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Why to apologize to Bangladesh on 1971 war?

Hmm interesting article. Can you provide the source? Or is it a personal post that you yourself wrote?

I wrote myself by collecting data, especially focusing on sharmila's book. the review of this book may help you a little bit, a link is here..... Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh Wa

Can someone translate whats written in Urdu ?

ok, I summarize it in first cut piece she said; the intellectual and politicians who were kidnapped and killed on 14 and 15 December 1971, were actually killed by Bangalis of "Albadr" and there is no proof of Pakistan army involvement. She conclude it after making a number of interviews from victims family members.

2nd: she said there was a news that Pakistan Army attacked on women hostel of Dhaka University, in march 1971 but it was a rumor. another news was that Pakistan army attacked in Jessore and killed a number of Bengali She said in Jessore it was totally opposite, it was not Bengali wo were killed but It was Pakistani who were killed by Bengalis. She also give a number of such examples.

3rd: 3rd one is most important in which she point out the mistake of historian She said : there is not a single organized study on this issue and everyone who wrote on this issue always concentrate on the actions taken by Pakistan army but they (researcher/historian) always ignore the actions of opponents i.e Bengali. As with most wars, the narrative of 1971 has largely been written by the victors. Partisan mythologies imprison the remaining actors. This book sets out to rectify this bias

Well Sharmila Bose's opinion is well known but vast majority of analysts from Bangladesh and India and world wide think otherwise.
Just pickup a link of time magazine of that time. There was an article "Even the skies weep". America, was then an enemy of India and brought several UN resolutions to condemn India and was completely against Bangladesh. Hence, TIME magazine article isin't propaganda.
But there is no point blaming the people of Pakistan because they were kept in dark by a state controlled media.

See the wording of Sharmila in 3rd one given above. America was never a friend of Pakistan and in 1971 war It did nothing for Pakistan

What a Shame !

People believe in unknown publicity-freak others like Sarmila Bose or Yasmin who support their dellusional thinkings but they dont trust the Official Pakistani Commission or Hamoodur Rahman Commission findings regarding 1971 war which shows real face of PA and its attrocities on Bengali people.


No wonder why the Pakistan broke into two pieces. The reason behind that is still intact. Pakistanis never treat others like their brothers or human beings and they constantly keep themselves in shell of dellusions. No reality can touch them.

This attitude was the real reason why East Pakistanis felt discriminated and fought for Liberation way back in 1971 and same attitude still persists which is taking the Pakistanis to exact opposite direction of development and progress.

I dont remember the name of pakistani who quoted "Bengalis made Pakistan and we Punjabis broke Pakistan". But its ironically true.

Apology will not make Pakistan on its knees but it will give Bangladeshis a sense of equality from their brothers who once treated them unequally.

I am not saying that Pakistan Army did not do anything I am saying its an exaggeration made by Bangladeshi while they were equally involve in the same crimes.

ok let see in Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission report which you have posted here. on Page 18 see what written on number 34.....

34. The falsity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's repeated allegation that Pakistani troops had raped 200,000 Bengali girls in 1971 was borne out when the abortion team he had commissioned from Britain in early 1972 found that its workload involved the termination of only a hundred or more pregnancies. Questionof Responsibility

an exaggerated figure... I am amazed how the Army can raped 200000 women in such a small duration????

Also give a look on number 33 on the same page in Commission report....

In last, guys read my post again carefully I am not refusing whatever happened in East Pakistan but I am saying what had been done By Bangali as well as Indians must also be consider. and keep in mind these wordings

As with most wars, the narrative of 1971 has largely been written by the victors. Partisan mythologies imprison the remaining actors.This book sets out to rectify this bias .

by and large It always happened in history of wars
It will be Pakistan's gain if they apologize and will gain a favor from Bangladesh in every step.

Favour? lol, please keep your favours. Chit happens, look around you. The world's history is shaped based on mass revolts and loss of life. BD is an independent state yet these claims for "Apologies" make your state sound like a butt-hurt little girl whining in the school courtyard. Same could be applied to BD for proving themselves as traitors to the state of East Pakistan. Would you care to apologise for that?

Didn't think so ...
I would also like to put in my standard question to the Bangladeshis here.

When are you going to formally thank India?
Musharraf apology to Bangladesh

By David Blair in Islamabad

12:01AM BST 31 Jul 2002

President Pervaiz Musharraf of Pakistan took a bold step yesterday when he implicitly apologised for the atrocities that scarred Bangladesh's war for independence from his country in 1971.

Gen Musharraf's expression of "regret", the first by a Pakistani military ruler, came during an official visit to Bangladesh.

His words received a mixed response, with the Bangladeshi government welcoming them but the country's opposition denouncing his gesture as inadequate.

Gen Musharraf visited a war memorial at Savar, near the capital, Dhaka, and left a handwritten note in the visitors' book.

"Your brothers and sisters in Pakistan share the pain of the events in 1971," he wrote. "The excesses committed during the unfortunate period are regretted. Let us bury the past in the spirit of magnanimity. Let not the light of the future be dimmed."

Musharraf apology to Bangladesh - Telegraph

You guys need to come back to reality.
Pakistan will not and cannot officially apologize.
If it does, it admits guilt and that opens doors for Bangladesh to peruse restitution.
Pakistan simply cannot afford that.

So Bangali parties can ask for apologies until they are blue in the face, but they will never get it.

Of course that does not mean that the people of Pakistan are not sadden by what happened.

As for the Indians members, when are you guys going to apologize for 84?
Bangladesh should ask india to apologize and bangalis should apologize to Pakistan, If it wasnt for indian Bangladesh today would be a nuclear power with terrorism and taliban free also with good economy unlike the other provinces of pakistan also with a strong Military Navy And Army And less poverty with guranteed american aid.:cheers:
Bangladesh should ask india to apologize and bangalis should apologize to Pakistan, If it wasnt for indian Bangladesh today would be a nuclear power with terrorism and taliban free also with good economy unlike the other provinces of pakistan also with a strong Military Navy And Army And less poverty with guranteed american aid.:cheers:

Instead.. of apologies/protests/hate speech and living in the past... all three parties involved should rather try and deal with their own internal problems, and if possible contribute to the prosperity of region....
I am not saying that Pakistan Army did not do anything I am saying its an exaggeration made by Bangladeshi while they were equally involve in the same crimes.

ok let see in Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission report which you have posted here. on Page 18 see what written on number 34.....

34. The falsity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's repeated allegation that Pakistani troops had raped 200,000 Bengali girls in 1971 was borne out when the abortion team he had commissioned from Britain in early 1972 found that its workload involved the termination of only a hundred or more pregnancies. Questionof Responsibility

an exaggerated figure... I am amazed how the Army can raped 200000 women in such a small duration????

Also give a look on number 33 on the same page in Commission report....

Whats your age Brother??

So according to you all rapes results in pregnancies??

March 23, 1971 to Dec 16, 1971 means about 9 months, with over 365,000 PA forces in east pakistan how many rapes you expect if not 200000.???

Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission report was made by a pakistani commission, it just shows a diluted version of truth. Reality must be far more severe.

In last, guys read my post again carefully I am not refusing whatever happened in East Pakistan but I am saying what had been done By Bangali as well as Indians must also be consider. and keep in mind these wordings

As with most wars, the narrative of 1971 has largely been written by the victors. Partisan mythologies imprison the remaining actors.This book sets out to rectify this bias .

by and large It always happened in history of wars

Just moving slight offtopic.

You people like to say that the Kashmir struggle is indiginous because of indian attrocities there, but you deny any chance of Pakistan's attrocities in Bangladesh which led to a popular uprising just like in Kashmir and India was there to capitalize on it like you are always dancing for supporting non-existing phantom kashmiri freedom fighter.

Why blame india and indian army. They are your enemy and they did what any enemy should have done at those time.

Infact you should remember that you committed attrocities on your own Muslim brethren and that is more despicable then the Indian atrrocities in Kashmir. But you shamefully say it was not entire our fault. India & BDesh are culprit.

You dont even think of a FORMAL APOLOGY for human right violation and hyprocrisy is that you want world should back you in Kashmir issue in India.

I have stated the real reason of Pakistan breaking in to parts in my last post # 26.
Every post from Pakistani member is making my belief stronger.
Instead.. of apologies/protests/hate speech and living in the past... all three parties involved should rather try and deal with their own internal problems, and if possible contribute to the prosperity of region....

bangladeshi politics die if they remove three words pakistan - razakar - dalal :)
bangladeshi politics die if they remove three words pakistan - razakar - dalal :)

They gained independence from Pakistan,so its normal for the Pakistan to live on in their History books......
Pakistan Army could have fought on,but lost interest due to Human suffering and Bengali Peoples' strong will for independence..You cannot force somebody to live with you if they don't want to,and Pakistan army made a decision the Nation does not regret,we are indifferent.
Instead of asking for apology,BD should be thankful to Pakistan for giving them their independence...
bangladeshi politics die if they remove three words pakistan - razakar - dalal :)

sir, rot is in the entire region ... political parties have polarized every village in the entire region based some or the other pretext.... We are still grappling between india, pakistan, bangladesh, 65, 71, kashmir, and the rest of the world is building universities, super computers and space stations... Our entire generation has been handed over a rotting system and we have failed it as-well...
Every post from Pakistani member is making my belief stronger.

before this you were favouring Hamood report and now you are saying
Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission report was made by a pakistani commission, it just shows a diluted version of truth. Reality must be far more severe.

I 'll again paste my words here
" read my post again carefully I am not refusing whatever happened in East Pakistan but I am saying avoid exaggeration and what had been done By Bangali and Indians, must also be consider."

and now brother don't be angry and read these lines with cooooooooool mind, my dear. and try to understand what I am saying
Yes True …Pakistan is not worried to kill own countryman at Baluchistan, Waziristan etc on daily basis…why Pakistan will apologizes for Bangladeshi.
Yes True …Pakistan is not worried to kill own countryman at Baluchistan, Waziristan etc on daily basis…why Pakistan will apologizes for Bangladeshi.

more Indians die on the road every day then in 10 years of WOT in Pakistan.
And let's not forget 84, or the maoists, or Kashmir.

I know you people think India is a galactic supa dupa pawa but in reality India is no better than the rest of South Asia, and in fact is actually worse on may occasions *cough* Most starving people on earth *cough*
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