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Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so high?

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Ok you make sense UNTIL a certain part...

This is what I was talking about, it is lack of knowledge/ education that leads a person astray and into extremism! Because one has not learned or read up about his/ her own religion they start implementing it ON OTHERS rather than demonstrating it by being nice or an example...

It is way to simplistic (and escapist if I may add) to blame extremism on ignorance and lack of education.

Some if not all of the most rabid extremists the world has ever seen and who continue to plague the earth were intelligent, articulate, cultured, and highly educated.

Every belief and movement will always have the foot soldier rabble. Look at the top. Chop at the top. The trunk will follow.
This is how much Einchtein was a genius!?
The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it

Science v's God : Its The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it - YouTube

What was the point of showing us this video? Have you seen it yourself? It only summarizes some of the less obvious conclusions of modern physics, and reminds us, as some of us would do well to remember, that relativity is perfectly intelligible, to those of us who are willing to THINK, that Quantum Mechanics is perfectly suited to describe very small objects and spaces, and that there is a lot of work needed to reconcile these two aspects. A hugely advanced situation, considering our knowledge of physics even a hundred years ago. And it is a clear argument for Einstein's genius.
What was the point of showing us this video? Have you seen it yourself? It only summarizes some of the less obvious conclusions of modern physics, and reminds us, as some of us would do well to remember, that relativity is perfectly intelligible, to those of us who are willing to THINK, that Quantum Mechanics is perfectly suited to describe very small objects and spaces, and that there is a lot of work needed to reconcile these two aspects. A hugely advanced situation, considering our knowledge of physics even a hundred years ago. And it is a clear argument for Einstein's genius.

Pick your battles and be choosy of your combatants man.

This is how much Einchtein was a genius!?
The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it

See buddy..this is the difference between the West and Islamic nations.

You attribute what you don't know or understand to some deity, while we research on to get more answers. Sucks to be you.
It is way to simplistic (and escapist if I may add) to blame extremism on ignorance and lack of education.

Some if not all of the most rabid extremists the world has ever seen and who continue to plague the earth were intelligent, articulate, cultured, and highly educated.

Every belief and movement will always have the foot soldier rabble. Look at the top. Chop at the top. The trunk will follow.

Well, I may say the same...it is too simple to blame it all on religion or ideologies...There is always 2 sides to a coin. Everything doesn't run in 1 direction. Situations arise due to a mixture of causes!

Maybe you have not seen a mixture of the conditions you mentioned. An intelligent person who is ignorant in MANY ways is a deadly weapon!

I will give you an example...No matter in which subject a person may have done their PhD, but if he is ignorant of certain things or has hatred (built by ignorance, lack of understanding and tolerance) he/ she will flush all sense and stubbornly stick to stupidity!

Very nice article, but please do not contradict yourself at the end of it.
Jews are about 30 million worldwide, so on 6 billion people with so many (in the hundreds of millions) who put so much emphasis on education too, there must be much more smarter people than the Jews.

I am sorry but I fail to see the contradiction in what I said.

MANY people do invest in their education:

The Asians make their daughters doctors- by occupying seats for candidates who can help the nation, these female take the seats, graduate so they can good suitors. - Well spent on education but didnt improve anything there as there is no knowledge transfer!

Arabs RARELY spend a penny on their education! They will wait 3-10 yrs as long as the government gives them a scholarship...yup they are ready to sacrifice in waiting to be paid to study...AND WHEN they get the scholarships- all the do is pay others to do their work for them and go home with a distinction!

Whoelse is in line?

So, Mr. Naive, rich and spending money on education doesn't make you rich if you are incapable of transferring the knowledge or making use of it!
Very nice article, but please do not contradict yourself at the end of it.
Jews are about 30 million worldwide, so on 6 billion people with so many (in the hundreds of millions) who put so much emphasis on education too, there must be much more smarter people than the Jews.

I think you missed a bit of what I wrote:

its basically because they emphasize on education. Have the means to send their children to better schooling and uni as well as a factor from their genes and upbringing...All this has to play a part otherwise just having good genes means nothing - at least to a scientist!

16 factors that influences people's intelligence

This article though not VERY scientific kind of sums things a little...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...-ashkenazi-jews-so-high-10.html#ixzz23BBfunrF

So, it's not ONLY on spending money but A LOT OF FACTORS affects intelligence!
The less religious a society becomes the more ration he or she becomes. For example Iranians have higher number of scientist per catipta than Suadis becuase we all know an average persian in not so inclusive about religion. Its also about work ethics and acess to resources. An average persian works better than a oil rich Gulf arab because of his culture (they call it the pathian work ethics). But serously, mass delusion in religion leds to a retarded society. Ask an average Armenian or an ex othodox jew. Asians in the east don't have much contact with abrahamic faiths so they work better without the religious controversy.

I wholeheartedly disagree. I believe that the belief in God, and the belief in Islam, leads to everlasting success.

What is secularism? Who brought secularism to your countries? What is democracy? There is no such thing as a democratic country, no not at all. Democracies are just those in name, nothing more.
Why people co-relate religion with everything ? I see Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Christians as great scientists, number may vary.....its all about what you are exposed to in terms of scientific environment, education method, out of the box thinking, being creative etc.

Take any scientist and back trace his achievements. If there are any researcher in this forum, especially in this thread, they know when we study about new discoveries, religion is not considered as a major factor, sometimes not at all. Do we really care which religion he/she follows.

Iran is the best example. For many years they were behind in research etc. now look at them. Did their genes changed in few decades. Behavior and achievements of a society are more dependent on Environmental factors.
But they happen to suck at math (personal experience)
Again the method of teaching. Do you know a Chinese can make faster calculation with an abacus than you can do with a calculator. The way they are taught Maths is very good. Look at the results of International Math Olympiads. Again, method of teaching.
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