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Why is the world deaf to Gazas cries?


Arafat controlled all the money till his aircraft crashed in libya. All his account info was in a little note book that was originally lost in that crash but was later found.
As Salam O AlaikumBrothers.
I start off by saying that my heart weeps for the loss of innocent lives on BOTH sides. What has a poor Palestinian or indeed Israeli child or a mother got ot do with the policies of Hizbullah or Israel. So while the Generals play the game in their fortified bunkers, the masses suffer( I have not seen an Israeli General being hurt to date). The Arabs have been unrealistic all along in their ambitions about Israel. The fact remains that it exists! and no matter how deep you bury your head under ther sand, it will not go away. The Arabs have been arrogant( at least the Governments) and do not realize that with their present condition of discord, lack of education and any sense of direction, they are in no condition to do anything to or about Israel. If through the offices of the Arab League, they could convey a message to Israel of friendship and preferential trade in exchange for a JUST solution to the Palestinian crisis, it just might bear fruit. Israel also needs to have a reality check here. Violence will only result in more violence. Also you can not enforce peace at gunpoint. Any solution has to be just and equitable and prvided there is goodwill on both sides, peace is the better option in the long term. The question really is does Israel want peace in the Middle East at all? You have to see the advantages in continuing the strife to certain vested interests on both sides as well as the Big gamers with bigger designs.

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