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Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

see 51% of india is below poverty line....and 300 million people in india are close to starvation

A Better India, A Better World-N.R. Narayana Murthy-Penguin Books India

he is an indian N.R. Narayana Murthy, who pioneered, designed and executed the Global Delivery Model that has become the cornerstone of India’s success in information technology services outsourcing.....

so yes the "MAKEUP" india has put on is really god but reality is very different!
Why do we forget guys........This part of the world (subcontinent) was super power before English came and divided us and made us third world countries....

So solution is infront of us..............UNITY>>>>>>>>

keep it up my friend i am with u:cheers:
see 51% of india is below poverty line....and 300 million people in india are close to starvation

A Better India, A Better World-N.R. Narayana Murthy-Penguin Books India

he is an indian N.R. Narayana Murthy, who pioneered, designed and executed the Global Delivery Model that has become the cornerstone of India’s success in information technology services outsourcing.....

so yes the "MAKEUP" india has put on is really god but reality is very different!

Have you looked at the reality on the other side of the border(your side)???..anyways don't find any fun in projecting problems of others whereas like to use them constructively to improve... Just for clarification here are some facts about india

This is poverty percentage in india's over the years

1977-78 - 51.3
1983 - 44.5
1987-88 - 38.9
1993-94 - 36
2004-05 - 27.5
2009 - 25

see 51% of india is below poverty line....and 300 million people in india are close to starvation

Care to elaborate from where did you get your magical numbers from?? Not saying india is not suffering from the menace of poverty but if you see things in perspective you will see things are improving in India(pace can be debatable)... With the current economy trends and projections where do you see India going? However with the current turmoil in Pak complemented with world perception of Pakistan being harbor of terrorists where do you see your economy going???

Anyways as said before there i see no fun in cheap shots just to win an argument. The ideal situation is both countries leave the animosity and concentrate fully on the deprived population... as percentage or no percentage we both have enough people who are below poverty line to take care off.
India have always caused problems for Pakistan even after its constitution, in 1948, India stopped water of Sutlej River, in 1968 the same repeated, and the hard work continued by the india till today. At international forums, india have does its best to make Pakistan alone no matter its cricket or WTO.

This is like this, snakes bite human as they are poisonous they cant change their nature of injecting their venom to get their victims hacked to death, these are humans who need to learn to avoid from snake bites!

see 51% of india is below poverty line....and 300 million people in india are close to starvation

A Better India, A Better World-N.R. Narayana Murthy-Penguin Books India

he is an indian N.R. Narayana Murthy, who pioneered, designed and executed the Global Delivery Model that has become the cornerstone of India’s success in information technology services outsourcing.....

so yes the "MAKEUP" india has put on is really god but reality is very different!
According to Economic Survey of India 08-09, 26% of population is living below poverty line! thats so sad! nothing to fight or blame about it! this is shame for humanity and mankind! this is a real shame for all of us who thinks reaching on moon is more important than feeding the poor!

According to Economic Survey of India 08-09, 26% of population is living below poverty line! thats so sad! nothing to fight or blame about it! this is shame for humanity and mankind! this is a real shame for all of us who thinks reaching on moon is more important than feeding the poor!

Yes and Pakistan is currently sitting with a 36% below poverty line population ? Nothing for us to smirk about. It is sad that our countries have such a huge amount of people who are living below the poverty line while our governments with the support of our people spend billions of dollars buying weapons and aircraft and investing in nuclear technology to safeguard us against each other. That is the sad part of it all. Reaching the moon maybe acceptable as it poses no threat to anybody and science is a field well worth investing in. The armaments and equipment and jets and soldiers by both Pakistan and India? I really doubt that :undecided:
Yes and Pakistan is currently sitting with a 36% below poverty line population ? Nothing for us to smirk about. It is sad that our countries have such a huge amount of people who are living below the poverty line while our governments with the support of our people spend billions of dollars buying weapons and aircraft and investing in nuclear technology to safeguard us against each other. That is the sad part of it all. Reaching the moon maybe acceptable as it poses no threat to anybody and science is a field well worth investing in. The armaments and equipment and jets and soldiers by both Pakistan and India? I really doubt that :undecided:
Yeah! we seriously need to think over it! otherwise these two are going to be other Somalia :(
It is sad that our countries have such a huge amount of people who are living below the poverty line while our governments with the support of our people spend billions of dollars buying weapons and aircraft and investing in nuclear technology to safeguard us against each other

Guys please keep in mind one thing that stabality and security is the door of economic development. If you cannot portray your country as stable and secure from internal and external threats you will not see any investments coming in...Now this is not completely black and white case but in the end thumb rule would be more stable more investments more growth... It would have been great if Asia could be like EU but then wishful thinking can make you feel good but can't change today's reality

Now coming back to staggering poverty then the primes reason behind is the corruption/beurocracy that is sitting in between government policies and deprived masses. It's not like money is taken aways from such policies and fed to defence or moon missions..GDP usage for defence is less than 3% in india's case and around 4-5% in Pak case..Thus simply implying that because of defence depending or space missions we have staggering amount of people below poverty is not a correct logic. The need of the hour is to kill the daemon of corruption..
Our Bhooka-Nangas must not be your problem. Just Put your own house in order with those 250 Billion... Hop you could made those huge slums look little better.!!

Ok will do...thanks...

About your confusion... regarding BEST FIGHTER JET.... !!

Lets just say Im still confused.....were we even on that topic....

OK... Not under US pressure but under US persuasion. LoL! even an idiot know how badly India need energy to sustain its economy. Actually, US used India to get vote against Iran on nuclear issue and India fell straight into US lap... Who need pressure when persuasion is working that fine.!!

Listen...lemme just say one thing.....your "twisting the words" needs improvement......an infant could do a better job....

Anyways still waiting for proof other than idle housewife gossip... which is where you seem to get your news from......

So actually, You accepted Pakistani popular view that all the troubles in the region is due to US presence in region and i really appreciate that.

You are right... one must move with time...but actually it keeps on repeating itself.!!

Again.....a conspiracy theory that you can brandish as your own....Please dont include me in it.....

If we are then can you please elaborate why Madam Hillery travelled all the way 11,380KM to Islamabad to get a clue what is going on. Yankis are pissed in Afghanistan and Obama is about to change doctrine there... Why all these developments are taking place. I can understand Indian worries once US leave Afghanistan :agree:!!

Thats the problem....The US gives you a lollipop and you think they want to go to bed with you....LOL!!!
Hillary travelled to the US to knock some sense into your leadership.....please realize that the aid given to you as 7.5 Billion USD is much needed by your country......
If you saw Hillary's interview....she asked Pakistan to reject it if they felt so strongly about the aid money and the conditions associated with it.....If the US cared about Pakistan and its opinion they wouldnt have signed the Kerry Luger Bill as is....
What I dont understand is...how naive are you??

"Laat bhi Khayi or Pata bhi nahi chala"......LOL!!!..Pity

BTW, It was UNO who allow NATO to attack Afghanistan unlike Iraq and that is a big difference and one big reason why Pakistan can't stop NATO supplies as it will be implicated as stopping UN mandated mission in Afghanistan.

Thanks buddy....I didnt know about the internet.....

Hope now you do...:azn:
Dont teach me about ******.....maybe you should update your sources....you seem like one of thise Zaid Hamid fanboys....
I don't know what you bitching around here. But it is funny who whole Indian masses are obsessed by ZH, ever listen me ranting about Barat Verma..? No because we don't have any obsession of individuals.!!

Hahahaha.....UN mandated mission....Dude there are better ways of consoling yourself.....

You have no choice....accept it.....
A leapord cant change his spots.....and you unfortunately cant change your country's position/importance in this WOT....I repeat....Pakistan is nothing more than paid mercineries.....!!!

So is yours! :agree: so what it would change if MKI is super duper and nuclear sub will be there with IN. Good for you... Hope nuclear sub will help IN to stop ten rag tag terrorists from traveling from Karachi to all the way to Mumbai...LOL:rofl::rofl:!!

Ooops! It hurts I guess remembering back 2002 ten month long stand off. I can understand...you never got it... actually I was saying whatever Pakistan has it would be enough to keep Indian on other side of border... :azn::azn: and you know what we have.. Clear KIDO!!

How old are you seriously?......and I mean mental age.....LOL!!!

I feel like Im talking to a 2 year old.....
Enjoy your fantasy world sonny boy.....Im sure you have other play mates to play merry go round with you....but count me out of this one.....
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So is yours! :agree: so what it would change if MKI is super duper and nuclear sub will be there with IN. Good for you... Hope nuclear sub will help IN to stop ten rag tag terrorists from traveling from Karachi to all the way to Mumbai...LOL:rofl::rofl:

Do you really mean it; because you are the first Pakistani national who agree with India that Pakistan is creating problems in India and Mumbai attacks were planned by Pakistanis in Pakistan.:cheesy: :yahoo:

If not, than you really have to work hard to stop these terrorist to stop using your (Pakistani) terrortiry. :azn: We will take care of them when they reach our territories.:police: :cheers:
The best answer I can provide right now is

India thinks they are an elder brother of Pakistan

When they are ready to talk on equal bases than they won't create problems for us.

India is not selling channas(peas) in Afghanistan. They are spending precious money there....I don't think they want to build roads there....

If they were that much helpful to Afghanis particularly Muslims than I cannot find any reason about the incidents like Gujrat Muslims and other stuff to happen...
There are more points to discuss....

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LOL all wars started by pakistan ,not india. and still some people have the courage or no shame to say that India creates problem for pakistan. well i am not saying that india didn't create problems for pakistan , but everything was started by pakistan ,i think india is just replying. Why some people cry when they get the taste of their own medicine.
Simple answer. First become a stable country with real strong Government and leadership because everybody knows the present situation of pakistan its struggling to survive and stay as a stable country and few months ago terrorists were so close to ur capital islamabad to take over ur country a country which has nuclear weapons and you know the results of that would have been disastrous. So stop funding terrorists and sheltering them on ur soil because not only India but the entire world knows that pakistan is the epic center and pretty much headquater of biggest terrorist's organizations. When pakistan becomes stable and does what i just said then nobody will have problem with pakistan acquiring weapons n technology.

stable country are you sure india is stable i have prove what hindus did with SIKHS,MUSLIMS in gujrat and in punjab we all know we dont need to explain india is not even also stable mumbai attacks etc talking about agreesion we are more agressive than india becoz of that your 2.3 billion people dont have balls to destroy pakistani people around 20 million shame on u yes we have probleum in our country who doesnt did u forget redindians in america did you forget hittler in europe countries who comes from tough times will have good times in future it is history in america 200 years od civil war did u forgot now where is america
if we play politics game with india if all muslim countries in middle east ban all indians for working in their country india will be bagging for all over the world

i know u will say pakistan is bagging from europe and america u cant say it as beg becoz we r helping them killing talibans in pakistan and if we are working for them than they should pay for it nothing comes for free
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