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Why This Indian Neighbour Decided To Buy 2 Submarines From China

Because we will be harmless spectators. There is a slim chance that we'll declare our verbal support for India but that's the far we'll go. What will India or Pak get by attacking BD in the first place?
What makes you think you, conflict will not be escalated at nuclear level?
And in that case nighbouring countries especially BD will be obliterated along both of us:enjoy:
i dont think so, BDeshi Generals are pro China, they will stick with China for critical equipment such as submarine and air defense.. Russian are too much involve in bharati defense development, they will provide bharat with all the data to calm them.

Why do you think China provides them nothing good? a) BD cannot afford it b) BD military is compromised big time by Indian agents.

Hence it makes no real difference where BD acquires token piecemeal items worldwide with no real C4I or serious hardware and capacity.....when such even happens in the first place (100+ brag pages of JF-17/J-10 talk now gone silent lol).
Why do you think China provides them nothing good? a) BD cannot afford it b) BD military is compromised big time by Indian agents.

Hence it makes no real difference where BD acquires token piecemeal items worldwide with no real C4I or serious hardware and capacity.....when such even happens in the first place (100+ brag pages of JF-17/J-10 talk now gone silent lol).
you do know they are training subs calm down amigo. as for chinese kit in bangladesh do note they have the c802 which is capable of doing some serious damage
No. Not a nuclear war. More like a full scale conventional war lasting for years causing great damage to both.

Don't wish for things you have no control over in the first place and will destroy you too.

"Lasting for years"....you don't even have an inkling of what the forces arraigned by both sides are designed for.....nor the severe lack of land area involved.

you do know they are training subs calm down amigo. as for chinese kit in bangladesh do note they have the c802 which is capable of doing some serious damage

Like I said piecemeal acquisition that makes no difference (no large scale C4I, no large scale land area to work with, no massive force multiplier to make up for it like say Israel and Singapore). All RAW assets within BD would give India specific details on the locations of any relevant assets BD has and they get wiped out in less than a few hours by India pre-emptively. This country is surrounded on all sides and is tiny and severely polarised and beholden to us politically for their liberation and existence in the first place....they are childs play and they know it. Why you think they have by far the largest number of pages and time dedicated/item cost+realised capability ratio of any defence community in this forum and overall internet?
Like I said piecemeal acquisition that makes no difference (no large scale C4I, no large scale land area to work with, no massive force multiplier to make up for it like say Israel and Singapore). All RAW assets within BD would give India specific details on the locations of any relevant assets BD has and they get wiped out in less than a few hours by India pre-emptively. This country is surrounded on all sides and is tiny and severely polarised and beholden to us politically for their liberation and existence in the first place....they are childs play and they know it. Why you think they have by far the largest number of pages and time dedicated/item cost+realised capability ratio of any defence community in this forum and overall internet?

oh wow raw inside india wonderful. the smaller the country the easier it is to mobilise and engage.
besides nowa days whos needs and army to take down a country look at what happened to brazil and south korea.

some leaders are chosen are chosen because there needed and some were chosen because they were wanted.
how in gods name is india gonna take on bd when the bulk of the army is against pakistan and china in kashmir. there are active threats who will even double cross the yanks and get away with it. as for bd they have long range radars all they need is long range acquisition radars and missiles hq-16 would suffice.
oh wow raw inside india wonderful. the smaller the country the easier it is to mobilise and engage.
besides nowa days whos needs and army to take down a country look at what happened to brazil and south korea.

some leaders are chosen are chosen because there needed and some were chosen because they were wanted.
how in gods name is india gonna take on bd when the bulk of the army is against pakistan and china in kashmir. there are active threats who will even double cross the yanks and get away with it. as for bd they have long range radars all they need is long range acquisition radars and missiles hq-16 would suffice.

Simple, we get BD military to fight itself, and then open the farakka barrage for whichever "winning" side prevails if needed. Missile barrages would only then commence on high value targets....and thats yet another hoop in the distance with plenty of play in between.

This happens well before we have to move even a single soldier (If India has to physically send in the military from the N.E and WB/chicken neck theatres....BD is basically going to be ended permanently....its unlikely that would be allowed to come to fruition by both sides). BD is best off trying to match and deter Myanmar. There is no credible deterrence they can ever offer India....hence why their current leader gleefully accepts paintings of the surrender ceremony that brought their country into being in the first place.
Simple, we get BD military to fight itself, and then open the farakka barrage for whichever "winning" side prevails if needed. Missile barrages would only then commence on high value targets....and thats yet another hoop in the distance with plenty of play in between.

This happens well before we have to move even a single soldier (If India has to physically send in the military from the N.E and WB/chicken neck theatres....BD is basically going to be ended permanently....its unlikely that would be allowed to come to fruition by both sides). BD is best off trying to match and deter Myanmar. There is no credible deterrence they can ever offer India....hence why their current leader gleefully accepts paintings of the surrender ceremony that brought their country into being in the first place.
you can throw up fanticies all day long bd is no match of india any one knows thats but its not supposed to match india. thats why your army chief said they need to prepare for a 2.5 front war not a 3 front war.
you can throw up fanticies all day long bd is no match of india any one knows thats but its not supposed to match india. thats why your army chief said they need to prepare for a 2.5 front war not a 3 front war.

BD is not a front basically...and never will be. They are neither credible, nor competent. Its why we have a complete subservient leader over there actively repressing and hanging India's (and her) enemies there....and BD people are taking it like the champs they are. You literally need like a decade or two decades of a crazed islamist nutjob running affairs in BD for India to think of ramping up intervention from where it is now (and BD deciding to ramp up on their end - which is a big ask for them)....and thats not going to happen.

Basically we do not need our military to deal with BD...given without it we achieve around 50% destruction of their country which is well past what they can take before they cry uncle (which probably happens in the 10 - 20 % range...possibly even before). The 2.5 front thing has nothing to do with BD. A 0.1 "front" is more than enough to deal with them (if absolutely needed)...easily diverted from our China border theatre if required given the massive nature of the defensive advantage there (esp in winter, season we chose to directly intervene and liberate BD for a good reason in the first place)....and strategic MAD doctrine in play with that country in first place.
oh wow raw inside india wonderful. the smaller the country the easier it is to mobilise and engage.
besides nowa days whos needs and army to take down a country look at what happened to brazil and south korea.

some leaders are chosen are chosen because there needed and some were chosen because they were wanted.
how in gods name is india gonna take on bd when the bulk of the army is against pakistan and china in kashmir. there are active threats who will even double cross the yanks and get away with it. as for bd they have long range radars all they need is long range acquisition radars and missiles hq-16 would suffice.

Bangladesh has one port - Chittagong. The Indian navy can blockade you multiple ways.
Without supplies from the outside world your army will collapse. Any domestic industrial sites
can be destroyed in bombings.

Attacking India is suicide even if it is in alliance with China or Pakistan
Bangladesh has one port - Chittagong. The Indian navy can blockade you multiple ways.
Without supplies from the outside world your army will collapse. Any domestic industrial sites
can be destroyed in bombings.
Attacking India is suicide even if it is in alliance with China or Pakistan

The ships are apparently used to protect fishing area and resource in Bay of Bangla.
Faridpur may have the best Doi from Bagat in Nagarkanda. It is really tasty. But, India cannot cross the border at Jessore.

Bangladesh has one port - Chittagong. The Indian navy can blockade you multiple ways.
Without supplies from the outside world your army will collapse. Any domestic industrial sites
can be destroyed in bombings.

Attacking India is suicide even if it is in alliance with China or Pakistan

Bangladesh already has three international ports and in the process of building out a fourth. Any riverbank can be a makeshift port and dockyard. Please consult a map.

We've got scenarios well-practiced. All incursions and actions will be counteracted well so consider that before trying anything. Jagjit Arora was deadly afraid of coming in here in the wet season in 1971. It is unlike anything you have in India. We live in here and you don't.

It'll be like your Vietnam, but your country is not the US. In any case it'll be a nice lesson learned.

Industrial sites are all over Bangladesh and critical infra and cantonments are protected by advanced radar, jamming sites, ground to air missiles and MBRLs of various types at this time. Maybe military experts can tell you what the ranges are. I don't know.

In case of a conflict, getting help from the Myanmar govt. will be pointless because of natural barriers.

We are as well prepared as you are. Don't expect us to take prisoners....
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BD is not a front basically...and never will be. They are neither credible, nor competent. Its why we have a complete subservient leader over there actively repressing and hanging India's (and her) enemies there....and BD people are taking it like the champs they are. You literally need like a decade or two decades of a crazed islamist nutjob running affairs in BD for India to think of ramping up intervention from where it is now (and BD deciding to ramp up on their end - which is a big ask for them)....and thats not going to happen.

Basically we do not need our military to deal with BD...given without it we achieve around 50% destruction of their country which is well past what they can take before they cry uncle (which probably happens in the 10 - 20 % range...possibly even before). The 2.5 front thing has nothing to do with BD. A 0.1 "front" is more than enough to deal with them (if absolutely needed)...easily diverted from our China border theatre if required given the massive nature of the defensive advantage there (esp in winter, season we chose to directly intervene and liberate BD for a good reason in the first place)....and strategic MAD doctrine in play with that country in first place.

First make sure your army and BSF gets some decent Daal and Roti. Or other foods depending on ethnicity. Then start the braggadocio. :lol:

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I think our next set of subs will be from Russia.
How dare you defy China.... Learn to sing the friendship song.... deeper than ocean and higher than mountains

It will not happen. Myanmar navy already bought Russian Kilo sub.

Next set will still be very likely Chinese sub. But the problem is do BD has the money for better Chinese sub? The ST-2000 set of sub cost PN a staggering USD 8billion
China should help BD counter Myanmar. Give them some discount.
Why do you think China provides them nothing good? a) BD cannot afford it b) BD military is compromised big time by Indian agents.
So, it is better Indian news media do not make huge hue and cry whenever BD buys low grade military hardware from China, and ask your govt. not send again your defense minister and military Chiefs after any such purchases. Please, also take back your offer of $500 million, because BD does not really need it.

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