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Why is US obsessed with Iran

Yes, that is precisely the reason why US went on an all-out offensive against Russia in support of Georgia, didn't it? :disagree:

You need to get a perspective boy.

Because Georgia blundered into a war disregarding specific US warnings not to do so. The world saw what Russia could do when NATO blasted Russia's close ally Serbia in 1999..absolutely nothing.
This movie was totally fiction. If you think it was fact then you are delusional. It was a Hollywood Movie!!!! It was made to make money off of anti-Americans like you.

First of all I watched it on bootleg soo supporting him out of the question. And looking at bush how he convinced the public to attack Iraq is an prime example of the mesh over your eyes. And iam not antiamerican the only reason you might think that Ian Is beacuse you where brought up that way.... By what you watch what you learned in your whole life .... So please save innocent lives don't let IFO happen
US is obsessed with Iran because it considers it larger prize than the current puppet Arab allies. Iran has more geopolitical and strategic value to US. Iran has large educated elite and infrastructure. US has not given up its obsession of its previous love affair during Shah's era.
This is just another pointless American bashing thread. This whole forum is flooded with these kinds of threads.
Because Georgia blundered into a war disregarding specific US warnings not to do so. The world saw what Russia could do when NATO blasted Russia's close ally Serbia in 1999..absolutely nothing.

My point was, Russia cannot be taken lightly when it says it will come to Iran's aid if US invades Iran. US didn't invade Iran, ergo, Russian threats worked.
Anyone wants to still trade in the Euro now after Greece?

People don't want to trade in USD now too! Heck, even UN decreed that USD can no longer serve as the world's reserve currency.
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The premise of this article thread is pretty laughable. The US's obsession with Iran?, its clearly the other way around.
In the US do you see state sponsored murals and grafitti on city walls calling for the destruction of Iran? How about state sponsored street protests of the embassy hostage drama each year where murals are burnt, fanatics take to the stage and spout hate filled speaches?
Cant remember seeing any large government run demonstrations in the US where citizens are marching down the street calling for the destruction of a country like you see in Iran.
Everything that goes wrong in Iran is somehow blamed on the US or Jews.
When was the last time you saw an american president calling for the a country to be wiped off the map?
Iran is run from the background by group of religious fanatics thats headed by an out of touch firebrand.
According to the religous government of Iran, earthquakes are caused by promiscuous girls. Yep I would be worried about them getting nukes as well.
Iran knows how to bypass sanctions'

tehran times : 'Iran knows how to bypass sanctions'

An Iranian lawmaker says Tehran has learned how to bypass sanctions and by establishing ties with different countries turn threats into opportunities.

""If resolutions and sanctions were going to be effective, the first resolutions would have worked and there would be no need for passing four UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions,"" member of Majlis (Parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Seyyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini said.

He went on to add that the head of International Atomic Energy Agency has reiterated the non-diversion of Iran's nuclear program in nearly 22 statements and said, ""The U.S. is merely pursuing political objectives and intends to tighten pressure on Iran.""

Naqavi Hosseini said that the Israeli lobby was the force behind the adoption of resolutions against Iran and described sending messages to international personalities in defense of the Iranian nation's nuclear rights as the only way to counter anti-Iran efforts.

The Iranian lawmaker went on to add that Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki's letters to the 15 members of the UNSC in critique of serial resolutions against Iran as effective.

On June 9, the UNSC adopted a resolution imposing a fourth round of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program. The U.S. and EU also imposed unilateral sanctions against Tehran shortly afterwards.

Tehran rejects Western accusations that it intends to develop nuclear weapons, and has asserted that Iran's nuclear capabilities are only aimed at peaceful purposes such as the development of the country's energy and medical infrastructure.
The premise of this article thread is pretty laughable. The US's obsession with Iran?, its clearly the other way around.
In the US do you see state sponsored murals and grafitti on city walls calling for the destruction of Iran? How about state sponsored street protests of the embassy hostage drama each year where murals are burnt, fanatics take to the stage and spout hate filled speaches?
Cant remember seeing any large government run demonstrations in the US where citizens are marching down the street calling for the destruction of a country like you see in Iran.
Everything that goes wrong in Iran is somehow blamed on the US or Jews.
When was the last time you saw an american president calling for the a country to be wiped off the map?
Iran is run from the background by group of religious fanatics thats headed by an out of touch firebrand.
According to the religous government of Iran, earthquakes are caused by promiscuous girls. Yep I would be worried about them getting nukes as well.

Its not the other way around. Its both ways. Iran features prominently in US news media. I live here. I've seen people speculating on the situation. Americans has wiped off more people on this planet than any other nation, except probably the British empire.
Iran features prominently in US news media.
Because Iran is news, not because the American people is as obsessed with Iran the way the Iranians are about US.

I live here.
So do I.

I've seen people speculating on the situation.
Not the same as 'Death to America'.

Americans has wiped off more people on this planet than any other nation, except probably the British empire.
Nope...You must be talking about the commies.
falconfx is an idiot, making such massive untrue statements.
People don't want to trade in USD now too! Heck, even UN decreed that USD can no longer serve as the world's reserve currency.
The UN does not have the authority to order members to trade in the currency of their choice. The best is that some UN General Assembly Commission make some sort of 'recommendation' about something.
Its not the other way around. Its both ways. Iran features prominently in US news media. I live here. I've seen people speculating on the situation. Americans has wiped off more people on this planet than any other nation, except probably the British empire.

Come on if you live here you know you have hundreds of thousands media people that speculate about every thing from UFOs to man in the moon. But you have never even heard any one say they hate Iran much less that they are the devil, satan or any thing else. You have never seen a march or demostration against Iran, unless it was in support of democracy after the last election and they were usually Iranians.
Iran could not defeat Iraq in a eight and half year war with Iran being next door and lost nearly a million people trying. The USA traveled 5000 miles took out Iraqi Military in three weeks and lost 120 soldiers doing it.

Such a typically arrogant comment, so has USA single-handedly taken out Iraq? The rest of allies efforts = negligible = non existence

Reality check - without UN and allies backing up financially, politically and militarily, the USA will not have a stellar performance during the the 1990/91 Gulf War. And as for the illegal war USA is fighting in Iraq right now, well, they are still fighting after 7 years, even with all those technology marvels... lol
Such a typically arrogant comment, so has USA single-handedly taken out Iraq? The rest of allies efforts = negligible = non existence

Reality check - without UN and allies backing up financially, politically and militarily, the USA will not have a stellar performance during the the 1990/91 Gulf War. And as for the illegal war USA is fighting in Iraq right now, well, they are still fighting after 7 years, even with all those technology marvels... lol

It was not much of a fight. You would have thought it would have been much more difficult to occupie an Islamic Country for 7 years and in the case of Afghanstan nine years. Of course not having some help would have made it harder.

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