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Why Sindhis are genetically no where near Indians(Gujaratis)



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Nov 28, 2018
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United States
As most people know that Sindh borders Balochistan and Gujarat with southern parts of Punjab

The genetic distance between a Sindhi and a Gujarati is the most in the whole south asian region

Afghan and Pakistani Pashtuns are almost near each other

Iranian and Pakistani Balochis are near each other

However Sindhis are between the Balochis and Pashtuns with the Brahui also being near

The Kashmiri Pandits form the genetic boundary between Pakistanis and the rest of the south asians

The kashmiri pandits are the nearest to south asia

However the beginning of India starts at UP Brahmins

Many Bollywood actors are UP Brahmins such as the bachaan family so they're the upper class of India

Sindhis have nothing to do with any Indian whether upper class or lower

The distance between Pakistanis and Indians is as much as Pakistanis and Uyghers from distance maps

The genetic boundary between Pakistanis and Indians is Sindhis and Gujaratis.
You have to prove yourself "FAR" from Brahui people as they speak a Dravidian language.
Do your homework properly first, propaganda baad mein ker laina

True they might speak a dravidian language however speaking english doesn't make you anglo saxon.

The brahui have mixed with balochis for so many generations that they're a iranized people who were originally dravidians.

The brahui are also by dress, food and in many other ways not near their dravidian south indian forefathers

Many brahui speak Sindhi and also eat Sindhi food

The brahui are more Sindhi to me than the Mujhair that invaded our land in 1947 and piled up in Sindh after that
Jamaican's speak English and are Christian but that does make them European or related English.

For starters:

One theory is that the Brahui are a relict population of Dravidians, surrounded by speakers of Indo-Iranian languages, remaining from a time when Dravidian was more widespread.

A second theory is that they migrated to Baluchistan from inner India during the early Muslim period of the 13th or 14th centuries.[4]

The third theory says the Brahui migrated to Balochistan from Central India after 1000 AD.

You can keep propagating Indus Nationalism, I have no problem with that.
But you should know what you are talking about
For starters:

One theory is that the Brahui are a relict population of Dravidians, surrounded by speakers of Indo-Iranian languages, remaining from a time when Dravidian was more widespread.

A second theory is that they migrated to Baluchistan from inner India during the early Muslim period of the 13th or 14th centuries.[4]

The third theory says the Brahui migrated to Balochistan from Central India after 1000 AD.

You can keep propagating Indus Nationalism, I have no problem with that.
But you should know what you are talking about

I'm not propogating nationalism at all

Its your Hindu books that say Persians weren't able to pronounce Sindh when every Persian geographer wrote Sindh without issues and India on their maps

Its you Hindus that say you're the Indus Valley when you're whole mentality and ways are from the ganges river not Indus

Its you Hindus that are trying to say that Raja Dhair the brahmin invading tyrant from India was helping Sindhis when in reality he was pealing tongues off of Buddhist Sindhis who went against the guy. There is a reason why Sindhis and Balochis not to mention Jats alsi by majority sided with bin qasim against raja in the past

Everything I'm posting is gene stats from real blood test

The brahui dravidians are apart of the Indus valley and Indus people. 98% of Indians are not apart of the Indus valley

The brahui however have intermixed a lot but they're still more native to sindh than any gangadeshi is now.

That is why genetically Balochis, Sindhis and Brahui are near each other
I'm not propogating nationalism at all

Its your Hindu books that say Persians weren't able to pronounce Sindh when every Persian geographer wrote Sindh without issues and India on their maps

Its you Hindus that say you're the Indus Valley when you're whole mentality and ways are from the ganges river not Indus

Its you Hindus that are trying to say that Raja Dhair the brahmin invading tyrant from India was helping Sindhis when in reality he was pealing tongues off of Buddhist Sindhis who went against the guy. There is a reason why Sindhis and Balochis not to mention Jats alsi by majority sided with bin qasim against raja in the past

Everything I'm posting is gene stats from real blood test

So, anyone who doesn't believe in your stupid propaganda is "Hindu" :lol:

The accuracy of such gene stats from real blood tests itself is debatable.
So, anyone who doesn't believe in your stupid propaganda is "Hindu" :lol:

The accuracy of such gene stats from real blood tests itself is debatable.

I'm not Indian

I barely speak urdu well which is the nearest to your languages

I don't watch bollywood movies at all they seem low grade

I don't have Indian friends either and literally do not know any Indians

These gene stats are replicated from ged results and human genome also

Why should Sindhis who literally have no ties with you have anything to do with you

The worst people of south asia are the brahmin jews and their british friends who tried to put somebody from Manipur with their own distinct traditions and ways with somebody from Tamil Nadu.

Hinduism is no different from Talmudism in any way

The word Hindu to me meant that sleazy Jewish merchant bania who is untrustworthy and tries to justify their reign with fake blue arm man stories and then are hypocrites with their rat temples and also deva dasi ways.

A lot of upper caste hindus have their genes from khazaria where israelis are from

The mixing with dravidians made you darker but you're still that hindu jew at the end

The caste system is practiced even in Britain and America. I see you upper caste telling the darker skinned people dalits even in American universities that you're brahmins or banias.

Your Hindu statues have jinns in them that is why they were all drinking milk in 1995 from India to Guyana too

Every place where Hindus are were whether Fiji or Britain had Hindu statues drinking milk at the time and then they all stop too

Hindus and Jews are from hell trying to bring the rest of the people with them
As most people know that Sindh borders Balochistan and Gujarat with southern parts of Punjab

The genetic distance between a Sindhi and a Gujarati is the most in the whole south asian region

Afghan and Pakistani Pashtuns are almost near each other

Iranian and Pakistani Balochis are near each other

However Sindhis are between the Balochis and Pashtuns with the Brahui also being near

The Kashmiri Pandits form the genetic boundary between Pakistanis and the rest of the south asians

The kashmiri pandits are the nearest to south asia

However the beginning of India starts at UP Brahmins

Many Bollywood actors are UP Brahmins such as the bachaan family so they're the upper class of India

Sindhis have nothing to do with any Indian whether upper class or lower

The distance between Pakistanis and Indians is as much as Pakistanis and Uyghers from distance maps

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i see a bit of rajasthani culture in our sindh
I'm not Indian

I barely speak urdu well which is the nearest to your languages

I don't watch bollywood movies at all they seem low grade

I don't have Indian friends either and literally do not know any Indians

These gene stats are replicated from ged results and human genome also

Why should Sindhis who literally have no ties with you have anything to do with you

The worst people of south asia are the brahmin jews and their british friends who tried to put somebody from Manipur with their own distinct traditions and ways with somebody from Tamil Nadu.

Hinduism is no different from Talmudism in any way

The word Hindu to me meant that sleazy Jewish merchant bania who is untrustworthy and tries to justify their reign with fake blue arm man stories and then are hypocrites with their rat temples and also deva dasi ways.

A lot of upper caste hindus have their genes from khazaria where israelis are from

The mixing with dravidians made you darker but you're still that hindu jew at the end

The caste system is practiced even in Britain and America. I see you upper caste telling the darker skinned people dalits even in American universities that you're brahmins or banias.

Your Hindu statues have jinns in them that is why they were all drinking milk in 1995 from India to Guyana too

Every place where Hindus are were whether Fiji or Britain had Hindu statues drinking milk at the time and then they all stop too

Hindus and Jews are from hell trying to bring the rest of the people with them

Take medications timely .
First time I’ve every heard of a “Brahmin Jew”. You do realize that Hinduism and Judaism are two different ideologies? One is a dharmic faith and another is Abrahamic. You can’t equate the two as the same as Hinduism long predates Buddhism. Also, even some of your other Pakistani brothers don’t buy this fake propaganda.
For starters:

One theory is that the Brahui are a relict population of Dravidians, surrounded by speakers of Indo-Iranian languages, remaining from a time when Dravidian was more widespread.

A second theory is that they migrated to Baluchistan from inner India during the early Muslim period of the 13th or 14th centuries.[4]

The third theory says the Brahui migrated to Balochistan from Central India after 1000 AD.

You can keep propagating Indus Nationalism, I have no problem with that.
But you should know what you are talking about
South indians;



i see a bit of rajasthani culture in our sindh
What you see is Hindu Bheels. Who are marwari, Rajhistan, india.

You have to prove yourself "FAR" from Brahui people as they speak a Dravidian language.
Do your homework properly first, propaganda baad mein ker laina

We also have maratha people in Balochistan, who were taken as prisoners/slaves during the battle of Panipat;
(22,000 men & women were taken as slaves after the battle)

South indians;
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View attachment 536392

What you see is Hindu Bheels. Who are marwari, Rajhistan, india.

We also have maratha people in Balochistan, who were taken as prisoners/slaves during the battle of Panipat;
(22,000 men & women were taken as slaves after the battle)

View attachment 536394 View attachment 536395

Sir, Posting random images doesn't prove anything

And how can you compare a few thousand Maratha war captives to the millions of indigenous Brahui people of Balochistan, spread from the Bolan Pass to the Arabian sea?. There are 29 Brahui tribes and they owe (a loose) allegiance to the Brahui khan of Kalat.

It's true that the Brahui now culturally and ethnically largely resemble the Balochi people around them, with whom they have mixed with substantially but they still speak a Dravidian language.

And the North/South India divide is primarily linguistic (Indo-European vs Dravidian languages). Studies of the distribution of alleles on the Y chromosome, microsatellite DNA, and mitochondrial DNA in India have already cast overwhelming doubt for a biological Dravidian "race" distinct from non-Dravidians in the Indian subcontinent.
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