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Why Pakistan’s army is more popular than its politicians

we love the army because it is the only thing keeping any attacker from even speculating about a attack......PAKISTAN ZINDABAD PAK FAUJ PAINDABAD
Welfare of the military at the price of the welfare of the whole nation that it protects is not sustainable in the long term; that is the only problem in this picture.

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There is just one Simple Reason People care for Army more then its politicians that Simply is that

Army Cares for what happens to this country, Politicians on the other hand don't.
Odd headline! I would be willing to wager that the Indian army is more popular than the politicians. I would also be willing to bet that most people in India would not have heard the name of the CoAS nor would they recognise him if his photograph was shown. Pakistan's issue is not so much with the popularity of its army, it's more about the lack of a clear structure of power. If the Pakistani people so desire, the army should be allowed to lead and be accountable/responsible for all decisions. It's the present system where the army holds power without accountability that creates a structural mismatch. The civilian leaders, how much ever incompetent & corrupt they may be simply do not have the leverage to change policies that might feel needs changing. As I have mentioned earlier in another thread, Pakistan suffers from severe budgetary constraints thereby affecting even purely civilian issues like Electricity etc. However the one lever of cutting back on spending on other areas & spending more on the necessities that ordinary people look for is stymied because the largest portion of the budget is in the realm of the untouchable. The government is held accountable for lack of growth but policies that might drive growth away are being practiced by other institutions of the state & cannot be changed by the civilian establishment. If the argument is being made that the civilian government wants ties with the U.S. to be restored & the military is pushing back, then the economic/market consequences of such a decision must also fall on institution pushing the policy (I'm not discussing ethical, moral or legal principles merely the economic).
Welfare of the military at the price of the welfare of the whole nation that it protects is not sustainable in the long term; that is the only problem in this picture.

No body is stopping the civilian set-up / politicians from doing work for the welfare of the nation / country, provided they get free from their own lavish expenditures. Rs.1,300,000/-is the daily kitchen expense of the President House, Rs.1,400,000/- is the kitchen expense of Prime Minister House, so just do the maths and you will see the clear picture of how much is spend monthly & yearly on these 2 kitchens and how many poor people could have been helped if such huge lavish expenses on kitchens only could be stopped. Rs.26 crore meaning Rs.260,000,000/- just recently was the estimated cost of renovation of the Kitchen of the President house, a plan which soon would be approved. All these figure provided just couple of weeks back in Geo TV program Kamran Khan kae Saath. Now, just imagine, how much welfare work could have been done with this Rs.260,000,000/- instead of being used on renovating on the President's Kitchen.

And Sir, FF employs something close to 60% civilians as work force, rest are the retired military men. It operates hospitals, schools, scholarships, polytechnic schools, dispensaries which treat more civilians compared to ex-military men, educate civilians rather then ex-military men, children of ex-service men who all don't go to the military by the way, rather lead civilian lives. FF is working for the nation and not just catering to ex-military men, kindly get your facts & figures right. The same FF is one of the largest contributor to the tax net, thousands of people are earning their livelihood through the organizations being run by FF.

Bright people have earned scholarships from the very same FF, pursued their studies, went abroad and living the lives they dreamed for. Thousands of civilians are leading their careers after having studied through FF schools & gotten scholarships to support their studies.

Kindly open your eyes and see that FF is working for the people of Pakistan, its now the turn of the politicians to follow the model of FF and do something for the people, instead they are spending 1.3-1.4Million rupees per day on their kitchen expenses and spending Rs.260,000,000/- on renovating just a kitchen of a house which houses the President of this poor aid surviving country.
No body is stopping the civilian set-up / politicians from doing work for the welfare of the nation / country, provided they get free from their own lavish expenditures. Rs.1,300,000/-is the daily kitchen expense of the President House, Rs.1,400,000/- is the kitchen expense of Prime Minister House, so just do the maths and you will see the clear picture of how much is spend monthly & yearly on these 2 kitchens and how many poor people could have been helped if such huge lavish expenses on kitchens only could be stopped. Rs.26 crore meaning Rs.260,000,000/- just recently was the estimated cost of renovation of the Kitchen of the President house, a plan which soon would be approved. All these figure provided just couple of weeks back in Geo TV program Kamran Khan kae Saath. Now, just imagine, how much welfare work could have been done with this Rs.260,000,000/- instead of being used on renovating on the President's Kitchen.

And Sir, FF employs something close to 60% civilians as work force, rest are the retired military men. It operates hospitals, schools, scholarships, polytechnic schools, dispensaries which treat more civilians compared to ex-military men, educate civilians rather then ex-military men, children of ex-service men who all don't go to the military by the way, rather lead civilian lives. FF is working for the nation and not just catering to ex-military men, kindly get your facts & figures right. The same FF is one of the largest contributor to the tax net, thousands of people are earning their livelihood through the organizations being run by FF.

Bright people have earned scholarships from the very same FF, pursued their studies, went abroad and living the lives they dreamed for. Thousands of civilians are leading their careers after having studied through FF schools & gotten scholarships to support their studies.

Kindly open your eyes and see that FF is working for the people of Pakistan, its now the turn of the politicians to follow the model of FF and do something for the people, instead they are spending 1.3-1.4Million rupees per day on their kitchen expenses and spending Rs.260,000,000/- on renovating just a kitchen of a house which houses the President of this poor aid surviving country.

Great post, and I agree with it. Politicians are the worst offenders at wasting national resources.

(............ and as a former FF scholarship recipient myself, I am still grateful for that precious and timely assistance once upon a time.)
well army cant lead any nation only elected govt can lead any nation

well Pakistan need few good leaders and on right time they have to cut army and isi power by one single shot

its bad luck for Pakistan that both govt and army both used them .
Sorry to be off-topic, is to me that Mr.Ten Percent's son looks like the dude from the Twilight movies? :blink:


Yep, both Vampires - except that the Bhutto/Zardari clan is sucking the blood out of Pakistan ...
well army cant lead any nation only elected govt can lead any nation

well Pakistan need few good leaders and on right time they have to cut army and isi power by one single shot

its bad luck for Pakistan that both govt and army both used them .

our love have no business of lead or rule . nation love its men in uniform as defenders of home +helping hand when nation need+ an firewall from internal external threats .why should not we love them simply?
i think its because PA represents middle, lower middle and poor class of Pakistan. They have shown to pakistan that without corruption and hardwork you can have a good life. Honesty, and then pledge to die for a country is how they have earned respect from Pakistani public. Along with that they have shown over time that sindi, baluchi, mohajir, kashmiri, pathan and punjabi are all united under one banner.

Only one functional institution in pakistan, therefore, a lot of repsect from all pakistanis.
Great post, and I agree with it. Politicians are the worst offenders at wasting national resources.

(............ and as a former FF scholarship recipient myself, I am still grateful for that precious and timely assistance once upon a time.)

And i had mentioned the scholarship part especially keeping that in mind ;) :P
Most people, when criticizing the PA (which it should be, when it makes mistakes) forget that it is a product of Pakistani society. So the comparisons of the PA to the other institutions inside Pakistan are perfectly legitimate, as all of them are products of Pakistani society. While the Army represent the middle, lower middle, lower class people of Pakistan regardless of ethnicity, the politicians represent the 'Pakistan oligarchy', the upper & privileged feudal class that loots the wealth of the land, by exploiting the people of the land. Quite frankly, despite all the flaws the Army has, it represents the best of the Pakistani society. Ideally speaking, we all want the Army to focus on its military activities. And honestly speaking, it has done quite a splendid job, which is seen in terms of the rapidly decreasing terrorism violence inside the country. Now looking at this civilian government, we have gas shortages, electricity shortages, etc; which is all the fault of the Army, if the liberal ghairat brigade is to be believed. The people are fed up with the civilian government, with their constant failures. Even the non-military projects managed by the Army produce far better results than what the civilian regime has to offer.
I do not forget my past, even though I have been strongly advised to change my flags.

However, I think it is time to consider that advice, sadly, for a number of reasons.

I don't think anyone has objections against anyone having any kinds of opinions on the Army. But what people have objection to is the use of conjecture & the lack of factual evidence when someone makes a claim. People also have objections against others when they are blinded by their intense dislike towards something, & are not willing to admit they are wrong when presented with facts.
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