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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

Defence Minister picked by the PM?

This is not democratic. Candicates for every office in a democratic country should be put to a vote.
What of the other links ? .... non of the links name the brahmins who collaborated with the invaders.

If you do not believe, you are not a very good christian, are you ? ...... not all chrisitians are a non believer like you. You remain a rarity. A exception (still anti-Hindu) to the rule.

What names? You haven't given any proof for your thoughts? You're telling me that you don't know Hindus worked in the Mughal courts? You think Hindus didn't collaborate with Mughals? You never heard of Man Singh, Todar Mal, Bhagwan Das or Rajahs Bhar? Here is one example of a Brahmin, Mahesh Das or Birbal

Kayastha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Im not Anti-Hindu dimwit....

Christians...were never here bfore Europeans arrivedChristian are nonviolent??? yeah we all know(brits)!! and about Indian Christian....they play psychological games...dnt educate me...I have seen them with my own eyes...when I was young one my relative used to take me to their church( I still remember the preachers words) they dnt respect others religion....! when outside they act like they are the most peaceful people...and respect other religion bt inside completely different! No offence bt I hate Christianity and bible (Ive done reading many times)

You are quite clueless about Christianity in India before European;s arrival. I suggest you do some research before you write. You have access to the internet. Go aheadHaha you read the Bible? Guess what I never did! Not once! You see, if I go to a church and I hear such priests talking ill about other religions, then that shows they are not religious themselves. You think we cannot find such examples of hateful preachers in all religions?

Seriously, are you guys 10yrs old?

Because genius large scale conversion is NOT possible without State patronage and HUGE Financial support. Both of which came to kerala christians only after the British.

If that is the case, then Kerala would have ended up like the Northeast genius?
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Indian Christians are anti-Hindu as Sahasranama rightly pointed out and in that you supporting a Hindutva party makes you a rarity. Well if caste was all about power, then why blame Hinduism for it. Christians and Muslims have been far more power hungry as history bears witness.

If White British Christian codified Hinduism, then Indian Christians promoted and propagandized that jaundiced view in hopes of adding to their folks. Also Indian Christians practice casteism themselves and hence you are hardly in a position to lecture Hindus on it.

Also just so you know, Indian Christians were never in favor of Indian independence from the British. So I wont count on their nationalism either.

How old are you? Anyway, show me the proof that the British codified Hinduism as you claim. Show me the proof Indian Christians promoted such views? Show me the proof that Indian Christians practice casteism? I claimed I have seen something like it. The reality is that its has to with class not caste! As in wealth! Regardless it doesn't matter, I have all the right to lecture.

As for Indian Christians, I discredited your pov with a post with links in a rebuttal to Sahasranama

If you knew anything about Buddha, you would never talk such nonsense.
What names? You haven't given any proof for your thoughts? You're telling me that you don't know Hindus worked in the Mughal courts? You think Hindus didn't collaborate with Mughals? You never heard of Man Singh, Todar Mal, Bhagwan Das or Rajahs Bhar? Here is one example of a Brahmin, Mahesh Das or Birbal

Kayastha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Im not Anti-Hindu dimwit....

You are the one who said "brahmins sided with the invaders" :cheesy: .......... so the onus of proof lies with you to justify your BS christian propaganda. LOL.

Birbal was a freaking poet and musician in Akbars court you idiot: ........ or do you think those Akbar-birbal children stories are true :lol:

He was not even a hindu, he adopted Ain-i-Akbari as his religion. Still I do not see how he sided with the invaders since Akbar was born in India. ....... if anything birbal adviced him not to put jazia on Hindus.

Others named were just career men who worked with the Empire. Career Bureaucrats who was assigned the role of running the empire. If not them,then someone else will do it.

By that logic, how many Indians ran the British Empire in India ? :lol:

If that is the case, then Kerala would have ended up like the Northeast genius?

20% of Christians was bad enough, luckily there was a Hindu King in kerala who did their best to keep Kerala Hindu. N.E unfortunately only had the corrupt and anti-Hindu congress to keep their culture safe.

How old are you? Anyway, show me the proof that the British codified Hinduism as you claim. Show me the proof Indian Christians promoted such views? Show me the proof that Indian Christians practice casteism? I claimed I have seen something like it. The reality is that its has to with class not caste! As in wealth! Regardless it doesn't matter, I have all the right to lecture.

As for Indian Christians, I discredited your pov with a post with links in a rebuttal to Sahasranama

If you knew anything about Buddha, you would never talk such nonsense.

Indirani might be under an IP ban, so let me speak for her.

Why are you worried about her age ? you want to marry her ?

It was the British who classified and codified caste in India based on their narrow and biased understanding of Varna and their control over education and history.

Your posts ARE the proof that India Christians promote such views. If christians do not practice casteism, why do christian dalits exist ? or why do they seek reservation ? :cheesy:

Stop talking nonsense about Buddha. Don't pretend to be an expert when you are not.
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LOL at your knowledge of history. Even kerala history.

Only VERY few marthoma christians and few syrian Christians existed in kerala before the British. The christian population in Keral became 22% AFTER the British came :lol:

Rather disingenuous of you to discard NE Christians as Indian Christians :angel: ....... if this is not caste discrimination then I do not know what it is.
LOL..Says a Shiva sena troll ,who has no knowledge or relation with Kerala ..
FYI. 1.Marthoma Christians is also a section among Syrian Christian,they are not different..
2.Yes,A good sizeable local population were converted by Portuguese and British and the converts were being called as LATIN Christians. They have their own separate bishops and churches...
better stick to thackerey night classes...
LOL..Says a Shiva sena troll ,who has no knowledge or relation with Kerala ..
FYI. 1.Marthoma Christians is also a section among Syrian Christian,they are not different..
2.Yes,A good sizeable local population were converted by Portuguese and British and the converts were being called as LATIN Christians. They have their own separate bishops and churches...
better stick to thackerey night classes...

Take a hike retard and stop stalking me.
Take a hike retard and stop stalking me.
You can shit about Christianity or Jesus..i don't care..
but don't drag Kerala and Kerala Christians into it,please..because you have ZERO understanding about it..
every thing has certain limits or otherwise i will start attacking your state and ethnicity..don't that too in a Pakistan forum
thank you...
You are the one who said "brahmins sided with the invaders" :cheesy: .......... so the onus of proof lies with you to justify your BS christian propaganda. LOL.

Birbal was a freaking poet and musician in Akbars court you idiot: ........ or do you think those Akbar-birbal children stories are true :lol:

He was not even a hindu, he adopted Ain-i-Akbari as his religion. Still I do not see how he sided with the invaders since Akbar was born in India. ....... if anything birbal adviced him not to put jazia on Hindus.

Others named were just career men who worked with the Empire. Career Bureaucrats who was assigned the role of running the empire. If not them,then someone else will do it.

By that logic, how many Indians ran the British Empire in India ? :lol:

20% of Christians was bad enough, luckily there was a Hindu King in kerala who did their best to keep Kerala Hindu. N.E unfortunately only had the corrupt and anti-Hindu congress to keep their culture safe.

ALL HINDUS (Brahmins, kings, whatever). Each and everyone I mentioned who were helping foriegners were HINDUS. Birbal was a HINDU BRAHMIN IDIOT....he only started follwing Akbar's fake religion later on! As for poet and musician, he was also an advisor and sent on military expeditions.

The others helped the foreigners fight and win wars. Others enabled brillant administration of the empire which allowed for the collection of considerable wealth from taxes. ALL HINDUS.....who is anti-national now dimwit?:cheesy::argh::disagree::azn::azn::whistle:

I agree with the British point. Last I heard, they were FOREIGN! Don't forget the British were excellent at bribing and control. What logic? The point was Hindus were helping the foriegners idiot!

Oh what hindu King...any proof Or your usual BS.....you spewed so much RSS BS but cant back up anything.

Indian Christian freaks.....shoo...shoo!!!

Smear some cow blood on you and force you to eat beef and you get kicked out. Only Hinduism. Guess what. I enjoy eating beef everyday in Kerala, especially for f-ker like you LOL

Christianity sucks!!!! you Satan!!! you can go to hell! Hope to see the day when all Indians become atheists!!

I agree. Hindusim sucks as well and I hope we all become Agonistics not Atheists.

Take a hike retard and stop stalking me.

You're the retard Sai Baba.
You are the one who said "brahmins sided with the invaders" :cheesy: .......... so the onus of proof lies with you to justify your BS christian propaganda. LOL.

Birbal was a freaking poet and musician in Akbars court you idiot: ........ or do you think those Akbar-birbal children stories are true :lol:

He was not even a hindu, he adopted Ain-i-Akbari as his religion. Still I do not see how he sided with the invaders since Akbar was born in India. ....... if anything birbal adviced him not to put jazia on Hindus.

Others named were just career men who worked with the Empire. Career Bureaucrats who was assigned the role of running the empire. If not them,then someone else will do it.

By that logic, how many Indians ran the British Empire in India ? :lol:

20% of Christians was bad enough, luckily there was a Hindu King in kerala who did their best to keep Kerala Hindu. N.E unfortunately only had the corrupt and anti-Hindu congress to keep their culture safe.

Indirani might be under an IP ban, so let me speak for her.

Why are you worried about her age ? you want to marry her ?

It was the British who classified and codified caste in India based on their narrow and biased understanding of Varna and their control over education and history.

Your posts ARE the proof that India Christians promote such views. If christians do not practice casteism, why do christian dalits exist ? or why do they seek reservation ? :cheesy:

Stop talking nonsense about Buddha. Don't pretend to be an expert when you are not.

Dont talk for her. Talk for youself.


I know more about Buddha than you idiot. You cant counter what I claimed, so stop your BS>
You can shit about Christianity or Jesus..i don't care..
but don't drag Kerala and Kerala Christians into it,please..because you have ZERO understanding about it..
every thing has certain limits or otherwise i will start attacking your state and ethnicity..don't that too in a Pakistan forum
thank you...
I thought you are not Christian bro!! I still remember ur post saying "mullahs and Christians should be thrown out of India" Now where does this love came from!??
I thought you are not Christian bro!! I still remember ur post saying "mullahs and Christians should be thrown out of India" Now where does this love came from!??

Because he is from Kerala. You dimwits cant even comprehend how we all get together down here. We would slay you MFers if you ever try to harm our ppl.
ALL HINDUS (Brahmins, kings, whatever). Each and everyone I mentioned who were helping foriegners were HINDUS. Birbal was a HINDU BRAHMIN IDIOT....he only started follwing Akbar's fake religion later on! As for poet and musician, he was also an advisor and sent on military expeditions.

The others helped the foreigners fight and win wars. Others enabled brillant administration of the empire which allowed for the collection of considerable wealth from taxes. ALL HINDUS.....who is anti-national now dimwit?:cheesy::argh::disagree::azn::azn::whistle:

I agree with the British point. Last I heard, they were FOREIGN! Don't forget the British were excellent at bribing and control. What logic? The point was Hindus were helping the foriegners idiot!

Oh what hindu King...any proof Or your usual BS.....you spewed so much RSS BS but cant back up anything.

You are talking about Kings fighting for money and power and comparing them to the average Hindu ? :lol:

If Birbal started following Akbar's religion how was he a Hindu brahmin you fool. It only shows he was an opportunist, or maybe he just wanted to keep his head attached to his neck.

If a Hindu brahmin converts to christianity is he still a hindu ? :lol: ...... what kind of retarded logic is this.

Now compare that to the number of christian peadopile preists and how they pimp for foreigners. See how the comparison stack up ?

People got to eat, so they work with who ever got power. Muslim or Christian. how much ever they hate it,they have to grin and bear it. That explains the hindus working for Akbar or the British.

What explains the anti-Hindu propaganda by the Chrisitians ?

You're the retard Sai Baba.

you are now speaking for abjktu ? retards of the world stick together ?

I thought you are not Christian bro!! I still remember ur post saying "mullahs and Christians should be thrown out of India" Now where does this love came from!??

He is a Christian.

You can shit about Christianity or Jesus..i don't care..
but don't drag Kerala and Kerala Christians into it,please..because you have ZERO understanding about it..
every thing has certain limits or otherwise i will start attacking your state and ethnicity..don't that too in a Pakistan forum
thank you...

I have more knowledge about Kerala and kerala christians than you can ever have. :lol: ...... but you are free to attack my "state" and "ethnicity" in a pakistani forum :lol:

Give those empty threats to cowards who you hang out with. LOL.

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