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Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so high?

There are a number of inherited disorders of metabolism that are surprisingly common only amongst Ashkenazi Jews and Parsi Zoroastrians.

Yup Like Tay sachs, Niemann-pick, Gaucher etc..

@ topic: Its all about the genetics.
It lies in the mentality of a society, when they know exactly what is priority for them - then their IQ level will increase or else it will go in drain...hear is an Indian born scientist, educated in India have made a great break-throw in energy sector (He says his invention of brick size device made of Ocen Sand can power four house in Asia!!!), but sadly our media have given no coverage to this discovery or a word about this man ( k.r. sridhar), but going gaga over a **** star Sunny's new Bollywood movie release, or her appearance in Indian reality TV show!!!...

Also below is a video where a nation is giving undue credit and coverage to fake scientists like the below one, when you read the viewers of this video message in youtube you will understand how people are kept ignorant by the society and media...

Worlds first water driven car like Limousine First time invented in Pakistan!!!

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Most Parsis I know seem to be retarded. That is what centuries of INBREEDING will do to any life form.

Assuming that you are a parsis, I can see where some of the damage has come about in your case.

We had enough brains and balls to put into context for the world to see your martial Islamic delusions in 1971.

I think that's our good deed for the last millenium done.

Yup Like Tay sachs, Niemann-pick, Gaucher etc..

@ topic: Its all about the genetics.

G6PD .....
IMO, Jewish people, especially Ashkenazi Jews, are smarter because they started off at a higher point. The vast majority of those that survived WW2 are those that were able to escape Europe due to their relative affluence or type of occupation as well as those that immigrated to America. These occupations would be tend towards the White-collar class, with higher education as a necessary per-requisite. This situation is a consequence of the Jewish exodus from ancient Israel, with the demographics of the Jews being more kin to Europe than the Middle-East or Asia by the time the Industrial Revolution picks up.

If you want to ask why Ashkenazi Jews are "richer and smarter" than Arabs/Bedouins/Turks, you could ask the same thing with the difference between "White America" and African Americans.

Because of this start, as a percentage Jews are relatively well off compared to other ethnic groups, with a smaller percentage in poverty. The fact they are not in poverty allows them to advance through higher education, compared to those less fortunate. The family of an Arab farmer or pottery maker 50 years ago is less likely to have a better education than the family of a Jewish trader after all.

The gap that widened between Europe and Asia because of the Industrial Revolution is being closed now, at least. This is why, for example, groups like the non-diaspora Chinese and Indians have shown their intellectual potential once they get out of poverty.
We had enough brains and balls to put into context for the world to see your martial Islamic delusions in 1971.

I think that's our good deed for the last millenium done.

G6PD .....


Remind me, some day, to tell you my collection of Sam stories.
Jews are creation of Elohim.... Jews live longer then other humans. However i must say that jews big aggresive.... They are hot temperd if provoked.... They been watched by Annunakis too who are ready to protect jews by ending anti-jews.... But Greys wont let that happen. They created Nazi alien race to make sure that annunakis dont get involve.... The superior technology aliens dont get involve in human wars (the humanoids).... They want us to solve our problems by ourself. They only makes sure that other alien race dont get involve in our war.... Its like a camera man in jungle.... He only captures the hunting of animals on camera and dont get involve....
We had enough brains and balls to put into context for the world to see your martial Islamic delusions in 1971.

I think that's our good deed for the last millenium done.

G6PD .....

oh dear, this is embarrassing ...

i believe bulk of the credit for the 71 war goes to a jew :lol:

the parsi just happened to command the IA by that time
oh dear, this is embarrassing ...

i believe bulk of the credit for the 71 war goes to a jew :lol:

the parsi just happened to command the IA by that time

Thanks for pointing that delicious supreme irony out.

Something more for the wannabe without basic OLQ's to munch on.
The very concept of that article is incorrect.

* IQ tests doesnt show true intellect capacity since its limited and have narrow application. Its mainly specific academic logic and knowledge test, thats why you can see how more educated nations IQ is higher, and no - African nations doesnt have IQ of only ~70, they just live in primitive non educated society.

* As soon as nations focuses more on education (specific, testable by limited IQ tests), their "IQ" skyrockets. Its obviously not because their gens suddenly became better :azn:

How to Raise Smart Kids Chinese-Style

"Formal education makes people smarter."

"Instead of the question "Why are some groups smarter than others?" we should be asking "How do groups that are really good at getting their kids to work hard at school do it? Instead of saying "I wish my kids had Asian or Jewish genes for high IQ." we should be asking "What can I learn from Asian or Jewish parents (not any parents, just those whose children excel in school) about child-rearing?"

How to Raise Smart Kids Chinese-Style | Psychology Today

This right there is debunking OP article. The "Myth of superior nations" is not just a myth - its racism.

"according to a recent groundbreaking study published in science magazine Nature, IQ can rise by a staggering 21 points over four years–or fall by 18."

oh dear, this is embarrassing ...

i believe bulk of the credit for the 71 war goes to a jew :lol:

the parsi just happened to command the IA by that time

Don't believe all that you read. Both Jake and Norman Gill were family friends, Norman from my mother's childhood years in Madras. Along with the undeniable contribution, there was a lot of puffery. His story about conspiring with Norman to slip in an additional mountain Div was marked in Norman's own copy of Jake's book, and annotated "Bullshit!"
Don't believe all that you read. Both Jake and Norman Gill were family friends, Norman from my mother's childhood years in Madras. Along with the undeniable contribution, there was a lot of puffery. His story about conspiring with Norman to slip in an additional mountain Div was marked in Norman's own copy of Jake's book, and annotated "Bullshit!"

I think he is referring to Maj. Gen. J.F.R. Jacob ? I am a little lost .... was just born when the air raid sirens were going off and blackout precautions were in forc.
World median IQ is somewhere near 90. There truly is a hell on earth somewhere....
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