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Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan

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So then Why blame our religion as the root problem in Pakisatn? Do you know in Islam if a Muslim kills another Muslim it is as if he has killed the entire mankind! The punishment is beyond our comprehension level. Same goes for killing non muslims as well.

Because religion is being used too much in every walk of life. Religon and belief are personal affair. But in case of Pakistan day to day decisons are based on religion. Majority of groups violent and non violent quote religon to get their job done. India isint short of such groups but the reasons are not religious. Half of Pakistan is confused about the version of Islam which they follow, for some its the taliban version and for some it is saner one. since pakistan is a islamic republic lack of clear demarcation of version of Islam leads to a confused society creating chaos.
I did not get your question? can you please ellaborate.

I am saying that those people, who refer to Quranic verses in which Muslims are instructed to fight and say Islam is violent, must understand that Islam also support this so called VOILENCE as the last option!!
I am saying that those people, who refer to Quranic verses in which Muslims are instructed to fight and say Islam is violent, must understand that Islam also support this so called VOILENCE as the last option!!

Yeah everyone knows that. but the thing is with people that they take it as a first option and paint it green and so all muslims come under the scanner because of it. see if you try to understand what i am trying to say is that when we do something violent we dont paint is saffron per se where as muslims paint it green though it might have nothing to do with Islam as such. Now Islam is globally distributed geographically and when one does something far far away saying i am doing it for the same god in which you belive in its obivious for your non muslim neighbour to get paranoid though you say that you have nothing to do that far far away man
So then Why blame our religion as the root problem in Pakisatn? Do you know in Islam if a Muslim kills another Muslim it is as if he has killed the entire mankind! The punishment is beyond our comprehension level. Same goes for killing non muslims as well.

Islam as a religion was never a problem with PAK. However its the way in which it has been misused to forward an agenda that is the problem. That is the key difference. This agenda has been propagated and sadly spread into millions of minds in PAK. For example, the same religious sentiment wrt to shias, sunnis and ahmedias may exist among Indian Muslims as well. However, that sentiment is largely contained as having separate mosques or not having people marry between the different sects. But on the road, in buildings, among friends, as co-workers it never comes up. Killing people because of a sect does not happen as in PAK since the Indian Muslim are very united.

Also, secularism has helped the Indian Mulsim much. In any given day they have to routinely interact, make friends, do business, study, work with people from other religions. India today is largely "a me world" meaning there is no hope if "I" don't work harder. This new feeling is rubbing off on every individual and religion has become largely a private affair with goals, money and career taking more time.

Avoid comparing Hinduism and Islam(in PAK). The better comparison is Islam in India vs Islam in PAK, regardless of the bitter sense in the topic. India has had problems but the fact that people here avoid the recent Babri Masjid ruling and the tolerance shown by every community but state the Gujrat episode over and over, which by the way is almost a decade old, only shows they are avoiding the obvious comparison of Islam in the two countries.
Because religion is being used too much in every walk of life. Religon and belief are personal affair. But in case of Pakistan day to day decisons are based on religion. Majority of groups violent and non violent quote religon to get their job done. India isint short of such groups but the reasons are not religious. Half of Pakistan is confused about the version of Islam which they follow, for some its the taliban version and for some it is saner one. since pakistan is a islamic republic lack of clear demarcation of version of Islam leads to a confused society creating chaos.

For us Muslims, Islam is suppose to be every walk of life and nothing else comes above it. Just because some people are quoting some text from our religion and carrying out actions does not necessarily means they are practicing Islam. The problem with Pakistani fanatic muslims is that they misinterpret islam and anyone who does not support them becomes a Kafir "Non believer" and for the audience like yourself becomes example of Islam. Yes indeed People in Pakistan have alot of versions of Islam just like every other part of Muslim world because we are in the time of Jahilyah "ignorance of divine guidance" which even Prophet Mohammed PBUH mention about such time of future.
Islam as a religion was never a problem with PAK. However its the way in which it has been misused to forward an agenda that is the problem. That is the key difference. This agenda has been propagated and sadly spread into millions of minds in PAK. For example, the same religious sentiment wrt to shias, sunnis and ahmedias may exist among Indian Muslims as well. However, that sentiment is largely contained as having separate mosques or not having people marry between the different sects. But on the road, in buildings, among friends, as co-workers it never comes up. Killing people because of a sect does not happen as in PAK since the Indian Muslim are very united.

Also, secularism has helped the Indian Mulsim much. In any given day they have to routinely interact, make friends, do business, study, work with people from other religions. India today is largely "a me world" meaning there is no hope if "I" don't work harder. This new feeling is rubbing off on every individual and religion has become largely a private affair with goals, money and career taking more time.

Avoid comparing Hinduism and Islam(in PAK). The better comparison is Islam in India vs Islam in PAK, regardless of the bitter sense in the topic. India has had problems but the fact that people here avoid the recent Babri Masjid ruling and the tolerance shown by every community but state the Gujrat episode over and over, which by the way is almost a decade old, only shows they are avoiding the obvious comparison of Islam in the two countries.

LOL. Typical.

Just because Indian Muslims are loyal to India first does not make them perfect Muslims or even good Muslims. Both Indians and Pakistanis promote a very gruesome version of Islam. I hope my previous post helps you understand this subject.
For us Muslims, Islam is suppose to be every walk of life and nothing else comes above it. Just because some people are quoting some text from our religion and carrying out actions does not necessarily means they are practicing Islam. The problem with Pakistani fanatic muslims is that they misinterpret islam and anyone who does not support them becomes a Kafir "Non believer" and for the audience like yourself becomes example of Islam. Yes indeed People in Pakistan have alot of versions of Islam just like every other part of Muslim world because we are in the time of Jahilyah "ignorance of divine guidance" which even Prophet Mohammed PBUH mention about such time of future.

What would be a 'pious, true Muslim'?

Everyone claims to be one, including those who are dismembering Pakistan, while others say that the next chap is not a 'true Muslim' wherever there is some omission.

It is like going to the bazaar and asking a vegetable seller, 'Are these vegetables fresh?'.

Obviously, he will say it is so, while his competitor which say otherwise of the first seller's products compared to his!!
So then Why blame our religion as the root problem in Pakisatn? Do you know in Islam if a Muslim kills another Muslim it is as if he has killed the entire mankind! The punishment is beyond our comprehension level. Same goes for killing non muslims as well.

Yet this is something that has happened throughout Islamic history with sickening regularity and is happening today.

Why? What gives?
although slightly off topic... I do wonder what happened to Hinduism... I mean for a belief that considers even harming a cow as a bad thing, how come these very people brutally kill and burn human beings the way we saw Hindus did in Gujrat to Muslims?

What happened man? Dont kill the cow but its ok to butcher Humans??

No, it is not OK to kill humans.

It was not a riot for getting jannat (or swarg). No one believed that by killing the people, they are going to get 72 women to lay.

It was a political act. In supposed revenge of the Godhra inhuman act.

Hindus believe in fighting and laying down their lives for justice. Don't make any mistake about it.
Good for you guys since Hindu religion was just a man made scripture. Our Religion is the utter most true religion the mankind will ever see because the Quran is the word of Allah one true God.

How can you be so sure that it is the word of God?

How can anyone be sure about any religions roots? Or what is stated in such religions is that of God?

It is just a question of belief!
No, it is not OK to kill humans.

It was not a riot for getting jannat (or swarg). No one believed that by killing the people, they are going to get 72 women to lay.

It was a political act. In supposed revenge of the Godhra inhuman act.

Hindus believe in fighting and laying down their lives for justice. Don't make any mistake about it.

haha... joke of the day... a religion based on social caste system and justice... LOL

good for you and good for us that you believe in laying your lives for justice... you ll soon have to do just that... :)

Now you dont make any mistake about that... We will retake India with violence if need be... God willing :)
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