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Why the Indian army can’t attack Pakistan

we bought munitions from Israel...so that implies that they bailed our a** out?
you do realize that it was the Indian army and our jawans that had to pay in blood to get back Kargil.It is highly disrespectful to the brave souls of those departed fighting for it...I hope you understand.

No disrespect to your martyrs, but Israeli UAV's were indispensable to India's campaign. Without them, India was unable to dislodge the Pakistanis.

can't equate what happened in Mumbai and your taliban influenced back-yard which has got the yanks frantic can you?

So, you agree that Mumbai was not comparable to 9/11. I am not talking about the human casualties which, obviously, were terrible, but the lack of tangible international support for India's position. Unlike the US, India is not a superpower.

as far as the aid is concerned...Obama plans to place numerous auditors to scrutinize the allocation of these funds...

Given our bureaucrats' propensity to "help themselves", I am absolutely delighted that the US will audit the aid package.

getting non-military aid is not something to be proud of....shows that we still are third world.

There has been discussion that Pakistan has more than enough money to forego foreign aid. The main reason is that only 1% of Pakistanis pay honest income tax, and the corrupt government has no interest in reforming the system.

Economy of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Out of a total population of 170 million people, fewer than 1.7 million pay taxes.

we haven't grown as a nation based on how the west sees us...in fact neither has China...we give business.

I am not denying India's economic and technological achievements. Simply talking about Western military cooperation and diplomatic support.
india wont be superpower by 2020 as its expected if they kept wasting money on destabilizing on others. 'nd other reason is they're scared. they 're having difficulty handling kashmir, let alone pakistan. even at my college whenever few british 're being racist at a black guy 'nd the black guy is alone, then indians always side british anyway out of fear. i, my cousin 'nd my afghan mates kicked their *** together with british *** once for good for being racist 'nd unreasonable
india wont be superpower by 2020 as its expected if they kept wasting money on destabilizing on others. 'nd other reason is they're scared. they 're having difficulty handling kashmir, let alone pakistan. even at my college whenever few british 're being racist at a black guy 'nd the black guy is alone, then indians always side british anyway out of fear. i, my cousin 'nd my afghan mates kicked their *** together with british *** once for good for being racist 'nd unreasonable

a good blog entry.
about India not being a superpower by 2020...how do you define a superpower?
and about your college adventures...bravo!
I think that if Pakistan and India go on war that results are gonna be very disastrous for both sides.The military will suffer,the economy will suffer,the people and in short everything.Both armies are highly professional with a rich battle experience(especially Pakistan).Both have their strenghts and weaknesses.both are equipped with excellent range of weaponry.But i think that India has a slight edge over Pakistan especially in the manpower,airforce and navy.But this is no surprising thing because this thing has been maintained by India since partition as we can read in our history book the unfair division of weaponry in the Armed forces.But now I think that if conflict arises a very major one,it will mean the ultimate destruction of both sides.Kargil war was a perfect proof.It was short and very bloody despite being so small and Pakistan did not even its airforce(except for patrolling) and didnt even go all out against India.Now if it was an all out one then it will be a massacre.Even if India succeeds in defeating Pakistan i can promise that i will result in the death of millions of Indian and more than half of its army.If the PAD and AAD ABM fail the colateral damage will be *******.War is no solution to any problem because it is a problem itself.So peace is the best thing.
All Green your posts here are rather informative and must be commended for you backing up your statements with factual data :tup: As an Indian national involved in the military sector in Africa (non combatant !!) I truly do appreciate your manner of posting

Back to the topic. My 2 cents view on the entire thread is that any military works with a strategy. It is funny to read some of the posts here by both Indians and Pakistanis who believe that in the event of war both armies will madly rush towards each other in an attempt to wipe each other out using every available weapon. In the case of conventional war, if the Pakistani strategy is better than the Indian strategy then no matter how well oiled the Indian military is, the Pakistani army will march over the Indian border. The vice versa situation applies vis a vis Indian strategy compared to Pakistani strategy Offcourse strategy involves a host of factors which includes intelligence , equipment, aerial support and knowledge of your enemy's terrain. If Pakistani army adopts an ill equiped strategy then the issue of IDF's prepardness is immaterial.

The issue of India and Pakistan military capabilities against each other in a conventional war is rather a lot of hot air if fact is given that these 2 nations never really engaged in an out and out conventional war against each other. 1971 was not a war per se but a marching of the Indian army into Bangladesh or then East Pakistan and outnumbering an ill equiped number of soldiers stationed there. In the skirmishes which ensued there was not a real full scale war. Tensions were eased by either outside factors or mutual dialogue. Has the Indian and Pakistani military really fought a full scale war similar to that fought eg between Germany and England? Nope. Even during the past skirmishes the militaries changed strategies often which shows that they are still at pains to devise a single well thrusted strategy. Sadly or perhaps thankfully on a counter note nukes have now entered the arena and the chances of an all out full scale military battle between 2 of the largest militaries in the world is now greatly reduced. So claiming that my jawan is better than your jawan is really quite funny to observe here :rofl:
My 2 cents is that Indian and Pakistan has fought 3 times,, Pakistan lost twice and the third was a stalemate,,,India is 4 times the size of Pakistan and with Pakistans terrorism and Blasphemy laws and harrasment and intolerance of minoritys I dont think India would ever consider giveing Pakistan Dominance of even a minority of non muslims..also that Pakistan has a lot more to fear from Radical Muslims then they do India.
Everyday the Indian elite give analysis of the sour state of Pakistan atm and how the nuclear bombs are falling in the hands of the taliban. India should be worried to their bombs might fall into the hands of the Maoists. People are talking about how much of our military strength is being used up in our terrorist operations but let me remind you the 30000 troops of Rah i Nijat are a small portion of the 1.5 million troops we have available if you add reservists etc. Pakistan is in a mess atm but its one of those countries that gets up rubs of the dirt and gets on with it. Mumbai was a Hindu Nationalists dream no disrespect to the Dead may they rest in peace. If ever you wanted to wipe out pakistan Mumbai was your chance espicially with the cooker pakistan is in. Why didnt you? dont use the America as an excuse, As long as pakistan is rapidly building up its weaponary India can only dream of the day it destroys us. Remember you are no Isreal and we are no Hamas. We have alot more than home made rockets trust me we do. Our sleaves are also full with weapons we could use at will to. Explore at your peril.
My 2 cents is that Indian and Pakistan has fought 3 times,, Pakistan lost twice and the third was a stalemate,,,India is 4 times the size of Pakistan and with Pakistans terrorism and Blasphemy laws and harrasment and intolerance of minoritys I dont think India would ever consider giveing Pakistan Dominance of even a minority of non muslims..also that Pakistan has a lot more to fear from Radical Muslims then they do India.

i didnt understand the giving dominance part ........but you are right in saying that pakistan has to fear the radicals more than india.....
Personally, as an Indian I do not wish to destroy Pakistan.

Everyday the Indian elite give analysis of the sour state of Pakistan atm and how the nuclear bombs are falling in the hands of the taliban. India should be worried to their bombs might fall into the hands of the Maoists. People are talking about how much of our military strength is being used up in our terrorist operations but let me remind you the 30000 troops of Rah i Nijat are a small portion of the 1.5 million troops we have available if you add reservists etc. Pakistan is in a mess atm but its one of those countries that gets up rubs of the dirt and gets on with it. Mumbai was a Hindu Nationalists dream no disrespect to the Dead may they rest in peace. If ever you wanted to wipe out pakistan Mumbai was your chance espicially with the cooker pakistan is in. Why didnt you? dont use the America as an excuse, As long as pakistan is rapidly building up its weaponary India can only dream of the day it destroys us. Remember you are no Isreal and we are no Hamas. We have alot more than home made rockets trust me we do. Our sleaves are also full with weapons we could use at will to. Explore at your peril.
I think India is not capable of a direct offensive confrontation with Pakistan, but it is quite capable of running an effective covert war inside Pakistan through the use of TTP as willing proxies.

That's exactly what it is doing right now, with the obvious results. India is also waging psy ops through the use of friendly western media and a segment of the misguided Pakistani media to create a sense of helplessness and failure among the Pakistani populace.

Haq's Musings: Taliban or RAW-liban?
Yup, the RAW has infiltrated all sections of Pakistani society. Including the editorial room of dawn newspaper.

Damn, and i thought RAW guys were a bunch of pot bellied 9-5 with 4 hour lunch break civil servants.
Jana's assessment is correct. Right after 9/11 India staged a fake hijacking drama. Even declared demands put forth by "Pakistani terrorists". Unfortunately for the Indians, the pilot of that plane decided to land it and call it a day.

That in itself speaks volumes about the Indian desire to not tough it out alone against Pakistan. Its seeking partners in its fight.

Sir we don't expect such an irresponsible comments from u with out a credible back up..I read your link two or three times but there is no mention of India declared demands by supposed terrorists..

The nation was on high alert at that time.when an anonymous call came government did necessary steps ..because we cant allow another tragedy at that time...Even Pakistan was in the same state i bet your government will do the same...
Pakistan is in a near state of turmoil.

Various factions supporting terror & islamic radicals with elements of ISI and Army supporting them.

The economy is relying on IMF loans and grant aid.

The limited modernisation plan for its military is courtesey of soft loans from china and grant aid USA..

simple questions

How long can PAF defend its skies with 42 + 18 F16s
Or in deed How will Pakistan Navy Stop a Naval blockade 500 miles out at sea with just 3 modern Submarines.

Finally with a forex of $11 billion for pakistan and $270 billion for India who will run out of money and resources first.

Pakistans has bravado and pride but pitiful resources at present.
Pakistan is in a near state of turmoil.

Various factions supporting terror & islamic radicals with elements of ISI and Army supporting them.

The economy is relying on IMF loans and grant aid.

The limited modernisation plan for its military is courtesey of soft loans from china and grant aid USA..

simple questions

How long can PAF defend its skies with 42 + 18 F16s
Or in deed How will Pakistan Navy Stop a Naval blockade 500 miles out at sea with just 3 modern Submarines.

Finally with a forex of $11 billion for pakistan and $270 billion for India who will run out of money and resources first.

Pakistans has bravado and pride but pitiful resources at present.




They cannot even feed their poor people....the reserves are $270b....
Well yeah you are right Google says it....it's true they have but how did they have it?


Long story...

feed your poors...India is becoming a super power in 2020...haha....you have to defeat U.S. first....you can be a developed nation but a super power....ahahha.....sir first feed your poor people....upgrade the infrastructure...education...other stuff....than become a developed nation and than start to think to become a super power...its 2009 and in 2020 you will become a superpower...

I just farted...


Sir English is not your first language...
where do you live though?

Pakistan is in a near state of turmoil.

Various factions supporting terror & islamic radicals with elements of ISI and Army supporting them.

The economy is relying on IMF loans and grant aid.

The limited modernisation plan for its military is courtesey of soft loans from china and grant aid USA..

simple questions

How long can PAF defend its skies with 42 + 18 F16s
Or in deed How will Pakistan Navy Stop a Naval blockade 500 miles out at sea with just 3 modern Submarines.

Finally with a forex of $11 billion for pakistan and $270 billion for India who will run out of money and resources first.

Pakistans has bravado and pride but pitiful resources at present.

Pakistan Needs PAF and specifically the F16s to counter the IAF and the Indian MKIs Only.
The issues u address here are only a matter of determination by GoP and a "Yes" by Army and ISI.
The Moment these three forces combine all the issues will vanish in days.
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