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Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so high?

The less religious a society becomes the more ration he or she becomes. For example Iranians have higher number of scientist per catipta than Suadis becuase we all know an average persian in not so inclusive about religion. Its also about work ethics and acess to resources. An average persian works better than a oil rich Gulf arab because of his culture (they call it the pathian work ethics). But serously, mass delusion in religion leds to a retarded society. Ask an average Armenian or an ex othodox jew. Asians in the east don't have much contact with abrahamic faiths so they work better without the religious controversy.
The less religious a society becomes the more ration he or she becomes. For example Iranians have higher number of scientist per catipta than Suadis becuase we all know an average persian in not so inclusive about religion. Its also about work ethics and acess to resources. An average persian works better than a oil rich Gulf arab because of his culture (they call it the pathian work ethics).

The only reason the Gulf is left behind is because they have become too comfortable and lazy! Nothing to do with religion...

But serously, mass delusion in religion leds to a retarded society. Ask an average Armenian or an ex othodox jew.

Not sure what you are trying to put forward. However, JUST because a government/ regime or nation is misguided or not following a religion doesn't mean that the religion is at fault...it is the government OR the nation at fault NOT the religion...

Asians in the east don't have much contact with abrahamic faiths so they work better without the religious controversy.

Are you cntradicting yourself?
Since, the Asians do not have much contact with Abrahamic faiths then how can you blame religion for them being left behind?
Well, being a molecular scientist...


i have a question, it's slightly off-topic but considering its about genes and you seem to know a bit....

A few years back i watched a show on TV, it said that you can check a person for "good" genes if you look at the symetry of his body. ie left half being identical to the right. They said that if a person has "good" genes his both sides would be exactly symetrical and the amount of "bad" genes could be estimated by the differences in both sides.

(like, one foot thicker/longer, facial differences, eyes at same height etc...)

Any truth to that?

Thanks in advance for any insightful replies.
Religion per se has never been a problem or an issue. Be it highly dogmatic or organized.

Faith is something that is highly personal and does not necessarily need the plinth of organized religion.

The problem arises when people start evolving ideologies that transgress beyond the bounds of their own personal faith into the boundaries of somebody else's.

When it is more important how and where and when to pray than to pray.

When it is more important whom to believe in than to believe.

When it is more important to convince others than to build on one's own faith.

When it is more important to preach than to do.

When it is more important resist than to assimilate.

When it is more important to look down on than to look up to.

When it is more important to be led than to follow.

When it is more important to read the letter but not get the spirit.

When it is more important to have the numbers than what those numbers do.

When it is more important to dictate than to maintain one's own counsel.

These are some of the salient points of the ideologies we see and which we need to eradicate.

By force where and when and however necessary.

Blood wil be spilt. Blood is being spilt. Blood has been spilt.

The war is entering a new era now, with the turning of the millenium.

No more is it important which God one believes in.

What is important is whether one is infected or not.

And thence to quarantine.

And finally exterminate.

i have a question, it's slightly off-topic but considering its about genes and you seem to know a bit....

A few years back i watched a show on TV, it said that you can check a person for "good" genes if you look at the symetry of his body. ie left half being identical to the right. They said that if a person has "good" genes his both sides would be exactly symetrical and the amount of "bad" genes could be estimated by the differences in both sides.

(like, one foot thicker/longer, facial differences, eyes at same height etc...)

Any truth to that?

Thanks in advance for any insightful replies.

Interesting question...what is termed good genes?

Religion per se has never been a problem or an issue. Be it highly dogmatic or organized.

Faith is something that is highly personal and does not necessarily need the plinth of organized religion.

The problem arises when people start evolving ideologies that transgress beyond the bounds of their own personal faith into the boundaries of somebody else's.

When it is more important how and where and when to pray than to pray.

When it is more important whom to believe in than to believe.

When it is more important to convince others than to build on one's own faith.

When it is more important to preach than to do.

When it is more important resist than to assimilate.

When it is more important to look down on than to look up to.

When it is more important to be led than to follow.

When it is more important to read the letter but not get the spirit.

When it is more important to have the numbers than what those numbers do.

When it is more important to dictate than to maintain one's own counsel.

These are some of the salient points of the ideologies we see and which we need to eradicate.

By force where and when and however necessary.

Blood wil be spilt. Blood is being spilt. Blood has been spilt.

The war is entering a new era now, with the turning of the millenium.

No more is it important which God one believes in.

What is important is whether one is infected or not.

And thence to quarantine.

And finally exterminate.

hmmmmm...I haven't read all of it as am at work..Will read it when I get home :)
Interesting question...what is termed good genes?

Symetry in the two halves of the body. That was what the show was saying.

i forgot if they mentioned any errr....resilience to diseases, bodily defects and similar stuff, it was quite a while ago and i just remember what i wrote above.

edit: i think it was a show about what is beauty, how it is perceived and such, but not sure.
Symetry in the two halves of the body. That was what the show was saying.

i forgot if they mentioned any errr....resilience to diseases, bodily defects and similar stuff, it was quite a while ago and i just remember what i wrote above.

edit: i think it was a show about what is beauty, how it is perceived and such, but not sure.

Well, I do know it is true for animals. A good set of traits are seen as a an animal with good genes. And I just read in an article...http://alittlelab.stir.ac.uk/pubs/Jones_01_perception_symandhealth_EHB.pdf that yes t can be true for human
Religion per se has never been a problem or an issue. Be it highly dogmatic or organized.

Faith is something that is highly personal and does not necessarily need the plinth of organized religion.

The problem arises when people start evolving ideologies that transgress beyond the bounds of their own personal faith into the boundaries of somebody else's.

When it is more important how and where and when to pray than to pray.

When it is more important whom to believe in than to believe.

When it is more important to convince others than to build on one's own faith.

When it is more important to preach than to do.

When it is more important resist than to assimilate.

When it is more important to look down on than to look up to.

When it is more important to be led than to follow.

When it is more important to read the letter but not get the spirit.

When it is more important to have the numbers than what those numbers do.

When it is more important to dictate than to maintain one's own counsel.

These are some of the salient points of the ideologies we see and which we need to eradicate.

By force where and when and however necessary.

Blood wil be spilt. Blood is being spilt. Blood has been spilt.

The war is entering a new era now, with the turning of the millenium.

No more is it important which God one believes in.

What is important is whether one is infected or not.

And thence to quarantine.

And finally exterminate.

Ok you make sense UNTIL a certain part...

This is what I was talking about, it is lack of knowledge/ education that leads a person astray and into extremism! Because one has not learned or read up about his/ her own religion they start implementing it ON OTHERS rather than demonstrating it by being nice or an example...
point those facts please and back them up. But you usually just drop a one liner and run. At least The SC stays and defends his poor principles.

Truth hurts you badly, everybody knows that, so go use your e-meter a little more.
and please do not try to project your emotional low IQ on me.

Chinese, Arabs and Iranians do 10 times better than Americans in advanced studies, you stick to high school and stay there. Everytime you open your mouth, it smells bad, no wonder no one likes American Zionists.

So, trolling my deer won't get you anywhere.
it based only on my own experience.
it is not troll. and lazy is not a fault.

That is very true, but in cold weather too people become forcefully lazy (North American Indians), that is why air-conditioning and heaters (two artificial appliances) are used for, in buildings as well as in transportation means, otherwise people will be exposed to extreme weather condition and will face hardship and even death.

IMO, Jewish people, especially Ashkenazi Jews, are smarter because they started off at a higher point. The vast majority of those that survived WW2 are those that were able to escape Europe due to their relative affluence or type of occupation as well as those that immigrated to America. These occupations would be tend towards the White-collar class, with higher education as a necessary per-requisite. This situation is a consequence of the Jewish exodus from ancient Israel, with the demographics of the Jews being more kin to Europe than the Middle-East or Asia by the time the Industrial Revolution picks up.

If you want to ask why Ashkenazi Jews are "richer and smarter" than Arabs/Bedouins/Turks, you could ask the same thing with the difference between "White America" and African Americans.

Because of this start, as a percentage Jews are relatively well off compared to other ethnic groups, with a smaller percentage in poverty. The fact they are not in poverty allows them to advance through higher education, compared to those less fortunate. The family of an Arab farmer or pottery maker 50 years ago is less likely to have a better education than the family of a Jewish trader after all.

The gap that widened between Europe and Asia because of the Industrial Revolution is being closed now, at least. This is why, for example, groups like the non-diaspora Chinese and Indians have shown their intellectual potential once they get out of poverty.

The Arabs and the Turks are richer than than your poor Ashkenase mother, living on charity.
So, logically they are smarter!
Interesting arguments...

Well, being a molecular scientist, I found all the talk on genes a little funny...Because no matter how many articles you read people proofing ANYTHING from genes...few months down the line a new research kind of kicks that idea off....Same goes for IQ...People/ Lead scientists are STILL DEBATING about how much of a genetic influence is involved....

1 thing is certain in molecular biology...EVEN if YOU have the intelligence gene (which no one is sure what it is- all we know is it is made up of many genes working together to produce intelligence)....EVERY Molecular scientist knows that WITHOUT THE OUTSIDE (environmental) influence, that gene or set of genes (in this case Intelligence controlling genes) will not "switch on" or will not be synthesized, express itself or even if it expresses might not be functional without an environmental trigger.

Yes, articles report this and that...Well, thats how scientists are...they get excited and due to the competition produce an article to be the 1st to report this and that...only to be refuted few months later by a newer theory....

As for why Jews have a higher IQ...its basically because they emphasize on education. Have the means to send their children to better schooling and uni as well as a factor from their genes and upbringing...All this has to play a part otherwise just having good genes means nothing - at least to a scientist!

16 factors that influences people's intelligence

This article though not VERY scientific kind of sums things a little...

Very nice article, but please do not contradict yourself at the end of it.
Jews are about 30 million worldwide, so on 6 billion people with so many (in the hundreds of millions) who put so much emphasis on education too, there must be much more smarter people than the Jews.
The less religious a society becomes the more ration he or she becomes. For example Iranians have higher number of scientist per catipta than Suadis becuase we all know an average persian in not so inclusive about religion. Its also about work ethics and acess to resources. An average persian works better than a oil rich Gulf arab because of his culture (they call it the pathian work ethics). But serously, mass delusion in religion leds to a retarded society. Ask an average Armenian or an ex othodox jew. Asians in the east don't have much contact with abrahamic faiths so they work better without the religious controversy.

Islam was the light of civilisation for more than a thousand years till the 16th century, so IQ should be considered as relative to some social factors and conditions.
Asian people, just 50 years ago weren't very well off neither working better, but as their GDP grew they started working better, since they are better fed !!!
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