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Why isn't there a Muslim 'EU'/NATO?

Appreciate responses by everyone, I thanked most all posts I could. Enjoyed everyone's perspective, Mashallah, lots of educated Muslims here. Lots to digest. Does not seem like brainpower issue. Or even lack of will among common folk. Seems like just case of fitting pieces of puzzle together and a question of when not if. Once Muslim nations become more developed and become technological powerhouses , then there should be good things to come.

No offense to India, I included nations with Muslim majority population. That's what's considered a 'Muslim' nation. India has high number of Muslims but it's majority non-Muslim, if I'm correct. A Muslim 'EU' like bloc would also ties with other nations.
That was easy to guess but i mentioned that to show how there is no such thing as united by religion. Religion is not a unifying force.
That was easy to guess but i mentioned that to show how there is no such thing as united by religion. Religion is not a unifying force.
I see your point, I don't see purpose of religion as unifying force. I do believe in religion and believe life is a surreal and deep experience made for us by God, and end goal is individual salvation. The unifying forces on other hand are more like minded geopolitical interests. There needs to be things shared in common. And cultural/religious backgrounds can certainly count as some.
I agree that Pakistan needs to better itself. No doubt.

But I don’t think this is as big of a pipe dream as you think. First all three countries benefit greatly from this endeavor. And no, none of the three countries would overpower the other in this arrangement. Pakistan may be the largest in terms of population but it’s the smallest in terms of wealth or income. Also it’s the least nationalist of the three and is actually really 7 or 8 nations in one.

But Pakistan provides a lot of key technologies that the other two do not have. First, the other two countries would inherit nuclear umbrella. There are also a lot key military techs that Pakistan has- not forgetting that geostrategic advantages for trading. If handled better, we can also be a food basket for the union.

Iran would benefit from moving out of the sectarian overhead. They would also gain access to two huge markets plus key techs from Turkey (industrial) and some from Pakistan (military). It’s huge energy supplies would solve the Achilles heal for Turkey and Pakistan.

Turkey would gain hugely too. Beyond nuclear umbrella, they would get access to trade with Asia and would also get the opportunity to export their economic techs to Pakistan/Iran.

Yes, there are cultural differences but the key takeaway is that there is strong Islamist presence in all three countries. So it might be a popular idea regardless of the cultural differences.

Major issue with your post:
The real problem with successful economic unions is the movement of people. No one in Iran or Turkey wants hordes of Pakistanis. No offense to Pakistanis here

Minor issues:
Turkey and Iran could build nukes easily.
At present Pakistan does not have economic buying power for its population. This can change in the future
No one needs Pakistan to trade with Asia
The opposition to Muslim Union shows that it has merit. As a first step I propose a Defence Treaty and no customs between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Muslims won't have a NATO until you are sure what you are trying to protect. The whites are clear about what they are trying to protect - their 'way of life' which is based predominantly on the concept of individual liberty. They are not protecting Christianity. Religion is not a uniting force. A Malaysian does not have the same 'way of life' as an Afghan. I like to hang out with people who eat and drink a lot. Druggies like to hang out with other druggies. Artists move around in their own creative circles. Everyone has their own thing to protect.
Muslims won't have a NATO until you are sure what you are trying to protect. The whites are clear about what they are trying to protect - their 'way of life' which is based predominantly on the concept of individual liberty.

Whites are not fighting to protect the concept of individual liberty. It requires a certain kind of brainwashing for someone to even believe that.

Whites are fighting to maintain their global domination.
Whites are not fighting to protect the concept of individual liberty. It requires a certain kind of brainwashing for someone to even believe that.

Whites are fighting to maintain their global domination.

Global dominance is a means to achieving that and not a goal by itself. By protection of individual liberty I don't necessarily mean it as a virtue. It could mean allowing individuals to arm themselves, or indulging in sex with animals, both of which I am personally against.
Global dominance is a means to achieving that and not a goal by itself. By protection of individual liberty I don't necessarily mean it as a virtue. It could mean allowing individuals to arm themselves, or indulging in sex with animals, both of which I am personally against.

You're making it too complicated. Global dominance is the way to monopolize global wealth and resources. That is the end goal. White elites benefit most, white nobodies get a few crumbs. Everything else said is just hogwash to make it "halal".
Muslims won't have a NATO until you are sure what you are trying to protect. The whites are clear about what they are trying to protect - their 'way of life' which is based predominantly on the concept of individual liberty. They are not protecting Christianity. Religion is not a uniting force. A Malaysian does not have the same 'way of life' as an Afghan. I like to hang out with people who eat and drink a lot. Druggies like to hang out with other druggies. Artists move around in their own creative circles. Everyone has their own thing to protect.

Muslim has already had OIC and has made Islamic sport games. Surely for Muslim religion is very important, every Indonesian President or government official will always use Bismillahirahmanirrahim when they start some important event. Even Bismillahirahmanirrahim is stated in Indonesian Constituente which is inside its most secret portion, the beginning (preamble).

NATO main threat is USSR (Rusia) while Muslim nations have different threat. Pakistan main threat is India while Indonesia and Arab countries dont see India as threat. Indonesia main threat may be China while China is important ally of Pakistan.

Israel is threat only for Palestine, Jordan, and Syria.

So this is the reason......
There are enough traitors as Bajwa who have stabbed Pakistan time & time again. I am surprised to see this post after regime change.
If there was ANY moral consciousness of people of Pakistan, by now violent revolution take place & murder regime change agents. But most Pakistani are traitors to themselves yet alone the country.
Muslim has already had OIC and has made Islamic sport games. Surely for Muslim religion is very important, every Indonesian President or government official will always use Bismillahirahmanirrahim when they start some important event. Even Bismillahirahmanirrahim is stated in Indonesian Constituente which is inside its most secret portion, the beginning (preamble).

NATO main threat is USSR (Rusia) while Muslim nations have different threat. Pakistan main threat is India while Indonesia and Arab countries dont see India as threat. Indonesia main threat may be China while China is important ally of Pakistan.

Israel is threat only for Palestine, Jordan, and Syria.

So this is the reason......

Of course there are alliances between Muslims countries because of religious reasons. Nobody is denying that. I am specifically referring to military alliances like NATO, meant for taking military action when their way is threatened. This is the reason the French were the first to bomb ISIS in Syria. They were concerned about radicalisation among French muslims, esp after the Charlie Hebdo killings. This has nothing to do with global dominance or accumulation of wealth.
Of course there are alliances between Muslims countries because of religious reasons. Nobody is denying that. I am specifically referring to military alliances like NATO, meant for taking military action when their way is threatened. This is the reason the French were the first to bomb ISIS in Syria. They were concerned about radicalisation among French muslims, esp after the Charlie Hebdo killings. This has nothing to do with global dominance or accumulation of wealth.

Some thing like NATO, nope I have doubt as I have already stated that unlikely Pakistan will help Indonesia when we have clash with China in SCS.

But that doesnt close any unifying force to happen if something extra ordinary happen like Israel wanting to Genocide all Palestinian. Muslim country has already had OIC where through this organization we discuss matter related to Islam and Muslim.

OIC for example can impose energy embargo to India and give financial and military support to Pakistan the way Western countries do to Ukraine if India try to invade other part of Kasmir

The existence of Muslim countries and OIC and their influence in the world have already had positive impact on many of Muslim issue. The reason of why most countries dont support Israel claim is also due to that influence.

Recent condemnation made by Muslim nations on India government treat to its Muslim citizen have also brough impact to Indian citizens who are Muslim
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But that doesnt close any unifying force to happen if something extra ordinary happen like Israel wanting to Genocide all Palestinian. Muslim country has already had OIC where through this organization we discuss matter related to Islam and Muslim.

Fair point. I also believe that white countries, by virtue of their economic and technological success are seen as aspirational and other cultures want to ally with them. Depending on your specific circumstances, you may ally with a Russia or a NATO and that automatically creates a division between your countries.

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