now.

Ball is in your court. You are answerable to Bangladesh not to me or India.

India already achieved what it wanted in past, if you dont care to respect feelings of Bangladeshis its again in favour of India.

What I always wonder is when will Pakistanis have heart to accept something was wrong on their part.

Anyways you are free to believe, say and act as you want... I just gave my views worth 2 cents on this issue.

Stay Blessed ! Bye.
Are you blind and dumb or just pretending to be one. Look at post 34, Musharraf as the Head of State apologized for the injustices committed.

Actually, he made a very ambiguous statement - something along the lines of - "What happened should not have happened" - thereby trying to satisfy both - Banglas and Pakistanis. That is hardly an apology.

Either way, I am not one for forced apologies because they don't mean anything.
I call Bangladesh Unfinished business :coffee: for moment our brothers are doing fine , so we are happy for them
We should announce it formally as `Unfinished story` we need a second chapter

Need to throw out the corrupt government and let the will of people dictate things

A better solution would be apology to Pakistan after that government is overthrown
more Indians die on the road every day then in 10 years of WOT in Pakistan.
And let's not forget 84, or the maoists, or Kashmir.

I know you people think India is a galactic supa dupa pawa but in reality India is no better than the rest of South Asia, and in fact is actually worse on may occasions *cough* Most starving people on earth *cough*

No one claims India is a super power, we have millions of problems, and true we have millions starving. We need reforms in our domestic systems to improve quality of life, social equality and educational system. Our process has been marred with political impotency and corruption. Having said that you have similar problems but much lesser population to deal with, hence better potential to become a very prosperous nation. Where pakistan does need progress is in it's foreign policy, our casualty on roads don't compare to political bankruptcy that has caused this turmoil whisch is not needed in pakistan. Hopefully these problems will be solved by new leadership. best of luck.
I was reading this thread seriously until someone implied that we need Bangladesh's favor. Talk about arrogance :D
If you are asking for Indian members to apologize, I'm apologizing on behalf of my countrymen to anyone who was affected by the tragic events of 1984.
The Congress party has already apologized many times and has been subsequently voted for power by both people of Punjab and Delhi.
As for the Indians members, when are you guys going to apologize for 84?
As for the Indians members, when are you guys going to apologize for 84?
You dont have to be the voice of INDIAN SIKH community, they are not impotents for some one to stand up for them, besides they are the best regarded community in INDIA for their for thinking, etc.
The SIKHS have forgiven us and if there is any more vengence left in them we apologise to them repeatedly and we are not going to go small by apologising to them, and this comes from a Tamil who has nothing to do with 84, but as a INDIAN has every responsibility to appologies to my fellow SIKHS
You dont have to be the voice of INDIAN SIKH community, they are not impotents for some one to stand up for them, besides they are the best regarded community in INDIA for their for thinking, etc.
The SIKHS have forgiven us and if there is any more vengence left in them we apologise to them repeatedly and we are not going to go small by apologising to them, and this comes from a Tamil who has nothing to do with 84, but as a INDIAN has every responsibility to appologies to my fellow SIKHS

looks like I hurt some feelings.
here, have a tissue to wipe your tears.

So according to you, even if someone mentions an event in the context of a discussion, they become the voice for that event?
amazing :rolleyes:
looks like I hurt some feelings.
here, have a tissue to wipe your tears.

So according to you, even if someone mentions an event in the context of a discussion, they become the voice for that event?
amazing :rolleyes:

if you feel happy that you believe you have hurt an Indian, then be happy.
I am a solution provider not a problem maker, that is the reason I did not participate in this thread until you kind dragged the Indians in
if you feel happy that you believe you have hurt an Indian, then be happy.
I am a solution provider not a problem maker, that is the reason I did not participate in this thread until you kind dragged the Indians in

Indians dragged themselves into this topic so don't be surprised when people set you in your place.
Indians always like to talk big about their neighbors and act like their country is some kind of Nirvana, when in fact the problems that are faced by it's neighbors are many times bigger in India.
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