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Why is China Dithering While Cairo Burns?

Yeah, same old story with these Islamic extremists/terrorists.

They are always the ones bringing in religion, in their official statements and manifestos. Then they cry when people make the association.

Does it look like I care?

When even the highest profile Muslim politicians like Erdogan, accuse China of committing "genocide" in Xinjiang, what do you expect Muslims on the ground to think?

You are deliberately misunderstanding what I said. ETIM WANTS people to associate religion with their cause. They WANT the CCP to say this is a war against Islam and its a jihad, so Muslims from all over the world will come flocking to them and support them in attacking China. So far they've failed miserably, since they are still 99% Uyghur and stuck hiding in caves.

Erdogan has been extremely cooperative since his outburst and helped open an industrial zone in Xinjiang. The radical pan turkic nationalists all hate him. And Erdogan is not the spokesman for 1 billion people, he isn't a cleric and can't give orders.

You're the one who doesn't know sh*t.

Ephone makes a lot more sense than you do.

As for other countries killing their own ethnic minorities (including ethnic Chinese), that's not my problem, unless the ones bring killed are Chinese citizens. If they are killing their own citizens it's their own problem.

The dumb sack of sh*t ephone thinks Egypt is about seculars vs Islamists, he has no idea that Saudi Arabia is backing the military regime. Is Saudi Arabia secular?

Tell that to ephone, who thinks ethnic Chinese citizens of Indonesia are his business.
You are deliberately misunderstanding what I said. ETIM WANTS people to associate religion with their cause. They WANT the CCP to say this is a war against Islam and its a jihad, so Muslims from all over the world will come flocking to them and support them in attacking China. So far they've failed miserably, since they are still 99% Uyghur and stuck hiding in caves.

Erdogan has been extremely cooperative since his outburst and helped open an industrial zone in Xinjiang. The radical pan turkic nationalists all hate him. And Erdogan is not the spokesman for 1 billion people, he isn't a cleric and can't give orders.

Except the CCP did say that ETIM members were involved in "Jihad". :lol:

About Muslim opinion of China, just go onto any Islamic forum and see what they think of China's crackdown in Xinjiang and the riots there. All the reactions are negative, even more so than Erdogan and his accusations that we are committing genocide.

The exceptions are Pakistanis and Bangladeshis due to the geopolitical closeness between them and China.

The dumb sack of sh*t ephone thinks Egypt is about seculars vs Islamists, he has no idea that Saudi Arabia is backing the military regime. Is Saudi Arabia secular?

You're the one that doesn't know sh*t.

Tell that to ephone, who thinks ethnic Chinese citizens of Indonesia are his business.

I don't agree with that, but I can see why he thinks that way. They are ethnic Chinese, though not the responsibility of the Chinese government. If he feels an emotional attachment that is certainly understandable.
Why don't you look at the major ones that causes destruction of people's lives and country's economy??? Just look at the news everyday, it does not have to be western news.

idiots like you keep side-tracking the topics and dumping tons of shxt there either totally unrelated or remotely related but not in discussion at all.

Stop following my comments. I can not teach a cow to appreciate the gist of music.

I quoted your comment where YOU claimed that most of the conflict in the world today are caused by Muslims.

I gave you a link of separatist movements around the world to prove you false, and now you are throwing a tantrum because your bigotry can't be substantiated by facts.

That's typical of bigots like you. When the FACTS don't suit you, you start throwing tantrums.
The dumb sack of sh*t ephone thinks Egypt is about seculars vs Islamists, he has no idea that Saudi Arabia is backing the military regime. Is Saudi Arabia secular?
@ephone doesn't understand the complexities of geopolitical issues. All he sees is the word "Muslim" and throws a knee-jerk reaction. It's quite telling that @Chinese-Dragon keeps supporting his anti-Muslim tantrums.

ephone claimed that most conflicts around the world today are caused by Muslims and can't face up to the reality that facts don't support his prejudice.
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I quoted your comment where YOU claimed that most of the conflict in the world today are caused by Muslims.

I gave you a link of separatist movements around the world to prove you false, and now you are throwing a tantrum because your bigotry can't be substantiated by facts.

That's typical of bigots like you. When the FACTS don't suit you, you start throwing tantrums.

A link of separatist movements?

What about a list of large scale terrorist attacks on civilians, I.e. with more than a handful of deaths per attack?
A link of separatist movements?

What about a list of large scale terrorist attacks on civilians, I.e. with more than a handful of deaths per attack?

I know English isn't your first language, so I will be charitable.

His comment was that most conflicts around the world are caused by Muslims.

Feel free to read his comments -- keep a dictionary handy if you need to.
Except the CCP did say that ETIM members were involved in "Jihad". :lol:

About Muslim opinion of China, just go onto any Islamic forum and see what they think of China's crackdown in Xinjiang and the riots there. All the reactions are negative, even more so than Erdogan and his accusations that we are committing genocide.

I've been on islamicawakening and other forums, and first of all, they are al qaeda, hizb ut tahrir, and Islam4UK supporters so I don't know what you are expecting when you look at terrorist supporting forums, secondly, the propaganda they posted from ETIM and Hizb ut Tahrir is exactly what I said, they claim that China invaded the "independent" East Turkestan in 1949 and that the Uyghur separatists were Islamic resistance fighters, all mention of them being communists or the Soviet support for the Uyghurs is deleted. They then claim that the Dzunghar Khanate was an Islamic state invaded by China in 1759 (China actually freed the Uyghurs from the Buddhist Dzunghar domination and Uyghurs under Emin Khoja joined China against the Dzunghars).

This is the BS they are being fed. Nobody is putting out the correct information, the only thing the CCP is doing when it uses language like Jihad is feeding the terrorists and giving them what they want.

The CCP has made many mistakes which helped the separatists. It was the CCP who renamed Xinjiang to "Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region" in the 1950s, without bifurcating the province first into the Tarim Basin and Dzungharia. The CCPs own populatin census shows a Han majority in Xinjiang, it doesn't bother explaining to the foreing media that most of the Han are living in Dzungharia, and not in the Uyghur homeland, the Tarim Basin. It doesn't explain that the millions of Han migrants who moved into Xinjiang almost all moved into Dzungharia and that the Uyghurs are the majority in the Tarim Basin.

Because of that, it appears as though China flooded the Uyghur homeland with Han. This is also repeated in ETIM and other separatist propaganda, and this is what foreigners see.

If you make it appear as if you are victimizing someone without explaining whats actually happening, then everyone else will see you as a bully.

Doing something useful like bifurcating Xinjiang into two provinces would solve the problem.
Except the CCP did say that ETIM members were involved in "Jihad". :lol:

You're missing the point that @Wholegrain is making, and which I also made elsewhere.

The CCP is making a mistake by playing into the terrorists' agenda and making this into a religious issue. They would be much better to portray it as an ethnic issue.
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I know English isn't your first language, so I will be charitable.

His comment was that most conflicts around the world are caused by Muslims.

Feel free to read his comments -- keep a dictionary handy if you need to.

Caused? No.

But take a look at the list of ongoing military conflicts in the world:


Look at the top tier, the ongoing conflicts with 1000+ casualties a year.

Out of 10, only 1 (Mexico) is not in a Muslim country, and does not have Muslims as active participants.

Why is that?

And why is it that every major region of the world has been hit with Islamic extremist attacks?
You're missing the point that @Wholegrain is making, and which I also made elsewhere.

The CCP is making a mistake by playing into the terrorists' agenda and making this into a religious issue. They would be much better to portray it as an ethnic issue.

It's impossible to miss, that we are being attacked by the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement".

People are not stupid. They hear about these extremist attacks all over the world, and now in China.

Even if the CCP did not use terms like "Jihad", the average person is going to figure it out easily enough.

Trying to whitewash it is just going to p*ss people off even more.
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I have never seen Ephone or Okemos attack China or Chinese members. Ephone was supporting China's policy in Xinjiang, and supporting the Chinese government killing terrorists.

The only one here that is attacking Chinese members is YOU.

All in order to defend some Muslims halfway across the world who don't mean a damn thing to us.

Oh my, what did I say in this thread that made Wholegrain mention me again? I have totally ignored him but I guess he loves me! haha

Honestly, to me, blood is thicker than religion. Even though I am Buddhist in a way, I don't blindly support any Buddhists in Burma, India, Nepal or whatever. Religion should be kept completely personal.

Curiously, why did this thread turn into China's Xingjiang province again? lol I am pretty sure majority of people living in Xingjiang probably have no clue what's going on in Egypt.
Look at the top tier, the ongoing conflicts with 1000+ casualties a year.

A war zone, or recovering from war, will naturally have far larger casualties than a simmering conflict. Recent wars have been waged by the West and others in Muslim countries.

And why is it that every major region of the world has been hit with Islamic extremist attacks?

Because Muslims are spread out all over the world, so any conflicts would also have a geographical spread?

What you are showing is selective sampling. There are, and have been, Christian-on-Christian, Hindu-on-Hindu, Buddhist-on-Hindu, and all combinations of conflicts. For example, India alone has 67+ separatist movements, but they are all concentrated within India, so they don't seem spread out.

You are just focusing on the Islamic ones.

It's impossible to miss, that we are being attacked by the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement".

Duh! That's their whole plan: to market their case as an Islamic cause.

And CCP fell for it.
A war zone, or recovering from war, will naturally have far larger casualties than a simmering conflict. Recent wars have been waged by the West and others in Muslim countries.

Yes, by "America", arguably the largest source of instability in the world.

America has invaded 3 Muslim countries in the past decade. With over 1 million dead civilians in Iraq ALONE.

The question then is, why are all the major Muslim countries American allies? (Apart from Iran).

You know Afghanistan is a land-locked country right? There is no way America could have started the invasion of Afghanistan or the WoT without active support from Muslim countries. Who allowed the American military into the region, to attack/invade a land-locked country that was otherwise inaccessible.

And now they are calling for American intervention in yet another Muslim country, Syria.

Duh! That's their whole plan: to market their case as an Islamic cause.

And CCP fell for it.

The CCP had no other choice. To brand the East Turkestan Islamic Movement as having nothing to do with religion, is simply an insult to the mind of the average person who can put 2 and 2 together.
The question then is, why are all the major Muslim countries American allies? (Apart from Iran).

Take a look at Egypt to see what happens when a democratically elected government tries to diversify its foreign policy away from America and its stooges.

Anyway, I am out of this thread. I don't think you are an anti-Islam bigot -- more of a Chinese patriot -- so it's unfortunate that you are defending the couple of Chinese here who are hardcore anti-Muslim and have a long posting history to that effect.
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