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Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so high?

No this is not how I see Pakistan.

I see Pakistan as Indians gone astray.

Brothers who need to be guided back.

I do not use the term "brother" lightly, being as I am from a community that lost our own land and our own brothers.

I speak of ideologies that corrupt your country and your people.

That are a danger to others around you, but you first.

Ideologies that are foreign to us as an ancient people.

Ideolgies that need to be first contained, ultimately defeated and rooted out.

Ideologies that are still stubbornly rooted in pockets of my own countrymen.

That have been contained, and will soon be rooted out.

That's a fancy way of saying Islam is evil. You should respect your own countrymen, despite your differences. Tolerance makes the world go around.
You are united by one thing.

Its called India.

These ideologies are not all pervasive man.

As a molecular geneticist, you would hardly have been exposed to them growing up.

But they are there.

And they are a growing tumor, sucking the lifeblood out of your nation.

I was not brought up as a molecular geneticist...But if I can ignore them...I believe if these are present these ideologies are not as destructive as you make them sound.

And yes, there is alot of Indian influence in Pakistan...Are you suggesting those are the causes of these "tumors"?
Hmmm....please explain more on these IDEOLOGIES!

Because honestly speaking Pakistan is made up of different people...there is no 1 set of ideology...IF there was we wouldn't be having soo much chaos! In fact we would be united based on "SOMETHING" at least!

You are right in what you say. There is'nt any one set of idealogy(ies). What he is getting at, is that that there seems to be a set of idealogy(ies) that is extreme in its vision and can be considered to be retrograde. I believe that it may not be large in numbers of the populace afflicted by that; but it is dominating to the extent that it seems to overshadow the idealogy(ies) that are productive and positive in the rest of the people.

Most importantly, these idealogy(ies) should be considered in the light of how beneficial or detrimental they are to Pakistan's interests in the first instance.
That's a fancy way of saying Islam is evil. You should respect your own countrymen, despite your differences. Tolerance makes the world go around.

Islam is NOT evil.

Sorry, I did not say that.

Sorry, you will not get me to say that.

Please do not bring religion into this discussion.

It vitiates the atmosphere.

And yes, there is alot of Indian influence in Pakistan...Are you suggesting those are the causes of these "tumors"?

If true, and the jury on that one is still out there, look at them more as chemo.
You are right in what you say. There is'nt any one set of idealogy(ies). What he is getting at, is that that there seems to be a set of idealogy(ies) that is extreme in its vision and can be considered to be retrograde. I believe that it may not be large in numbers of the populace afflicted by that; but it is dominating to the extent that it seems to overshadow the idealogy(ies) that are productive and positive in the rest of the people.

Most importantly, these idealogy(ies) should be considered in the light of how beneficial or detrimental they are to Pakistan's interests in the first instance.

Thank you for your reply,

HOWEVER, neither of you guys have been able to point out this "ideology"...if it is sooo destructive then it should have born the weight at some point.

The only thing holding back
productive and positive
qualities is the high corruption - which is no ideology and lack of education which again is not an ideology....

So, please tell me straight forwardly what you are aiming at...I do not like to make assumptions....

Islam is NOT evil.

Sorry, I did not say that.

Sorry, you will not get me to say that.

Please do not bring religion into this discussion.

It vitiates the atmosphere.

If true, and the jury on that one is still out there, look at them more as chemo.

Thank you for clarifying that...

Then please say out what you "think" this "ideology" is....
Thank you for clarifying that...

Then please say out what you "think" this "ideology" is....

Ideologies of hatred.

Ideologies of intolerance.

Ideologies of world domination.

Ideolgies of us vs them.

Ideologies of believer vs non-believer.

Ideologies of subjugation through violence.

Ideologies of isolationism.

You've grown up in Pakistan and not seen any of the above?

Before you ask, I have grown up in India and I have.
You've grown up in Pakistan and not seen any of the above?

Before you ask, I have grown up in India and I have.

I am talking about "ideologies of mass destructive nature"...Those which you and the media seems to extrapolate....Because those ideologies you pointed out are present in EVERY country! Even in India...So should I say India is housing them and will blow up?

Different forms of similar ideologies are present in the West:

Ideologies of Asian-ism/ Ideolgies of us vs them: where Asians will rob the west of their job market

Ideologies of racism: where some races THINK they are superior to others

Ideologies of believer and non-believer/ Ideologies of intolerance.: where if you do not believe according to their limited believe you are a non-believer

Ideologies of subjugation through violence

Ideologies of world domination: Heard of the NAZI? Or the Zionist or the Arian race?

I don't deny some parts of Pakistan have such thinking but it is not as grievous as you are trying to point it out...If it was even close...Extreme parties would have won Pak's elections and we would not have Zardari on the seat!
I am talking about "ideologies of mass destructive nature"...Those which you and the media seems to extrapolate....Because those ideologies you pointed out are present in EVERY country! Even in India...So should I say India is housing them and will blow up?

Yes, if we do not contain, control, and weed out. If we do not go after the root of that ideology and kill it before it poisons thousands, lacs, millions more.

The ideologies have their charm and attraction. For certain sections of the populace. The idea is to discredit them. Ensure they do not pay. And ruthlessly go after those who are already on the other side.

Do not try to get into their heads. Just put them down like you would a rabid dog.

Different forms of similar ideologies are present in the West:

Not realy interested about the West right now. Plus they are nowhere as rampant, uncontolable, unaccountable, and openly destructive as what we face here.

Ideologies of Asian-ism/ Ideolgies of us vs them: where Asians will rob the west of their job market

Nobody "robs" anybody of jobs. Its business.

Ideologies of racism: where some races THINK they are superior to others

Racism exists all over the world. Don't see it being an existential threat for your country or mine. Or any other today for that matter.

Ideologies of believer and non-believer/ Ideologies of intolerance.: where if you do not believe according to their limited believe you are a non-believer

Yes. This is a deadly ideology. Where do you see it most rampant and virulent in today's world?

Ideologies of world domination: Heard of the NAZI? Or the Zionist or the Arian race?

Yes I have. Its "Aryan." The Nazis have been put down. So will Zionism if it threatens the world. Are those the only ideoogies you know of which talk about world domination and threaten large sections of the world today?

I don't deny some parts of Pakistan have such thinking but it is not as grievous as you are trying to point it out...If it was even close...Extreme parties would have won Pak's elections and we would not have Zardari on the seat!

It seems to me that the ideologies I speak of have fertile hunting ground on your land.

These ideologies are under world attack today. They are being boxed in into manageable pockets (either directly or via proxy) as the world realises the danger.

You are untouched as yet.

The final frontier.

The Wild West of the global war against this ideology.
For containing the spread of certain ideologies not conducive to the health of Asia and the rest of the world.

The US wasted a decade and a lot of its blood and treasure being in the wrong place at the right time.
Spread of new Ideologies cant be contained. :no:
I'd suerly say that the time for them and all enemies is almost out, leaving behind absolute power with no match for the current human domain.
Too late bro.
Shoudn't ideologies need a clash to know what lies within and know which can survive?
Shoudn't ideologies need a clash to know what lies within and know which can survive?


We are in a state of war.

The "clash" is going on all around us - and has been for some time now.

Both at the level of the state and the mob.

There will be no quarter asked nor given. :cheers:
Yes, if we do not contain, control, and weed out. If we do not go after the root of that ideology and kill it before it poisons thousands, lacs, millions more.

The ideologies have their charm and attraction. For certain sections of the populace. The idea is to discredit them. Ensure they do not pay. And ruthlessly go after those who are already on the other side.

Do not try to get into their heads. Just put them down like you would a rabid dog.

Not realy interested about the West right now. Plus they are nowhere as rampant, uncontolable, unaccountable, and openly destructive as what we face here.

Nobody "robs" anybody of jobs. Its business.

Racism exists all over the world. Don't see it being an existential threat for your country or mine. Or any other today for that matter.

Yes. This is a deadly ideology. Where do you see it most rampant and virulent in today's world?

Yes I have. Its "Aryan." The Nazis have been put down. So will Zionism if it threatens the world. Are those the only ideoogies you know of which talk about world domination and threaten large sections of the world today?

It seems to me that the ideologies I speak of have fertile hunting ground on your land.

These ideologies are under world attack today. They are being boxed in into manageable pockets (either directly or via proxy) as the world realises the danger.

You are untouched as yet.

The final frontier.

The Wild West of the global war against this ideology.

I don't think you understood me :)

I am not sure of what ideologies you are talking about.

Because all I see is ignorance, illiteracy, greed and corruption as in every land....none of these are an ideology...

The ideologies you talk about exist in one form or another in EVERY COUNTRY! So, what's so special about pointing it out in Pakistan? The examples I gave (from the top of my head) were from other countries and they are many more...
Sorry if I didn't make sense but I was at work...

Let's see...Ideologies are large and harsh words.

Wiki translation of Ideology: "An ideology is a set of ideas that constitute one's goals, expectations, and actions. An ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision, as a way of looking at things, as in several philosophical tendencies, or a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of a society to all members of this society"

Now in such terms...the only ideology in Pakistan which is really fatal is that some people feel they are better than others based on their birth rights- I like to call this jahalat + feudal system.
I suspect it is more than that. There is a fundamental malaise. Unlike VSDoc, it seems to me to be rooted in the sub-continent.
I suspect it is more than that. There is a fundamental malaise. Unlike VSDoc, it seems to me to be rooted in the sub-continent.

Please elaborate...really want to know what you people think is going on :)
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