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Why Most Local and Foreign Fighters in Syria are Heroes

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Jan 2, 2012
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Why Most Local and Foreign Fighters in Syria are Heroes | Bilal Abdul Kareem Journalist
Posted by: Bilal Abdul Kareem in Articles 3 days ago Comments Off 176129 Views


Disclaimer: The following article will probably be looked at as a promotion of terrorism and terrorists because the author is Muslim. For additional results, please look at the following text as if the author is non Muslim if the narrative disturbs you.

A chlorine gas attack by Bashar Assad in Idlib, the second attack in recent days, has left 6 residents in the town of Saraqeb dead and many more rushed to local hospitals. Haunting videos have surfaced of doctors attempting to revive children and others affected by the attack.

United States ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said: ““We need an attribution mechanism so we know precisely who carried out these attacks. All the evidence shows that they come from helicopters – only the Assad regime has helicopters.” There have been numerous chemical attacks on the Syrian people by Bashar Assad since the revolution began. Numerous. After watching the video of the aftermath of the attack, Power said, “If there was a dry eye in the room, I didn’t see it.”

Let’s assume that her empathy for the suffering people is genuine, and to be honest, I do believe it is real. After all, watching people writhe in agony and die on the floor of a packed hospital is not fun. However, other realities come to surface. No one is coming to help the Syrian people. Period. Emotions will not force the Iranian, Russian, Chinese, and Hizbollah backed government of Bashar Assad from power. This is the stark reality. All of the meetings of the “Friends of Syria”(remember them?) and the outpouring of emotions from governments around the world did not amount to true intervention. Actually, it is only because ISIS beheaded some westerners and decided to post it on TV did the West intervene. Subsequently, when they did intervene they left Assad alone and went after ISIS only. That said a lot about how much their “emotions” govern their moral compass.

Using all of this as a backdrop, let us look at what Mujahideen forces are doing in the region. They have cleansed huge swaths of territory of the forces of Bashar Assad. In those non ISIS territories Christians have not been terrorized, nor have there been punishments for women not covering their faces, nor have there been reports of minority groups being forced out. There are widespread reports of aid being distributed, fighters (both foreign and local) forming front lines to stop any incursion of Bashar’s army from reprisal attacks upon the civilian population and more. Why don’t these Islamic groups garner an infinitesimal micro fraction of the media coverage that the lunatics of ISIS get? Simple. Their actions don’t fit the desired narrative. These are the very groups that are frowned upon by westerners and those outside of the region. To be clear I am talking about Jabha Nusra, Ahrar Asham, and other than them (notice ISIS is not mentioned here, more on that later). While it is true that Jabha Nusra is a part of Al Qaida there is no proof or even allegations that they have participated in any attacks or plans of attacks outside of the Syrian conflict. I am also speaking about the numerous foreigners who went to Syria to fight the tyranny of Assad. Those same foreigners who are demonized in the media for realizing that huge gatherings of western powers in five star hotels with political figures (SNC to be exact) who have no power in the actual Syrian territories, will not force Assad from power. They realize that it was bullets and muscle that forced Bashar out of much of the northern territories and not emotional statements from the likes of western diplomats. Do some of those fighters, both local and foreign carry out atrocities? Yes. However whenever you have more than 100,000 fighters anywhere in the world, there will always be those bad apples. The key question is: Are these atrocities the policies of those groups? I would say absolutely not.

ISIS’s atrocities are a part of their group policy and they will tell you that. They advertise their ugliness on youtube so there will be no misunderstandings. However most of the other groups have been putting their lives on the line to achieve what others have only talked about; the removal of the murderous regime of Bashar Assad. So it should be clear why they fight. It should also be clear why they don’t care if the west gives their blessings or not. Nor do the foreign fighters care if their respective governments sanction their going to Syria to fight or not. That’s like telling Americans that they shouldn’t fight after Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941.

Some out there will say that those Islamic groups are not fighting for democratic principles. To that I would say the world’s democracies have failed the Syrian people and watched as hundreds of thousands of them have died needlessly. Russia, considered a democracy, has been supplying the regime with the bombs it is using to kill Syrians. China, considered to be the 2nd largest democracy, has been supplying Assad with all the political cover it has needed on the international stage. Hence, China was added to Assad’s 2014 inaugural speech as being of the nations that has “helped” his regime. Iran, also considered a democracy (of sorts), has been the biggest supporter of the killing in Syria. The UN, which is supposed to be the champion of Democracy, itself is NOT A DEMOCRACY. The US, UK, France, China, and Russia all have the authority to veto any resolution the entire world adopts. This means that Assad can go on killing as long as the Russians need to maintain the only military base they have in the middle east, which is in Syrian territory, and therefore any planetary backed resolutions will meet with Russian veto power. As long as the Chinese want to continue their global cold war games with the US, Assad will have their support as well. So I ask you: Where are the Syrian people in all this???

Foreign fighters are the vast minority of fighters in Syria. Most western governments don’t want to talk about that. While they have a strong presence, the major force of this war are the Syrians themselves. Foreigners going to fight in the ranks of ISIS is a bad idea. It is also a criminal offense both from an Islamic standpoint and from a legal one. However, no one can say with a straight face that they can’t understand why Islamic fighters fight, unless they are being disingenuous not only with the questioner but to themselves as well. Just think back to Rwanda in 1994. While the world powers had some meetings and discussions, the Hutu were busy slaughtering almost a million helpless Rwandans in a genocide that was not hidden from anyone with a TV. Do you think that Rwandans would have turned down a Jabha Nusra intervention in April of 1994? Maybe the powers that be are content to see more massacres, albeit with heavy hearts (maybe), but don’t act surprised when Islamic fighters are not willing to bear witness to the slaughter of their brethren without trying to stop it.


@monitor @khair_ctg @kalu_miah @kobiraaz @extra terrestrial @Bilal9 @aazidane @Saiful Islam @asad71 @idune @MBI Munshi @iajdani@Skallagrim @UKBengali @mb444 @fallstuff @the just @Khalid Newazi @Jay12345 @Loki @Al-zakir @Bengal.Tiger@Abdullah Bangladeshi @T-Rex @masud

@Akheilos@Armstrong @balixd @chauvunist@pkuser2k12 @Sedqal @Zarvan @Donatello @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @PWFI @S.U.R.B. @airmarshal @patriotpakistan@Abu Zolfiqar @aks18 @Horus @Chak Bamu @qamar1990 @Musalman @tesla @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @Al Bhatti @Hazzy997 @karakoram @American Pakistani @ShowGun @قناص @K-Xeroid @Hakan @Falcon29 @IbnTaymiyyah @TankMan @AXO4D@Pakistani sipahi @terry5 @Jamaal Yelmaaz @syedali73 @Rakan.SA @JUBA @DRaisinHerald @Umair Nawaz @Alienoz_TR @Oublious
Foreign fighters are the vast minority of fighters in Syria.
Most of the fighters in Syria are foreigners.

Saudi citizens are the most responsive to joining ISIS, as indicated by new semi-official statistics, which show that the number of Saudi fighters in ISIS reached 7,000.

Foreign fighters joining ISIS:

  • Saudis: 7,000 (from 15000)
  • Tunisians: 5,000
  • Jordanians: 2,500
The statistics also show that the number of foreign fighters joining ISIS' ranks have been rapidly growing after the organisation took control of Mosul, Ar-Raqqah, and Deir ez-Zor, after taking over most of Anbar and Salahuddin. It also suggests that the number of foreign ISIS fighters has reached over 15,000 from all over the Muslim world, as well as many European countries, noting that the true number of fighters is well over 15,000.

According to the American website Daily Paul, which specialises in security affairs, the second highest number of non-Syrian or Iraqi ISIS fighters come from Tunisia, which are estimated at 5,000 fighters, followed by Jordan, with 2,500 fighters. Meanwhile, Palestinian-Israelis amount to about "20 fighters."

Although most Western statistics confirm that the Saudi fighters make up the largest share of foreign fighters, Saudi Arabia considers this to be a false exaggeration aimed to "distort the image of Saudi Arabia and label its citizens as terrorists," according to Abdul Moneim Al-Mushawwah, the director of the Sakina Campaign, concerned with combatting extremist and violent ideology in Saudi Arabia. In his statement to Al-Arabiya net, he added: "Yes there are Saudi fighters that have joined the ranks of ISIS, just as there are fighters from most other countries, but the Saudis make up the least number of fighters."

A previous study showed that no less than 24 of every 26 ISIS members are from foreign countries. The study published by Long War says that ISIS fighters come from Africa, Asia, Europe, America, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Chechnya, France, Germany and the US. Statistics show that 65 per cent of the foreign fighters are Saudi, 20 per cent are Libyan and Tunisian and 15 per cent are from various other nationalities, and that 44 per cent of ISIS' causalities are Saudi fighters.

Total number

In recent estimations published by the CIA, there are between 20,000 and 31,500 ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria.

CIA spokesman Ryan Trapani said that these estimations are based on a review of intelligence reports from May to August 2014.

Trapani attributed the increase of 10,000 fighters to the organisation's stronger recruitment since June following battlefield successes and the group's declaration of a caliphate.

European fighters

Daily Paul published a new map showing the number of Arab and Western fighters who joined ISIS. This map showed that the Gulf states and Jordan are ranked number one in terms of the number of fighters coming from those countries, followed by Africa and then Europe.

In terms of Europeans, Britain is ranked first with the largest number of fighters, followed by France, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. Britain's the Independent newspaper revealed that the British fighters make up a quarter of the European foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq.

The newspaper also estimated that the number of British citizens fighting with ISIS range between 200 and 2,000.

Also most of their supporters are saudi:

How do these iranian zealots define terrorism? It seems they take a leaf out of bush & blair's methodology of defining terrorist. Anyone against their interest is a terrorist. In that sense ISIS loons should not be terrorist according to Iran , since they r protecting iranian interest in syria pretty well.
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yeah if we believe such words, talibans were heroes too.
wonder rebels and Asad are both killing innocents, but the worst are the foreign fighters.

who cares fanatics, jihadi minded, retarded people say they are heroes .
nazis were heroes for nazis . ...and?
You just added to Iranian ignore list for supporting terrorism in syria !

I hope your zealous blood thirsty regime also adds syrians to ignore list and leave syria since ordinary syrians also support "terrorism" in syria against that low life Iranian filth called assad.
He is a well known journalist who covered the syrian from the war zone for 2 years. Suffice to say he knows more abt syria than u piss TV trolls and has more credibility than piss tv.

the anna news channel ( russian language ) is lot more reliable than any pro-moderate-terrorist or pro-full-terrorist propaganda channel like bbc, al-jazeera, cnn etc

anna news channel knows more about syria than you or the traitor here ( thrax ) and one female traitor ( forget her user-name ).

here is latest from anna news...

@vostok @ptldM3 what are they saying??

@Syrian Lion you are not to be seen nowadays... can you look at the vid please??
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