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Why Indians generally hate Aam Aadmi Party and Kejriwal?

Oh so that makes him anti-national? Its not party stance on Batla encounter but an individual's stance. So meeting an Imam is a crime but BJP leaders meeting terrorism accused Sanghis is not anti-national?
What makes you give clean chit to AAP but not to BJP? Have you read that Imam's history?
You do realize that towering personalities like Subhash Bose, M.A Jinnah, JP Narayan left Congress.... And I vehemently disagree about any dictatorial indicators of Kejriwal. He is more democratic than the traditional thekedars of democracy.

Shazia Ilmi and Binny are known oppurtunists and thier jumping ships to BJP is an evidence of the same.

Binny is easy to call out. He is a sore loser.

But Shazia Ilmi was a one.difficult She was a liberal progressive woman muslim leader. That is a unique combination in India. She could have inspired a generation of women, muslims, leaders and combinations of them. She must have known that and yet left AAP! to join BJP!!. There must be strong reasons for that. She claimed that AK asked her to leave the party. This seems true but we don't know why AK chased her out.
Clearly something happened. And when such powerful people are leaving AK it shows a pattern.

Traditional thekedars with their business model can afford to be dictators. AAP's selling point is it's representativeness. Here people work for AAP for the cause. They cannot be kept together by money even after taking insults.
What makes you give clean chit to AAP but not to BJP? Have you read that Imam's history?
Was he convicted or even charged of anti-national activities? If yes please come up with credible sources...

Binny is easy to call out. He is a sore loser.

But Shazia Ilmi was a one.difficult She was a liberal progressive woman muslim leader. That is a unique combination in India. She could have inspired a generation of women, muslims, leaders and combinations of them. She must have known that and yet left AAP! to join BJP!!. There must be strong reasons for that. She claimed that AK asked her to leave the party. This seems true but we don't know why AK chased her out.
Clearly something happened. And when such powerful people are leaving AK it shows a pattern.

Traditional thekedars with their business model can afford to be dictators. AAP's selling point is it's representativeness. Here people work for AAP for the cause. They cannot be kept together by money even after taking insults.
When did she claim that AK forced her to leave? Do you have a source for that?
It suffered great during the war. It wouldn't have had the resources anyways to control us.
Britain survived because of India. 2.5 million Indian troops fought for Britain and defeated Germans in North Africa and IJA at Imphal which is by the way considered to be IJA's greatest loss by Japanese themselves.
The main aim of Bose was to somehow change the loyalty of British Indian Army to India rather than the crown. Ofcourse the Brits couldn't control India after mutiny during the INA trials! :D

Was he convicted or even charged of anti-national activities? If yes please come up with credible sources...
If I remember correctly, Imam Bukhari with whom Kejriwal was found chit chatting (2014 Lok Sabha elections) was the same one who had invited Pakistan's PM but not India's. And he is the same Imam who had openly called for Islamic Rule in India. Searching for the links. And Kejriwal is the leader of AAP, if some of his party members openly take a controversial stance on the Batla encounter shouldn't he come out and clear the misunderstanding? Everybody asks Modi to do the same, why not Kejriwal too?
Not good actually. The money that could be used to setup institutes and value adds/vocational will be used up on AC bills for the upper middle and upper class. In Delhi that is the babudom. One step forward, two steps back.
A Chetan Bhagat tweet summed it all up....A population that votes on promised freebies rather than a wealth creating economy is destined to stay poor.

I honestly don't think its only the goodies.

By and large most Delhiites also want him to take on the Police.

But people also get the Police they deserve.
It's more to do with Delhiites, especially youth & the underprivileged trying to pin their hopes on a new comer. Status quo politics has lost it's sheen & you can't impress the public anymore. Delhi is a perfect practice ground for the likes of Kejriwal to try his nautanki..huge class divide among the masses, a superior & subordinate culture, capital city (both in terms of National & political)..add to that it's also the hub of TRP hungry Indian media. You have a perfect recepie to perform nautankis at will.
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AK49 is the best example of BJP Ghar (House) Wapsi campaign :enjoy:
Lol. But he won the election on providing free wifi, free "bijli" and free "pani". Thats ridiculous.

Instead of giving subsidy, why not he thinking about creating job, spending on infra. The creation of job ultimately ridicule the purpose of subsidy.

This argument is always presented by people who have full stomach, this is same as saying if you cant afford bread why dont you buy a cake. People with half full stomach dont think that far, in their views by the time Modi gets around to providing us jobs we will die of hunger.
This argument is always presented by people who have full stomach, this is same as saying if you cant afford bread why dont you buy a cake. People with half full stomach dont think that far, in their views by the time Modi gets around to providing us jobs we will die of hunger.

IF you have a job you can have a full stomach and much more. Subsidy raj has destroyed every state. There is no successfull model for socialism anywhere in the planet. Now we have Jihadis,Commies and Anti Nationals all under one roof
IMO, partition was a mistake of epic proportions but since India had some 600+ independent states at the time of British arrival and departure, it makes some sense why the partition was ultimately necessary to administer this vast chunk of fertilized land between Hindus and Muslims :)
We are all answerable to our own version of Gods, aren't we? :D

Nope. British would have been driven out anyway as we Pakistanis and Indians outnumbered British troops easily.

Sounds like classical Nazism to me. Opposing Hitler and his lunatic followers meant anti-German sentiments :D
Regarding Administration then federal structure was itself established for the purpose. India has so many states completely diverse culturally but ethnically all part of the greater India. Nations are created to establish an identity for the world and not to appease our versions of God. Right? :)
A Chetan Bhagat tweet summed it all up....A population that votes on promised freebies rather than a wealth creating economy is destined to stay poor.

It's more to do with Delhiites, especially youth & the underprivileged trying to pin their hope on a new comer. Status quo politics has lost it's sheen & you can't impress the public anymore. Delhi is a perfect practice ground for the likes of Kejriwal to try his nautanki..huge class divide among the masses, a superior & subordinate culture, capital city (both in terms of National & political)..add to that it's also the hub of TRP hungry Indian media. You have a perfect recepie to perform nautankis at will.

You have just described Urban Naxalism perfectly.

Delhi is now the go-to place for urban naxals, secularists, and islamists to congregate if a communal mutual wound licking orgy.

Cause To Cult, AAP Is All Over The Place Under 'Immature' Arvind Kejriwal, Says Shazia Ilmi
There was another quote I don't remember where I read it. She said Arvind asked her to leave.

I think he must have grabbed a handful of her and she reminded him to play in his own class pond.
One question - Who is Maken? :D

Being Muslim is not the matter. Being apprehensive about Hindus and more importantly aversion to work (and attraction to freebies) is very much a Delhi thing. Like I said, the anti Hindu/anti Sikh bias is my personal experience, it may not be the general trend. Point is the 33% BJP vote share has remained the same. Try as you might you can't increase that any further in Delhi itself, without compromising your core values. In that case, it will lose the vote of its ideological base and BJP will be just another Congress...and hence history.
That is where the shift has come which perhaps need to be acknowledged....just look at how BJP won 73 seats out of 80 in UP just 8 months back...the entire ideological base of SP/BSP went for a toss....They were able to hit that number because Modi caught the imagination of people...this is what Kejriwal did in Delhi...

Point is not about keeping your vote base...With Modi still enjoying people support BJP could only cobble up what they did in last assembly(way below GE) and that too when Congress further bite the dust is not a good show
More people will get into middle class. But this number will stagnate after sometime. And you are comfortable with this because you are not among the people in need of drinking water. You would say "Well, they should have earned enough to buy water from corporation". And you would be buying life insurance, health insurance, back pain insurance to make sure your family doesn't get to that situation.

Do not wish unto others what you don't want done unto yourself. Have a little empathy for people.
U didnt make an ounce of sense here when u say Middle class will stagnate. Wass da mathematical logic? With continous growth the trickle down effect only better lives of below the pyramid. Now how faster it trickles down completely relies on the govt policies and regulations.

U see, everywhere its the govt that has the key to things.. IT all depends how proffesional and so called KAABIL people we have in our govt setup including bueraucracy. The capitalists will always be the dependent force. Its on govt to establish laws and policies to control the capitalist. U see black in Capitalism because the govt corruption has allowed them to do so.
To Me AAP's approach is the real congress of 30's and 40's.
Congress in it's current configuration has no relevance and it's decimation will be a welcome move for India. Next in line would be SP, BSP, TMC, CPI, AIADMK and DMK hopefully.
Na....i disagree...they may be that however not right now...plz keep in mind today's electorate is not gullible emotional fool...people want result...that's why said if AAP delivers good governance then it is death knell for rest...

As far as my insight goes if AAP just hangs on well in Delhi there is no doubt Punjab is next on cards...people are fed up from Akalis and Congress there...

His whole party & ideology was built around janlokpal. If he fails to press on that.. that would the first of his many downfalls to come.
No doubt Janlokpal is important however it needs to done under the ambit of parliamentary democracy...People rejected their way of leaving the goverment...they acknowledged the mistake and that's why it seems people forgive and gave their blessings..

AAP as a party thrived on creating anarchy... & they need to keep continuing to do that in-order to get noticed by rest of India. Do you think he will be satisfied by just running Delhi? No way.. he wants to spread his wings throughout India.. & for that he needs to get noticed. You don't get media publicity for being good guy.. you need to be raising ruckus all the time to get noticed & keep media TRP flying high! & Kejri & his cronies are expert in doing that! Bookmark my post!

Time teaches lots of things my friend...After delhi assembly they got muck for getting into ruckus...if they repeat it again that's what they will get, however this time a permanent one...so far they look mellowed down in their speeches..rest only time will tell
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