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Why is China Dithering While Cairo Burns?

If they have a chace, Im sure that poor Chinese will sink that boat, they r so fed up wt ur corrupted leaders already. Look at TW and HongKong, they really dont wanna join back to mainland China any more

and dont forget those poor Tibetan and Uyghur in Xinjiang, they really wanna swim away from ur boat:coffee:

Corrupted leader?? Yes, we have many corrupted leaders, so do you. I happened to read a news about Vietnam's first McDonald's. The boss, Henry Nguyen, also as copartner of Vietnam, is the son-in-law of your PM. I would like to hear your explain about this dirty rent-seeking transaction.

Taiwan is already an independent economy, with much less both labor force and natural resources, much more achievement they still get than you do.

How about your ASEAN? You have internal affairs too, I can;t see an united ASEAN, each one of you is suspicious of another. Why this happened? Because of China, except you and Philippines losers, the other ASEAN countries get along quite well with China. We can promise them more things, give them expectations. What can you offer? Nothing but dragging them down to endless island disputes which betraied their own willingness. The other ASEAN countries have no common interest with you, they won't get any benefits standing by your side, but they can get more investment by supporing China's territory claim, at least they do not oppose our claim as you do...You Vietnam and Philippines (even much poorer than you ) are already isolated.
Corrupted leader?? Yes, we have many corrupted leaders, so do you. I happened to read a news about Vietnam's first McDonald's. The boss, Henry Nguyen, also as copartner of Vietnam, is the son-in-law of your PM. I would like to hear your explain about this dirty rent-seeking transaction.

Taiwan is already an independent economy, with much less both labor force and natural resources, much more achievement they still get than you do.

How about your ASEAN? You have internal affairs too, I can;t see an united ASEAN, each one of you is suspicious of another. Why this happened? Because of China, except you and Philippines losers, the other ASEAN countries get along quite well with China. We can promise them more things, give them expectations. What can you offer? Nothing but dragging them down to endless island disputes which betraied their own willingness. The other ASEAN countries have no common interest with you, they won't get any benefits standing by your side, but they can get more investmen by supporing China's territory claim, at least they do not oppose our claim as you do...You Vietnam and Philippines (even much poorer than you ) are already isolated.

Vietnam has been humiliated under the hand of China since the collapse of U.S.S.R, it's like an lost orphane trying to figure out what their future without mentor. Every nations in ASEAN are look down on them even Laos the so call Vietnam's self proclaimed protectorate :rofl: is cozying with China and Thailand.

Vietnam has been humiliated under the hand of China since the collapse of U.S.S.R, it's like an lost orphane trying to figure out what their future without mentor. Every nations in ASEAN are look down on them even Laos the so call Vietnam's self proclaimed protectorate :rofl: is cozying with China and Thailand.


Yes, China should maintain a good relation with Laos, Thailand, etc...in fact, they need China more than we need them. So this is our advantage. No one is helping Vietnam, unless he wants trouble...:pissed:
You do not have to worry about that. What happened in Egypt will never happen in China.

First, we do not have a radical islam party and tons of radical followers. Muslims in China are just such a few and we have tight control over them.

In addition, CCP will not be that slow to counter-strike.


We have coincidentally a sect which calls itself the Brotherhood in China.

The Yihewani (Ikhwan) in China is supported by the CCP. The CCP provides support for thhe Ikhwan Imams and allows them to build mosques and religious schools in Ningxia, Gansu and Qinghai. They have a large following in those areas, the CCP allows all sects, including the Ikhwan and Sufi sects their share of representatives in the Communist party's peoples congresses and committes in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regions. Each sect is allowed to have their clerics as members of the Congresses.
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Corrupted leader?? Yes, we have many corrupted leaders, so do you. I happened to read a news about Vietnam's first McDonald's. The boss, Henry Nguyen, also as copartner of Vietnam, is the son-in-law of your PM. I would like to hear your explain about this dirty rent-seeking transaction.
But we r changing , our leader now must survive the confident vote before they can continue to rule the country , but in China there is Nothing change, no confident vote, no human right for poor people , arable lands r shrinking , polluted air is getting worse etc. So how can poor Chinese survive in this condition when the Ruling party doesnt give a damn care to their lives ??

Taiwan is already an independent economy, with much less both labor force and natural resources, much more achievement they still get than you do.
TWese ARE CHINESE just like Chinese in mainland , so we can see that if poor mainland Chinese peasant have a chance to overthrown ur corrupted regime, then they will not hesitate to do it :coffee:
How about your ASEAN? You have internal affairs too, I can;t see an united ASEAN, each one of you is suspicious of another. Why this happened? Because of China, except you and Philippines losers, the other ASEAN countries get along quite well with China. We can promise them more things, give them expectations. What can you offer? Nothing but dragging them down to endless island disputes which betraied their own willingness. The other ASEAN countries have no common interest with you, they won't get any benefits standing by your side, but they can get more investment by supporing China's territory claim, at least they do not oppose our claim as you do...You Vietnam and Philippines (even much poorer than you ) are already isolated.
And tell me Why VN need an united ASEAN ?? for what when we also have dispute area wt Phil-Malay and maybe Thailand too ?? if it just for fighting against China, then cooperating with Russia-India is enough for us to containning u
This must not happened in India ...






They are using Lathi's (sticks) ( non lethal weapons) not guns and killing people in mass like they did in Egypt and tiananmen square.
Vietnam has been humiliated under the hand of China since the collapse of U.S.S.R, it's like an lost orphane trying to figure out what their future without mentor. Every nations in ASEAN are look down on them even Laos the so call Vietnam's self proclaimed protectorate :rofl: is cozying with China and Thailand.

And brother Bear is back now, dont cry if Russia navy sink ur oil tanker in SCS(east sea) :P
Vietnamese officers and servicemen will train in Russia

16:22 07/08/2013
MOSCOW, August 7 (Itar-Tass) - Vietnamese officers and servicemen will train in Russia, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.
“We discussed plans to synchronize supplies of arms and military hardware, training of specialists and approved a 5-year plan to train Vietnamese officers,” Shoigu said.
The talks were rather substantial and focused on different issues. “Our cooperation with Vietnam has a long history,” the minister said.
“Of course, cooperation between the navies is very important. We riveted attention to it as well,” Shoigu said.

He stressed that the Russian and Vietnamese industries showed interest in developing military-technical cooperation. “Our supplies to Vietnam are aimed at organizing service centers in Vietnam. Our industry and our Vietnamese colleagues seek to develop such cooperation,” Shoigu said.
The Vietnamese minister said he “is sure that close cooperation with Russia will be strengthened to ensure global stability”. He confirmed that strategic partnership “will make cooperation between the two countries successful”.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...ilitary-news-discussion-47.html#ixzz2cOGnovbH
China has policy of not interfere with other Nation's internal problem, that how we keep the relation last long, China-Pakistan is a good exemple and should be the model to the world, we will renew our relation to any gorvernments come into power

You are right , China truly believes in not interfering unless it suits itself. Now if you want to be a super power you must lead by example. But how can China? its friends are some of the world's worst troublemakers. there in lies the dichotomy.
And tell me Why VN need an united ASEAN ?? for what when we also have dispute area wt Phil-Malay and maybe Thailand too ?? if it just for fighting against China, then cooperating with Russia-India is enough for us to containning u

So, there is not a necessity to create a ASEAN. The aim of ASEAN is to make all of you united together at the very first time. If you feel it's not necessary, you can quit, I'm sure they won't care at all.

Cooperating with Russia-India? Cooperation means what? It means interest exchange. You want help? Then you should pay for it, there is no free lunch. If you insist that, well then you should re-examine your own power and strength, are you enough qualified to make equal benefits exchange with them? You need all things from other countries, from weapon to high-tech, then to investment. What can you offer to them? Nothing. Considering your poor strength, they should re-consider your request. Russia could blackmail Indias extra $2.2 billion for the carrier. Can you afford such amount?

China and Russia signed 270 billion CNY oil supply agreement, plus any past weapons trade, again plus gas pipe line...I would really doubt Russia's thought if they support you with unprecedented effort by sacrificing a big buyer's $$$$$....cash is king. Can your Vietnam's order exceed such amount? The most ironic thing is they need us too, and perhaps to say, they rely on China's market.

As for Taiwan, they can do whatever they like. I don't care them at all. We are on the dominant position.

Well, the last but the most important thing here I would like to clarify is, both Russia and India have no interest outreach in SCS. Stop day dreaming, nobody could help you with true sincerity.
So, there is not a necessity to create a ASEAN. The aim of ASEAN is to make all of you united together at the very first time. If you feel it's not necessary, you can quit, I'm sure they won't care at all.

Cooperating with Russia-India? Cooperation means what? It means interest exchange. You want help? Then you should pay for it, there is no free lunch. If you insist that, well then you should re-examine your own power and strength, are you enough qualified to make equal benefits exchange with them? You need all things from other countries, from weapon to high-tech, then to investment. What can you offer to them? Nothing. Considering your poor strength, they should re-consider your request. Russia could blackmail Indias extra $2.2 billion for the carrier. Can you afford such amount?

China and Russia signed 270 billion CNY oil supply agreement, plus any past weapons trade, again plus gas pipe line...I would really doubt Russia's thought if they support you with unprecedented effort by sacrificing a big buyer's $$$$$....cash is king. Can your Vietnam's order exceed such amount? The most ironic thing is they need us too, and perhaps to say, they rely on China's market.

As for Taiwan, they can do whatever they like. I don't care them at all. We are on the dominant position.

Well, the last but the most important thing here I would like to clarify is, both Russia and India have no interest outreach in SCS. Stop day dreaming, nobody could help you with true sincerity.

True. India is only interested in selling Vietnam Brahmos.
What happening in Egypt is what happened if stupid people get democracy, that's all.
What do they expect China to say or do?

Beside seeing Obama's white house sort of taking the side of the Egyptian military (there are opposite/contrary voice/stand from other US political leader), and also Saudi Arabia, who else has make a stand? Russia?

And out of curiosity, what is India government position on this?

And I think that is precisely why China take a policy of non-interference. China would not make pretend that they have found the universal truth and go around preaching and forcing it on others. China has enough trouble in their effort to better their own citizen live. China used to put great faith in ideology and look what happen. Since China cannot find the answer for themselves how would they dare to tell it to others?

What China do know by looking at recent historical example, is what happen in Egypt is definitely not what China would want to be.
So, there is not a necessity to create a ASEAN. The aim of ASEAN is to make all of you united together at the very first time. If you feel it's not necessary, you can quit, I'm sure they won't care at all.

The first purpose of forming an ASEAN was to against VN's expansion to Laos-Camb and to Thailand, too ,dude. we join to make friend , not to unite wt them, got it ??:coffee:
Cooperating with Russia-India? Cooperation means what? It means interest exchange. You want help? Then you should pay for it, there is no free lunch. If you insist that, well then you should re-examine your own power and strength, are you enough qualified to make equal benefits exchange with them? You need all things from other countries, from weapon to high-tech, then to investment. What can you offer to them? Nothing. Considering your poor strength, they should re-consider your request. Russia could blackmail Indias extra $2.2 billion for the carrier. Can you afford such amount?
VN has special location, we control the largest and the most important part of SCS(east sea) where China-Japan-Korea oil tanker must pass by.Our Cam Ranh base is enough qualified to make equal benefits exchange wt them. If Russia-India wanna contain China, so all they need to do is just to station their naval forces in VN, and China will be no longer their threat any more.
Russian experts said more or alliance with Russia to contain China and Vietnam embassy: baseless
Published: 14:10:00 March 8,2013 Views: 9

[Global Network reported reporter Liang] Russian Defense Minister Shaoyin on ancient March 5 the end of an official visit to Vietnam, the two sides discussed the issues of strengthening the military and military-technical cooperation. Which triggered Russia << The Independent >> guess. March 6th, the newspaper quoted the view of Russian experts said that Vietnam has China as a major military threat, may allow the Russian military to rebuild the Navy and the Air Force base in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnamese Ambassador as an important factor to contain China. Hall March 8 to the World Wide Web to make an exclusive response to the above point of view is just the view of Russian experts, does not mean that the Government of Vietnam said that the Vietnamese government United Russia 'contain China', which is 'completely unfounded'.

<< The Independent >> 6th article said Shoigu, led the Russian delegation in Vietnam to discuss the issues of strengthening bilateral military and military-technical cooperation, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's visit to Vietnam is the visit Cam Ranh Bay Ivashov will have long served as the General Bureau of International Military Cooperation of the Russian Defense Ministry this analysis, said during the visit, the two sides may be the secret to discuss the possibility of Russian military to rebuild military base in Cam Ranh Bay, and Russian naval base, not only as a material and technical support station construction Air Force Base, strategic aviation of the Russian Air Force logistics and combat units deployed near the airport in Cam Ranh Bay(Best News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos News).
Russian experts said more or alliance with Russia to contain China and Vietnam embassy: baseless - News
But we r changing , our leader now must survive the confident vote before they can continue to rule the country , but in China there is Nothing change, no confident vote, no human right for poor people , arable lands r shrinking , polluted air is getting worse etc. So how can poor Chinese survive in this condition when the Ruling party doesnt give a damn care to their lives ??

TWese ARE CHINESE just like Chinese in mainland , so we can see that if poor mainland Chinese peasant have a chance to overthrown ur corrupted regime, then they will not hesitate to do it :coffee:

And tell me Why VN need an united ASEAN ?? for what when we also have dispute area wt Phil-Malay and maybe Thailand too ?? if it just for fighting against China, then cooperating with Russia-India is enough for us to containning u


Vietnam: Concerns Over Shrinking Agricultural Land | Oryza

Eating the feeding hand: Vietnam&#39;s shrinking agricultural land has raised concerns amongst the public and international organisations. Can the situation be improved by the government&#39;s iron hand?(INSIGHT) | HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepared

AllAboutFeed - Vietnam likely to plant GM crops in 2015

The Mekong Delta and Red River delta will be the first areas to be flooded. if sea levels continue to rise.

And I didn't know that Vietnam was a paragon of human rights. :rofl:

To add to that, your fertility rate is dropping and sex ratio is getting skewed.

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