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Why isn't there a Muslim 'EU'/NATO?

We can at least remove Customs Duties with Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan.
Question is would we really want a Muslim nato a that has people like these psychopaths nawaz or zardari, people like bashed Alasad murderer of million in Syria or people like al sisi who slaughtered thousands in one day ? I wouldn't...
you got bonesaw mbs, zararis, nawaz sharif, plus bajwa mir, other pedo philes gulf monarchies, these ppl ony care about power and money for themselves.
Because the Ummah is nothing but a figment of imagination of Pan-Islamist Pakistanis. The Organization of Islamic Co-operation is good enough.
There is an organisation for Islam countries but there is no unity among them.

Only Pakistanis see Islam as some sort of politically binding concept. The rest of the world only sees ethnicity especially in the mid east as nation states is an alien concept for this region, its divides are based on ethnicity and tribe.
nope. all muslims look at it like this, at least practicing ones. it is the govts that do not.

Because the Ummah is nothing but a figment of imagination of Pan-Islamist Pakistanis. The Organization of Islamic Co-operation is good enough.
Ummah is in the Quran and the Hadith.
Simple answers

1. We have abandoned Islam a long time ago and through our actions have demonstrated that Allah is not All Supreme (Astagfirullah)
2. Because Papa America said so. They provide our leaders with Dollars which is King, and I have heard in some cases Women. Our leaders have drowned themselves in Luxury at the expense of their countries & citizens.
3. Zionist infiltration is deep rooted in our societies. They hold positions of power. Banking/governmental/media institutions.
4. Whilst the world of Islam is getting shafted, Islams enemies come together at the death of only 1 of their own. One the other hand, hundreds of Muslims die and we don't give a shit. Also, us Muslims love to fight and are divided and blinded over petty little things, for example, correct ways to prayer, moon sightings, ethnic differences in practice etc...
Rather we should bring each other together over our commonalities, but seems we are hell bent on picking each others differences of which there are very little.
5. We lack strategic thinking. Whilst the enemies are thinking day and night about planning for the next 10, 20, 50 years, our people and leaders world over are too busy filling their bellies to the point of bursting with biryani, keema, katalamy, shafting carbs like naan like there is no tomorrow. In essence disabling the brain from clarity of thought.

The list can go on and on.....
Simple answers

1. We have abandoned Islam a long time ago and through our actions have demonstrated that Allah is not All Supreme (Astagfirullah)
2. Because Papa America said so. They provide our leaders with Dollars which is King, and I have heard in some cases Women. Our leaders have drowned themselves in Luxury at the expense of their countries & citizens.
3. Zionist infiltration is deep rooted in our societies. They hold positions of power. Banking/governmental/media institutions.
4. Whilst the world of Islam is getting shafted, Islams enemies come together at the death of only 1 of their own. One the other hand, hundreds of Muslims die and we don't give a shit. Also, us Muslims love to fight and are divided and blinded over petty little things, for example, correct ways to prayer, moon sightings, ethnic differences in practice etc...
Rather we should bring each other together over our commonalities, but seems we are hell bent on picking each others differences of which there are very little.
5. We lack strategic thinking. Whilst the enemies are thinking day and night about planning for the next 10, 20, 50 years, our people and leaders world over are too busy filling their bellies to the point of bursting with biryani, keema, katalamy, shafting carbs like naan like there is no tomorrow. In essence disabling the brain from clarity of thought.

The list can go on and on.....

I cannot run a "Islamic" government in Pakistan. Wait let me run a government for the entire Muslim world. Charity starts at home.
Muslim countries love to harm each other...
Divide and rule.

Even NATO members harm each other.

That's way is how USA rules the world.

All vassals must love USA and hate their neighbors.

Meanwhile USA orders each vassal to attack their neighbors in exchange for money.
There is an organisation for Islam countries but there is no unity among them.

View attachment 924194

Saying there is no unity among OIC is not entirely correct

What Muslim world needs to do is to make Muslim countries become matured nation first and manage dispute between them with better and peaceful approach. Improve their own government system and economy where majority are still not a democracy and some have economic problem.

Talking about unity, we still can see border military conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan until this day. We also can see Yemen military conflict that involves both Saudi and Iran as the enemy to one another.

The formation of OIC is already a big achievement by Muslim world. Never you see this kind of body uniting all Muslim countries happen before 20 century.

Situation is getting better now as Saudi-Iran relationship getting better, Turkey-Saudi relationship getting better, etc
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India has the second highest Muslim population I think - if at all there is such an organisation it will have to be under Indian stewarding. The countries mentioned in OP just don’t have the skills or sufficient clout to pull it off. Only someone like Modiji with help from Jaishankar can do this
Indonesia is not Shiah country and not having significant economic relation with Iran, but .........


All UN Members Agree Additional Iran Sanctions, Except RI

Tuesday, 04 March 2008

Read 869 times


In the vote led by the Russian Ambassador to the UN at the UN Headquarters Vitaly Churkin, New York, only Indonesian negotiator Marty Natalegawa raised his hand when Churkin asked the session "Are there any abstentions?".

Russia is president of the UN Security Council for March.

Previously, Churkin had asked other Security Council member states to show their hands if they agreed to the draft resolution.

The ambassadors of 14 member countries all raised their hands in agreement, so that in the voting the Russian Ambassador stated that UN Security Council Resolution No. 1803 was officially passed with 14 votes in favor and one abstention.

When delivering a statement before the vote was held, RI's Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Marty Natalegawa, reiterated that at this time, additional sanctions against Iran were not the best way.

He also said, among other things, that the situation at the time of the previous resolutions regarding the imposition of sanctions against Iran, namely Resolutions Numbers 1737 and 1747, was not the same as the current situation, which Iran saw as Indonesia was working with the UN atomic monitoring agency, IAEA.

"With these considerations and reasons, President, Indonesia will vote on abstaining from the current draft resolution," Marty said in a session chaired by Vitaly Churkin.


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