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Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so high?

Does that mean NAZI party was acutally a tool of Ashke-nazi jews to destroy all other jewish sects.
As long as you are obsessed with your silly theory that the Koran contains all scientific knowledge within itself, I have no tme to waste on you. Go find a convenient Mullah. Get lost.

I didn't ask for your time nor your answer, you are obviously trolling since I didn't mention Koran in my post it was purely scientific, so try to refute it instead of getting mad on your own shortcomings and lack of knowledge.
You are lost and you want me to get lost too, you know what, go F--- yourself.
Does anyone knows about the constitution of space or even anything about gravity?

I do......

And you are stuck in every field of research while we have the answers in the Koran backed by modern scientific Data, like the black holes for example.

I didn't ask for your time nor your answer, you are obviously trolling since I didn't mention Koran in my post it was purely scientific

I know it wasnt an answer to my post, just wanting to bring up a contradiction you made. Im sure it wont be the first in this debate. :rolleyes:
I didn't ask for your time nor your answer, you are obviously trolling since I didn't mention Koran in my post it was purely scientific, so try to refute it instead of getting mad on your own shortcomings and lack of knowledge.
You are lost and you want me to get lost too, you know what, go F--- yourself.

:rofl: :rofl:
What about their religiosity ? Are they religious or turning away and becoming atheists ?
What about their religiosity ? Are they religious or turning away and becoming atheists ?
Some are stricly religious, some are moderately religious, some are slightly religious, and some are complete atheists.
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