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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

Because he is from Kerala. You dimwits cant even comprehend how we all get together down here. We would slay you MFers if you ever try to harm our ppl.
Im not talkin to u....satan!!!
Dont talk for her. Talk for youself.


I know more about Buddha than you idiot. You cant counter what I claimed, so stop your BS>

I think we can all see how much you know about Buddha. :lol: ............ I am still waiting for an authentic quote from Buddha where he spoke against Hinduism.
ALL HINDUS (Brahmins, kings, whatever). Each and everyone I mentioned who were helping foriegners were HINDUS. Birbal was a HINDU BRAHMIN IDIOT....he only started follwing Akbar's fake religion later on! As for poet and musician, he was also an advisor and sent on military expeditions.

The others helped the foreigners fight and win wars. Others enabled brillant administration of the empire which allowed for the collection of considerable wealth from taxes. ALL HINDUS.....who is anti-national now dimwit?:cheesy::argh::disagree::azn::azn::whistle:

I agree with the British point. Last I heard, they were FOREIGN! Don't forget the British were excellent at bribing and control. What logic? The point was Hindus were helping the foriegners idiot!

Oh what hindu King...any proof Or your usual BS.....you spewed so much RSS BS but cant back up anything.

Smear some cow blood on you and force you to eat beef and you get kicked out. Only Hinduism. Guess what. I enjoy eating beef everyday in Kerala, especially for f-ker like you LOL

I agree. Hindusim sucks as well and I hope we all become Agonistics not Atheists.

You're the retard Sai Baba.
Yeah...all religions do...im atheist. ..btw love meat too!!!! Bt urs sucks more! Earth is still flat?
Lord Manvan is back - doing his duty: damaging the reputation of RSS, India and Hinduism. @axisofevil has bit the bait. @abjktu - not yet. :P The off topic conversations continue. :coffee:

Then how lucky we have cowardly kashmiri pandits like you trying to protect the damage to hinduism even when they could not protect it in kashmir and got kicked out of you homes.

How much more damage to Hinduism is possible apart form "caste", "sati", "RSS" and "hindutvadi" ? :lol: ...... any plans of coming out of that fools paradise ?

Stockholm syndrome can be treated. But there is no treatment for cowardice.
ALL HINDUS (Brahmins, kings, whatever). Each and everyone I mentioned who were helping foriegners were HINDUS. Birbal was a HINDU BRAHMIN IDIOT....he only started follwing Akbar's fake religion later on! As for poet and musician, he was also an advisor and sent on military expeditions.

The others helped the foreigners fight and win wars. Others enabled brillant administration of the empire which allowed for the collection of considerable wealth from taxes. ALL HINDUS.....who is anti-national now dimwit?:cheesy::argh::disagree::azn::azn::whistle:

I agree with the British point. Last I heard, they were FOREIGN! Don't forget the British were excellent at bribing and control. What logic? The point was Hindus were helping the foriegners idiot!

Oh what hindu King...any proof Or your usual BS.....you spewed so much RSS BS but cant back up anything.

Smear some cow blood on you and force you to eat beef and you get kicked out. Only Hinduism. Guess what. I enjoy eating beef everyday in Kerala, especially for f-ker like you LOL

I agree. Hindusim sucks as well and I hope we all become Agonistics not Atheists.

You're the retard Sai Baba.

There were broadly speaking a large number of Hindu Courtiers and Officials, who served the Maharaja and also his successor's regime. The Hindus were drawn from several groups like Rajputs, Brahmins, Khatris, Ghorkhas and Purbias. The Hindus who belonged to the caste of Brahmins and Khatris formed quite a large group. In the group of Khatris, there were Diwan Mohkam Chand, his son Moti Ram and grandsons Ram Dayal and Kirpa Ram, Diwan Bhawani Das and his brother Diwan Devi Das, Diwan Sawan Mal, and Diwan Karam Chand. In the group of Brahmins there were Diwan Ganga Ram, Diwan Dina Nath, Diwan Ajodhia Prasad, Misr Diwan Chand, Misr Beli Ram and his brother Misr Rup Lal. They are appointed to high posts in civil and military department. They produced great warriors and administrators whose more or less exhaustive memories appeared in the historical records of the past. But there were also some other Hindu courtiers and officials who worked at Lahore Darbar, but no accounts about them have hitherto appeared. Their careers, roles, achievements, work, contribution and significance also had exceptional merits.

Maybe you cant put it together dimwit, but Muslim Kingdoms would use Hindu Brahmins in the same fashion.

Another view on Aurangzeb – The Express Tribune

Hindus were employed in his court!

American Scientist Proves Brahmins are Foreigners | BeyondHeadlines




You are talking about Kings fighting for money and power and comparing them to the average Hindu ? :lol:

If Birbal started following Akbar's religion how was he a Hindu brahmin you fool. It only shows he was an opportunist, or maybe he just wanted to keep his head attached to his neck.

If a Hindu brahmin converts to christianity is he still a hindu ? :lol: ...... what kind of retarded logic is this.

Now compare that to the number of christian peadopile preists and how they pimp for foreigners. See how the comparison stack up ?

People got to eat, so they work with who ever got power. Muslim or Christian. how much ever they hate it,they have to grin and bear it. That explains the hindus working for Akbar or the British.

What explains the anti-Hindu propaganda by the Chrisitians ?

you are now speaking for abjktu ? retards of the world stick together ?

He is a Christian.

I have more knowledge about Kerala and kerala christians than you can ever have. :lol: ...... but you are free to attack my "state" and "ethnicity" in a pakistani forum :lol:

Give those empty threats to cowards who you hang out with. LOL.

It doesn't matter. I provided enough proof with links in my previous post. Birbal was born and rasied as a BRAHMIN. Got it? Anybody who worked with foreigners was an opportunist retard.

So why are complaining of hindus converting if its no big deal LOL

So I proved it. Like you said, people got to eat so they will do whatever it takes to save their skin that includes Brahmins. The largest group as Hindu Courtiers consisted of Brahmins dimwit.

If all the retarded RSS retards can stick together, why not.

You already exposed you don't know shit about Kerala and Christians when you make an idiotic statement of " how there were no Christians in Kerala before the Europeans arrival." Stop blabbering idiot. Youre foolish, you just destroyed your credibility with that statement. I backed up everything with what I said with proof.

You, RKO and Indirani haven't given any proof. Not a single piece of evidence to back your BS claims. So, I suggest if you want to keep this debate going, then bring out some credible proof to back your BS.
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I think we can all see how much you know about Buddha. :lol: ............ I am still waiting for an authentic quote from Buddha where he spoke against Hinduism.



Life of Buddha: Buddha on the Caste System (Part 2)


(Part Two) 24. The Buddha on the Caste System

At the time of the Buddha the caste system was firmly established in India. According to this system, a person's position in society was determined from the time he was born and there was no way to change his lot in life. There were four castes, or classes, of people in society:

  1. The Brahmins or priests, who claimed to be the highest caste and the purest of peoples
  2. The warriors
  3. The merchants and traders
  4. The untouchables, who were considered the lowest class. They became workers and servants who did all the menial jobs, and were treated as slaves.

The Buddha condemned the caste system, which he considered unjust. He pointed out that there existed wicked and cruel people as well as virtuous and kind people in every caste. Any person who had committed a crime would be punished accordingly by his karma no matter what caste he belonged to. He said a person may be considered to have come from a high or low caste according to his good and bad deeds. Therefore, according to the Buddha it is the good and bad actions of a person and not his birth that should determine his caste.

The Buddha introduced the idea of placing a higher value on morality and the equality of people instead of on which family or caste a person is born into. This was also the first attempt to abolish discrimination and slavery in the history of mankind.

The Buddha said:

By birth one is not an outcaste,
By birth one is not a Brahmin;
By deeds alone one is an outcaste,
By deeds alone one is a Brahmin


Yeah...all religions do...im atheist. ..btw love meat too!!!! Bt urs sucks more! Earth is still flat?

It's ok but your sister loves my meat more!!
I thought you are not Christian bro!! I still remember ur post saying "mullahs and Christians should be thrown out of India" Now where does this love came from!??
I said 'foreign funded Christian mullahs'...
love-blood relationship..yes,religion is ones personal matter,choice..It had nothing to do with race or ethnicity..Malayali Muslims and Christians of Kerala are largerly local Malayali Hindu converts and they are very much part of board Malayali culture..We don't see or treat them as separate or outsiders like you peoples do...
LordManvan is a troll and i know his real intention behind it ..
Defence Minister picked by the PM?

This is not democratic. Candicates for every office in a democratic country should be put to a vote.
Thanks it was a great lesson on democracy bro and since it is from China; it is really enlightening.

On Topic:
Manohar Parikar is well known for his workaholic and incorruptible character. His clean image, administrative experience and RSS backgroud are the key to his elevation and I pray that we Indians under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi and his team succeed to convert India into a success story.
I said 'foreign funded Christian mullahs'...
love-blood relationship..yes,religion is ones personal matter,choice..It had nothing to do with race or ethnicity..Malayali Muslims and Christians of Kerala are largerly local Malayali Hindu converts and they are very much part of board Malayali culture..We don't see or treat them as separate or outsiders like you peoples do...
LordManvan is a troll and i know his real intention behind it ..

Im done bro. I had to show the proof and let them know if they wanna bring up such BS....SHOW ME THE PROOF


Life of Buddha: Buddha on the Caste System (Part 2)

View attachment 146594

(Part Two) 24. The Buddha on the Caste System

At the time of the Buddha the caste system was firmly established in India. According to this system, a person's position in society was determined from the time he was born and there was no way to change his lot in life. There were four castes, or classes, of people in society:

  1. The Brahmins or priests, who claimed to be the highest caste and the purest of peoples
  2. The warriors
  3. The merchants and traders
  4. The untouchables, who were considered the lowest class. They became workers and servants who did all the menial jobs, and were treated as slaves.

The Buddha condemned the caste system, which he considered unjust. He pointed out that there existed wicked and cruel people as well as virtuous and kind people in every caste. Any person who had committed a crime would be punished accordingly by his karma no matter what caste he belonged to. He said a person may be considered to have come from a high or low caste according to his good and bad deeds. Therefore, according to the Buddha it is the good and bad actions of a person and not his birth that should determine his caste.

The Buddha introduced the idea of placing a higher value on morality and the equality of people instead of on which family or caste a person is born into. This was also the first attempt to abolish discrimination and slavery in the history of mankind.

The Buddha said:

By birth one is not an outcaste,
By birth one is not a Brahmin;
By deeds alone one is an outcaste,
By deeds alone one is a Brahmin


It's ok but your sister loves my meat more!!
Again u Jesus!!!!! I dnt have sisters....!
Im done bro. I had to show the proof and let them know if they wanna bring up such BS....SHOW ME THE PROOF
For what??...We can't blame these peoples..These peoples know only about the largely Portuguese goan or the recent foreign funded evangelical Christianity..They are under the impression that Indian Christianity means goan..They have no knowledge about the ancient nestorian Christian culture of Kerala...Its not their fault...
Good choice ! Arun Shourie, Suresh Prabhu, M J Akbar would also make the cabinet quite competent
There were broadly speaking a large number of Hindu Courtiers and Officials, who served the Maharaja and also his successor's regime. The Hindus were drawn from several groups like Rajputs, Brahmins, Khatris, Ghorkhas and Purbias. The Hindus who belonged to the caste of Brahmins and Khatris formed quite a large group. In the group of Khatris, there were Diwan Mohkam Chand, his son Moti Ram and grandsons Ram Dayal and Kirpa Ram, Diwan Bhawani Das and his brother Diwan Devi Das, Diwan Sawan Mal, and Diwan Karam Chand. In the group of Brahmins there were Diwan Ganga Ram, Diwan Dina Nath, Diwan Ajodhia Prasad, Misr Diwan Chand, Misr Beli Ram and his brother Misr Rup Lal. They are appointed to high posts in civil and military department. They produced great warriors and administrators whose more or less exhaustive memories appeared in the historical records of the past. But there were also some other Hindu courtiers and officials who worked at Lahore Darbar, but no accounts about them have hitherto appeared. Their careers, roles, achievements, work, contribution and significance also had exceptional merits.

Maybe you cant put it together dimwit, but Muslim Kingdoms would use Hindu Brahmins in the same fashion.

Another view on Aurangzeb – The Express Tribune

Hindus were employed in his court!

American Scientist Proves Brahmins are Foreigners | BeyondHeadlines




:lol: .... are you suggesting Hindus starve do death whenever there is muslim or christian invasion ?

A LOT of Hindus even today go to Middle East and US and work there. ........ does that mean you get a license to do anti-Hindu propaganda ? What kind of twisted logic is that ?

It doesn't matter. I provided enough proof with links in my previous post. Birbal was born and rasied as a BRAHMIN. Got it? Anybody who worked with foreigners was an opportunist retard.

So why are complaining of hindus converting if its no big deal LOL

So I proved it. Like you said, people got to eat so they will do whatever it takes to save their skin that includes Brahmins. The largest group as Hindu Courtiers consisted of Brahmins dimwit.

If all the retarded RSS retards can stick together, why not.

You already exposed you don't know shit about Kerala and Christians when you make an idiotic statement of " how there were no Christians in Kerala before the Europeans arrival." Stop blabbering idiot. Youre foolish, you just destroyed your credibility with that statement. I backed up everything with what I said with proof.

You, RKO and Indirani haven't given any proof. Not a single piece of evidence to back your BS claims. So, I suggest if you want to keep this debate going, then bring out some credible proof to back your BS.

I am talking about Anti-Hindu propaganda by Christians ........and YOU are talking about conversion Retard.

When did I ever say "there were no christians in kerala before Europeans arrived" :lol: ....... what a pathetic strawman defence. AGAIN. :P

So far all the claims were done by you, which is why you are burdened with the need to prove your absurd comments. You are just too stupid to realize it. Show me one claim I have made where I have not provided proof.

The Buddha said:

By birth one is not an outcaste,
By birth one is not a Brahmin;
By deeds alone one is an outcaste,
By deeds alone one is a Brahmin


Let me cut through the BS opinion and propaganda and focus on what BUDDHA actually said,

By deeds alone one is an outcaste,
By deeds alone one is a Brahmin

:lol: ..... looks like he is promoting the CASTE system and ALSO promoting "DALITS" i.e. "OUTCASTE" :lol:

Looks like he is preaching Hinduism :angel: ........ the same one taught in the Bhagvat Gita.

All you have managed to prove is that You are the Idiot :lol:
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For what??...We can't blame these peoples..These peoples know only about the largely Portuguese goan or the recent foreign funded evangelical Christianity..They are under the impression that Indian Christianity means goan..They have no knowledge about the ancient nestorian Christian culture of Kerala...Its not their fault...

Do not pretend to speak for others LOSER. Speak ONLY for yourself.
Guys pls don't post off topic.
LOL..Says a Shiva sena troll ,who has no knowledge or relation with Kerala ..
FYI. 1.Marthoma Christians is also a section among Syrian Christian,they are not different..
2.Yes,A good sizeable local population were converted by Portuguese and British and the converts were being called as LATIN Christians. They have their own separate bishops and churches...
better stick to thackerey night classes...

Keralite Christians are divided into many factions right:- Catholic, Syrian Christian, Orthodox, Jacobite etc. Aren't they??

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