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Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan

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My friend, many of us have already done that. We threw away our religious identities.

We simply had to look across the Himalayas and see a relatively godless country doing amazingly well.

Good for you guys since Hindu religion was just a man made scripture. Our Religion is the utter most true religion the mankind will ever see because the Quran is the word of Allah one true God.
My friend, many of us have already done that. We threw away our religious identities.

We simply had to look across the Himalayas and see a relatively godless country doing amazingly well.

we don't seek the pleasures of this world. . The fact that you look for a godless country is a proof that other religions were man made and are no good. . .
It is not the Hindus alone who think that way! It has nothing to do with Hindus in any case. It is mainly about you Muslims.

Who are you waiting for BTW? Is what you have already not sufficient? Why not?

I was addressing to mostly Indians on this thread. But I was wrong since many Indians here are not Hindus.

Btw we are waiting for Mehdi "the guided one" who will be assisted by Prophet Isa to establish true islamic system according to Quran Hadis and Sunnah and to defeat the Dajjal. If you want to learn more about him I will be happy to PM you.
I was addressing to mostly Indians on this thread. But I was wrong since many Indians here are not Hindus.

Btw we are waiting for Mehdi "the guided one" who will establish true islamic system according to Quran Hadis and Sunnah and to defeat the Dajjal. If you want to learn more about him I will be happy to PM you.

please add Hazrar Isa (A.S) too. .
In all fairness to those who say Islam is not a peaceful religion... there is truth to it... Islam is not buddhism... we do have such a thing as Jihad i.e Armed conflict for the sake of ideology...

but then all that is for justice and fair treatment... Its a different matter that some Muslims are using Islam to spread senseless violence and terrorism etc...

As an example... it was a Christian delegation that came to Caliph Umar and asked him to send his army to Palestine to protect them from the Romans who were oppressing the people living there... So Palestine was liberated by Muslims at the request of Christians being oppressed there... Sometimes to prevent violence, one has to violently stop the aggressors...
totally agree with you. . but I think till that time we must fulfill our responsibilities. . At least to consider things wrong that Quran and Hadis says is wrong. .

and be aware that there can be legitimate difference of opinion on some issues
although slightly off topic... I do wonder what happened to Hinduism... I mean for a belief that considers even harming a cow as a bad thing, how come these very people brutally kill and burn human beings the way we saw Hindus did in Gujrat to Muslims?

What happened man? Dont kill the cow but its ok to butcher Humans??
In all fairness to those who say Islam is not a peaceful religion... there is truth to it... Islam is not buddhism... we do have such a thing as Jihad i.e Armed conflict for the sake of ideology...

but then all that is for justice and fair treatment... Its a different matter that some Muslims are using Islam to spread senseless violence and terrorism etc...

As an example... it was a Christian delegation that came to Caliph Umar and asked him to send his army to Palestine to protect them from the Romans who were oppressing the people living there... So Palestine was liberated by Muslims at the request of Christians being oppressed there... Sometimes to prevent violence, one has to violently stop the aggressors...

Indians think we all should live the life of Ghandi who himself was pampered by the British Empire and one of the reason was to undermine Islam. So when People will think of Peace hypocrite Ghandi will be the example to fallow. Ghandi mission would not have even worked a bit in early 1800s when Brits were slaughtering anybody who opposed them but Ghandi met their interest so thats why he was allowed to do all these crazy stunts.
^ Its Gandhi not Ghandi.

Is it so difficult to understand?
Metro, where are you?

You asked a question, I answered, I want your opinion.

Edit: T faz, Yours was a wonderful reply, and i appreciate that. However i myself dont agree with that.

Here, can I ask you to give your opinion, what you think went wrong with Pakistan ?
Why Pakistanis are killing each other. And they are doing it on daily basis ?
I promise to continue this debate with you, till we reach any conclusion.
although slightly off topic... I do wonder what happened to Hinduism... I mean for a belief that considers even harming a cow as a bad thing, how come these very people brutally kill and burn human beings the way we saw Hindus did in Gujrat to Muslims?

What happened man? Dont kill the cow but its ok to butcher Humans??

Same can be asked to those muslims who burned some innocent hindus alive in ghodra-which triggered the barbaric riots,to those muslims who kill each other and other minorities on a daily basis in pakistan..If someone does something bad in the name of religion,that religion should not be blamed as long as the fundamental religious scriptures of that religion condone that act..
although slightly off topic... I do wonder what happened to Hinduism... I mean for a belief that considers even harming a cow as a bad thing, how come these very people brutally kill and burn human beings the way we saw Hindus did in Gujrat to Muslims?

What happened man? Dont kill the cow but its ok to butcher Humans??

Actually there are 2 independent questions in your single question.

Gujrat per se had nothing to do with Hinduism. It was more like the same delusioned ones who burnt down the train or the ones who are killing kids around in Pakistan on the name of Islam.

Secondly hinduism says that killing any innocent being is a sin inclusive of animals but at the same time supports violence as the last resort. if everything fails out then violence is the last option. For example the war of ramayana and the war of mahabharata which were fought as a last resort.
Actually there are 2 independent questions in your single question.

Gujrat per se had nothing to do with Hinduism. It was more like the same delusioned ones who burnt down the train or the ones who are killing kids around in Pakistan on the name of Islam.

Secondly hinduism says that killing any innocent being is a sin inclusive of animals but at the same time supports violence as the last resort. if everything fails out then violence is the last option. For example the war of ramayana and the war of mahabharata which were fought as a last resort.

So then Why blame our religion as the root problem in Pakisatn? Do you know in Islam if a Muslim kills another Muslim it is as if he has killed the entire mankind! The punishment is beyond our comprehension level. Same goes for killing non muslims as well.
Secondly hinduism says that killing any innocent being is a sin inclusive of animals but at the same time supports violence as the last resort. if everything fails out then violence is the last option. For example the war of ramayana and the war of mahabharata which were fought as a last resort.

Can all non-Muslims think of Islam in this manner!!!!
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