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Why the Indian army can’t attack Pakistan

Ignorence is Bliss.... Wht u say for Mig -29 over Islamabad... ur national Capital.. not just ur radars but even general public had heard its sonic boom over the capital..... on some other thread.. some senior pakistani members himself confessed tht During the Kargil war ur F-16s were locked by IAF....We are not attacking pakistan ... coz India is a responsible Power..

What about Op Prakram and the recent escalation? You also did not attack Pakistan in 2001-02 and after mumbai drama because you were acting responsibly or was it sheer incapability:

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

.......Officials have told Asia Times Online that India did not launch a military strike against Pakistan following the Pakistan-linked Mumbai terror attacks last November because army commanders told New Delhi the country lacked enough artillery to defend its territory. (See Indian army 'backed out' of Pakistan attack , Asia Times Online, January 20 2009.) ..........

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

.....Reluctance for battle by an ill-prepared army could have resulted in India not launching an attack on Pakistan in the aftermath of the Pakistan-linked terror attack in the Indian city of Mumbai on November 26 in which nearly 200 people died.

High-level government sources have told Asia Times Online that army commanders impressed on the political leadership in New Delhi that an inadequate and obsolete arsenal at their disposal mitigated against an all-out war......

BTW, had you been so 'responsible' the stage where you brought us and yourself wouldn't have reached ever-where two nuclear belligerents were teethed against each other!
Haha funny thread & so true!! and yes we know the results for the one's that said that and u know it too....
all i am sayin is .. if a war gone nuclear especially in the subcontinental context there would be widespread reprcussions.. chinese would want their piece of arunachal when indians suffer losses.. russians have and had problems with chinese irrespective of the weapons sale. they would come in to help indians covertly or otherwise... north korea being chinese ally would either support it or would hae their own agenda to fullfill wiith japan and south korea .. and ofcourse americans would come in next to support their allies.. taiwan would aid US and thus chinese attack on taiwan.. and yeaa you know NATO is all european so how can they be left behind.. taking advatnage of all this either iran would attack israel or vice versa.. and pheww here comes the arab wrld for their participation

hahaha...but dear chap...if that happens...we shall cease to care what the world does...
because we shall cease to exist as Pakistan and India...
May that day never come...

All the more reason to understand that no one here can actually claim total supremacy over the other
I respect you for posting failed DRDO tests. Can you post one failed missile test by pak??

This 'worry' yours has been discussed a thousand time on this forum Take some pain and search for it yourself!
Its poor topic.

But for those of you full of patriotic Jingoism. Just some food for Thought.

Pakistan has a fraction of India,s Resources. Be it GDP FOREX military budget, purchasing power, energy, fuel, factories, airports, nuclear power stations etc etc.

In some cases 10-1.

In war How long can Pakistan last without MASSIVE outside assistance. ???

In the long run The GAP both in Economy and thus military will get wider and bigger in india.s favour.

You can already see this GAP emerging with nuke deals. new nuke subs, SU30MKI, awacs, MRCA and soon PAK FA..

india is dealing with everyone to obtain technology and weapons ie Russia, USA Israel France UK..

And that's why the indian COAS shows 'concerns' over our nukes, capabilities and plans. Why dont you advice the same to him, i bet he would have a better sleep.
Sorry you did not win because of any skill of your cartoons but because of the intrests of those who sided with you simple as that.

In this dirty game only interests matter and there is no enemy nor any friend forever. These keep on changing.

:) And oh BTW which diplomatic war you won ?

Despite all your efforts and depsite all the world interests you still are standing on the same position viz a viz many recent developments which you were hoping to use for attacking Pakistan.

But still US is not at all in any hurry to attack Pakistan for you.

And oh as far as Kasab is concerned well did u notice there is conmplete silence over that issue as soon as Kasab confessed to all his crimes but also mentioned the involvment of Indian nationals.

And how do these mutual intersts root up. At the end of the day its government policies which decide upon the mutual interest. Interests are made in the market.

See today Pakistan is looked upon suspiciously. We never intended to attack Pakistan at the end of the day. The simple logic is move your army make pressure from the American side and here you go Pakistan accepts it.. Bans its organizations which are claimed to be peaceful organization. Dont tell me international image dont cost anything. Somalia may be cheapest but not a business destination. I believe you know why?

why should we attack Pakistan? If we attack also and if we win what are we going to gain? what is the profit? Nothing we may be able to dismantle terrorist camps but as soon as the war they will mushroom up again.

Economic cripples are much more severe then the war. Do you understand the implications on the longer run.

This whole thing sends a very wrong message to the international community which looks very suspiciously at the Pakistani nationals per se. You will clearly understand what I mean when you go for business at the international level. How much your national identity impacts.

Whats the need for war when you are investing your own resources and aids to fight a war within yourself?

As far as Kasab is concerned there may be silence in Pakistan after he accepted that he is not beloved "Amar Singh" and is Pakistani national but still there news every third day over here.
all i am sayin is .. if a war gone nuclear especially in the subcontinental context there would be widespread reprcussions.. chinese would want their piece of arunachal when indians suffer losses.. russians have and had problems with chinese irrespective of the weapons sale. they would come in to help indians covertly or otherwise... north korea being chinese ally would either support it or would hae their own agenda to fullfill wiith japan and south korea .. and ofcourse americans would come in next to support their allies.. taiwan would aid US and thus chinese attack on taiwan.. and yeaa you know NATO is all european so how can they be left behind.. taking advatnage of all this either iran would attack israel or vice versa.. and pheww here comes the arab wrld for their participation

Better call our Pakistani brothers on the negotiation table for a cup of tea. Simple you dont do it we wont do it. (Both the brothers are good at it jise kehte hain ek se badkar ek hona when its about covert operations)Both of us take the moral responsibility that no terrorism if there from either sides. Accept Kashmir as it is or may be out of agenda and should try to solve peacefully. No offensive actions against it.
The real question is "can Pakistan army attack India?" Pakistan doesnt have anything that India wants desperately, Whereas India has something which Pakistan wants very very desperately i.e. Kashmir.:taz:
Come and get it ;) :)
The thread title....hmm....leaves a lot to be desired..... The title should be changed to ''Does India Want To Attack Pakistan''........why would India atttack Pakistan when Pakistanis are busy bombing their own land....killing their own people....all in then name of American war on terror.....all we have to do is to sit on the fence and enjoy the show.....while Pakistan tries to figure out who is the real enemey....where is the real enemy....is he on the east or west.....though Pakitan has made some efforts to kick off a psudo war with India ...for past 2 months.....just to be abble to bring back PA to eastern borders.....so that they don't have to kill their boosum buddie aka. mujahidins...thay they have fed over decades to be used against India.
That's nice. You enjoy watching innocent people being killed?

On topic, complacency and underestimating an enemy army are two things which have repeatedly been proven to be very big mistakes by history.....
That's nice. You enjoy watching innocent people being killed?

On topic, complacency and underestimating an enemy army are two things which have repeatedly been proven to be very big mistakes by history.....

Agreed 100%. Exactly what Pakistanis need to learn real fast. Especialy people like Moin Ansari..
Probable reason is International Credibility. India didn't started war and therefore trying to keep the same record. Pakistan's credibility was hit by en large in both 1965 and 1999 conflict. So, it's better frustrate enemies and defeat them in defensive manner.

Try self-presevation.
India knows that, in a full scale war with Pakistan, the best it can achieve is a Pyrrhic victory.

Also, no sane person believes the "no first use" nonsense. Any country, if pushed beyond a certain point, will fight back using everything it's got.

all i am sayin is .. if a war gone nuclear especially in the subcontinental context there would be widespread reprcussions.. chinese would want their piece of arunachal when indians suffer losses.. russians have and had problems with chinese irrespective of the weapons sale. they would come in to help indians covertly or otherwise... north korea being chinese ally would either support it or would hae their own agenda to fullfill wiith japan and south korea .. and ofcourse americans would come in next to support their allies.. taiwan would aid US and thus chinese attack on taiwan.. and yeaa you know NATO is all european so how can they be left behind.. taking advatnage of all this either iran would attack israel or vice versa.. and pheww here comes the arab wrld for their participation

Wow! :what:
So, you think all these countries are just itching to jump into nuclear war? They are just waiting for their enemy to get 'distracted' so they can launch their nukes?

And how do these mutual intersts root up. At the end of the day its government policies which decide upon the mutual interest. Interests are made in the market.

India in currently enjoying a Western courtship due to their concerns over China's rise. What India should never forget is that its long term interests lie in peaceful co-existance with its immediate neighbors. It's fine being Uncle Sam's chamcha for a while but, if it gets too giddy in that role, India will create lasting mistrust and bad blood with its neighbors.

As far as Kasab is concerned there may be silence in Pakistan after he accepted that he is not beloved "Amar Singh" and is Pakistani national but still there news every third day over here.

Not sure how much I trust "confessions" obtained in an Indian jail. Even Western countries kowtowing India's propaganda (reasons explained above) hasn't translated into support for India's push for sanctions against Pakistan. India tried to portray Mumbai as it's 9/11. The world didn't buy it.

complacency and underestimating an enemy army are two things which have repeatedly been proven to be very big mistakes by history.....

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Try self-presevation.
India knows that, in a full scale war with Pakistan, the best it can achieve is a Pyrrhic victory.

Also, no sane person believes the "no first use" nonsense. Any country, if pushed beyond a certain point, will fight back using everything it's got.

Nuclear War are for preventing enemy to use the same destructive weapons. Nuclear war are not for winning the wars as it was done in Hiroshima or so. In today world, it is for protection so that no one use Mutual Destructive Weapons. A war without Nuke, will only defeat Military while A war with Nuke, will defeat the Humans.

No, its you which don't believe "No First Use". Yes, if persons are like Hitlor no doubt, then its just "nonsense". My advise is to have certain doctrine which restrict use of Nuke on each other. I mean India and Pakistan should formally declare that they will not use Nuke on each other in the first strike. If one use, surely other will use and no other than we will die. :hitwall:
No, its you which don't believe "No First Use". Yes, if persons are like Hitlor no doubt, then its just "nonsense". My advise is to have certain doctrine which restrict use of Nuke on each other. I mean India and Pakistan should formally declare that they will not use Nuke on each other in the first strike. If one use, surely other will use and no other than we will die. :hitwall:


Actually it is india who must insist that there will be no war with pakistan regardless of any terrorist attacks. Once that is done----pak will be forced to put a lid on any if there are, any self serving lunatics left.

India has the bigger millitary, larger air force, more missiles and nuclear weapons than pakistan---in order to neutralize pakistan---india has to act on the principals of Matama Gandhi---no war--no war--no war---regardless what you do.

It is a difficult pill to swallow---but then it is the only pill to swallow---.
There is a link here from some pakistani that was on wikipedia i thought this might be help full on this trend of subject.The language may be high but i do agree with him what do you think?!

"biased indian estimate on pak casualty figures
oi gandu indians if you want true facts about pak troops killed in 65 war then check out our war graves liseted , the funny thing is that no major indian movie has been made of 65 war, almost as if its a black day for india , no mention of 65 war in indian press much like no mention of kargil by pak press. so to get real facts go visit ur war dead indians who were slaughtered like sheep, it is a fact that pak held 1617 mil square area of India while India occupied 446 mil and thats only for 3 days from 6 sept. the pak army pushed in to rajasthan and stayed there for more nearly three weeks untill we gave it back to you midget gandus after u begged the UN to end the war. not an inch of pak land was lost to india after 22 sept 1965 , in 71 u back stabbed us and happily the 90,000 (half were bengali anyway)who surrendered shows that a very large part of pak army soldiers were not killed by indian army meaning pak army was saved to fight another day . and besides a large number of midget indians were killed in kargil alone by pak artillery fire that shows the Accuracy of pak jawans even though our air force was not used. more pak soldiers have been killed in war on terror than by any slumdog in pak slumdog wars this is a fact the west admits.besides most of them are pashtun paras in nwfp and swat. to victor the spoils u created bangladesh now that same country is hostile to india. hahahha suckers gandus trying to raise morale of midget slumdogs (oops) i mean gandu soldiers . 1 pak jawan is eaqul to 100 slumdogs. long live brave pak soldiers" :D

I wont say mind your language because you are creating very good impression for Pakistan in front of the eyes of others and we can play hate mongers card very well and call you as the bunch of mental retards.

It was the same BS which your media was feeding you before 71 that we are gonna win. One **** soldier is equal to 3 indians. These slumdog indians do you know run the economic show in the times of crisis.

Go read some independent sources for 65 war then your Pak media.

And we captured 90,000 kept them alive because we are not mass murderers. they were the soldiers of a great army which fought great in the battle. We are taught to respect a soldier wheather it is from the enemy side or Indian side.. Do you think it was tough job for the indians to slaughter them.

I dont know where you have been taught or Pakistanis teach their children in school. But I just take you as a bad example and move on....
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