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Why Suddenly India is concerned on Rohingyas

Ironically, these same Indians want BD (which has very limited space and resources) to take them all in. Which is of course, because the Rohingyas are muslim while they pretend to the world how secular democracy they are. Pathetic how they ignore or want the sufferings of people because of their believes. You all belong in one cult or another. To pretend somehow that other cults members doesn't deserve empathy because they don't believe in your cult is mind boggling. You same lot expect empathy from others when you are the minority.

It's the same like republicans in the US. Ted Cruze voted no for hurricane Sandy relief because it was in New York, a liberal sate, which means, they don't deserve empathy from the superior 'Devout Cristian State'. Yet, the moment hurricane Harvey strikes their Texas, ted cruz goes begging to congress for FEMA relief. It's always not a problem when it's others who are suffering. But when it's you, you deserve all the empathy and help in the world.
India is dealing with troubling demographic changes. If the Rohingyas were secular, we would welcome them to a "largely" secular India. Otherwise their higher birth rate and adherence to faith would damage our society.
They can't speak Burmese but they demand to have Burmese rights?
Yes ... why not? Rohingyas lived in their place long before bamars came in. If bamars want the place they need to accommodate rohingya language not the other way around.
They can't speak Burmese but they demand to have Burmese rights?

Can't believe someone with CA and MY flag is this retarded. I have been in MY for quite a while now. Here many are ethnically Chinese and can't speak Malay also there are Tamils. Are you saying since they don't know Malay, they shouldn't get any rights, including rights to go to school or hospital? What a retarded question
hahaha and india says they will take afghans. Interesting time ahead. They are and will be forcing bangladesh. Good now afghan, bangladesh and bhutan should learn that india can not be truested neithet they are your.friends and nevrr will be.
India will only take in progressive ones. We have plenty of Afghans here. If faith is important to you, look elsewhere.
India is dealing with troubling demographic changes. If the Rohingyas were secular, we would welcome them to a "largely" secular India. Otherwise their higher birth rate and adherence to faith would damage our society.
Doesn't humanitarian aid come first? Also, in this particular case, you don't have to take any or rather no one should allow Myanmar to ethnic cleanse any ethnicity (in case you don't know, they are fighting from the middle to all other parts of the country, with different ethnicity). You can put economic pressure, take it to UN or do military exercise (do not actually have to engage) or so many other ways.
11:57 AM, September 03, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:23 PM, September 03, 2017
Rohingya families attacked in India's Haryana

Star Online Report

Members of the Rohingya families were attacked allegedly by locals on the outskirts of Mujeri village in Ballabgarh in northern Indian state of Haryana’s Faridabad district on Saturday, the Indian media reported today.

The Rohingyas were assaulted allegedly by locals who objected to their plan to slaughter two buffaloes on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, our New Delhi correspondent reports.

Residents of the area said the friction began on Friday evening when a couple of villagers confronted them when they spotted two buffalo calves tied to a tree in the locality, The Indian Express and Hindustan Times reported from Faridabad near Delhi.

“They first tried to take the animals, and when we objected, they asked us to sell the calves to them. We refused and told them that we had pooled in money and bought them for sacrifice on Eid,” said Sakir Ahmed, a Rohingya who came to this settlement a year ago.

Around 5 am on Saturday, before the refugees could take the animals to the market, a group of “15 or 20 men” came – some on bikes, others by foot – and allegedly assaulted them, said Indian Express.

“They released the calves and started to beat up anyone who tried to stop them,” the daily quoted Mohammad Jamil, another Rohingya, as saying.

Mohamadullah, one of the injured, recounted: “They took our phones and beat us up with sticks. They said that if we tried to tell the police or complain about what happened to us, they would come and kill us at night.”

A case has been registered at the Ballabgarh Sadar police station against unnamed persons under Sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 147 (rioting), 148 (rioting, armed with deadly weapon), 149 (unlawful assembly), and 379 (theft) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

“An FIR has been registered under relevant sections of the IPC, and we are in the process of identifying the accused,” said Hanif Qureshi, Commissioner of Police, Faridabad.

He said teams have been constituted to probe the incident and “we are hopeful of making some early arrests.”

The settlement of Rohingyas there sprung up a year ago, when they reached there from various camps in Delhi. It now has a population of around 110 people
India will only take in progressive ones. We have plenty of Afghans here. If faith is important to you, look elsewhere.
thank you for taking 10,000 to 15,000 afghan refugees. Hope they will live better life their which i doubted it.
They can't speak Burmese but they demand to have Burmese rights?

That's the most interesting part about these guys.

Just let them talk and they start spilling the beans out themselves.

Creating enemies in their heads when none exist.
dont say them they are too dumb to understand the basic facts. they just want to listen ' rohingya are all good '

Look you faggot. I asked, how do you know they were Rohingyas behind the mask?

And where does it tells that, those were Rohingyas behind the mask? Pathetic lying faggot...
coz most of victim faced similar attacks.

These are not arsa but rakhine goons. If they were arsa they would not had come with fellow muslin rohingyas.
ARSA is in no position to lay siege for days on a village. They were on hit and run tacticts.

lol hit and run ... ? no.. attack with human waves when they attacked the police camps...
here is eg of how they attack. the video was happened in maungdaw in last a few years.
Just imagine if they are holding guns and knives.

According to refugee themselves those were speaking Burmese. Using burmese would be the last thing ARSA will do. Rohingyas actually can't speak Burmese.
a lot of Rohingya can speak burmese. as they lived in Maungdaw area.
Says someone from a country of 1,326,801,576

As expected from a Pakistani. Try comparing our population growth rate with that of yours.

And talking about slums, only 24% of India's urban population lives in slums, compared to 45% in Pakistan & 55% in Bangladesh.

Google 'percentage of urban population living in slums world bank data'.
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Because they are lured into anti-India activities and they are threat to our National Security. No country will take a chance. Simple

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