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Why not indigenous route for Submarine force?


Jul 6, 2009
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Why not indigenous route for Submarine force? | idrw.org

India’s ageing fleet of submarines is matter of concern, since less than half of 14 submarine fleet can actually be deployed; Mazagaon Docks Limited (MDL) which is manufacturing locally Six Scorpene submarines from technology transfer from DCNS of France is already facing delays and first submarine which was under constructions from 2006 will only be delivered in 2015, and the project has gone over budget by 6000 crore.

Indian Navy will issue RFP (Request for Proposal) for a new line of six submarines with AIP (Air Independent Propulsion) capability designated Project 75-I. but the Indian navy has current requirement of around 24 to 30 Fleet of Diesel and Nuclear Submarines. Indian Navy currently operates Russian made Ins Chakra which is a nuclear power attack submarine (SSN) and India is also working on Ins Arihant which is a nuclear power ballistic missile submarine (SSBN).

Ins Arihant which is a 6,000 tonne vessel and an SSBN class submarine is actually much smaller then Ins Chakra which is a 8000 tonne vessel and a SSN submarine, diesel electric submarines are known as SSK class which are tasked for hunter-killer role, but Sea wolf-class Nuclear submarines operated by United states for hunter-killer role have displacement of near 8000 tonne, so Ins Arihant class submarines can be modified into hunter-killer role or SSN if required.

Sources have informed idrw.org that Arihant class can be made into SSN class but Current Naval requirements are development of new bigger SSBN class submarines after all four Arihant class submarines are delivered to Indian navy. India will be manufacturing Diesel submarines under Project 75-I under Technology transfer from the winning bidder, but whole process of RFP and selections and development will take time and considering delays which Scorpene submarines are facing it will be better if second line of Arihant class is started for SSN class submarines.
Why not indigenous route for Submarine force? | idrw.org

India’s ageing fleet of submarines is matter of concern, since less than half of 14 submarine fleet can actually be deployed; Mazagaon Docks Limited (MDL) which is manufacturing locally Six Scorpene submarines from technology transfer from DCNS of France is already facing delays and first submarine which was under constructions from 2006 will only be delivered in 2015, and the project has gone over budget by 6000 crore.

Indian Navy will issue RFP (Request for Proposal) for a new line of six submarines with AIP (Air Independent Propulsion) capability designated Project 75-I. but the Indian navy has current requirement of around 24 to 30 Fleet of Diesel and Nuclear Submarines. Indian Navy currently operates Russian made Ins Chakra which is a nuclear power attack submarine (SSN) and India is also working on Ins Arihant which is a nuclear power ballistic missile submarine (SSBN).

Ins Arihant which is a 6,000 tonne vessel and an SSBN class submarine is actually much smaller then Ins Chakra which is a 8000 tonne vessel and a SSN submarine, diesel electric submarines are known as SSK class which are tasked for hunter-killer role, but Sea wolf-class Nuclear submarines operated by United states for hunter-killer role have displacement of near 8000 tonne, so Ins Arihant class submarines can be modified into hunter-killer role or SSN if required.

Sources have informed idrw.org that Arihant class can be made into SSN class but Current Naval requirements are development of new bigger SSBN class submarines after all four Arihant class submarines are delivered to Indian navy. India will be manufacturing Diesel submarines under Project 75-I under Technology transfer from the winning bidder, but whole process of RFP and selections and development will take time and considering delays which Scorpene submarines are facing it will be better if second line of Arihant class is started for SSN class submarines.
bhai one word ghoos ki kamai
tech is too complex ??

nothing is too complex then sending a rocket like PSLV..or GSLV..it is what guru dutt just said..plus political will on the other hand it also depends upon how many do we need and should we invest a lot in building this technology or not..every technology takes time to develop but it also needs sustained funding and innovative minds
nothing is too complex then sending a rocket like PSLV..or GSLV..it is what guru dutt just said..plus political will on the other hand it also depends upon how many do we need and should we invest a lot in building this technology or not..every technology takes time to develop but it also needs sustained funding and innovative minds

I c sustained funding and innovative minds part more of a reason than just "ghoos ki kamai"
India has limited resources and talent. So it is placing its limited talent and resources on items that it cannot buy overseas and buy the rest of items that others are willing to lease or sell.
A diesel electric submarine can also be converted into a nuclear submarine. Just add a nuclear reactor. What an idiotic article. The ins arihant is 6000 tons. so it should also be a ssk? the nautilus was under 4000 ton. So that makes it convertible to diesel electric? Havins said this. Who will make the engine, drive train, AIP for a diesel electric? The essence of the SSN is stealth and speed. speed means more powerful reactor. Seriously man, do these guys even research or they make college kids write fantasy requirements.
A diesel electric submarine can also be converted into a nuclear submarine. Just add a nuclear reactor. What an idiotic article. The ins arihant is 6000 tons. so it should also be a ssk? the nautilus was under 4000 ton. So that makes it convertible to diesel electric? Havins said this. Who will make the engine, drive train, AIP for a diesel electric? The essence of the SSK is stealth and speed. speed means more powerful reactor. Seriously man, do these guys even research or they make college kids write fantasy requirements.

Mate it is nearly impossible to convert a SSK into a SSN or SSBN. There are many practical problems including placing the mini reactor in such a way that it's isolated from other compartments of Sub. It helps in reducing the radiation dose faced by crew members overall. SSK is slower than a SSN either on surface or below water. SSN's speed comes down when it's on surface compared to when it's under water but still faster than SSKs. It happens due to its design. As you named USS Nautilus, its design was older so it was able to go faster on surface while underwater speed came down. For second part, stealth, SSK coupled with good AIP is more silent than a SSN. It can be used as a moving listening post. But a SSN which is more noisy(compared to SSK) can be useful in hunting with intelligence gathering & special ops. Speed gives it the lethality. They can even go deeper than a SSK. There is only one problem with SSN that there is no effective alternate to nuke power while maintaining the status. SSK can shut down its reactor & restart anytime while SSN can't because it will will take a lot of time to again make it working.

My best advice for our navy will be to go for 2 Arihant class SSN, 2 same class SSGN & 2 replacement of Arihant class as a stop gap measure. We can induct them with in 2020 if navy want. 1 single SSN performs equal to 3 SSKs in coastal areas while in deeper sea 1 SSN performs equal to 5 SSKs. So hypothetically we will have capability of at least 12 to 15 working SSKs at our disposal in any time.
A diesel electric submarine can also be converted into a nuclear submarine. Just add a nuclear reactor. What an idiotic article. The ins arihant is 6000 tons. so it should also be a ssk? the nautilus was under 4000 ton. So that makes it convertible to diesel electric? Havins said this. Who will make the engine, drive train, AIP for a diesel electric? The essence of the SSK is stealth and speed. speed means more powerful reactor. Seriously man, do these guys even research or they make college kids write fantasy requirements.

Ins Arihant is SSBN and not SSK and it can be SSN, Attack submarines are not domain of Diesel submarines , look at US navy where attack submarines are all nuclear . Chakra can be SSBN but it has been downgraded by Russians for SSN role , it is common IQ that submarines can be made to take different roles .

SSK and Reactors ??? seriously :what: SSK are Diesel powered submarines and SSN (N=nuclear) are Nuclear powered submarines both are build for attack roles , better you brush up on your research .
RISING SUN , i agree with your views , Modern Diesel engines along with AIP in SSK are making them near invisible but lack of range and weapons carrying capacity also makes them good for protection off territorial waters , our SSBN will be operated in deeper waters so there is a requirement for SSN for protection and escort even for AC and that's why we have Chakra but we will need our own fleet someday so it is not a bad idea to produce some SSN based on Arihant class , we sure will be moving to heaver SSBN in future .
you stupid or just being acting plain stupid :tdown:

Its a fact that India has limited resources and talent because its still a poor country and many of its best and brightest leave India. This is on top of the fact that India do not produce that many talented engineers relative to its size of population. As a result, India need to use its resources wisely.
RISING SUN , i agree with your views , Modern Diesel engines along with AIP in SSK are making them near invisible but lack of range and weapons carrying capacity also makes them good for protection off territorial waters , our SSBN will be operated in deeper waters so there is a requirement for SSN for protection and escort even for AC and that's why we have Chakra but we will need our own fleet someday so it is not a bad idea to produce some SSN based on Arihant class , we sure will be moving to heaver SSBN in future .

Most countries build SSN before SSBN. India is the first country to build SSBN first before SSN. But building SSBN can be independent of SSN.

Russia would be willing to lease SSN to India, so that could be why India never created its own SSN.

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