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Why This Indian Neighbour Decided To Buy 2 Submarines From China

there is no real technological terminologies in this particular article itself. just some comparison of noise signature and armament with type 093 SSN not with western SSN.
so, what is your point exactly?!

He has none apart from the fact he wants to put Chinese SSN technology down.

Type 95 SSN will be the first in the world to be all electric drive - expect it to match favourably with latest US and Russian SSNs.
He has none apart from the fact he wants to put Chinese SSN technology down.

Type 95 SSN will be the first in the world to be all electric drive - expect it to match favourably with latest US and Russian SSNs.

USA is several decades ahead in submarine warfare. No one comes close. When people think of US Navy they think of carrier battle groups ? No one has looked at the American submarine force. In WW 2 they inflicted immense damage on Japanese shipping. By 1944 Japanese were starving because they were cut off.
USA is several decades ahead in submarine warfare. No one comes close. When people think of US Navy they think of carrier battle groups ? No one has looked at the American submarine force. In WW 2 they inflicted immense damage on Japanese shipping. By 1944 Japanese were starving because they were cut off.

China has and that is why it is putting so much effort into Type 95 SSN.

If it comes even close to Virginia SSN then the US has had it in East Asia.
China has and that is why it is putting so much effort into Type 95 SSN.

If it comes even close to Virginia SSN then the US has had it in East Asia.

You cannot build things when you have no operational experience. that takes decades
Why would firestorms cause global cooling? Shouldn't it speed up global warming instead?

The debris and soot ejected into the atmosphere..and then prevents sunlight from reaching the surface (till it dissipates/transparent compounds formed). Exact modelling is still open-ended though (depends on the nature and size of the firestorms and many other factors that are assumed as worst case in worst case modelling).

You would think the dinosaur extinction event would also be from the tremendous heat generated from impact of the comet/asteroid (and yes that would have wiped out a lot of life short term)....but no the long term extinction was from massive global cooling from the debris that enveloped the world and purged like 99% of surface life that had become reliant on the sun (Esp the cold blooded creatures - leading to the dawn of the mammalian age).

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