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Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan

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agreed and such core values exist even in society without any religion or God. You can be atheist and follow all these values :)

They did not exist before religion was introduced in some parts of world, religion was the reason societies changed the way they functioned. Societies also expanded because they were initially restricted by region or area, religion gave people a reason to relate with others forming larger groups. The core values once taught by religion become a part of every society with or without religion as they were by then global requirements.

But you must remember that religious people even with their faith not always follow these values, Muslims are a prime example of this. All that is the opposite of these core values is practiced in Muslim societies rendering religion ineffective. This is why new concepts of governance and law had to be developed for the sake of effectively instilling these values in nations.
All religions teach the same core values. Thus all the religions are equal but in terms of being true, you cannot deem any religion to be true. This is because the word 'true' itself means consistent with fact or reality; not false. All religions are in actuality a belief, which is any cognitive content (in this case religion) being held as true. So your question is flawed because relgion is a belief and it is held as being true by its believers. How can one call all religion true when their own faith is based on idea of one religion, their own religion, being true.

Metro, where are you?

You asked a question, I answered, I want your opinion.
Metro, where are you?

You asked a question, I answered, I want your opinion.

Let me try.

Religion is merely a tool to guide or sometimes force people to act humanly. Its the way of life that makes things secure, peaceful and convenient for human existence. This is fact that create difference between human and animal.
If you understand humanity, you dont need the stick of religion to be called as human.

The need of hour for all extremists is to rethink that the religious ideology they follow, whether in its pure or impure form, really making their lifes more convenient, constructive and progressive to the human existence?
If my religion or say my way of living is humanly and not a threat to anyone, then I could say its equal to hinduism, christianity or Islamism.
We have adopted a religion without any training or understanding.If you look at the level of education it is low and the level of religious education amongst the people is probably even lower. The other diverse situation is the level of religious education andTRUE understanding of islam in the educated class is even lower than the uneducated class. We have therefore handed the responsibility of making religious decisions to a class of people who neither have an understanding of the religion nor any idea of how the world is progressing, yet in religious matters they are forced to give decisions they are totally incapable of doing.
The other factor to consider is the use of religious feelings and cliches by a class of vested interests who want to use religion for their own nefarious purposes. This class is even more dangerous than the jahil Mullah as they are not averse to useing religion to avail whatever they want and have no hesitancy in using violence or murder__which is abhorred in our religion .
The Indians are proving to be disgusting as they are. They are telling us to divorce from our religion Islam and the problem in Pakistan will be solved. Why the F not you guy ditch your religion in Ganga river and become atheist and maybe then Indians will get along better with Pakistanis and its neighbor.
These Hindus think the chaos created by Muslims is because of the teaching of Islam. Prophet Mohammed clearly said that their will be a time when Muslims around the world will be like scums and non muslims will have no respect for the religion Islam. This is exactly what is happening.. People have no understanding of Islam and are trying to act like bunch of smart @@@ but at the end only may fool out of them self. The only realistic way out of this mess is when a promised Messiah arrives and brings peace to the world and his powerful words will make every body fallow him.
We have adopted a religion without any training or understanding.If you look at the level of education it is low and the level of religious education amongst the people is probably even lower. The other diverse situation is the level of religious education andTRUE understanding of islam in the educated class is even lower than the uneducated class. We have therefore handed the responsibility of making religious decisions to a class of people who neither have an understanding of the religion nor any idea of how the world is progressing, yet in religious matters they are forced to give decisions they are totally incapable of doing.
The other factor to consider is the use of religious feelings and cliches by a class of vested interests who want to use religion for their own nefarious purposes. This class is even more dangerous than the jahil Mullah as they are not averse to useing religion to avail whatever they want and have no hesitancy in using violence or murder__which is abhorred in our religion .

The best way to understand your own religion properly is to become your own teacher.
There are lot of verses in quran which promotes violence. Mohammed( the main hero of Islam)used violent means. Most muslims consider mohammed as role model, and follow him. You cant blame a few muslims who try to follow mohammed and Islamic text in letter and spirit.

Islam was violent all along, it is that most muslims have rejected violence, like people of other religion. Those few muslims who are violent should not be blamed and condemned. You can call them stupid, but not evil.

you need to do some research before posting. . Yes, Muslims have fought many wars but they did so because they had too. . What do you recommend to do when an Army attacks you??? Sit behind and wait for them to come and kill you.. .
These Hindus think the chaos created by Muslims is because of the teaching of Islam. Prophet Mohammed clearly said that their will be a time when Muslims around the world will be like scums and non muslims will have no respect for the religion Islam. This is exactly what is happening.. People have no understanding of Islam and are trying to act like bunch of smart @@@ but at the end only may fool out of them self. The only realistic way out of this mess is when a promised Messiah arrives and brings peace to the world and his powerful words will make every body fallow him.

totally agree with you. . but I think till that time we must fulfill our responsibilities. . At least to consider things wrong that Quran and Hadis says is wrong. .
They did not exist before religion was introduced in some parts of world, religion was the reason societies changed the way they functioned. Societies also expanded because they were initially restricted by region or area, religion gave people a reason to relate with others forming larger groups. The core values once taught by religion become a part of every society with or without religion as they were by then global requirements.

But you must remember that religious people even with their faith not always follow these values, Muslims are a prime example of this. All that is the opposite of these core values is practiced in Muslim societies rendering religion ineffective. This is why new concepts of governance and law had to be developed for the sake of effectively instilling these values in nations.

I have to disagree with you. The values of compassion, kindness, truthfulness, etc have existed in all human societies. Even tribal societies where none of the major religions were introduced had these values as part of their culture. There is even documented evidence that neanderthal societies took pains to feed their old who could not even chew their food.

You might claim that it is the religious beliefs that these societies hold. However how do we explain the fact that somehow all the religions, immaterial of where they are or how many followers it has, espouse these same values? We cant even be sure the neanderthals had anything similar to modern religions.

The simplest explanation to this common string is that religions simply take the values of the societies they are present in.
Any society which for example espouses stealing as a good thing will spend too much time protecting its goods from itself to efficiently utilize them and will die out.

Religion is the codification of the values that societies hold and not the source of those values.
These Hindus think the chaos created by Muslims is because of the teaching of Islam. Prophet Mohammed clearly said that their will be a time when Muslims around the world will be like scums and non muslims will have no respect for the religion Islam. This is exactly what is happening.. People have no understanding of Islam and are trying to act like bunch of smart @@@ but at the end only may fool out of them self. The only realistic way out of this mess is when a promised Messiah arrives and brings peace to the world and his powerful words will make every body fallow him.

It is not the Hindus alone who think that way! It has nothing to do with Hindus in any case. It is mainly about you Muslims.

Who are you waiting for BTW? Is what you have already not sufficient? Why not?
The Indians are proving to be disgusting as they are. They are telling us to divorce from our religion Islam and the problem in Pakistan will be solved. Why the F not you guy ditch your religion in Ganga river and become atheist and maybe then Indians will get along better with Pakistanis and its neighbor.

My friend, many of us have already done that. We threw away our religious identities.

We simply had to look across the Himalayas and see a relatively godless country doing amazingly well.

Please don't go there - This server may be inthe US but other than a few Indians few buy such arguments, because they are fundamentally flawed -- a better argument in which you don't have to go Quran, is to look at experience, look at history.

Right from the beginning of Islam, political violence seems to be a fellow traveler, notice 3 of the 4 righteous caliphs were killed - over doctrinal issues -

And of course all you have to do is go the Pakistan's war board, Bombing after bombing, killing, beheadings, murder and mayhem and of course done by peole who say they are Muslims and animated by islam

just because someone says that they are doing suicide bombings or carrying out terrorists attacks on the name of Islam; does'nt mean that Islam teaches this. .

If I write DIAMOND HOUSE outside my home; does that mean my house is made up of Diamonds. . NO!

- - So if you are suggesting that Islam teaches violence, then you need to study Islam more clearly. .
- - Some people make Jihad an issue; I would suggest them to first study the conditions of Jihad. .
Instead of a blasphemy law, which is about as backward in ideology as one can be, what about an amendment to the Pakistan Constitution declaring the nation to be sectarian and all religions to be protected and allowed to co-equally exist without interference as long as such religons are peaceful?

Those abusing Islam with violence daily would be put in their place or either jailed or defeated militarily once and for all.

Is nt that what the Americans want (for making it a secular state)... haha in your dreams sir... in your dreams... :)

As for protection of minorities... look who is talking... go back a few decades and Americans were experimenting on Americans treating them worse than guinea pigs...

Islam protects all... we dont need secularism to protect our minorities...
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