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Why This Indian Neighbour Decided To Buy 2 Submarines From China

Okay if you want to cheerlead, at least do it properly. Do you even know how many sanctions the are subjected to? They can't even have the general trade with other countries until recently, let alone purchasing arms.

And as I said, Chinese influence over Myanmar is beneficial to us as it will prevent their military to go adventurist. Myanmar government is still unable to take hold in their territories, so them being a Chinese satellite is good for the stability of the entire region.

By any means they are not a Chinese satellite. For their own separate reasons India and USA engaged the junta to prevent China from being too influential. China retains influence because they do not tell them how to run their country.

external economic sanctions hurt them. internal turmoil hurts them even more
Dude, if Myanmar had even 1% of superiority over Bangladesh, you would have seen your military junta invading Bangladesh a long time back, just to strengthen their rule and reputation back home.
well. i bet if they have even 100% superiority over , they will not invade BD. invading means having something good to loot. tell me advantage of invading of BD. the only available abundant thing in Bangladesh is Banglali people. so why should we bother about it.?

And then you have dozens of separatist movements going in your country which is obviously a massive strategic disadvantage for the Tatmadaw
well in case of any war with foreign country , there is no such disadvantage. back in 2001 largest insurgent group UWSA attack together with Army against Thailand force in front line. even now Most of insurgents groups agreed to fight back together with Army in any case of foreign country.
you are taking a leaf from the Indian trolls to make these 'cool' posts but you should know when they post such things they say it from their situation and context. Posting their statements in the context of Bangladesh-Burma relations is nothing but quite hilarious.
well. it's let u guys know ur position in everytime u say 'we will crush Myanmar and India is our Major threat '. i dont care Myanmar - Bangladesh relation and it's never important to us.
I talked about air and sea bombardment.
BD army can invade Arakan easily up to mountains.
Lastly, BD starts supplying rebels with weapons and supports them with air-strikes and Myanmar will disintegrate along ethnic lines.
it will not easy even in pc game. lol
You should talk to Indian defence minister with your opinion. I think you will get a Padama Bhushan for it. Or if your lucky you can get into Modi's cabinet too.
lol BD logic is hilarious. they said '' Myanmar who have same level in military will never compete to BD and can crush easily because they have 4 time larger economy ''. but they got mad when i said '' India have 10 time larger in economy and 100 time in military so BD will never be a threat '' lol :enjoy:
The thing is Myanmar doesn't even need to be invaded. If we want to inflict any damage, we just need to support the separatist movements in the country and we will gain influence over their territories.
Now it's in our own interest that influence of China over Myanmar is increasing, that will keep the Tatmadaw under control.

unlike the other countries , border line with BD is so small to support. if it is happened , just shut down the border line. and dont forget they also hate BD and last year they even fired mortar shell to BGB camps. lol
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By any means they are not a Chinese satellite. For their own separate reasons India and USA engaged the junta to prevent China from being too influential. China retains influence because they do not tell them how to run their country.

external economic sanctions hurt them. internal turmoil hurts them even more

Okay i don't think you have any idea what's going on here. China literally controls the de-facto governments of several of Myanmar's provinces, going through rebellions. These states are basically dependent on their trade with China for economic survival. In fact, just recently their Tatmadaw was on the verge of being annihilated by the Northern Alliance when they had to beg for the Chinese to mediate a ceasefire. Why do you think Suu Kyi, from being a western lackey, had to completely turn towards China? In fact China has literally bought their Kyauk-phyu sea port with over 70% stakes which will obviously turn into a full-fledged Chinese naval base in near future.

well. i bet if they have even 100% superiority over , they will not invade BD. invading means having something good to loot. tell me advantage of invading of BD. the only available abundant thing in Bangladesh is Banglali people. so why should we bother about it.?

well in case of any war with foreign country , there is no such disadvantage. back in 2001 largest insurgent group UWSA attack together with Army against Thailand force in front line. even now Most of insurgents groups agreed to fight back together with Army in any case of foreign country.

well. it's let u guys know ur position in everytime u say 'we will crush Myanmar and India is our Major threat '. i dont care Myanmar - Bangladesh relation and it's never important to us.

it will not easy even in pc game. lol

lol BD logic is hilarious. they said '' Myanmar who have same level in military will never compete to BD and can crush easily because they have 4 time larger economy ''. but they got mad when i said '' India have 10 time larger in economy and 100 time in military so BD will never be a threat '' lol :enjoy:

unlike the other countries , border line with BD is so small to support. if it is happened , just shot down the border line. and dont forget they also hate BD and last year they even fired mortar shell to BGB camps. lol

You are clearly unaware of how geopolitics works. Anyway if you don't care about Bangladesh-Myanmar relations better ignore this forum.
lol BD logic is hilarious. they said '' Myanmar who have same level in military will never compete to BD and can crush easily because they have 4 time larger economy ''. but they got mad when i said '' India have 10 time larger in economy and 100 time in military so BD will never be a threat '' lol :enjoy:
Dumb guy, its not a football league that you will have to have a similar opponent to have the match. Its about core interest which motivates a war. BD will never invade India but not too certain about India not invading BD. The reason India does not want BD to acquire sophisticated weapons.
I dont think India even care about MM procuring anything as it has no interest in that country other than minimize the China factor.

In the last 5000 years Bengal never went to war beyond Naf river to hold that ground. The people beyond Naf does not belong to our socio cultural fabric neither has any economic viability. Stop your nonsense with Rohingya and we are all good. India is our keith and kin and we will have to deal with them for the eternity.

This is what will happen. Myanmar will buy weapons from foreign countries and crush the revolt. After that you will have one sore neighbor

India tried to support pro-democracy movement in Myanmar. China was gaining too much influence. India folded. For that matter so did Uncle Sam.

There are a weak and divided society. They are too big to be bullied around. They have the unwavering support of China.

None of them going to happen. :sleep:
Song class C-802 launch submerged.
most of the so-called "experts" are so engaged with the "how"s that its totally beyond them to understand the "why"s.... e.g. everyone started talking about what a Type 035G sub can do or can't do.... but totally clouded their vision about why Bangladesh chose to buy it....

this is a typical sign of intellectual bankruptcy.... just previously, I was taken to task for asking for the thought behind the use of systems in a warship.... people talked so much about the systems that they simply forgot the thought that created the need for those systems in the first place.... they are completely ignorant about the fact that without that need, the ships wouldn't even need those systems!!

damn!!.... people are shallow..... no wonder they ask - "Why This Indian Neighbour Decided To Buy 2 Submarines From China"!!!...... that's a chocolate boy question!! .....we don't even receive a decent question now-a-days!!!! :hitwall:

Okay i don't think you have any idea what's going on here. China literally controls the de-facto governments of several of Myanmar's provinces, going through rebellions. These states are basically dependent on their trade with China for economic survival. In fact, just recently their Tatmadaw was on the verge of being annihilated by the Northern Alliance when they had to beg for the Chinese to mediate a ceasefire. Why do you think Suu Kyi, from being a western lackey, had to completely turn towards China? In fact China has literally bought their Kyauk-phyu sea port with over 70% stakes which will obviously turn into a full-fledged Chinese naval base in near future.

presenting some evidence here regarding Myanmar's inherent weaknesses and their obvious dependency on foreign powers....


the recent entry of the US and India in Myanmar started a new phenomenon that wasn't there previously.... the American and Indian plan to cut off China's alternative oil-gas route through the breadth of Myanmar (e.g. creating unrest in Rakhaine province) made China react through their increased support for the rebel groups....

but ultimately unrest in Myanmar affects the rise of a powerful state in the Bay of Bengal..... and that serves the geopolitical objectives of the US.... the US want status quo in the Bay of Bengal through the establishment of India as the de-facto controller of BoB, with Myanmar as possible Indian proxy or at least not against India....
Like everytime you are filled with bogus information.

1) MM did not buy kilo submarine. A visit inside a submarine by the army chief does not mean it is bought.
2) BD is richer than PK. If pak can buy it, so do we.
3) BD has both Chinese/Russian options on top of Korean/German and Turkey.
I will applause for BD whichever Subs you go for? A strong BN suits China's interests at the best! We will continue to help you to get to a higher level! I think the possibility of Russia sells advanced subs to Bd navy is very small cause they don't want to get on India's nerve.
We will support Myanmar and thwart any unwarranted Hanky Panky by Muslims of Bangladesh.

that actually depends on for how long you can keep Myanmar in your radar.....
and also depends on your ability to detect any "Hanky Panky"....
after all, what good are your eyes, if you're unable to understand where to look for?
i dont think so, BDeshi Generals are pro China, they will stick with China for critical equipment such as submarine and air defense.. Russian are too much involve in bharati defense development, they will provide bharat with all the data to calm them.

I think our next set of subs will be from Russia.
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