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Why Suddenly India is concerned on Rohingyas

From Mumbai to “Slumbai”
When you fly into Mumbai and the plane is landing, the first thing that meets your eyes is a cramped sprawl of corrugated iron–roofed huts. They are right next to the airport runway, quietly yet powerfully reminding you that you are entering a city where nearly half of the population lives in slums. As India’s economic capital and most populous city, Mumbai has a total population of 12.44 million — 42 percent of whom live in slums. The percentage of slum dwellers in the city is so high that locals joke that Mumbai should be renamed “Slumbai.”


In Mumbai, a highway divides the “formal city” and the “informal city.”
(Photo by Yue Zhang, January 2016.)
The definition of a slum has two dimensions. From a legal perspective, slums are unauthorized and illegal structures, where inhabitants do not have legal title to the land that they occupy. In terms of living conditions, slums are areas that are short of basic amenities and characterized by the prevalence of insanitary, squalid, overcrowded conditions, and hence become a source of danger to their inhabitants’ health, safety, or convenience.


Slum housing alongside the railway in Mumbai.
(Photo by Yue Zhang, January 2016.)
In the first official survey that Mumbai conducted in 1956, 8 percent of the total population lived in slums. Over the years, the population of the city grew at a high speed and so did the number of slum dwellers. Today, nearly 5.2 million people live in slums, and the number is still increasing.

Nearly one million people live in Dharavi, the largest slum in Mumbai as well as in Asia, where the film Slumdog Millionaire was shot. It is home to a large number of microindustries, including pottery, tanning and leatherworking, and plastic recycling. A walk through Dharavi or any other slum would completely change your mind about what slums mean in Mumbai: they are not clusters of temporary shelters, but complex ecological and economic systems, “a city within a city.” Many slum dwellers in Mumbai are not the official poor who live below the poverty line, but are well-educated, middle-class people who are deprived of adequate housing.


Outside a pottery shop in Dharavi, the largest slum in Mumbai and Asia. There are many microindustries in Dharavi; pottery is among the major ones. A significant proportion of pots in India are made and sold here.
(Photo by Yue Zhang, January 2016.)


Plastic recycling industry in Dharavi.
(Photo by Yue Zhang, January 2016.)
Understanding the Prevalence and Persistence of Slums
Large-scale slum proliferation is a complicated issue relevant to a variety of factors. The scarcity of land, dictated by Mumbai’s peculiar geography and heightened by the competition from other economic activities, is one factor that has made formal housing unaffordable for most Mumbaikars. However, the expansion and persistence of slums in Mumbai is primarily a function of failed housing policies combined with other political factors.

In the past 60 years, a series of policies have restricted the land and housing supply in Mumbai, rather than creating a favorable environment for the construction of large housing stock needed for the growing population.

The percentage of slum dwellers in the city is so high that locals joke that Mumbai should be renamed “Slumbai.”

The Rent Control Act, passed in 1947, led to the freezing of rents, which disincentivized private capital from creating housing stock for rental purposes. In 1973, the Rent Control Act was amended to provide all the tenants’ rights to the licensees, making the rental business even more difficult for the private sector. Further, the passage of the 1976 Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act put several tracts of land under litigation and restricted the supply of large tracts of land for the purpose of housing construction.

Even as the rental market has been dismantled and private sector has been disincentivized to create more housing stock, the government has made little effort to increase the supply of affordable housing.

In 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the vision of “Housing for All,” in the hope of providing more affordable housing to the poor. This is the first time that the Indian government has brought up housing as a major issue on its agenda, but it is up to each state to formulate its own plans on how to achieve the goal. The Government of Maharashtra (which administers Mumbai) formulated a comprehensive and ambitious New Housing Policy and Action Plan that aims to provide 1.9 million houses, of which 0.8 million will be in Mumbai, for low-and middle-income groups in the state. But whether and how the plan will be implemented is still unknown.

Over the years, slums have become “vote banks.”

Politicians periodically provide services to slum dwellers in exchange for votes. The exchange through electoral politics brings about incremental improvement of the living conditions of slums, but does not solve the long-term problem of housing shortage. On the contrary, the exchange stabilizes existing slums and even provides incentives for the creation of new slums.
Israel refuses to halt arms supply to Myanmar army
Tribune Desk
Published at 12:49 PM September 04, 2017

United States and the European Union imposed arms embargo on Myanmar
When the whole world is looking for a way to resolve the fresh escalation of the Rohingya crisis in Rakhine State, Israel has refused to stop supplying arms to Myanmar army saying “the matter is clearly diplomatic”.

Hundreds of Rohingya people have been reportedly killed during the clashes between insurgents and security forces and tens of thousands more Rohingyas have been displaced following to the conflict.

Recently human rights activists filed a petition against the continued arms sales to Myanmar. Israel’s High Court of Justice is scheduled to hear it in late September.

However, Israel Defence Ministry argued that the court has no standing in the matter, which it called “clearly diplomatic”, reports Hareetz.

While replying to a parliamentary question on weapons sales to Myanmar, Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel “subordinates [itself] to the entire enlightened world, that is the Western states, and first of all the United States, the largest arms exporter. We subordinate ourselves to them and maintain the same policy.”

He said the Knesset plenum may not be the appropriate forum for a detailed discussion of the matter and reiterated that Israel complies with “all the accepted guidelines in the enlightened world.”

An expert said, Lieberman’s statement was incorrect as the United States and the European Union imposed arms embargo on Myanmar, and Israel supported war crimes in Argentina and armed the Serbian forces committing massacres in Bosnia despite a United Nations embargo.

United Nations data show that about 60,000 members of the minority group have recently fled Myanmar’s Rahine state, driven out by the increasing violence and the burning of their villages, information that has been confirmed by satellite images.

But none of this has led to a change in the policy of the Israeli Defence Ministry, which is refusing to halt weapons sales to the regime in Myanmar.
From Mumbai to “Slumbai”
When you fly into Mumbai and the plane is landing, the first thing that meets your eyes is a cramped sprawl of corrugated iron–roofed huts. They are right next to the airport runway, quietly yet powerfully reminding you that you are entering a city where nearly half of the population lives in slums.

Keep crying Billu, you can't Change reality...55% of your urbab opoulation lives in slums...:rofl:

Population living in slums (% of urban population)


Bangladeshis have a whole city that is a big Slum- Dhaka ! You want me to post pics ? I definitely can !

Dhaka 2nd least liveable city in the world


Dhaka has ranked the second least liveable city in the world, an improvement from last year’s title of ‘The most unlivable city in the world’. Photo: Star

Star Online Report

Dhaka has ranked the second least liveable city in the world, an improvement from last year’s title of ‘The most unlivable city in the world’.

The South Asian metropolis managed to stay in the bottom tier of the ranking for the past five years, with little to no signs of improvement.

In the annual Liveability Ranking by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Dhaka scored 38.7 out of 100.

The report lists 140 cities worldwide based on a variety of lifestyle issues such health care, education, culture, environment and infrastructure.


:rofl: :rofl:

It was in 1666 that Shaista Khan, the Subedar of Bengal, attacked Chittagong, the northern Arakan, to punish the Arakanese Mogs who, in collusion with the Portuguese vikings, regularly attacked parts of Bengal near the sea shores and river banks. He forced the Arakanese power to vacate upto north of Naaf Dariya. Arakan was not then a part of Burma. Chittagong remained since then with Bengal although many of then Arakanese chose to live there. But, Arakanese evil political/viking power was broken.

It is the short history above. Better we do not indulge in playing religion politics every where. It was not due to killing of Muslims that Shaista Khan sent troops. The brute Arakanese composed of both Muslims and Buddhists plus the Portugese, caused havoc in Bengal irrespective of Muslim or Hindu, same as what the Burmese are causing to Muslims of Arakan today.

By the way, Muslims lost an empire only because Auragzeb took a policy of repression of Hindus. As a result of his repression Islamic power evaporated although Muslims as a community remained, but no more than the small, weak rabbits we are today. By the way, who creates all these funny pictures that you post in tonnes. Seems you have no other job to do other than collecting and posting millions of features.
Every Bangladeshi home should adopt and feed one Rohingya. Problem solved.
Do not please bring in Bangladeshis in your distorted statement when BD itself is burdened with an influx of 15 million Indians who had been without jobs in their super rich European country, India.

Let me reply in a manner befitting your reply as above.

I am sure in the alternate galaxy ... you Bangladeshis of the PDF variety live in some other dimension, so far unknown to us mere mortals. So forgive us if we do not have 2 pence to spare for your bullshit.

Sorry for touching upon this issue. I am sure it seriously is in dissonance with your narrative and your intent. Mighty inconvenient I agree. May I suggest, don't quote me to avoid being inconvenienced?

@Nilgiri Is this superior intelligence known?

So my dear superior intelligence hailing from a parallel galaxy, let me put some resources to work:

"As President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to throw out up to 3 million undocumented immigrants from the United States, this remote Indian state of 31 million is in the midst of an effort to identify and “weed out” some of the more than 20 million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh living in India"


And of course:





I can keep adding, but it will not make a difference :) While, I am sure, you can present me with tonnes of data backing your claims above.

Go on, join the Ostrich Brigade. Bury your head and use the 3 Ds - Deny, Deflect and Demonise :D
Why uneducated Pakistani, never learned percentages in school ?? :rofl:

Hindiians breed like rats, eat rats, and worship rats (source: nat geo).

Breed like rats:


Eat rats:

Worship rats:


You don't have to make any effort to counter their bs on population. Just flash their lucky number 1,326,801,576 in their hindiian face and be done with it. :lol:
Well firstly I sympathize by refugee crisis however , Bangladesh will have to align their foreign policy with Pakistan and Muslim cause , in order to recieve diplomatic help

Siding will India will just cause more trouble in Bangladesh

The racially fueled comments by Hindus against Bangali ethnic groups should be eye opener for Bangalis

Wake up and smell the coffee

Pakistan was stuck with Afghan refugee for good 30 years which crippled our economy and Bangladesh will suffer same fate

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