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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

Parrikar, close enough to criticise riots and still have Modi’s trust


Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chief Minister of Goa Manohar Parrikar during a meeting in New Delhi on Thursday.

Written by Liz Mathew | New Delhi | Posted: November 7, 2014

A chief minister helping an elderly woman cross the street may be a rare sight in India, but it is quite a familiar one in Goa. Manohar Parrikkar does that often. Goans have also become familiar with seeing him drive to the market and park his car, or walk into a restaurant without security and pay the bill.

Alongside the unassuming nature, however, is also the image of an organised taskmaster, which will make BJP leaders wary now that Parrikkar is set to become Minister for Defence. Besides, he is so close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi that he could afford once to describe the Gujarat riots as bad, though he did defend Modi simultaneously.

BJP leaders say there is a lot about Parrikar, 58, that Modi likes — he is a technocrat with an RSS background, is quick with decisions, and has a reputation for not sharing much with his cabinet colleagues. For his part, Parrikar takes credit for having projected Modi as prime minister in the first place.

He was the first BJP chief minister who had publicly said Modi should be the face of the BJP in the elections. In a “Walk the Talk” programme with Shekhar Gupta in June 2013, Parrikar said, “If we delay it (pitch Modi as PM) any more, it will be too late. I didn’t do it earlier because I thought there was time for the party to decide but if they went from this executive without deciding, it would be another three months before they decide…”

In the same interview, he said the riots were an administrative failure but defended Modi citing his inexperience. “What happened was definitely bad. Being new, he probably did not know how to take a grip on the administration. Unluckily, with all the emotionally surcharged atmosphere that was created…(the situation) went out of control… Police down the line got polarised. The chief minister doesn’t direct the police constable.” Parrikar had added, “But after that, he has not displayed a single incident of non-governance.”

According to a senior BJP leader, Parrikkar’s candidness pleased Modi and “earned” his respect too. Rohan Khaunte, an independent MLA in Goa, referring to the chief minister’s closeness with Modi, once called him a “parallel prime minister”. It was this closeness that had triggered speculation that Parrikkar would be in Modi’s first cabinet as home minister.

Parrikar graduated in metallurgical engineering from IIT Bombay in 1978 and joined the BJP a decade later. A former RSS activist, he became chief minister in 2000. He is an avid reader and movie fan who enjoys fish and loves cricket. One union minister describes him as “a true Goan, nothing frustrates him”.

Parrikar, close enough to criticise riots and still have Modi’s trust | The Indian Express
I don;t have to show you anything. Your claims are made in the posts your created. I countered, asking you to provide proof and evidence using other sources besides my post. Got it, stupid? I am still waiting back 7 pages ago! Its obvious you can't back your BS, that;s why you keep spinning. I won;t reply back anymore UNLESS YOU PROVIDE PROOF AND EVIDENCE TO the claims you used. Check all your posts, you made many claims. Again Im WAITING. If you go on without providing proof, then it means you failed .....then goodbye


Stop laughing like a lunatic. ........... I repeat for the 4th time, What claim ? BE SPECIFIC. QUOTE ME. :P
LOL. You guys will claim Buddha any chance you get. So now you;re saying Buddhism and Hinduism is the same LOL.

I did provide a single neutral source because of your complaints. It was the wiki link about the Mangalorean Catholics. There are many more stories, all you have to do is look for it.

Who cares if Bhimrao was sponsored by a Hindu? Why didn't he remain a HINDU if it was the same and there was no difference.

YOu are bogus. Get out of here with your retarded logic.

Prove your points with evidence and links. Otherwise, it all gibberish.

There is nothing to claim. Buddha was born a Hindu, studied Hinduism, practised Hinduism and preached Hinduism. He was an enlightened Hindu. You own source proves this fact. How can you be so blind to the obvious unless you will yourself not to see ?

Facts do not twist itself to suite your argument.

Ambedkar by becoming a buddhist remained a Hindu, he only freed himself from the corrupted practices of assigning Varna by birth, or in his case, being an outcast (casteless) by birth. That is why he chose not to become a Christian or Muslim and spoke against them.

That too is a reality.
We do not claim anything we do not follow. Until recently all Buddhist temples in India were taken care of by Hindu priests. In its 2300 years of existence in India, Buddhism has been majorly patronized by Hindu kings. Go to any Buddhist countries, you will find Buddhists in Hindu temples. Buddhism has the same philosophies like Hinduism. Dharma, Karma, Moksha/Nirvana, Rebirth. So where is the split?

Yeah your neutral sources are more lying Christians whitewashing Christianity in India.

If Ambedkar was sponsored by Hindus then where is the question of discrimination? He made a political statement, by moving into Buddhism against the existing societal behavior. Something all Hindus accept and have been trying to rectify.

But, hey you are just another anti-Hindu bigot with limited understanding of the society you live in. So I do not expect you to understand anything or be truthful ever.

But you have to admit only axisofevil had some integrity and courage to come out and debate the case. For that reason he is a rare breed. Most others attempted to kill the topic by either not participating or advising him not to participate.

Over the years the anti-Hindu propaganda is so finely ingrained into Indian Christians that they now practice is subconsciously and get morally outraged when it gets called out.

I can't say I blame him since anti-Hindu and anti-Brahminical propaganda are finely ingrained into Indian Hindus too. The vilification of Hindus and Hinduism is total.

Most have no qualms about pointing fingers and insulting hindus by talking about "caste" or "filthy ganga" or "sati" and assigning it to "Hinduism" as they understand it.
A deserving man with clean image and good work.
We do not claim anything we do not follow. Until recently all Buddhist temples in India were taken care of by Hindu priests. In its 2300 years of existence in India, Buddhism has been majorly patronized by Hindu kings. Go to any Buddhist countries, you will find Buddhists in Hindu temples. Buddhism has the same philosophies like Hinduism. Dharma, Karma, Moksha/Nirvana, Rebirth. So where is the split?

Yeah your neutral sources are more lying Christians whitewashing Christianity in India.

If Ambedkar was sponsored by Hindus then where is the question of discrimination? He made a political statement, by moving into Buddhism against the existing societal behavior. Something all Hindus accept and have been trying to rectify.

But, hey you are just another anti-Hindu bigot with limited understanding of the society you live in. So I do not expect you to understand anything or be truthful ever.

Evidence and proof plz....otherwise its all lies. Back it up hun..back it up ......

There is nothing to claim. Buddha was born a Hindu, studied Hinduism, practised Hinduism and preached Hinduism. He was an enlightened Hindu. You own source proves this fact. How can you be so blind to the obvious unless you will yourself not to see ?

Facts do not twist itself to suite your argument.

Ambedkar by becoming a buddhist remained a Hindu, he only freed himself from the corrupted practices of assigning Varna by birth, or in his case, being an outcast (casteless) by birth. That is why he chose not to become a Christian or Muslim and spoke against them.

That too is a reality.

I don;t have to show you anything. Your claims are made in the posts your created. I countered, asking you to provide proof and evidence using other sources besides my post. Got it, stupid? I am still waiting back 7 pages ago! Its obvious you can't back your BS, that;s why you keep spinning. I won;t reply back anymore UNLESS YOU PROVIDE PROOF AND EVIDENCE TO the claims you used. Check all your posts, you made many claims. Again Im WAITING. If you go on without providing proof, then it means you failed .....then goodbye
Rajput. Man Singh I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vaishya Todar Mal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

??? Bhagwan Das - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You still do not have name of even 5 brahmins who sided with invaders.

Kayastha is a caste of scribes. Most of members of this caste who served Mughals, converted.

Seriously! What problem does Christians have with Brahmins?

I have seen such a pathological hatred among Christians towards Brahmins that it would give inferiority complex to Reinhard Heydrich. The anti Brahmin-Kshatriya polemic " Why i am not a Hindu " written by Kancha illiah would make Mein Kampf look like a literary masterpiece.He openly advocates massacre of caste Hindus ( of course after Dalits have converted to Christianity).

I am genuinely interested in answer ( not trolling ). I have seen Christian priests demonizing Brahmins so viciously that it would be termed as hate speech in even most ' Pro Freedom of speech' jurisdiction.

I have no hate. Maybe you should re read this thread properly and find out who started what. I pointed out many facts with evidence. Only a blind idiot would believe brahmins never worked with foreigners. How can you expect someone to give a list of Brahmin names 100's of yrs ago, when our own history is not even recorded? It doesn't mean I can't...it means you have to look deeper. I have provided evidence in another post reply. Check it out.
Oh really? So it was Christians who made caste discrimination illegal in India? So it was a Christian who wrote the constitution for Hindus? So if it is not Hindus who have been making corrections in their religion, you think it is Christians who have been doing it? Hindus have had reforms going on all the time and it is they themselves who are removing all the ills in Hinduism of their own. So it is not Hindus who cannot handle a criticism, rather Hindus are reacting to the sustained propaganda by anti-Hindu Christian like yourself. The only people bringing up caste in everything and trying to divide and humiliate Hindus are Christians and seculars.

You have no right to talk about Hindus until and unless you have spoken about the ills in your community. When you make excuses like caste is about class in Christianity but different in Hinduism, then you are an apologist for the wrongs in your own religion.

No you gave nothing. Caste was nonexistent in Hinduism and find me the word caste in any Hindu texts. We had varna system which got distorted under the stress of Islamic invasions and the manipulation of Christians.

There again speaks the apologist for all Christians and Christianity. No they did not learn it from Mughals. They brought their racial bias with them and tried to map Hindus according to skin coloring based on their own racism.

Indian society has been under assault from predatory religions and barbarians. You think a society which underwent so much devastation wont have any coping mechanisms? Any disturbances built into it?

Provide the link where Buddha holds negative view on caste. Buddha was another Hindu among a long list of Hindus who had a different view point of their immediate society. Which is how there are so many view points existing in Hinduism from atheism to monism to polytheism. Because there are thousands such people in Hinduism holding forth their own views on what Dharma is.

So now you think Mughals were perfect? They had a plan to convert all hindus. It required time. Why do you think many Muslims still regret not being able to completely convert India?

Im not here to fight and I see you clearly are civil. I have no hard feelings towards Hindus. I hold many in high esteem. Im only pointing out caste because no matter where I go, I am Indian. Foreigners don;t lump me up as Hindu, Buddhist, whatever. Its an issue that needs to be fixed.

Believe me, I know Christianity is not perfect (far from it) but your friend Sahasrama started this whole incident by blaming all Indian Christians. Don't you agree, that is completely wrong? Do you think any Indian supported the Goan Inquisition? How come not one single Indian person till now has not loaded a petition on CHANGE.ORG asking the Vatican to apologize for the GOAN INQUSITION? It went on for 400 yrs?

I understand its very tough if someone attacks your religion. But if I was a Hindu saying the same thing, would that make a difference? Vivekanda stated the same and so did Buddha.

I'm at another site, defending your point how Caste was codified by the British using your links. Thanks!
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But you have to admit only axisofevil had some integrity and courage to come out and debate the case. For that reason he is a rare breed. Most others attempted to kill the topic by either not participating or advising him not to participate.

Over the years the anti-Hindu propaganda is so finely ingrained into Indian Christians that they now practice is subconsciously and get morally outraged when it gets called out.

I can't say I blame him since anti-Hindu and anti-Brahminical propaganda are finely ingrained into Indian Hindus too. The vilification of Hindus and Hinduism is total.

Most have no qualms about pointing fingers and insulting hindus by talking about "caste" or "filthy ganga" or "sati" and assigning it to "Hinduism" as they understand it.

Whatever bro. I can identify and appreciate 'my Hindu culture'. Im not scared of it. I embrace it. Older ppl, brainwashed ppl, uneducated ppl will have a hard time adapting to my views but that;s where you and others have to be gentle to convince.

I don't think there was one religion in this world except buddhism probably that came close to perfection. Its nothing to be ashamed of. For whatevcer reasons, it is so. But now let's build a strong united India. Call a spade, no matter who it is.....Christian, Muslims, Sikh, Hindu, whatever.

I also know there are great Hindus sages and Brahmins who did a lot of great acts but you know something? I had to really dig for this information. Luckily, my curiousity did not give up. Our ppl are very uninformed about our history. I propose revising our educational standards to educate ppl on our true history, good or bad. It doesn't matter how bad it was, as long as we take the steps to make it great now.

Such information cannot use fake details or mystical accounts. Keep it factual. This will change ppl's perceptions and outlooks.

Regarding the Dalit Christians and their role......you got to understand something. They are the most marginalized group in our society regardless of religion. Its easier to use them for nefarious purposes because they may not even grasp their actions. Follow the string and see who is pulling the puppet.

Indian Christians in Kerala before the Europeans never followd the Vatican, we knew how corrupt they were. We were forced to do so. I talked to a priest about that, he didn't want to hear it. So, it doesn't matter if I talk to INDIAN Hindu priest or a INDIAN Christian priest, it really depends who the individiual is. Im pretty sure in some isolated areas, where the poverty is crushing, these types regardless of religion are taking advantage. That needs to change.

Food for thought. My sisters is about to get married to Gujurati. He is a Jain. Are you aware how strict they are when it comes to religion?
So now you think Mughals were perfect? They had a plan to convert all hindus. It required time. Why do you think many Muslims still regret not being able to completely convert India?

Im not here to fight and I see you clearly are civil. I have no hard feelings towards Hindus. I hold mnay in high esteem. Im only pointing an area because no matter where I go, I am Indian. Foreigners don;t lump me up as Hindu, Buddhist, whatever. Its an issue that needs to be fixed.

Believe me, I know Christianity is not perfect but your friend Sahasrama started this whole incident by blaming all Indian Christians. Don't you agree, that is completely wrong?

I see its very tought if someone attacks your religion. But if I was a Hindu sayign the same thing, would that make a difference? Vivekanda stated the same and so did Buddha.

Im at another site, defending your point how Caste was codified by the British using your links. Thanks!
WTF??..This is not good..How it became a Hindu-Christian bashing thread??.. i have alreadysaid,Both Sahasaranama/Indrani are SHIVA SENA goons..They had nothing to do with Hinduism..SHIVA SENA's prime ideology is based upon linguistic MARATHI regionalism(GOOGLE-SHIVA SENA for information)...
Caste system is a reality among Indian Christians at the same rate..its not fair to whitewash or hide the reality..
Thank you..
WTF??..This is not good..How it became a Hindu-Christian bashing thread??.. i have alreadysaid,Both Sahasaranama/Indrani are SHIVA SENA goons..They had nothing to do with Hinduism..SHIVA SENA's prime ideology is based upon linguistic MARATHI regionalism(GOOGLE-SHIVA SENA for information)...
Caste system is a reality among Indian Christians at the same rate..its not fair to whitewash or hide the reality..
Thank you..

Yea i never understoof the Shiv Sena type.....hey worship Shivaji yet forget how many Muslims fought for the Marathas!
Err...the DM was in hospital most of the time.

Not really :rolleyes::

Oct 22, 2014
Ajit Doval visits Kabul, reaffirms India's commitment to assistance

...Doval, who is on a visit here to follow up on the discussions that President Ghani and CEO Abdullah had with Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month over telephone...
..."NSA conveyed Prime Minister of India's felicitations to both Afghan leaders

Ajit Doval visits Kabul, reaffirms India's commitment to assistance - Economic Times

That's one day after the exclusive NDTV interview of Arun Jaitley on Black Money and all and a day later he was all over the media because of his statements in the interview, so far away from the hospital. Not to mention that the part about Doval, why he was talking with the Afghan president and in which name he was talking says it all anyway. He is talking about foreign policy and security in the name of the PM, whole "Defence Minister" Arun Jaitley is making PR at home, but that's not what a head of a ministry should be reduced to.

Btw, going to afghanistan, Syria, Iraq etc would be the job only of the NSA. Never of the DM.

What now? First you said his job was to sit in the PMO only and report to the PM and when that turned out to be wrong, he now is the only one that should ge to foreign trips? Which is plain wrong btw, DM's always do foreign trips too.

Changing contours of a strategic partnership
Defence Minister AK Antony’s Visit to the United States

..:: India Strategic ::.. Foreign Affairs: Defence Minister AK Antony’s Visit to the United States
WTF??..This is not good..How it became a Hindu-Christian bashing thread??.. i have alreadysaid,Both Sahasaranama/Indrani are SHIVA SENA goons..They had nothing to do with Hinduism..SHIVA SENA's prime ideology is based upon linguistic MARATHI regionalism(GOOGLE-SHIVA SENA for information)...
Caste system is a reality among Indian Christians at the same rate..its not fair to whitewash or hide the reality..
Thank you..

Shiv Sena is also responsible for one of the largest pogroms in Indian history the Bombay or Ayodha riots. Supporting such violent groups proves that people in India are far from secular in mindset. Although India has strived to be a secular state it is pretty far from this goal.

Especially when people like Modi are voted in and the focus becomes love jihad rather than development problems are bound to occur. Every time BJP comes to power the problems for Muslims and Christians multiply.

I believe the Christians should not only have the freedom to worship but to preach as well if they want to. I apply this logic to both India and Pakistan. If your beliefs are strong no matter how much another person proselytizes you will not convert. I do not understand the insecurity of a people that make 85% of the Indian population.
Not really :rolleyes::

Yes really. Jaitley has been unwell & at times seriously unwell. If you are unaware of that, no point in going there.

That's one day after the exclusive NDTV interview of Arun Jaitley on Black Money and all and a day later he was all over the media because of his statements in the interview, so far away from the hospital. Not to mention that the part about Doval, why he was talking with the Afghan president and in which name he was talking says it all anyway. He is talking about foreign policy and security in the name of the PM, whole "Defence Minister" Arun Jaitley is making PR at home, but that's not what a head of a ministry should be reduced to.

That is the job of the NSA. NSA does look at all matters concerning national security which would involve stepping on MEA territory at times, Home Ministry turf at times & Defence Ministry turf more rarely. Jaitley was in any case barely able to make it to his office let alone do what you think he should have done all by himself.

What now? First you said his job was to sit in the PMO only and report to the PM and when that turned out to be wrong, he now is the only one that should ge to foreign trips? Which is plain wrong btw, DM's always do foreign trips too.

You seem unable to grasp what the job of the NSA is. I said he operates out of the PMO, not just sit there like furniture. Operating out of the PMO means quite simply being the PM's point man on all issues relating to both internal & external security but primarily dealing with intelligence agencies & coordinating with other concerned ministries.

Nothing turned out to be wrong except for your understanding. Nowhere did I suggest that DM's don't do foreign trips, this DM was too sick even to go to the U.S. with the PM and was pretty much out of action for most of his current term. Btw, the Afghanistan issue has less to do with the Defence ministry alone, more to do with a combination of the MEA & counter intelligence issues. That would be well within the purview of the National Security Advisor.

As i said before, you have your own idea of how the cabinet system functions as well as a very different understanding of the job description of the NSA who according to you should just "sit" in the PMO. No NSA since the very first - Brajesh Mishra has done what you think should be done by them nor has any PM - Vajpayee or MMS agreed with your view. Nor does it look like Mr. Modi shares your opinion on what the NSA should do. Nor is Mr. Doval doing a job very different from what Brajesh Mishra did for Vajpayee or J.N.Dixit & M.K.Narayanan did for MMS (George Bush told M.K. Narayanan that he wanted the nuclear deal done when he landed in Delhi, no one else) or even what the last NSA Shivshankar Menon did. That was with a weak PM, understand how much stronger it would be out of a strong one like Modi. Best to move on before this argument dissolves into ridiculousness. I have already said that Parrikar will be a strong DM, the PM understands that while appointing him.

Below is a job description of the NSA & if you want to know what previous NSA's did (even with a weak PM), you could look at this link:

Shiv Shankar Menon hangs up his boots after 42 years - Rediff.com India News

"The National Security Adviser (NSA) is the chief executive of the National Security Council (NSC), and the primary adviser to the Prime Minister of India on national and international security. It is the National Security Adviser to whom intelligence agencies such as the Research and Analysis Wing and Intelligence Bureau report, rather than directly to the prime minister. Due to such vested powers NSA is a prominent and powerful office in the bureaucracy. All the NSAs appointed since the inception of the post belong to the Indian Foreign Service except M K Narayanan and the incumbent, Ajit Kumar Doval, who belong to the Indian Police Service.

The National Security Adviser (NSA) is tasked with regularly advising the Prime Minister on all matters relating to internal and external threats to the country, and oversees strategic issues. The NSA of India also serves as the Prime Minister's Special Interlocutor on border issues with China, and frequently accompanies the Prime Minister on Foreign State visits.

The directors of R&AW and IB technically report to the NSA rather than the Prime Minister directly. The NSA receives all intelligence reports and co-ordinates them to present before the Prime Minister. NSA is assisted by a Deputy NSA."
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Yea i never understoof the Shiv Sena type.....hey worship Shivaji yet forget how many Muslims fought for the Marathas!

The funny but hard reality is: that the Gunners i.e. Artillery of Shivaji's army and later right upto the Peshwas almost exclusively were Muslims as were a good lot of the Commanders. Ditto with the Rajput Kings.
Like wise; Shivaji's father Shahaji Bhonsale and eve Shivaji himself (for a while atleast) were Commanders of Forces for the Sultan of Bijapur. Shahaji was in fact their Subahdar.
But do the GOONS and BABOONS of the Shiv Sena led by that Idiot Balu ever understand that? :lol:

Yes really. Jaitley has been unwell & at times seriously unwell. If you are unaware of that, no point in going there.

That is the job of the NSA. NSA does look at all matters concerning national security which would involve stepping on MEA territory at times, Home Ministry turf at times & Defence Ministry turf more rarely. Jaitley was in any case barely able to make it to his office let alone do what you think he should have done all by himself.

You seem unable to grasp what the job of the NSA is. I said he operates out of the PMO, not just sit there like furniture. Operating out of the PMO means quite simply being the PM's point man on all issues relating to both internal & external security but primarily dealing with intelligence agencies & coordinating with other concerned ministries.

Nothing turned out to be wrong except for your understanding. Nowhere did I suggest that DM's don't do foreign trips, this DM was too sick even to go to the U.S. with the PM and was pretty much out of action for most of his current term. Btw, the Afghanistan issue has less to do with the Defence ministry alone, more to do with a combination of the MEA & counter intelligence issues. That would be well within the purview of the National Security Advisor.

As i said before, you have your own idea of how the cabinet system functions as well as a very different understanding of the job description of the NSA who according to you should just "sit" in the PMO. No NSA since the very first - Brajesh Mishra has done what you think should be done by them nor has any PM - Vajpayee or MMS agreed with your view. Nor does it look like Mr. Modi shares your opinion on what the NSA should do. Nor is Mt Doval doing a job very different from what Brajesh Mishra did for Vajpayee or J.N.Dixit & M.K.Narayanan did for MMS (George Bush told M.K. Narayanan that he wanted the nuclear deal done when he landed in Delhi, no one else) or even what the last NSA Shivshankar Menon did. That was with a weak PM, understand how much stronger it would be out of a strong one like Modi. Best to move on before this argument dissolves into ridiculousness. I have already said that Parrikar will be a strong DM, the PM understands that while appointing him.

Below is a job description of the NSA & if you want to know what previous NSA's did (even with a weak PM), you could look at this link:

Shiv Shankar Menon hangs up his boots after 42 years - Rediff.com India News

"The National Security Adviser (NSA) is the chief executive of the National Security Council (NSC), and the primary adviser to the Prime Minister of India on national and international security. It is the National Security Adviser to whom intelligence agencies such as the Research and Analysis Wing and Intelligence Bureau report, rather than directly to the prime minister. Due to such vested powers NSA is a prominent and powerful office in the bureaucracy. All the NSAs appointed since the inception of the post belong to the Indian Foreign Service except M K Narayanan and the incumbent, Ajit Kumar Doval, who belong to the Indian Police Service.

The National Security Adviser (NSA) is tasked with regularly advising the Prime Minister on all matters relating to internal and external threats to the country, and oversees strategic issues. The NSA of India also serves as the Prime Minister's Special Interlocutor on border issues with China, and frequently accompanies the Prime Minister on Foreign State visits.

The directors of R&AW and IB technically report to the NSA rather than the Prime Minister directly. The NSA receives all intelligence reports and co-ordinates them to present before the Prime Minister. NSA is assisted by a Deputy NSA."

Regardless of what Sancho may want to believe (one way or another); the NSA is a very important appointment in GoI and nearly ranks as a Cabinet appointment save for protocol.
Unfortunately, MMS screwed up there also (as in many other matters) by appointing a FO person as NSA in the rank of NSA. Even the earlier term of M.K.Narayanan got screwed up by a Dy. NSA who was an IFS guy i.e. J.N.Dixit.
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