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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

The funny but hard reality is: that the Gunners i.e. Artillery of Shivaji's army and later right upto the Peshwas almost exclusively were Muslims as were a good lot of the Commanders. Ditto with the Rajput Kings.
Like wise; Shivaji's father Shahaji Bhonsale and eve Shivaji himself (for a while atleast) were Commanders of Forces for the Sultan of Bijapur. Shahaji was in fact their Subahdar.
But do the GOONS and BABOONS of the Shiv Sena led by that Idiot Balu ever understand that? :lol:

I know bro, its puzzling they cant fathom that Indian Muslims helped so much. Seriously, these textbooks need to be f-king revized big time. Its a win-win if we do so asap.
Even the earlier term of M.K.Narayanan got screwed up by a Dy. NSA who was an IFS guy i.e. J.N.Dixit.

Quick correction. J.N Dixit preceded Narayanan as the NSA though you are right that as security advisor to the PM, Narayanan had frequent tiffs with the then NSA Dixit.

. Seriously, these textbooks need to be f-king revized big time. Its a win-win if we do so asap.

Standard rule - People will find a way to believe what they want to regardless of whatever there is in any textbook.
What the hell happened to this thread. ?

Parrikar as "Raksha Mantri" will prove to be as useful for India as Doval being NSA. Honest, Decisive and nationalist persons should be heading these two positions.
Evidence and proof plz....otherwise its all lies. Back it up hun..back it up ......

LOL. You did not know about Lord Risley. You do not know anything about Indian history and yet you are standing there arguing. Go and educate yourself first before you come to an argument.
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So now you think Mughals were perfect? They had a plan to convert all hindus. It required time. Why do you think many Muslims still regret not being able to completely convert India?

Did I say the Mughals were perfect? So what strawman argument are you bringing in?

Im not here to fight and I see you clearly are civil. I have no hard feelings towards Hindus. I hold many in high esteem. Im only pointing out caste because no matter where I go, I am Indian. Foreigners don;t lump me up as Hindu, Buddhist, whatever. Its an issue that needs to be fixed.

It is the secular media and West who are anti-Hindus who profit by constantly dragging in caste. The issue has been in the fixing for a long time and they would be at the losing end should caste practice no longer be associated with Hinduism. So their motive in bringing up caste is one-up-manship and no concern for any downtrodden. It would be better you told them to shove their concerns where the sun does not shine.

Believe me, I know Christianity is not perfect (far from it) but your friend Sahasrama started this whole incident by blaming all Indian Christians. Don't you agree, that is completely wrong? Do you think any Indian supported the Goan Inquisition? How come not one single Indian person till now has not loaded a petition on CHANGE.ORG asking the Vatican to apologize for the GOAN INQUSITION? It went on for 400 yrs?

It is for the Goans to ask for apology from the Vatican which the Hindus will do not because of Sickularism.

You do not have enough knowledge base to criticize Hinduism. So better stick to what you know.
Why blame Pakistanis and Chinese when we ourselves are de railing own thread meant for constructive discussion

Anyways on topic : Having read parrikar's credential am sure he'll do hell of a lot better than incorruptibles but then again these gut feelings are nothing but one's optimism - only time will tell if he's any better than incorruptibles of the past. Also i hope they do have a very good reason for the delay in allotting a person such an important portfolio.
The funny but hard reality is: that the Gunners i.e. Artillery of Shivaji's army and later right upto the Peshwas almost exclusively were Muslims as were a good lot of the Commanders. Ditto with the Rajput Kings.
Like wise; Shivaji's father Shahaji Bhonsale and eve Shivaji himself (for a while atleast) were Commanders of Forces for the Sultan of Bijapur. Shahaji was in fact their Subahdar.
But do the GOONS and BABOONS of the Shiv Sena led by that Idiot Balu ever understand that? :lol:

Yeah, people of Maharashtra do not know their own history, only fools like you know it.

Believe me, I know Christianity is not perfect (far from it) but your friend Sahasrama started this whole incident by blaming all Indian Christians. Don't you agree, that is completely wrong? Do you think any Indian supported the Goan Inquisition? How come not one single Indian person till now has not loaded a petition on CHANGE.ORG asking the Vatican to apologize for the GOAN INQUSITION? It went on for 400 yrs?

Its Portugal's government job to apologize for Goa's Inquisition and I don't believe getting an apology is any important for Indians. Moreover, Portuguese feel very butthurt about the 1961 military action and the way Portuguese language got wiped out of Goa and most of the Portuguese seems have no regard for Indian culture(Portuguese think Luso-Indian culture is the real culture of Goa, not that of Hindu majority), so there is no possibility, they will ever apologize for Goa inqusition . You are talking to Indrani and Sahasranama, you will never convince them to look outside of the box so better for you to ignore them. ;)
Do not pretend to speak for others LOSER. Speak ONLY for yourself.
You are free to bark about Mumbai,thane,your marathi christian brothers or bal thackerey..
You don't know nothing about Kerala...So don't drag Kerala unnecessary with your idiocy,please FYI..Islam and Christianity religion in Kerala is very ancient and indigenous..
First mosque in India is 'Cheraman juma masjid(629AD) which is in kodungallur,KERALA...
First church in India is Mar thoma church(52AD.),which is also in palayur,KERALA..
Yeah, people of Maharashtra do not know their own history, only fools like you know it.

LOLLLLL; yet another ignorant faithful follower of "Imbecile Balu" surfaces here......... :rofl:
All the people of Maharashtra are not chamchas of T.Balu. Read up about Shahaji Bhonsale and Shivaji and their relationship with Bijapur Sultans.
Or what role Dadaji Konddeo played in mentoring Shivaji.
LOLLLLL; yet another ignorant faithful follower of "Imbecile Balu" surfaces here......... :rofl:
All the people of Maharashtra are not chamchas of T.Balu. Read up about Shahaji Bhonsale and Shivaji and their relationship with Bijapur Sultans.
Or what role Dadaji Konddeo played in mentoring Shivaji.

LOL. Another Islamic imbecile from Delhi descends to lecture on Maharastrians. Shivaji's father was a commander in the Nizamshahi military but Maratha history starts with Shivaji and not his father. All dealings with Muslims were just in the context of the political landscape of that region at that time.

Maharashtra has always been a Hindutva state. Also laughable that Dadaji Kondeo, a Brahmin, mentoring Shivaji is seen as some sort of Islamic benevolence. The stupidity of minions of Islam never ceases to amaze me.

Shivaji who called Mussalman rakhshas is ample proof of what mentoring Dadai Kondeo provided to Shivaji ;)
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Did I say the Mughals were perfect? So what strawman argument are you bringing in?

It is the secular media and West who are anti-Hindus who profit by constantly dragging in caste. The issue has been in the fixing for a long time and they would be at the losing end should caste practice no longer be associated with Hinduism. So their motive in bringing up caste is one-up-manship and no concern for any downtrodden. It would be better you told them to shove their concerns where the sun does not shine.

It is for the Goans to ask for apology from the Vatican which the Hindus will do not because of Sickularism.

You do not have enough knowledge base to criticize Hinduism. So better stick to what you know.

Nah you dont have enough knowledge when you clearly stated Indian Christians were against independence! Stop yapping away...you sound uneducated. You actually believe your BS. Caste the way it is portrayed and currently practiced is wrong. There is no way around it. Stop kidding yourself.
Its Portugal's government job to apologize for Goa's Inquisition and I don't believe getting an apology is any important for Indians. Moreover, Portuguese feel very butthurt about the 1961 military action and the way Portuguese language got wiped out of Goa and most of the Portuguese seems have no regard for Indian culture(Portuguese think Luso-Indian culture is the real culture of Goa, not that of Hindu majority), so there is no possibility, they will ever apologize for Goa inqusition . You are talking to Indrani and Sahasranama, you will never convince them to look outside of the box so better for you to ignore them. ;)

Claiming its Portugals job to apologize will accomplish what? You have to place the fire, to make them move. Such tactics are used everywhere, everytime.

If you challenge ppl. Bring up the facts worldwide and use publicitiy. Base it on the facts, not fillled with BS.........it will challenge such nations and ppl to either accept their wrongs or make a desperate attempt. We may ot care, but its important to challenge their ways. Make them remember their ways, even if its superficial. Forget about the Portuguese gov't. GO STRAIGHT TO THE VATICAN. THe current pope is very flexible ad ha done a great deal to correct the mistakes of the past. Its in our favor ad the ball is in out court.

If I go to CHANGE.ORG and sumt this petition, can you and everyone sign to this and demand action?
LOL. Another Islamic imbecile from Delhi descends to lecture on Maharastrians. Shivaji's father was a commander in the Nizamshahi military but Maratha history starts with Shivaji and not his father. All dealings with Muslims were just in the context of the political landscape of that region at that time.

Maharashtra has always been a Hindutva state. Also laughable that Dadaji Kondeo, a Brahmin, mentoring Shivaji is seen as some sort of Islamic benevolence. The stupidity of minions of Islam never ceases to amaze me.

Shivaji who called Mussalman rakhshas is ample proof of what mentoring Dadai Kondeo provided to Shivaji ;)

The point made was there were Muslims who worked with the Marathas under Shivaji. You clearly blind because you act as if no single Muslim has never fought against Foreigners and for Independence. Amazing how clueless you really are. You are a product of SHiv Sena ideology, that's your grasp is so limited.
LOL. You did not know about Lord Risley. You do not know anything about Indian history and yet you are standing there arguing. Go and educate yourself first before you come to an argument.

So I don;t follow up on Lord Risley and you claim I dont know anything about India. Why are you laughing when you are the fool? You claimed Indian Christians were against Independence LOL....go educate yourself idiot.
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