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Why This Indian Neighbour Decided To Buy 2 Submarines From China

@Oscar @WAJsal @Horus this guy is posting this kind of nonsense everywhere on this forum
Always insult Muslim.

i dont think so, BDeshi Gernel are pro China, they will stick with China for critical equipment such as submarine and air defence.. Russian are too much involve in bharati defense development, they will provide bharat with all the data to calm them.
Well said.
well. i bet if they have even 100% superiority over , they will not invade BD. invading means having something good to loot. tell me advantage of invading of BD. the only available abundant thing in Bangladesh is Banglali people. so why should we bother about it.?
Ok, Ok, you are right about BD resources. We are trying to build our resources by hard labor. However, the reality is, our annual budget is same as your national GDP at $65 billion. Hope you guys understand your position in the neighborhood.

But, anyway, do not come again to our part of Bay of Bengal to dig for resources. The last time you did in our water, General Moeen kicked you out and your ships went back to your shore in panic. Next time we will seize your equipment and send back your crew members swimming.
most of the so-called "experts" are so engaged with the "how"s that its totally beyond them to understand the "why"s.... e.g. everyone started talking about what a Type 035G sub can do or can't do.... but totally clouded their vision about why Bangladesh chose to buy it....

this is a typical sign of intellectual bankruptcy.... just previously, I was taken to task for asking for the thought behind the use of systems in a warship.... people talked so much about the systems that they simply forgot the thought that created the need for those systems in the first place.... they are completely ignorant about the fact that without that need, the ships wouldn't even need those systems!!

damn!!.... people are shallow..... no wonder they ask - "Why This Indian Neighbour Decided To Buy 2 Submarines From China"!!!...... that's a chocolate boy question!! .....we don't even receive a decent question now-a-days!!!! :hitwall:

presenting some evidence here regarding Myanmar's inherent weaknesses and their obvious dependency on foreign powers....


the recent entry of the US and India in Myanmar started a new phenomenon that wasn't there previously.... the American and Indian plan to cut off China's alternative oil-gas route through the breadth of Myanmar (e.g. creating unrest in Rakhaine province) made China react through their increased support for the rebel groups....

but ultimately unrest in Myanmar affects the rise of a powerful state in the Bay of Bengal..... and that serves the geopolitical objectives of the US.... the US want status quo in the Bay of Bengal through the establishment of India as the de-facto controller of BoB, with Myanmar as possible Indian proxy or at least not against India....
lol the area in pic is completely wrong. :omghaha:
if so , most of the capital and military command of state will be under control of rebel. :D
just check battle with KIA which represent largest area in map.

Laiza is KIA HQ.

all battles are just near the border line even in 2014. if ur map is true , they can control even half of Myanmar which is impossible . lol
However, the reality is, our annual budget is same as your national GDP at $65 billion. Hope you guys understand your position in the neighborhood.
lol who care ? at least we dont live in 4th least liveable trash can called Dhaka. congratz for 2 notches up from 2nd.

and are u sure BD gov will use those money for u guys ? i can smell about it in this forum. they will build again world's most expensive road and bridge in their class with that money. so u can proud of it. :P


ut, anyway, do not come again to our part of Bay of Bengal to dig for resources. The last time you did in our water, General Moeen kicked you out and your ships went back to your shore in panic. Next time we will seize your equipment and send back your crew members swimming.
lol big talk. but last time , ur BGBs who cross illegally border got shot and one was seized with weapon. just maintain them not to do that again. this time we will shot head not boat. :P
lol the area in pic is completely wrong. :omghaha:
if so , most of the capital and military command of state will be under control of rebel. :D
just check battle with KIA which represent largest area in map.
View attachment 411548
Laiza is KIA HQ.
View attachment 411550
all battles are just near the border line even in 2014. if ur map is true , they can control even half of Myanmar which is impossible . lol

just as I thought.... only Indians to your rescue.... :disagree:
lol big talk. but last time , ur BGBs who cross illegally border got shot and one was seized with weapon. just maintain them not to do that again. this time we will shot head not boat. :P
And you hid the body in the middle of the night. That only shows how brave you were. :lol:
crush Myanmar with what ? BD have no ability to do that. and are u sure getting permission from India to make a missive built up ? i dont think so.lol :D focus on global warning rather than military build up would be more realistic. even my 3 years old may know how to do and what should be priority in this time. :D
Myanmar is a follower of Bangladesh in arm purchasing.now this is reality.MM air force will have JF 17 & then in BAF fleet have SU 30, J10B.beside within 2030 BD navy will have minimum 4-6 subs.no comparison will remain after 2030 with BD.

Tell us what Myanmar did last 3 decades in the world history. any achievement of international level. what produce u guys? only rebel!!
Calm down guys. There wont be any war between BD and Myanmar in foreseeable future. The goal of our Military modernization is to protect our interests not to attack Myanmar or India. Over time I hope we start building a good relationship with Myanmar. We only have two neighbours so it's necessary to have a good relation with both of them. I hope trade between BD and Myanmar starts increasing which will lead us to form a good relation.

Tell us what Myanmar did last 3 decades in the world history. any achievement of international level. what produce u guys? only rebel!!
Don't think we have many achievements to show off either.

That being said BD do have the capability to spend more on things compared to Myanmar. GDP of Chittagong division alone is comparable to GDP of entire Myanmar.
i dont think so, BDeshi Generals are pro China, they will stick with China for critical equipment such as submarine and air defense.. Russian are too much involve in bharati defense development, they will provide bharat with all the data to calm them.
I think India would rather be content with BD buying subs from Russia than from China.

China and Russia are the countries where we make almost all of our military procurements from. So I'm sure we have pro-Russian officers too. What matters is not pro-Russia or pro-China but the quality and price of the equipments as well as the conditions attached with the sales. These three things would decide from whom we'd buy. Not pro-China and pro-Russia mentality.
I think India would rather be content with BD buying subs from Russia than from China.

China and Russia are the countries where we make almost all of our military procurements from. So I'm sure we have pro-Russian officers too. What matters is not pro-Russia or pro-China but the quality and price of the equipments as well as the conditions attached with the sales. These three things would decide from whom we'd buy. Not pro-China and pro-Russia mentality.

Russia will not sell anything which cause butthurt to bharatis, China will.
If there's military collision between MM/BD, the only winner is India.
That's why I want an Indo-Pak war.

Russia will not sell anything which cause butthurt to bharatis, China will.
Let say BD decides to buy subs. It will either be from Russia or China. India learns about this development. And their diplomatic pressure to stop BD from buying more subs fail(considering they put any pressure to begin with). So in such a scenario what would India prefer? BD buying from China or BD buying from India?
That's why I want an Indo-Pak war.

Let say BD decides to buy subs. It will either be from Russia or China. India learns about this development. And their diplomatic pressure to stop BD from buying more subs fail(considering they put any pressure to begin with). So in such a scenario what would India prefer? BD buying from China or BD buying from India?

if Russian agree to share all secrets of submarine with bharat, bharat will push Russian nuclear submarine for BD, but as i said Russian will never sell anything which cause butthurt to bharatis. China will.

That's why I want an Indo-Pak war.

they openly threaten to nukes Makkah and Madina in case of war with Pakistan.. what let you believe bharatis will leave so much muslims in their east?
they openly threaten to nukes Makkah and Madina in case of war with Pakistan.. what let you believe bharatis will leave so much muslims in their east?
No. Not a nuclear war. More like a full scale conventional war lasting for years causing great damage to both.

@Philia :

BD cannot trust Russia to pass codes and secrets to Russia.Most BD defence must be Chinese.
We do buy a lot of stuff from Russia. Even our nuclear power plant is being developed by them.

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