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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

Why do you always have to bring BJP in? I am asking what a possible candidate for the DM post brings in, since I don't know him or his background. I am more than happy if we have a propper DM ASAP, although being hand picked by Modi tells us something.

the article says so.

Modi is hand-picking Parrikar, sources say, for his administrative abilities and clean image. With major defence modernisation projects underway, the scope for hanky-panky in defence deals is enormous. An IIT Bombay graduate, Parrikar is considered energetic and efficient, someone with the ability to take tough calls when needed.
Stop talking nonsense.

Herbert Hope Risley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Full text of "Codification in British India"

Why do you need proof for existence of caste in Indian Christians? Do you not hear of Dalit Christians? Have they not been demanding reservation. Are you not ashamed of lying so blatantly?

If you think caste in Indian Christianity is all about class, why do you think it would be different in Hindus?

I have never heard of Dalit Christians? LOL who doesn't demand reservation? Why would I lie? I got nothing to hide or lie about. I already told you .....I don't really care. I can find and admit faults in Christianity. I already have. The issue is when I bring up Hinduism, its a problem. I think any religion should see its mistakes or problems or correct but what do I care. As a Human Being, i have every right to question what I see....

Class and Caste is are not the same. It's different because in Hinduism, its not about wealth. I already gave your friend ample proof to his stupid points. My only issue was with caste. Nothing more, nothing else.

Anyway, thanks for the links. It is great info but I don;t think the British were the first to do this. Didn't they learn this from the Mughals? Prior to them, weren't Hindus in certain areas misconstruing it for further gain? I know it was lax, not rigid in some areas.

But what would compel Buddha to hold a negative view on Caste? Food for thought. If Buddha can find fault with it, then why is it so hard for you to accept that much?

You Freak which point do you want me to prove ? ......can you be more specific ? are you asking me to repeat the whole argument again ? :lol:

Freak, I already told you present proof and evidence from sources other my posts to prove your BS claims. All your BS claims. Got it?:cheesy:
Freak, I already told you present proof and evidence from sources other my posts to prove your BS claims. All your BS claims. Got it?:cheesy:

How stupid are you ? :cheesy: .. I have not made any claims. All claims were made by you and you had to try and prove it and FAILED miserably. Show me one claim I made. :P ....... You can't. You can only shout abuses to cover your bigotry :lol:
I have never heard of Dalit Christians? LOL who doesn't demand reservation? Why would I lie? I got nothing to hide or lie about. I already told you .....I don't really care. I can find and admit faults in Christianity. I already have. The issue is when I bring up Hinduism, its a problem. I think any religion should see its mistakes or problems or correct but what do I care. As a Human Being, i have every right to question what I see....

Oh really? So it was Christians who made caste discrimination illegal in India? So it was a Christian who wrote the constitution for Hindus? So if it is not Hindus who have been making corrections in their religion, you think it is Christians who have been doing it? Hindus have had reforms going on all the time and it is they themselves who are removing all the ills in Hinduism of their own. So it is not Hindus who cannot handle a criticism, rather Hindus are reacting to the sustained propaganda by anti-Hindu Christian like yourself. The only people bringing up caste in everything and trying to divide and humiliate Hindus are Christians and seculars.

You have no right to talk about Hindus until and unless you have spoken about the ills in your community. When you make excuses like caste is about class in Christianity but different in Hinduism, then you are an apologist for the wrongs in your own religion.

Class and Caste is are not the same. It's different because in Hinduism, its not about wealth. I already gave your friend ample proof to his stupid points. My only issue was with caste. Nothing more, nothing else.

No you gave nothing. Caste was nonexistent in Hinduism and find me the word caste in any Hindu texts. We had varna system which got distorted under the stress of Islamic invasions and the manipulation of Christians.

Anyway, thanks for the links. It is great info but I don;t think the British were the first to do this. Didn't they learn this from the Mughals? Prior to them, weren't Hindus in certain areas misconstruing it for further gain? I know it was lax, not rigid in some areas.

There again speaks the apologist for all Christians and Christianity. No they did not learn it from Mughals. They brought their racial bias with them and tried to map Hindus according to skin coloring based on their own racism.

Indian society has been under assault from predatory religions and barbarians. You think a society which underwent so much devastation wont have any coping mechanisms? Any disturbances built into it?

But what would compel Buddha to hold a negative view on Caste? Food for thought. If you can claim Buddha to find fault with it, then why is it so hard for you to accept that much?

Provide the link where Buddha holds negative view on caste. Buddha was another Hindu among a long list of Hindus who had a different view point of their immediate society. Which is how there are so many view points existing in Hinduism from atheism to monism to polytheism. Because there are thousands such people in Hinduism holding forth their own views on what Dharma is.
Rajput. Man Singh I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vaishya Todar Mal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

??? Bhagwan Das - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You still do not have name of even 5 brahmins who sided with invaders.

Kayastha is a caste of scribes. Most of members of this caste who served Mughals, converted.

Seriously! What problem does Christians have with Brahmins?

I have seen such a pathological hatred among Christians towards Brahmins that it would give inferiority complex to Reinhard Heydrich. The anti Brahmin-Kshatriya polemic " Why i am not a Hindu " written by Kancha illiah would make Mein Kampf look like a literary masterpiece.He openly advocates massacre of caste Hindus ( of course after Dalits have converted to Christianity).

I am genuinely interested in answer ( not trolling ). I have seen Christian priests demonizing Brahmins so viciously that it would be termed as hate speech in even most ' Pro Freedom of speech' jurisdiction.

They believe eliminating Brahmins from the Hindu society would help them break up Hinduism and convert the lower castes into Christianity. They view Brahmins as pivot around which Hinduism organizes itself.
How stupid are you ? :cheesy: .. I have not made any claims. All claims were made by you and you had to try and prove it and FAILED miserably. Show me one claim I made. :P ....... You can't. You can only shout abuses to cover your bigotry :lol:

I don;t have to show you anything. Your claims are made in the posts your created. I countered, asking you to provide proof and evidence using other sources besides my post. Got it, stupid? I am still waiting back 7 pages ago! Its obvious you can't back your BS, that;s why you keep spinning. I won;t reply back anymore UNLESS YOU PROVIDE PROOF AND EVIDENCE TO the claims you used. Check all your posts, you made many claims. Again Im WAITING. If you go on without providing proof, then it means you failed .....then goodbye

They believe eliminating Brahmins from the Hindu society would help them break up Hinduism and convert the lower castes into Christianity. They view Brahmins as pivot around which Hinduism organizes itself.

Easier to control the masses, collect money, administer their land, etc.

Oh really? So it was Christians who made caste discrimination illegal in India? So it was a Christian who wrote the constitution for Hindus? So if it is not Hindus who have been making corrections in their religion, you think it is Christians who have been doing it? Hindus have had reforms going on all the time and it is they themselves who are removing all the ills in Hinduism of their own. So it is not Hindus who cannot handle a criticism, rather Hindus are reacting to the sustained propaganda by anti-Hindu Christian like yourself. The only people bringing up caste in everything and trying to divide and humiliate Hindus are Christians and seculars.

You have no right to talk about Hindus until and unless you have spoken about the ills in your community. When you make excuses like caste is about class in Christianity but different in Hinduism, then you are an apologist for the wrongs in your own religion.

No you gave nothing. Caste was nonexistent in Hinduism and find me the word caste in any Hindu texts. We had varna system which got distorted under the stress of Islamic invasions and the manipulation of Christians.

There again speaks the apologist for all Christians and Christianity. No they did not learn it from Mughals. They brought their racial bias with them and tried to map Hindus according to skin coloring based on their own racism.

Indian society has been under assault from predatory religions and barbarians. You think a society which underwent so much devastation wont have any coping mechanisms? Any disturbances built into it?

Provide the link where Buddha holds negative view on caste. Buddha was another Hindu among a long list of Hindus who had a different view point of their immediate society. Which is how there are so many view points existing in Hinduism from atheism to monism to polytheism. Because there are thousands such people in Hinduism holding forth their own views on what Dharma is.

Go back and read the link I provided on Buddha. A simple google search would assist you. Caste and varna is the same thing isn't it?

You stated Indian Christians did not fight for Independence. I provided much evidence? So automatically your arguement FAILS.

Haha, Intersting you brought up the Indian Constitution? Who wrote the Indian Constitution and did that person think about Hinduism/Caste? Haha, why did he convert to Buddhism? HAHAHAHAHHAA
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Easier to control the masses, collect money, administer their land, etc.

Go back and read the link I provided on Buddha. A simple google search would assist you. Caste and varna is the same thing isn't it?

You stated Indian Christians did not fight for Independence. I provided much evidence? So automatically your arguement FAILS.

Haha, Intersting you brought up the Indian Constitution? Who wrote the Indian Constitution and did that person think about Hinduism/Caste? Haha, why did he convert to Buddhism? HAHAHAHAHHAA

No, you did not prove anything. What Buddha said is what is written in Manu Smriti. Manu Smriti which is available online you can read. Varna is based on innate characteristic of an individual. As per Manu Smriti all are born shudras. It is education as per innate abilities which makes a person twice born and gives him a higher varna.

So Buddha was just being a Hindu when he said what he said.

Your links were all bogus links by Christians to whitewash their anti-Indian independence history. Not a single neutral source you have. Christians have always been trying to cover up their bad behavior and this is not something new.

Bhimrao Ambedkar was sponsored by a Hindu to study abroad. He understood Dharma well enough which is why he did not convert to Islam or Christianity. He preferred to remain in the dharmic fold. Also all Buddhist to this day worship Hindu gods and Hindus worship the Buddha, so we are not two different religion in any sense.
No, you did not prove anything. What Buddha said is what is written in Manu Smriti. Manu Smriti which is available online you can read. Varna is based on innate characteristic of an individual. As per Manu Smriti all are born shudras. It is education as per innate abilities which makes a person twice born and gives him a higher varna.

So Buddha was just being a Hindu when he said what he said.

Your links were all bogus links by Christians to whitewash their anti-Indian independence history. Not a single neutral source you have. Christians have always been trying to cover up their bad behavior and this is not something new.

Bhimrao Ambedkar was sponsored by a Hindu to study abroad. He understood Dharma well enough which is why he did not convert to Islam or Christianity. He preferred to remain in the dharmic fold. Also all Buddhist to this day worship Hindu gods and Hindus worship the Buddha, so we are not two different religion in any sense.

LOL. You guys will claim Buddha any chance you get. So now you;re saying Buddhism and Hinduism is the same LOL.

I did provide a single neutral source because of your complaints. It was the wiki link about the Mangalorean Catholics. There are many more stories, all you have to do is look for it.

Who cares if Bhimrao was sponsored by a Hindu? Why didn't he remain a HINDU if it was the same and there was no difference.

YOu are bogus. Get out of here with your retarded logic.

Prove your points with evidence and links. Otherwise, it all gibberish.
LOL. You guys will claim Buddha any chance you get. So now you;re saying Buddhism and Hinduism is the same LOL.

I did provide a single neutral source because of your complaints. It was the wiki link about the Mangalorean Catholics. There are many more stories, all you have to do is look for it.

Who cares if Bhimrao was sponsored by a Hindu? Why didn't he remain a HINDU if it was the same and there was no difference.

YOu are bogus. Get out of here with your retarded logic.

Prove your points with evidence and links. Otherwise, it all gibberish.

We do not claim anything we do not follow. Until recently all Buddhist temples in India were taken care of by Hindu priests. In its 2300 years of existence in India, Buddhism has been majorly patronized by Hindu kings. Go to any Buddhist countries, you will find Buddhists in Hindu temples. Buddhism has the same philosophies like Hinduism. Dharma, Karma, Moksha/Nirvana, Rebirth. So where is the split?

Yeah your neutral sources are more lying Christians whitewashing Christianity in India.

If Ambedkar was sponsored by Hindus then where is the question of discrimination? He made a political statement, by moving into Buddhism against the existing societal behavior. Something all Hindus accept and have been trying to rectify.

But, hey you are just another anti-Hindu bigot with limited understanding of the society you live in. So I do not expect you to understand anything or be truthful ever.
Christians fought for the independence of Pakistan. Many were on our side. Some names are Cornelius who was one of the longest serving chief justices of Pakistan. Pothan Joseph the journalist from Kerala also supported the Muslim League and these two figures were pioneers of the Christians quest to create a Pakistan where they would reside.

A large number of Goan catholics migrated to Pakistan believing their treatment would be better in a country where their religion was seen as similar... well Christians are known as the people of the book in Islam...

Anyway I am searching for other names as well other than cornelius who supported the All India Muslim League in its quest to carve out a Pakistani state out of the shattered territory the British left behind. The Christians overwhelmingly sided with Pakistan during partition.

But Christians should have their rights. Whether they are in Pakistan or India. Indian Christians have been at the bottom end of Indian society and every week or so a church, or christians are attacked. Most of these attacks are reported by missionary websites. The worst carnage in history against the Christians was during the time of the Orissa attacks where mobs of Hindutva fanatics persecuted Christians with impunity and burnt many churches while rendering many homeless.

I as a minority in India (both my parents were born in Lucknow or parts around it) I would say Christians should never let their rights taken from them. I heard long before there was a guy blaming pentecostal protestants for the woes of Christians. Bhai how is an oppressed minority being oppressed by its fellow christians. Oppression usually takes place against minorities in a country by majorities.
But Christians should have their rights. Whether they are in Pakistan or India. Indian Christians have been at the bottom end of Indian society and every week or so a church, or christians are attacked. Most of these attacks are reported by missionary websites. The worst carnage in history against the Christians was during the time of the Orissa attacks where mobs of Hindutva fanatics persecuted Christians with impunity and burnt many churches while rendering many homeless.

I as a minority in India (both my parents were born in Lucknow or parts around it) I would say Christians should never let their rights taken from them. I heard long before there was a guy blaming pentecostal protestants for the woes of Christians. Bhai how is an oppressed minority being oppressed by its fellow christians. Oppression usually takes place against minorities in a country by majorities.

In what part of India are you talking about? Because in Kerala for example, Christian are anything but the bottom of society. Coming from a person with several Christian family members back there.

Indians need to learn to make religion there personal matter. Not show it to every damn person around them.
In what part of India are you talking about? Because in Kerala for example, Christian are anything but the bottom of society. Coming from a person with several Christian family members back there.

Indians need to learn to make religion there personal matter. Not show it to every damn person around them.

wondering what does his entire lengthy post has remotely anything to do with Parikar being appointed as DM.

I as a minority in India (both my parents were born in Lucknow or parts around it).

then why the **** are you displaying enemy flag

A large number of Goan catholics migrated to Pakistan believing their treatment would be better in a country where their religion was seen as similar... well Christians are known as the people of the book in Islam...

yeah we saw that few days back when a christian couple was burned alive by people of similar faith for blasphemy.
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Indian Christians have been at the bottom end of Indian society.
If having two chief ministers(one of them belonging to a so called hindutva party) and various cabinet portfolios at the federal and state level compared to our population means being at the bottom end then god knows what front end means for you

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