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Why the Indian army can’t attack Pakistan

Probable reason is International Credibility. India didn't started war and therefore trying to keep the same record. Pakistan's credibility was hit by en large in both 1965 and 1999 conflict. So, it's better frustrate enemies and defeat them in defensive manner.
Dear Mod,

Just two questions, If pak is much superior to India in conventional arms then why don't you have "No first use" policy of nukes?
Why take out an insurance policy?

I'm pretty sure if Pakistani forces are marching onto New Delhi, India would go trigger happy with its nukes too. First use or no first use. You know Pakistan and India are going to fire nukes simultaneously and instantly targeting each others all known nuclear sites. Pakistan's missiles can reach anywhere in India with a flight time of 4-10 minutes. Who is going to decide who shot first?

We've offered a no-war policy. But if India brings war upon us, WE decide the level of escalation that conflict would go to, not India. There's no concept of limited war.

How can you claim of disapproving ziad hamid pov and call mumbai terrorist attack as drama? Aren't those statements contradicting?

That's a debate for another thread, right?

I respect you for posting failed DRDO tests. Can you post one failed missile test by pak??

That's a debate for another thread, right? Stick to topic.
Why take out an insurance policy?

I'm pretty sure if Pakistani forces are marching onto New Delhi, India would go trigger happy with its nukes too. First use or no first use. You know Pakistan and India are going to fire nukes simultaneously and instantly targeting each others all known nuclear sites. Pakistan's missiles can reach anywhere in India with a flight time of 4-10 minutes. Who is going to decide who shot first?

We've offered a no-war policy. But if India brings war upon us, WE decide the level of escalation that conflict would go to, not India. There's no concept of limited war.

That's a debate for another thread, right?

That's a debate for another thread, right? Stick to topic.

India marching towards Delhi, but how ? There will be war on ground, on air and in sea. This looks somehow funny from your side.
Guys, i am 34 years old and in my life span i,ve seen no war which brought absolute victory to one out of two sovereign nations, all war leaves behind is dead bodies,broken families,health issues,psychological traumas, destruction and greater amount of hatered for eachother, lets not talk about going to war with eachother, we,ve ruled india for 1000 years, then britishers ruled them and us both for a couple of centuries, i think the britishers rule was the span of time for both nations to learn to live in peace and believe in co-existance, i am happy to see india progress, they have worked hard and earned this success and i am sure if we streamline our efforts it won't take us pakistanis long to be amongst the developed nations, we have shown our potentials in some fields where we made unanimous decisions to do something, i.e nuclear programe, missile programe etc, lets try to stabilize our economy this time, lets help eachother to rise as two neighbouring progressive nations, lets give it a try...
I do not think it is a poor topic...

India has multiple times deployed its forces to attack Pakistan but did not carry out the attack...this is not a joke...to mobilize your Army means you are posturing yourself in the most aggressive manner.

What gives that India did not go through with so much aggression?
Surely they were not playing games all the time.

I think the reason is the damage which India knows it will also take if it tries to annihilate Pakistan Army...

To eliminate Pakistan Army and still retain economic survivability is not something i see India managing...
So this topic is not something that is resulting from any notion that Indian Army is weaker than Pakistan...

It is like a conflict between two predators whereas the smaller one may be killed in the conflict the bigger one will also be ravaged gravely and will later starve to death after being crippled...

This is all in context of conventional warfare...which will be extremely bloody...

Bring in the nukes and it is the end for us all...

see the end of the world .. i see a lot of nations right now who just want to take an advantage of an unfortunate accident of that nature and you no more see airplanes flyin but skyshots albeit bigger and travelling at mach 7
India marching towards Delhi, but how ? There will be war on ground, on air and in sea. This looks somehow funny from your side.
Inconceivable? Then don't fret too much about the Pakistani first use policy too.

Just explaining the folly of the "Second use" policy. Thats why till date the United States also holds a first use policy. When it comes to national defence, Pakistan will not hold back at all. Simple. Why act two faced and lie about it.
Guys, i am 34 years old and in my life span i,ve seen no war which brought absolute victory to one out of two sovereign nations, all war leaves behind is dead bodies,broken families,health issues,psychological traumas, destruction and greater amout of hatered for eachother, lets not talk about going to war with eachother, we,ve ruled india for 1000 years, then britishers ruled them and us both for a couple of centuries, i think the britishers rule was the span of time for both nations toleasrn to live in peace and believe in co-existance, i am happy to see india progress, the have worked hard and earned this success and i am sure if we streamline our efforts it won't take us pakistanis long to be amongst the developed nations, we have shown our potentials in some fields where u made unanimous decisions to do something, i.e nuclear programe, missile programe etc, lets try to stabilize our economy this time, lets help eachother to rise as two neighbouring progressive nations, lets give it a try...


We ruled India? Who is "we"? Mughals?!

So.. you consider Pakistan to be the descendant of the Mughal Empire?! :lol:
Just explaining the folly of the "Second use" policy. Thats why till date the United States also holds a first use policy. When it comes to national defence, Pakistan will not hold back at all. Simple. Why act two faced and lie about it.

USA has nothing to do with India or Pakistan. Defeats do come in the war. As Pakistan faced defeat in 1971, India face too in 1962. There is no necessity of Nuclear until other struck you.
Probable reason is International Credibility. India didn't started war and therefore trying to keep the same record. Pakistan's credibility was hit by en large in both 1965 and 1999 conflict. So, it's better frustrate enemies and defeat them in defensive manner.

I do not think that it is all international credibility...i mean here you all say vehemently that India is a sovereign state and will not be influenced to act against its own interests...

Certainly India deployed its armies on its own will and wanted to fight on its own will, why only the issue of credibility then?
Inconceivable? Then don't fret too much about the Pakistani first use policy too.

Just explaining the folly of the "Second use" policy. Thats why till date the United States also holds a first use policy. When it comes to national defence, Pakistan will not hold back at all. Simple. Why act two faced and lie about it.

i am already scared asim, please dont hasten my journey to hell .. i still ave got my quota of sins to commit on mother earth ...................................................................
see the end of the world .. i see a lot of nations right now who just want to take an advantage of an unfortunate accident of that nature and you no more see airplanes flyin but skyshots albeit bigger and travelling at mach 7

I did not comprehend...care to explain?
Why take out an insurance policy?

I'm pretty sure if Pakistani forces are marching onto New Delhi, India would go trigger happy with its nukes too. First use or no first use. You know Pakistan and India are going to fire nukes simultaneously and instantly targeting each others all known nuclear sites. Pakistan's missiles can reach anywhere in India with a flight time of 4-10 minutes. Who is going to decide who shot first?

We've offered a no-war policy. But if India brings war upon us, WE decide the level of escalation that conflict would go to, not India. There's no concept of limited war.

This all seems like childish rhetoric.

Needless to say that most Indians, like Pakistanis, do not want war. And needless to say, most Indians, unlike Pakistanis, do not underestimate their enemy. We did it once (in 1962) and never again.

Regarding all these Indian media reports about the flaws in the Indian defense setup, I have only thing to say - constructive criticism.

I'm glad that our media and defense analysts enjoy so much freedom that they can openly point out the mistakes of our government. And if our enemies think that Indian government has not already implemented corrective measures, then good luck to them!
Dear Sir... this was raised by Asim also and I had Given him proper reply.... when I asked abt His and His friends wrong doings Just because it is pakistani forum.... He didn't said anything... and straight deleted my posted .... I am ready to refrain here on... If u ask Asim... to paste tht post here again ..... reply in front of everybody...

friend...this is a very well moderated forum...I have been banned once.Take it from me...
I have been posting on BR..WAB..IDF...and many others...this forum is far better...it would look otherwise at first...but as far as the mods are concerned...you can bet.Take for example...on BR....the Pakistanis are called names..like prkistanis...prkis and $hit...but if you'd type the word Bh!ndian(a common Pakistani derogatory slang for an Indian)...it would get censored.
That's epic.
p.s:sorry for going off-topic...but I guess it was required.
I did not comprehend...care to explain?

all i am sayin is .. if a war gone nuclear especially in the subcontinental context there would be widespread reprcussions.. chinese would want their piece of arunachal when indians suffer losses.. russians have and had problems with chinese irrespective of the weapons sale. they would come in to help indians covertly or otherwise... north korea being chinese ally would either support it or would hae their own agenda to fullfill wiith japan and south korea .. and ofcourse americans would come in next to support their allies.. taiwan would aid US and thus chinese attack on taiwan.. and yeaa you know NATO is all european so how can they be left behind.. taking advatnage of all this either iran would attack israel or vice versa.. and pheww here comes the arab wrld for their participation
Why? Now you're threatening to go nuclear? We have a nice arsenal of cruise missiles (actual cruise missiles not modified anti-ship missiles) that can do some serious damage even when used conventionally.

I'm not threatening to "go nuclear" , merely stating the obvious fact that going to war would result in Mutually Assured Destruction.

I know its much easier to forget the more embarrassing moments of India's finest, but here's some substantiated 'BS' readied according to your taste,

It appears you're in the habit of conjuring conspiracy theories out of thin air, or is it delusions you're suffering from?

False alarm, hoax calls mean hijacking drama to you? For someone whose allergic to BS, you sure are in the habit of posting a lot of it.

My bad, you're more used to the word nautanki?

So, in your infinite wisdom, when the GOP agrees to most of the Indian version of events of 26/11, this constitutes as drama or nautanki? Lemme guess, you're one of those that believe the attack on Sri Lankan cricketers was carried out by RAW? Reading a bit much of Moin Ansari, are we?

Pardon me, but there's hardly anything anti-Indian about stating that India cannot invade Pakistan, have a decisive victory, cause our Khatma, or give us a "moonh tor Jawab".

Perhaps not, but what does constitute anti-Indian ramblings is your assumption that a) India wants to invade Pakistan in the first place and b) it is in the habit of killing its own citizens in its dastardly attempt to malign Pakistan.

You need to develop a thicker skin, and not buckle under pressure while facing the other POV.

and you need lessons in logic and reasoning.
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