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Why is China Dithering While Cairo Burns?

So if ehpone falsely claims China is oppresing Muslims by banning religious education for Muslim children, that isn't an attack? ( Muslim children are allowed to start religious education after primary education is completed in China) If ephone claims China is taking over Mongolia (not part of CCP policy) and presenting China as an evil imperialist monster, that isn't attacking China's image?

In case you didn't notice it was EPHONE who mentioned Muslim conflicts in other countries and blamed Muslims for them. I gave an example where it was the secular Filipinos and Americans who victimized the Moros

If Okemos lied about Muslim population growth and falsely claims the Muslim population has skyrocketed, I can't call him out? OKEMOS claimed on the East Asian Union thread that we will have friendship with the Japanese, while he curses minorities in China.

I have never seen Ephone or Okemos attack China or Chinese members. Ephone was supporting China's policy in Xinjiang, and supporting the Chinese government killing terrorists.

The only one here that is attacking Chinese members is YOU.

All in order to defend some Muslims halfway across the world who don't mean a damn thing to us.
I have never seen Ephone or Okemos attack China or Chinese members. Ephone was supporting China's policy in Xinjiang, and supporting the Chinese government killing terrorists.

The only one here that is attacking Chinese members is YOU.

All in order to defend some Muslims halfway across the world who don't mean a damn thing to us.

ephone claimed that there were "Hui riots" in the Ming dynasty (lies, never happened)

ephone claimed that the Qing crushed religious fanatics (is that why the Qing let the religious mullahs and Begs rule over the Uyghur population?)

ephone claimed that all Muslim children in China are forbidden to attend religious school (lies, they can attend religious school after primary education is completed)

ephone claimed that the CCP crushes religious people (Beijing has more mosques than Moscow even though its Muslim population is smaller)

I added this to my previous comment :

"Damaging our image by calling other people "fxxkers" without provocation count as attacking China. In case you didn't notice, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has been reaching out to China and signed many bilateral agreements and trade deals and ephone calles them "fxxkers. Morsi visited China and ephone calls Egypt a "shxt hole""

China doesn't give a shxt who the government in Egypt is as long as they are willing to do business, but no, ephone gives a shxt even though it has nothing to do with us. If ephone was in power, he would tear up all of China's business dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, and Saudi Arabia and loose us billions of dollars, becauae the governments aren't "secular".

I say to hell with people like ephone who want to make China serve as the paragon of secularism throughout the globe, we don't care what other religious rules people follow in THEIR OWN countries.

As for Moros, if they gain independence, China will have a new strategic ally in the South China Sea. China has had good relations with them for hundreds of years and they are enemies of our enemies and we also have blood ties with them too. I don't care if they declare the "Grand Islamic Republic of Bangsamoro", I'm not a dumb nut like ephone who wants to change other people's religious beliefs. ephone also seemed to be a fan of violent tactics, he said "Islam terrorists" worldwide need to be exterminated, I wonder if he approved of the Philippines military massacring tens of thousands of Moro and Chinese civilians in Jolo in 1972.
I gave an example where it was the secular Filipinos and Americans who victimized the Moros.

Yeah your dear America does victimize Muslims. They invaded 3 Muslim countries in the past decade alone. In the Iraq war ALONE, over 1 million Muslim civilians have died, and that's only one of their wars. They are also at the forefront of demonizing Muslims in the world and it's working really well, considering how many countries are being attacked by Islamic extremists.

But what does that have to do with me? I'm an Atheist.

More to the point, why are you living in America? And paying taxes to the American government, who uses that money to kill Muslims?

I dislike America enormously, but that has NOTHING to do with their treatment of Muslims, which I could not care less about.

I dislike America because their strategic interests run counter to Chinese strategic interests. Especially their military role in the Pacific and their historical conflicts with us during the early phases of the Cold war (Korea for example).

I dislike America because they are trying to police the world, and their diplomatic and economic interests often run counter to ours. For example American alliances with most of the Muslim countries in the Middle East, and their pressure on us to increase the value of the Yuan.

I dislike America because they are trying to contain CHINA. I don't give a sh*t about what they are doing to Moro Muslims or whatever, that has nothing to do with me.

And Ephone and Okemos at least seem to care about China, more than Muslims halfway across the world.
Yeah your dear America does victimize Muslims. They invaded 3 Muslim countries in the past decade alone. In the Iraq war ALONE, over 1 million Muslim civilians have died, and that's only one of their wars. They are also at the forefront of demonizing Muslims in the world and it's working really well, considering how many countries are being attacked by Islamic extremists.

But what does that have to do with me? I'm an Atheist.

More to the point, why are you living in America? And paying taxes to the American government, who uses that money to kill Muslims?

I dislike America enormously, but that has NOTHING to do with their treatment of Muslims, which I could not care less about.

I dislike America because their strategic interests run counter to Chinese strategic interests. Especially their military role in the Pacific and their historical conflicts with us during the early phases of the Cold war (Korea for example).

I dislike America because they are trying to police the world, and their diplomatic and economic interests often run counter to ours. For example American alliances with most of the Muslim countries in the Middle East, and their pressure on us to increase the value of the Yuan.

I dislike America because they are trying to contain CHINA. I don't give a sh*t about what they are doing to Moro Muslims or whatever, that has nothing to do with me.

And Ephone and Okemos at least seem to care about China more than Muslims halfway across the world.

Your boyfriend ephone seems to care alot about Israelis, Americans, French and the Egyptian military which are more than halfway accross the world than the Moros, judging from his keyboard warrior posts on Islam in those countries.



I also wanted to see the worm squirm and try to justify the Philippines massacre of Moros and Chinese in Jolo.
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Your boyfriend ephone seems to care alot about Israelis, Americans, French and the Egyptian military which are more than halfway accross the world than the Moros, judging from his keyboard warrior posts on Islam in those countries.

Hahaha you've already given up logical debate, now you're back to your standard of personal insults. :lol:

Ephone and Okemos are Chinese patriots. They care about China a lot, I can tell from their posts.

The only thing I can tell about you is that you attack Chinese people to defend Islam, all the while living in America and paying taxes to America so that the American army can kill Muslim civilians in the Middle East. And the money out of your pocket is funding America's propaganda against Muslims worldwide.

I think Ephone and Okemos will thank you for that.

I might even support that as well, since all this America vs. Muslim bullsh*t going on in the world is taking attention off China, and giving us more time to develop without American pressure. I'm sorry all those guys in the Middle East have to die, but it's Americans who are killing them not us. Take it up with them, write to your Congressman or whatever.
“China follows closely the situation in Egypt and is deeply worried about the developments. China urges parties concerned in Egypt to bear in mind the interests of the country and people, exercise maximum restraint to avoid further casualties and dissolve differences through dialogue and consultation to restore order and social stability.”
Blah blah blah! Empty rhetoric! Who the dickens is bothered about what China says? They should keep out of Egypt's affairs instead of poking their noses everywhere. They should sort out their adversarial problems with a host of countries in the South China Sea first before trying to pontificate and interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation like Egypt!
Hahaha you've already given up logical debate, now you're back to your standard of personal insults. :lol:

Ephone and Okemos are Chinese patriots. They care about China a lot, I can tell from their posts.

The only thing I can tell about you is that you attack Chinese people to defend Islam, all the while living in America and paying taxes to America so that the American army can kill Muslim civilians in the Middle East.

In case you haven't noticed, its not Iraqis who are attacking China and blowing up bombs in Xinjiang. I don't understand why you try diverting the topic to America killing Iraqis when asking why certain Uyghur ETIM terrorists operate in Xinjiang, its getting really stupid. The cause is, that certain extremist ultra nationalist Uyghur separatists use any ideology - whether is pan turkic jadidist modernism, under the Bughra brothers, or Soviet Communist like Ehmetjan Qasim, or Islamism like ETIM - to their advantage.

In case you didn't notice, in the ETIM propaganda videos and websites and articles, they had to tell flat out lies to (non uyghur) Muslims in order to get them to support their cause. Such as claiming the Second East Turkestan Republic and Ili Rebellion were Islamic resistance fighters against the infidels. They omit all mention of the Second East Turkestan Republic being a Soviet puppet state and that the Uyghur communist Ili army was fighting against Hui Muslims in the Republic of China army.

Ask yourself - why do they need to lie, if they assume that support from the Muslim world is automatic? Why are the ETIM made out of a bunch of Uyghurs hiding in caves in the mountains? Where are those Iraqis flocking to their sides?
In case you haven't noticed, its not Iraqis who are attacking China and blowing up bombs in Xinjiang. I don't understand why you try diverting the topic to America killing Iraqis when asking why certain Uyghur ETIM terrorists operate in Xinjiang, its getting really stupid. The cause is, that certain extremist ultra nationalist Uyghur separatists use any ideology - whether is pan turkic jadidist modernism, under the Bughra brothers, or Soviet Communist like Ehmetjan Qasim, or Islamism like ETIM - to their advantage.

In case you didn't notice, in the ETIM propaganda videos and websites and articles, they had to tell flat out lies to (non uyghur) Muslims in order to get them to support their cause. Such as claiming the Second East Turkestan Republic and Ili Rebellion were Islamic resistance fighters against the infidels. They omit all mention of the Second East Turkestan Republic being a Soviet puppet state and that the Uyghur communist Ili army was fighting against Hui Muslims in the Republic of China army.

Ask yourself - why do they need to lie, if they assume that support from the Muslim world is automatic?

Why do I care why those ETIM Islamic terrorists are lying? All they are good for is for taking a bullet to the head. Like Ephone correctly said, they should all be wiped out without any remorse or mercy.

Again, why do you attack Chinese members in order to defend Islam?

Even though you live in America and pay taxes in America? It is the money out of YOUR pocket which buys American bombs and bullets for Muslim civilians and innocents all over the world. Where is your conscience?

I on the other hand don't even care, because it has nothing to do with China. But I'm not funding their killings of Muslims worldwide, you are.
Why do I care why those ETIM Islamic terrorists are lying? All they are good for is for taking a bullet to the head. Like Ephone correctly said, they should all be wiped out without any remorse or mercy.

Again, why do you attack Chinese members in order to defend Islam?

Even though you live in America and pay taxes in America? It is the money out of YOUR pocket which buys American bombs and bullets for Muslim civilians and innocents all over the world. Where is your conscience?

I on the other hand don't even care, because it has nothing to do with China. But I'm not funding their killings of Muslims worldwide, you are.

You are avoiding answering my point. ETIM is made out of 99% UYGHURS, not Iraqis or other Muslims being killed by America. So your moronic, idiotic sidetracking the discussion to America killing Non - Uyghur Muslims is getting retarded. America has never killed a single Uyghur. The separatists are Uyghur nationalists and they use whatever ideology they want to get support from foreigners, they use Islamism now like they used Communism and Jadidism, but it isn't working since I don't see Iraqis flocking to their sides.

The ETIM WANTS to make their nationalist struggle an Islamic issue, that is why they use language like Jihad. But it doesn't work, since ETIM is still made out of a minority of Uyghurs hiding in caves.

When the Uyghur Communists under Ehmetjan Qasim fought in the Ili rebellion, they used Communist language like revolution, "imperialist running dogs" and other words to get support from the Soviets. The Pan turkic jadidist nationalists under the Bughra brothers used racist, Turkic supremaicst langusge against Hui Muslims and Han and tried to get recognition from Turkey (they failed).
You are avoiding answering my point. ETIM is made out of 99% UYGHURS, not Iraqis or other Muslims being killed by America. So your moronic, idiotic sidetracking the discussion to America killing Non - Uyghur Muslims is getting retarded. America has never killed a single Uyghur. The separatists are Uyghur nationalists and they use whatever ideology they want to get support from foreigners, they use Islamism now like they used Communism and Jadidism, but it isn't working since I don't see Iraqis flocking to their sides.

You don't have a point, like Ephone said you are just spewing nonsense. ETIM should be utterly destroyed, there is nothing more to say on that unless you are an apologist of terrorists and extremists.

I am challenging your hypocrisy. You are willing to attack so many Chinese members in order to defend Muslims in other parts of the world, yet it is your American tax dollars which are blowing up Muslims, shooting down Muslims, and spreading propaganda against them.

It is the money out of your pocket that is killing and demonizing Muslims worldwide. So be proud of yourself.

Again, I do not give a crap about what happens to them, that is your problem.
You don't have a point, like Ephone said you are just spewing nonsense. ETIM should be utterly destroyed, there is nothing more to say on that unless you are an apologist of terrorists and extremists.

I am challenging your hypocrisy. You are willing to attack so many Chinese members in order to defend Muslims in other parts of the world, yet it is your American tax dollars which are blowing up Muslims, shooting down Muslims, and spreading propaganda against them.

It is the money out of your pocket that is killing and demonizing Muslims worldwide. So be proud of yourself.

Again, I do not give a crap about what happens to them, that is your problem.

The ETIM WANTS to make their nationalist struggle an Islamic issue, that is why they use language like Jihad. But it doesn't work, since ETIM is still made out of a minority of Uyghurs (NOT IRAQIS) hiding in caves.

When the Uyghur Communist Separatists under Ehmetjan Qasim fought in the Ili rebellion, they used Communist language like revolution, "imperialist running dogs" and other words to get support from the Soviets. The Pan turkic jadidist nationalists under the Bughra brothers used racist, Turkic supremaicst langusge against Hui Muslims and Han and tried to get recognition from Turkey (they failed).

The ephone liar keeps claiming every single religious Muslim is connected to terrorists like ETIM and offers no proof for his claims. The Muslim Brotherhood for example does not sponsor ETIM and does not support them.

You have no reading conprehension. I never said I supported the American government. I was talking about why Uyghur separtists want support from America. Its because America never hurt Uyghurs, those Uyghur separatists don't care about dead Iraqi civilians, they care about themselves.
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The ETIM WANTS to make their nationalist struggle an Islamic issue, that is why they use language like Jihad. But it doesn't work, since ETIM is still made out of a minority of Uyghurs (NOT IRAQIS) hiding in caves.

When the Uyghur Communist Separatists under Ehmetjan Qasim fought in the Ili rebellion, they used Communist language like revolution, "imperialist running dogs" and other words to get support from the Soviets. The Pan turkic jadidist nationalists under the Bughra brothers used racist, Turkic supremaicst langusge against Hui Muslims and Han and tried to get recognition from Turkey (they failed).

The ephone liar keeps claiming every single religious Muslim is connected to terrorists like ETIM and offers no proof for his claims. The Muslim Brotherhood for example does not sponsor ETIM and does not support them.

Like the Taliban and Al-qaeda, it is ETIM itself that brought in religion first.

ETIM calls itself the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement". They were founded in 1993, after the Soviet Union had already collapsed.

Their official stated goal is to set up an Islamic state called East Turkestan, carved out of Xinjiang.

Tell me, if they didn't want to involve religion, why did they call themselves the East Turkestan Islamic Movement?

He defend Chinese Muslims from bigots like YOU who challenge the loyalty of fellow Chinese citizens.

I never attack Chinese Muslims. :lol:

Another lie from you Developereo.

I challenge you to find one single post in which I have attacked a Chinese Muslim.

Use the search function. Start... now.

Unless me criticizing "ETIM terrorists" is your definition of me attacking Chinese Muslims, in which case shame on you.
I never attack Chinese Muslims. :lol:

Another lie from you Developereo.

I challenge you to find one single post in which I have attacked a Chinese Muslim.

Use the search function. Start... now.

You suggested that Chinese Muslims have their first loyalty to Islam rather than China.

Do you really want me to find those posts and throw them in your bigoted face?

Let me know and I will dig them up.
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