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Why Nasr is a demotivating agent.

Alpha BeeTee

Apr 23, 2015
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Ok guys,we are all talking a bit too much about Nasr lately.
IMO,Nasr is doing it's job very well as a minimum credicble dett. thingy but if I think of Nasr from the perspective of the Indian soldiers and officers who may be demanded to lauch on an offensive on Pakistan in the future,the Nasr phenomenon is a scary and demotivating one.
An average officer/soldier of the advancing Indian military is facing the hardship of a battlefield.He is fighting the enemy (read Pakistan) will all his valour and fortitude.All his energies are being consumed already.
As he has been indoctrinated ever since his childhood,he believes that Pakistanis are crazy,evil and mentally challenged,so anything can be expected of them.
Given all that in his mind,how will he be able to overcome the psycological pressure and fear of being nuked,bring burned to a painful death ! Because when he's fighting on the border,he knows that the devil,the Nasr is coming anytime,any second.It's coming !
It's another thing to fight a war with bullets and tanks,you have hope.Hope for survival,hope of victory.Hope of all the good things which might come after the victory.
But what can you say about the motivation levels and psycological condition of entire divs,fighting the war with the fear of being nuked to death any second.
I say the Nasr has already won.The Nasr has given victory to life on both sides of the border.None wants to face it,none wants to use it.
And that's why our nukes strangest of all,they guarentee peace instead of war.They guarentee life instead of death.
Ok guys,we are all talking a bit too much about Nasr lately.
IMO,Nasr is doing it's job very well as a minimum credicble dett. thingy but if I think of Nasr from the perspective of the Indian soldiers and officers who may be demanded to lauch on an offensive on Pakistan in the future,the Nasr phenomenon is a scary and demotivating one.
An average officer/soldier of the advancing Indian military is facing the hardship of a battlefield.He is fighting the enemy (read Pakistan) will all his valour and fortitude.All his energies are being consumed already.
As he has been indoctrinated ever since his childhood,he believes that Pakistanis are crazy,evil and mentally challenged,so anything can be expected of them.
Given all that in his mind,how will he be able to overcome the psycological pressure and fear of being nuked,bring burned to a painful death ! Because when he's fighting on the border,he knows that the devil,the Nasr is coming anytime,any second.It's coming !
It's another thing to fight a war with bullets and tanks,you have hope.Hope for survival,hope of victory.Hope of all the good things which might come after the victory.
But what can you say about the motivation levels and psycological condition of entire divs,fighting the war with the fear of being nuked to death any second.
I say the Nasr has already won.The Nasr has given victory to life on both sides of the border.None wants to face it,none wants to use it.
And that's why our nukes strangest of all,they guarentee peace instead of war.They guarentee life instead of death.
Agreed, NASR is a nightmare for Indian Army, They are frightened and there Cold Start Doctrine is itself in cold.
You do know that Nasr will only be used on Pakistani soil
They won't be used if Indian Troops have not made any significant gains against Pakistan

So my question is Will Pakistan Nuke Lahore and Sialkot just to kill 100000 Indian Troops and destroy 1000+ tanks
You do know that Nasr will only be used on Pakistani soil
They won't be used if Indian Troops have not made any significant gains against Pakistan

So my question is Will Pakistan Nuke Lahore and Sialkot just to kill 100000 Indian Troops and destroy 1000+ tanks
Nasr will be used on Lahore ??
Dude,are you serious ? Which 'experts' tell u these stories ?
Kindly stop listening to them.
You do know that Nasr will only be used on Pakistani soil
They won't be used if Indian Troops have not made any significant gains against Pakistan

So my question is Will Pakistan Nuke Lahore and Sialkot just to kill 100000 Indian Troops and destroy 1000+ tanks
we'll surprise you....just get that many troops into our border first!!
Of course its a demotivating agent. IRS a nuclear bomb. Nuclear bombs are detterents and as they detter they demotivate the opposition.

A full nuclear bomb with a high payload detter a war between the two nations as both nuclear nations will never take the course of MAD ( mutual assured destruction) ..

A tactical nuke nasr was made to deter the prospect of the Indian cold start doctrine.

The cold start doctrine emphasizes on the deployment of large forces capturing 500 to 1000 km in a small amount of time as a form of punishment in the event of a terror attack and will return those captured territories when the war. The speed is based on capturing the said lands before international community has time to intervene...

Nasr was created to demotivate this operation. With the option of using a contained nuclear blast to target huge swathes of Indian military forces it would make India think twice before invading bcz Pakistan would have used it on its own soil against an invading force... Chances are high India would not retaliate.

However what many don't understand is Pakistan will only use nasr when their line of defense is breached and India enters through.... The main focus will be conventional and when that fails then nasr. The contained nuclear blast will target advancing Indian forces... We won't use nasr before a conventional fight along the border.. When the first line is breached the second line of defense will have nasr and thus use them. We only have a chance of getting away with it if the blast is in Pakistan.. If its India then nuclear retaliation can happen.

So long story short nasr was created to be a demotivating factor and its doing urs job great just as our other missiles are doing as well. The greater range, payload, accuracy and sophistication we gain the stronger the detterent becomes and encompasses more nations...
I think u need Burnol.
Yeah sky is blue,first find out whats your nuclear policy then come and talk to me about burnol.do you see any senior and sane pakistani members posting here,because they know your nuclear policy.
delusion at its best.

So you think that Pak army is stupid enough to Nuke Indian Troops while they are 50 km inside Indian border

we'll surprise you....just get that many troops into our border first!!

That's why I mentioned Lahore and Sialkot
Since these 2 cities are like 30 km from Indian border
And as per Kayani Pakistan will use Nasr if Indians make significant gains inside Pakistan
That could only means capturing Lahore
NASR is surely a demotivational agent,but for Pakistan only.

You see,we know a bluff when we see one.everyone knows that Pakistan neither has gut,nor intention to fire nuke in their own land and kill not only Indian soldiers but Pakistanis as well,along with the devastating effect for the future.And what for,only to find out World incarcerating Pakistan for using nuke first since 1945 and not only definitely tougher ban but possibly even force them to give up their weapons as well.

You see,in PDF,NASR may be an "Wonder Weapon",but in real world,its a blunder of astronomical magnitude for Pakistan.

Now why it is a "demotivational agent" for Pakistan??Because it is infusing Pakistan with a false sense of security,what they should pursue is to make themselves strong using conventional capabilities..There are billions of weapons that can be purchased to stop any such armor thrust.be it ATGMs,Electronic warfare weapons,standoff weapons or cluster bombs.Instead of that,they're making nukes,a fail safe weapon but strictly a "No-No" in case of conventional war.so,not only they're making fool out of themselves,they're fooling their gullible citizens as well.And we all know what will happen in the next war.Pakistan will lose it and Citizens will riot in the streets for not using "Nuke" on Indian soldiers and Pakistan Army back in the power again using similar excuses(if they'll not already).
Ok guys,we are all talking a bit too much about Nasr lately.
IMO,Nasr is doing it's job very well as a minimum credicble dett. thingy but if I think of Nasr from the perspective of the Indian soldiers and officers who may be demanded to lauch on an offensive on Pakistan in the future,the Nasr phenomenon is a scary and demotivating one.
An average officer/soldier of the advancing Indian military is facing the hardship of a battlefield.He is fighting the enemy (read Pakistan) will all his valour and fortitude.All his energies are being consumed already.
As he has been indoctrinated ever since his childhood,he believes that Pakistanis are crazy,evil and mentally challenged,so anything can be expected of them.
Given all that in his mind,how will he be able to overcome the psycological pressure and fear of being nuked,bring burned to a painful death ! Because when he's fighting on the border,he knows that the devil,the Nasr is coming anytime,any second.It's coming !
It's another thing to fight a war with bullets and tanks,you have hope.Hope for survival,hope of victory.Hope of all the good things which might come after the victory.
But what can you say about the motivation levels and psycological condition of entire divs,fighting the war with the fear of being nuked to death any second.
I say the Nasr has already won.The Nasr has given victory to life on both sides of the border.None wants to face it,none wants to use it.
And that's why our nukes strangest of all,they guarentee peace instead of war.They guarentee life instead of death.
What kinda crap is this? Shrinks seem to be in short supply in Pakistan! :o: :crazy:
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