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Why the Indian army can’t attack Pakistan

Ok, If Indain army can`t attack pakistan, Why not pakistan army start it...

Come on ...we are waiting for you.... one more time.........and.......the end.

One more thing.......In my humble opinion......war is not solution for any problem.

As leant from my Pakistani friends
  1. they have a better army
  2. they have better missiles
  3. they have better morale for the army
  4. indian armed forces cannot stand in front of them
  5. india is very poor
  6. india can very easily be disintegrated just a matter of time
  7. Indians dont have metal to attack pakistan
  8. Indian muslims being muslims are going to support them
  9. indian sikhs are going to support them for the cause of khalistan
  10. maoists are going to support them
  11. kashmiris are going to support them
  12. dalits are going to support them
  13. indians have inferiority complex of being ruled by "them" for 1000 years
  14. indian poor are going to support them
  15. Indian nuclear program is weaker then them
  16. 1 pakistani soldier is euivalent to 10 indian soldiers
  17. 10 pakistanis were able to keep the entire indian forces busy for 2 days ... How mighty would be pakistani army?
  18. last but not the least indians being majority hindus Allah is going to support them. (I never found this logical if Allah would part with the nations but this was some perception of some Pakistani on this forum dont exactly remember the post.)

So we are weak like anything. At this juncture of time it is a very good opportunity for the Pakistani army to liberate Kashmir. So Pakistan should have attacked by now........
""so many faliures stories covered by news channels ""This shows that India has a free media and this kind of news can only come out in true democracy..
A communist or dictator govt will never let media to cover this kind of sensational news..
And i am happy that we indians dont live in a illusion that our army is the best and greatest in the world,, we had failures,, who doesnt have????
Suppose if the same article is written about Pakistan Army stating various reasons that it is not ready for war, it would get applaud from Indian viewers and readers but there is one famous saying " Never Under estimate your enemy no matter big or small" . The Actual ground position reveals that in case of war both countries can wreak havoc ,both are big military giants, so such kind of talks are nothing but rubbish, therefore Instead of talking war and aggression we should divert our attention and energy to suffering humanity in South Asia.
As leant from my Pakistani friends
  1. they have a better army
  2. they have better missiles
  3. they have better morale for the army
  4. indian armed forces cannot stand in front of them
  5. india is very poor
  6. india can very easily be disintegrated just a matter of time
  7. Indians dont have metal to attack pakistan
  8. Indian muslims being muslims are going to support them
  9. indian sikhs are going to support them for the cause of khalistan
  10. maoists are going to support them
  11. kashmiris are going to support them
  12. dalits are going to support them
  13. indians have inferiority complex of being ruled by "them" for 1000 years
  14. indian poor are going to support them
  15. Indian nuclear program is weaker then them
  16. 1 pakistani soldier is euivalent to 10 indian soldiers
  17. 10 pakistanis were able to keep the entire indian forces busy for 2 days ... How mighty would be pakistani army?
  18. last but not the least indians being majority hindus Allah is going to support them. (I never found this logical if Allah would part with the nations but this was some perception of some Pakistani on this forum dont exactly remember the post.)

So we are weak like anything. At this juncture of time it is a very good opportunity for the Pakistani army to liberate Kashmir. So Pakistan should have attacked by now........

Some more points to add

  1. Since the americans need the Pakistanis on their side in Afganistan they are going to support them'
  2. China being friend of Pakistan is going to support them may be milaterily keeping aside Indo Chinese trade.
  3. Bangladesh may be supporting Pakistan and may be militarely
  4. Sri Lanka will support Pakistan
  5. Since the Pakistanis have better image then the Indians so the whole world is going to support them
  6. Indian navy which was not able to detect a boat of terrorists will not be able to stand against PNS.
  7. Pakistani Air Force will have superiority as Indians had better planes in 1965 still they got defeated in air. So what indians have SU30 or may get F22 raptor PAF will thrash them out
  8. pakistan is in better economic condition then before.
  9. Pakistan is working on robotic army. Not sure if they devloped them as classified project.

Moderators I dont know if this would be taken as trolling but this was the general perception regarding war between Indian and Pakistan from the Pakistanis. So as per my learning if Pakistan should opt for war with India in this case rather than waiting for India to do something in order to liberate Kashmiris, Khalistanis, Dalits, Shudras, Indian Muslims, Maoists, Tamils....:blah::blah:
Some more points to add

  1. Since the americans need the Pakistanis on their side in Afganistan they are going to support them'
  2. China being friend of Pakistan is going to support them may be milaterily keeping aside Indo Chinese trade.
  3. Bangladesh may be supporting Pakistan and may be militarely
  4. Sri Lanka will support Pakistan
  5. Since the Pakistanis have better image then the Indians so the whole world is going to support them
  6. Indian navy which was not able to detect a boat of terrorists will not be able to stand against PNS.
  7. Pakistani Air Force will have superiority as Indians had better planes in 1965 still they got defeated in air. So what indians have SU30 or may get F22 raptor PAF will thrash them out
  8. pakistan is in better economic condition then before.
  9. Pakistan is working on robotic army. Not sure if they devloped them as classified project.

Moderators I dont know if this would be taken as trolling but this was the general perception regarding war between Indian and Pakistan from the Pakistanis. So as per my learning if Pakistan should opt for war with India in this case rather than waiting for India to do something in order to liberate Kashmiris, Khalistanis, Dalits, Shudras, Indian Muslims, Maoists, Tamils....:blah::blah:

Actually, we can condense all the arguments into one:

Pakistani military isn't strong enough to win against India.
Indian military can win against Pakistan, but with such huge casualties that victory would be hollow at best.
So we both continue this dance of weapons buildup, and our weapons suppliers laugh all the way to the bank.
Should we mutually close this thread before some trollers attack here.
Should we mutually close this thread before some trollers attack here.

Doesn't matter.

I am sure we will have this exact same debate in a few days in another thread, and another, and another...

It's like the Hindu/Muslim debate, the minority rights debate, the Kashmir debate....:)
Doesn't matter.

I am sure we will have this exact same debate in a few days in another thread, and another, and another...

It's like the Hindu/Muslim debate, the minority rights debate, the Kashmir debate....:)

This thread is indeed waste of time when it is concerned with future without any facts..
I see, more war mongering. More pride. More taunting.

I tell ya, even if Pakistan disbands its army, navy, and air force, signs the CTBT unilaterally, declares nuclear non-first use ... as long as it holds onto a few hundred kilos of working condition fissile material, India will not "defeat" that country under essentially any circumstances even if Pakistan gets provocative, which I sure hope not.

Why? Of course you guys know why. It has little to do with Pakistan's role in Afghanistan or China's support.

Simply, Uncle won't allow it. I know Pakistanis are "touchy" - understandbly so I might add - about its perceived reputation on "nuclear safety".

But this perception is precisely Pakistan's priceless strategic asset. In North Korea, at least there is a theoretical possibility of outside forces "securing" the country's fissile material if the stakes are deemed high enough.

Given Pakistan's "uniqueness", particularly the neighbourhood, there is no one to secure the fissile material unless Pakistan secures it.

There is no need to elaborate on this any further. And people are not blind to the same calculus applicable in Iran's quest for fissile material. IMHO the range of Iran's missiles is largely impertinent.

The bottom line in the foreseeable future: I can hardly think of a scenario where India will be permitted (by you know who) to even appearto "defeat" Pakistan. Should Pakistan provoke something, India would at most be "allowed" to retaliate in proportion.

And even that "privilege" is far from guaranteed.

Post 2008 Mumbai we saw clear and incontrovertible proof. It wasn't that India stayed its hands out of "chivalry". Simply the choice was dictated, again you know by who.

And China had nothing to do with it, and couldn't have anything to do with it even if it wanted to.

By the same token, we know RAW or any other "agencies" are not permitted to destabilized Balochistan. Pakistan is simply using them as an excuse to carry out "de-tribalization" of volatile regions.

So what's my conclusion? It is in India's interest to be the "big man" vis-a-vis Pakistan. Don't be stupid like Israel in Palestine or China with Taiwan. The more you feel righteous, the more you give outsiders leverage.

TMD can only deter states such as North Korea who is locked in a pocket.

BTW speaking of China, it will be left without a choice but to de-escalate with India once India settles down with Pakistan.

And not before even if China wanted to.

Why so? Because even a China at its most Machiavellian realizes that it holds very little "leverage" in the India-Pakistan rapprochement. In contrast, Pakistan holds a virtual veto in any thaw between China and India.

Why is that? In this day and age, Pakistan is not just PRC's "friend", Pakistan is PRC's "only friend". After PRC riled up Kim by going over his head to make nice with South Korea, it is still dealing with the fallout.

Therefore it is very unlikely to repeat that bungle again with Pakistan.

This is a view shared by some: China's northern and eastern borderlands are seemingly "yesterday"; but China's western and sounthern boders are where its future lies.
Actually it is india who must insist that there will be no war with pakistan regardless of any terrorist attacks. Once that is done----pak will be forced to put a lid on any if there are, any self serving lunatics left.


Nice Observation.

If Pakistan tries to put a lid on this lunatics (Hafiz Saeed & Group) then that day Pakistan would be in a War with itself.

Not even the Pakistani Army or Government can touch this guys. India knows that very well.

India is doing a fantastic job in the Kasab Case i.e extending the dates. Every other day some news gets printed about Kasab in International Media.
That is best. In real it will put back India 10 Years i.e. Economic Defeat.


It will leave a permanent mark---india will never be the same for over a 50 years----the world would have moved ahead----the resources will be absorbed by the other nations---there will be nothing left for india to get back on---. It won't be any different than pakistan---that is the bottomline.

Both loosers in the end. So---my indian colleagies get out of your recovery statge analysis and face the real tragedy that will be coming our way.
No, you are fed a daily dose of "Incredible India" propaganda.
You didn't win in 65 and had to call in the Israelis to bail out your a** in Kargil.
we bought munitions from Israel...so that implies that they bailed our a** out?
you do realize that it was the Indian army and our jawans that had to pay in blood to get back Kargil.It is highly disrespectful to the brave souls of those departed fighting for it...I hope you understand.
and about the '65 war...there is a long thread in progress.

USA rejected your attempts to equate Mumbai to 9/11 and, far from imposing sanctions, has increased their aid to us.
can't equate what happened in Mumbai and your taliban influenced back-yard which has got the yanks frantic can you?
as far as the aid is concerned...Obama plans to place numerous auditors to scrutinize the allocation of these funds...getting non-military aid is not something to be proud of....shows that we still are third world.

No, you are the pawn in a Western game of brinkmanship against China. As soon as the West reconciles itself to China's new role, you will be dropped like a used napkin.
we haven't grown as a nation based on how the west sees us...in fact neither has China...we give business.
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