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Why isn't there a Muslim 'EU'/NATO?

Fair point. I also believe that white countries, by virtue of their economic and technological success are seen as aspirational and other cultures want to ally with them. Depending on your specific circumstances, you may ally with a Russia or a NATO and that automatically creates a division between your countries.

White countries are still Abrahamic related, they are closer to Muslim countries than to both India and China

This is why in my opinion Muslim nations have already had in good policy. We dont need Muslim NATO as we have different threat where our threat nation is maybe ally for other Muslim countries. Muslim NATO can complicate things and even can make the world enter WW3 when we could be pushed by certain Muslim nations to side with either US and NATO or Russia/China camp.

Better we have current OIC which is perfect. It is not a useless organization since the reason there are no intervention in Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Afghanistan are due to those war are made by Muslim in that region themselves.

And anything can happen when Muslim leaders have already had organization like OIC to discuss matter related to Muslim.
First we should go for economic integration and get closer to each other socially and then we can go for military integration. Indonesia supported Pakistan in our 1965 War against India. However, now it is not required to fight India as we can have free trade with India provided the Muslims in India are protected from BJP.
When there is necessity for military action, there is no doubt such thing can be done. Just take example during cold war, it is Muslim countries is in side by side by western power to compete with Communism.

This is a necessity fight. Indonesian Muslim kick Communism out from their country first, then we invaded East Timor that during that time has sympathy to Communism. This is why US and Australia dont criticizes Indonesia invasion on East Timor in 1976 and USA is basically helping by giving Indonesia several Bronco anti insurgency planes. Then Indonesia helped Malaysia eliminate their Communist insurgency in Borneo island.

Pakistan for example was busy in Afghan war against USSR. Arab countries also helped Mujahidin against USSR by their money.
The fundamental question is who is going to be the adversary for the Muslim NATO..As we know, Western NATO has Russia mainly as the adversary and now China as its secondary adversary.. otherwise NATO couldn't justify its existence..

Muslim Nations are not _ in general_ pro-West or pro-East, they've rather chosen to have good relations to a certain degree with both..So for now at least ..A Muslim NATO existence is not justifiable..
The fundamental question is who is going to be the adversary for the Muslim NATO..As we know, Western NATO has Russia mainly as the adversary and now China as its secondary adversary.. otherwise NATO couldn't justify its existence..

Muslim Nations are not _ in general_ pro-West or pro-East, they've rather chosen to have good relations to a certain degree with both..So for now at least ..A Muslim NATO existence is not justifiable..
yes it is. there would be no repeat of palestine, iraq, afghanistan etc. if there is one. the differences would be resolved in-house. and all defenseless states will be defended. what a c*ck comment. hope your country gets invaded next, and your family suffers rapes, death and hunger.
listen if the top leadership wants NATO Muslim alliance they can make it happen thru enforcement. but first you need to integrate economically, i think the reason it not going to work is because no rich arab states wants economic migrants from pakistan, Afghanistan etc.

let me tell you straight up these arab monarchies are satanic masonic baphmet worshiping pedophiles. this is what you must do if you are part of the masonic brotherhood.
There are territorial disputes between Muslim nations but there are also such disputes amongst Europeans. There are differences on policy between the US and EU , even, but they still come to a settlement of some sort.

Tribal/Sectarian lines are the biggest hinderance to such an alliance, but these can be overcome too. In a Muslim 'EU'/NATO, the powerful Muslim nations would lead such an alliance and micromanage the sectarian/tribal differences. We are looking at :

1.) Saudi Arabia
2.) Iran
3.) Turkey
4.) Pakistan
5.) Egypt
6.) Algeria
7.) Indonesia
8.) Qatar
9.) Kuwait
10.) UAE

etc.... I probably missed a few so feel free to pitch in.

There must be social/political/economic cooperation. While the more powerful nations contribute to creating a humanitarian fund to help the less fortunate in impoverished areas. They do not need to be on the same page on everything but there must be a settlement in conflict hot zones such as Yemen, Syria. The Union must at least diplomatically and financially support popular causes such as Palestine, Kashmir, etc.... To keep them on the radar. Military solutions to such causes are not realistic at the moment.

Turkey/Qatar has influence over the Muslim Brotherhood and can cause shift to their agenda to begin preaching for an integrated region, that despite big differences among them, can at least pause the culture war in the region, setting change to permantely eliminate it in future.

Saudi Arabia likewise has influence over Arab bloc/Salafi bloc. And can do same.

Iran has the influence over Shia bloc and can reign its proxies in.


Obviously people will say it's because of US influence. Those that say that also must consider Russian influence. The real reason is people in region do not trust each other. Extending your hand is met with being taken advantage of, by a bloc that wants it all and does not believe in sharing.

I don't understand why we as Muslims can be so selfish and greedy. What is wrong with making some sacrifice in geopolitical interests for greater good of people of region?

If there are any other factors you think prevents a formation of Muslim EU, please share. I can think of one more:

1.) Nations aren't developed enough, and do not know what their potential is, and what they can bring the to the table, especially with oil being phased out in coming decades.


European nations were more developed an each offer something unique. Muslim nations have not realized their potential , despite some of them like Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, and maybe Saudi Arabia offering more in some sectors.
Let’s make one, I table the vote to call it

POTATO: Potentially Offensive Tactically Absent Treaty Organisation.
We should stablish a economic system look like European Union, its possible.

But i don't think Muslim countries can stablish a military alliance.

The European Union (EU) experiment has been a huge success in combining the economic power and manpower of different countries in Europe. Visa free travel between the countries and ability to settle down and work anywhere has resulted in movement of cheap labor from Eastern European countries to advanced countries.

Muslims should also take guidance from this example and convert the already existing Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) into an Economic Union. OIC has been until now mostly a discussion forum where issues relating to Muslim Ummah were discussed. OIC played a positive role during the Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union.

General (Retd.) Raheel Sharif is already leading the Saudi Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC; Arabic: التحالف الإسلامي العسكري لمحاربة الإرهاب, a military coalition of 41 Muslim countries.

However, it seems that the coalition would perform much better if its manpower is from Pakistani, Malaysian, Indonesian and African countries.

The new Union should adopt a common Gold based Currency, trade without Custom Duties and Visa free travel between the member countries and have joint Defense.

Every member country should have its elected government but at the center should be a Muslim Parliament with members elected from all the Muslim countries and a head of Muslim Union called Sadr-ad-Dawlah.

The Muslim Union should have its common economic development policies with each county having its separate policies as well for some subjects.
Muslims countries’ individuals ego won’t allow such EU/NATO to be successful unfortunately.
Muslims countries’ individuals ego won’t allow such EU/NATO to be successful unfortunately.
And you think this ego does not exist inside NATO? France exited NATO for that very reason, thinking it some kind of superpowa. You need one center of gravity, like US with military/economic/social/scientific strength, which can put every other member in line.

The day such a center of gravity comes into existence, a lot of artificial countries would cease to exist. Which is the reason behind the current chaotic situation is Muslim heart lands. It is artificially created and continuously maintained.
And you think this ego does not exist inside NATO? France exited NATO for that very reason, thinking it some kind of superpowa. You need one center of gravity, like US with military/economic/social/scientific strength, which can put every other member in line.

The day such a center of gravity comes into existence, a lot of artificial countries would cease to exist. Which is the reason behind the current chaotic situation is Muslim heart lands. It is artificially created and continuously maintained.
You have valid points.
But french has the means to express their ego, I mean industrial v’base.. all points you mentioned.

But do you think sincerely that enemies will allow such Center of gravity to exist among Muslims countries ? I don’t ‘!

By going to what Islamic Organisation Conférence did do and perhaps will do… there is no hope for such organism taking place.

And I’m thinking about the issue of such organisation since the beginning of 1990´ ! I called it the United States of Islam at that time 😂
Muslim NATO lmao. NATO is literally to invade non western countries and steal their resources. They will never fight the Russians. They will however shed Muslim blood with the help of the local Quislings. The day Islamic countries got their act together, is the day NATO will drop nukes on you all. That’s why ICBM that can reach every NATO country is a must. Minimum deterrent should be 10k nukes. I’m not even joking about this. NK and Iran have the right idea
Only Pakistanis see Islam as some sort of politically binding concept. The rest of the world only sees ethnicity especially in the mid east as nation states is an alien concept for this region, its divides are based on ethnicity and tribe.
I'd love for this to happen, but it's a very well orchestrated plan to keep the islamic bloc weak, as not to challenge the current world order.

This is because Islam is, in itself, a world order. And this is a war of ideologies

Each of these countries is at the mercry of Western nations. As long as these countries are economically dependent on Western nations don't expect an iota of change. Remember that capitalism is invented by Western nations. They define the rules and also change them if necessary. You cannot prosper in such an economic system if you intend to have an independent policy as a non-Western nation. Unless the inventors of capitalism need your services like India. In such an instance the matrix will provide and care abundantly for you.

Only Pakistanis see Islam as some sort of politically binding concept. The rest of the world only sees ethnicity especially in the mid east as nation states is an alien concept for this region, its divides are based on ethnicity and tribe.

That is correct. Although a seperate currency and trading bloc could definitely set things in motion. The problem with Islamic nations is that they have pathetic and spineless leaders. You need leaders with vision, urgency and ambition to move forward. We don't have any of these attributes.
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