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Why is US obsessed with Iran

USAObsession over Iran won't stop until ahmedeenajad dead body will be hanging ..... Uncle Sam at his best :D

I see Iranians marching in the streets by the thousands and their leaders screaming death to america and it looks like they are developing nuclear weapons.

I dont see any need to wait till they pull the trigger.

They either have to mean it or they are crazy either way I want them dealt with....

If any of you fellows come over here and start screaming death to some one and they shoots your *** off, no jury in the USA is going to convict some one over it.
Option 3.. USA developes alternative energy supplies and no long imports oil.
If we could find alternatives for 20 percent we could eliminate the middle east as a supplier and oil would drop to ten dollars a barrel.

If someone would have the capacity to develop that I too believe it would originate from the states, who knows if that does happen one day it would bring world peace to a truly obtainable goal. Right next to nuclear disarmament

All the middle east has is oil. The middle east was once the world’s most advanced region, but these days its biggest industries are extravagant consumption and the venting of resentment. According to the UN’s 2004 Arab human development report, the region boasts the second lowest adult literacy rate in the world (after sub-Saharan Africa) at just 63 per cent. Its dependence on oil means that manufactured goods account for just 17 per cent of exports, compared to a global average of 78 per cent. Moreover, despite its oil wealth, the entire middle east generated under 4 per cent of global GDP in 2006—less than Germany. That is piteful.

My opinion on this is that the developed worlds have a part to play in this development of the middle east. Bearing in mind these are one of the world's oldest civilizations and many of their religious beliefs, daily practice, family values etc have formed over a period of thousands of years. Majority of the developed countries are relatively young in history and naturally take on to democracy easily which support capitalism driven economies. The developed countries are now trying to exert their ideology unto the Middle East which causes fractures in their society (stalling development) with one side agreeing with the developed world and another keeping to their traditions. If they had been left on their own though they may not be as advance as the other nations but they could come to terms with the world on their own accord.
My opinion on this is that the developed worlds have a part to play in this development of the middle east. Bearing in mind these are one of the world's oldest civilizations and many of their religious beliefs, daily practice, family values etc have formed over a period of thousands of years. Majority of the developed countries are relatively young in history and naturally take on to democracy easily which support capitalism driven economies. The developed countries are now trying to exert their ideology unto the Middle East which causes fractures in their society (stalling development) with one side agreeing with the developed world and another keeping to their traditions. If they had been left on their own though they may not be as advance as the other nations but they could come to terms with the world on their own accord.

I agree with every thing you said to this point "If they had been left on their own though they may not be as advance as the other nations but they could come to terms with the world on their own accord'

When a culture fails to advance, or actually starts to regress, their is inevitable conflict with surrounding culture. Even among cultures its survival of the fittest.
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I agree with every thing you said to this point "If they had been left on their own though they may not be as advance as the other nations but they could come to terms with the world on their own accord'

When a culture fails to advance, or actually starts to regress, their is inevitable conflict with surrounding culture. Even among cultures its survival of the fittest.

Fair point I think when it come down to the lowest points we are all animals lol.

I just hope that this Iranian issue will be resolved peacefully, if its Nuclear power they want to develop I don't see an issue but if its nuclear weapons then Hell no. Unfortunately in this day no one knows who is saying what and the fact that Iran holds a lot of Oil muddies up the whole issue. Let the games begin!
Simply because it cannot be control it does what it feels like doing.

Any country that the US does not have some sort of control over is at odds with the country. It has a totalitarian way of thinking towards the international community. What bugs the government of America is despite all the sanction its doing relatively well. (Doing better than Pakistan, all this country has done is kiss ***.
Another way to put it is:

Why does (the official) Iran hate the west so much (besides the US).
What is it about the western way Iran has an issue with ?
Methinks it's Iran, who started bullying the Amreeka.
To put it very briefly, Iran has an important geo-strategic position linking the subcontinent, the Middle East and Central Asia. Furthermore, she borders two energy rich regions-- the lower Caspian and the Persian Gulf, added to which is the most diversified industrial base in the Middle East. It's leaders have independent policies (i.e unwilling to align themselves to the US and its allies) and maintain their own sphere of interest (i.e. active key player). As such, an 'obsession' is most understandable.

Another way to put it is:

Why does (the official) Iran hate the west so much (besides the US).
What is it about the western way Iran has an issue with ?

Iran does not hate the west. If one is led to believe as such it is little more than a misconception. Iranian leaders have appreciated Western contributions to science and technology and have encouraged their own people to follow suit. Iran has had historical and continuous issues with intervention by foreign powers though-- this it continues to negate. Apart from this, Iranians value their own cultural attributes, customs and values to be not less than that of others. The perception of an Iran vilifying all that is not it's own is a purposely crafted image.
Iran does not hate the west. If one is led to believe as such it is little more than a misconception. Iranian leaders have appreciated Western contributions to science and technology and have encouraged their own people to follow suit. Iran has had historical and continuous issues with intervention by foreign powers though-- this it continues to negate. Apart from this, Iranians value their own cultural attributes, customs and values to be not less than that of others. The perception of an Iran vilifying all that is not it's own is a purposely crafted image.
Aaah...But Iran sees nothing wrong with being a foreign power acting the same...
Because IRAN refuses to let American companies get 80% of its resources and it also refuses to let American corporations access to its markets -

Its a nationalist country and it wants to be world power and not be dictated by third party

We normally accept american contracts in Pakistan and also give access to American companies to work and do business in Pakistan on strategic areas.

Any country that opposes its national resources access to states is on bad list

Iran is different they value their own research and development and also have keen interest in Engineering sector which we don't we produce the workers

They produce the workers and they also use these workers in their own countries first

We just mass produce workers who go do jobs for other countries - we are more like supply chain
Ah.. but Iran is native to the Middle East rendering it thus not foreign to the region in question
Aaahh...So now Iran is claiming regional SUPREMACY. Good to know. Does this means the rest of the region has no right to resist Iranian meddling in their affairs?
For me, US only obsessed with Israel’s security in the ME nothing else; all other things are by-products of this strange policy towards Arabs and Muslims at large.

Historically US don’t give us a damn except recognizing us as some bunch of losers occupying a land of liquid gold which could be controlled by stooge’s regimes. Exactly, that behavior lures Muslims to radicalization in earnest. Although, Political Islam is a two way sword for most of the Muslims of greater ME but West left them no choice to try it again. For me this is a lost opportunity by the West (US & Israel in special) bcz they could not get better agreements from radicals now, Iran using this Political Islam sword since its revolution and after 9/11 the region are witnessing it successfully from some secular quarters as well. Turks are very smart and already understands its importance, that’s why we are witnessing their change of gear in their approach strategically. By the time passes, Israel’s stubbornness continues we shall witness more radicalization in Arab streets soon.

It’s a nightmare scenario and Iran seems to be the root cause of this entire headache for US & Israel hence all cannon’s directions are towards it.

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