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Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

cos Pakistan do same in India... I will suggest the thread starter to read some Indian news papers to find some news as I do by reading Pakistani news papers (online)
i have been following this thread for few days now and I must say my hate towards india have somewhat Lessened. I can see hope in future generation of india coming more towards dialogue.

To sum up, we both want prosperity in our countries. For the last 62 yrs we have only seen wars and emotionally charged bull talk. I firmly believe that non of these two countries can take each other out anf if not stopped the cycle would continue and I agree we will be making our ppl more poorer and developed countried more richer.

I envey the relationship between US and Canada
see peshwa.like i have not said any wrong thing about india..i have criticsized indian media for their behaviour.see they always want to get some news with which they could bring pakistan in bad shape in front of everybody..see they are becoming a symbol of an embarassment for you ppl,as watever they say we all laugh and just make fun of them.and like i also said that yes i also have indian friends who r excelent ppl with a good sense of humuor...really they all are great..so why still hatred among us..??.


What you said isnt wrong at all.....You are Pakistani....you love your country, you hate anyone marring your country's name in the international arena......I would be pissed too....

But you have to remember, India-Pak are enemies....politically at least...so you cant expect the media to shower praises on a country that is responsible for 3 wars and in some cases lives of some innocent Indians.....
The point is, India wants Kashmir.....the more dirt it throws on Pakistan, the more support Pakistan loses in the world forum.....Whether its right or wrong, thats a different story....but its necessary....and its not just an India-centric thing.....it happens world over.....best example is the Nazi's who were successfully able to turn an entire nation against the jews just through propoganda....

Besides Dez....agree with me here....Pakistani media doesnt paint a rosy picture either.....the Pakistani propoganda machine is in full flow as well....Just that we have a media culture that has matured over a long time, with 1000s of channels, plus the market is huge...so more resources.....Pakistani media is picking up now with limited resources and a not so large market...
Indians too laugh at the likes of Zaid Hamid, Rupeenews, and everytime a militant killed is reported as "Shaheed" and an Indian soldier killed as "halaal"......LOL....

I want to know....how exactly do you suggest the situation should be??
Pehlay khud tau ban ja....:rofl::rofl: Pata hai how many Indian live without a male in day?... They need your expertise more than anyone else. :agree:.

Have you seen India's bank balance buddy......250Billion in reserves
People in our country have a chance....
What will you do about the Pakistani "Bhooka-Nangas"?

So now you are taking back you argument of choosing Best Fighter Jet? Or now you have confused with which one is best... MKI or F-18?.

What are u banging on about....??

Hahahaha....It can't get any funnier than that. you yourself post one incident where India bow to US pressure when voted against Iran... I posted you second incident which you can't deny... Both times India did what US told it to.... mano ya na mano!!!.

All I see is a statement.....period....
Put your money where your mouth is and show me "proof" that India backed out of IPI pipeline because of US pressure....
Ill retract my statement....if u can

UH! Really... Any reason why they are not leveling it ???? I don't see any reason if they are so capable. Listen dude! even if US do this...Afghan will continue to resist just read history..

Thats the problems with people like you.....You guys dwell way too much on history.....Basking in past glory...

Move with the times and understand that this aint the time of the Abdali's and the Ghazni's......this is the modern era.....
US can carpet bomb Afghanistan if push comes to shove......They are playing the great game to kill 2 birds with one shot.....
1) Keep their presence in central asia.....and the best way to do that is by finding a reason to wage a war in Afghanistan
2) Eliminate the Taliban......

If killing was the only motive....they dont need to send an army boss....

And about the "importance" of Pakistan in this.....You guys are paid mercineries.....nothing more....I think you remember Bush's statement to Pakistan about WOT....."You're either with us or against us".....Pakistan has no option....PERIOD!!!....Just try refusing supply to the US and see what happens.....You obviously have no clue....LOL!!
Like I said...the only country you can bully is Afghanistan.....and looks like they're getting some teeth too...

Do you really Check News regularly on internet? Go search for "AfPak doctrine" of Obama administration and check countries included in it..

Thanks buddy....I didnt know about the internet.....

Dont teach me about ******.....maybe you should update your sources....you seem like one of thise Zaid Hamid fanboys....

Oh YEAH!!! and you think I am going to buy trash of TOI... Lol.

Frankly dont care whether u buy it or not......you first need a grip on reality

Actually, It is always India to introduce new weapon systems in subcontinent to fulfill its long standing desire of Akhand Bharat... Pakistan always responded the threat. Once demand come every threat would be answered accordingly. Coming to your comments, Now tell me what 5th gen fighter IAF has currently? (Don't come ranting FGFA/PAK-FA here), Nuclear sub doesn't fit in our doctrine.

Go buy....Pakistan is not gonna make hue and cry like India always do. .

If you havent noticed....the only country in the world which has 5th Gen fighters is the US.......
And the MKI is better than any plane in your inventory.....so dont choke on your own spit just yet.....the nuke submarine gives us a Third option for delivery of nuclear weapons.....Whether a nuke sub fits in your doctrine or not.....Your country is vulnerable....end of story....now stop trying to find inches where u obviously dont....

How the hell i can scare some country who was not scared by mighty USA? Actually our Hi-Tech will be more than enough to keep you guys on borders for months and then returning them back without firing a single bullet. ... Fishing India never a aim for Pak it always remain other way around.

LOL.....First show me the "Hi-Tech" in Pakistan....then come talk to me kid....

You're quite a sample arent u....LOL!!
The American capitalist model is not worth a penny keeping in view the disaster it has brought to the world in shape of meltdown which has affected even those countries which are not responsible for it.

Greed can wreck any economic model.Theirs is a very good economic model...the sole reason why countries are opening up to the american way.China has almost trashed it's communist way for the American one albeit with a bit of protectionism...but when you overstretch the credit-debit system...more things that one crack.
Have you seen India's bank balance buddy......250Billion in reserves
People in our country have a chance....
What will you do about the Pakistani "Bhooka-Nangas"?
Our Bhooka-Nangas must not be your problem. Just Put your own house in order with those 250 Billion... Hop you could made those huge slums look little better.

What are u banging on about....??

About your confusion... regarding BEST FIGHTER JET....

All I see is a statement.....period....
Put your money where your mouth is and show me "proof" that India backed out of IPI pipeline because of US pressure....
Ill retract my statement....if u can

OK... Not under US pressure but under US persuasion. LoL! even an idiot know how badly India need energy to sustain its economy. Actually, US used India to get vote against Iran on nuclear issue and India fell straight into US lap... Who need pressure when persuasion is working that fine.

Thats the problems with people like you.....You guys dwell way too much on history.....Basking in past glory...

Move with the times and understand that this aint the time of the Abdali's and the Ghazni's......this is the modern era.....
US can carpet bomb Afghanistan if push comes to shove......They are playing the great game to kill 2 birds with one shot.....
1) Keep their presence in central asia.....and the best way to do that is by finding a reason to wage a war in Afghanistan
2) Eliminate the Taliban......

If killing was the only motive....they dont need to send an army boss....

So actually, You accepted Pakistani popular view that all the troubles in the region is due to US presence in region and i really appreciate that.

You are right... one must move with time...but actually it keeps on repeating itself.

And about the "importance" of Pakistan in this.....You guys are paid mercineries.....nothing more....I think you remember Bush's statement to Pakistan about WOT....."You're either with us or against us".....Pakistan has no option....PERIOD!!!....Just try refusing supply to the US and see what happens.....You obviously have no clue....LOL!!
Like I said...the only country you can bully is Afghanistan.....and looks like they're getting some teeth too...

If we are then can you please elaborate why Madam Hillery travelled all the way 11,380KM to Islamabad to get a clue what is going on. Yankis are pissed in Afghanistan and Obama is about to change doctrine there... Why all these developments are taking place. I can understand Indian worries once US leave Afghanistan :agree:

BTW, It was UNO who allow NATO to attack Afghanistan unlike Iraq and that is a big difference and one big reason why Pakistan can't stop NATO supplies as it will be implicated as stopping UN mandated mission in Afghanistan.

Thanks buddy....I didnt know about the internet.....

Hope now you do...:azn:
Dont teach me about ******.....maybe you should update your sources....you seem like one of thise Zaid Hamid fanboys....
I don't know what you bitching around here. But it is funny who whole Indian masses are obsessed by ZH, ever listen me ranting about Barat Verma..? No because we don't have any obsession of individuals.
If you havent noticed....the only country in the world which has 5th Gen fighters is the US.......
And the MKI is better than any plane in your inventory.....so dont choke on your own spit just yet.....the nuke submarine gives us a Third option for delivery of nuclear weapons.....Whether a nuke sub fits in your doctrine or not.....Your country is vulnerable....end of story....now stop trying to find inches where u obviously dont....

So is yours! :agree: so what it would change if MKI is super duper and nuclear sub will be there with IN. Good for you... Hope nuclear sub will help IN to stop ten rag tag terrorists from traveling from Karachi to all the way to Mumbai...LOL:rofl::rofl:

LOL.....First show me the "Hi-Tech" in Pakistan....then come talk to me kid....

You're quite a sample arent u....LOL!!

Ooops! It hurts I guess remembering back 2002 ten month long stand off. I can understand...you never got it... actually I was saying whatever Pakistan has it would be enough to keep Indian on other side of border... :azn::azn: and you know what we have.. Clear KIDO!!
I don't know about India but Pakistan has had increased problem due to droughts and smuggling of food from Pakistan out to Middle east.

I mean just yesterday I read a 1 KG of daal cost - 100 ruppee!!!!!

I mean what will a poor family of 3-5 ppl eat ???

I mean average poor family in Pakistan make same amount as they did ages ago .....

The problem is same in India just they have more ppl so the problem is incresed by 100%

From my stand point its a great tragic issue that ppl can't have food ....and our gov are wasting money on weapons -

Its a great tragic thing -

First it was sugar crisis , now Daal crisis , we already had bread crisis not long ago -
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Yeah dude.. Clever Explanation above!!!!

Why do Americans eat burgers!! Why do chinese eat noodles..
Why do sikhs wear turbans? why do Suicide bombers blow themselves!

Its just the way we are.. Indians always are the aggressive lot.. Docile Pakistani's parted ways from India 60 years coz, they cud not put up with the aggression..
They wagged the fingers at the Indians saying "this aggression is gonna kill you man" and parted with a tear in their eye..

Jesus Christ.. This is the limit.. Where do u guys get such lucid explanations for such a question

N why all terrorist belong from :rofl:???????
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N why all terrorist belong from :rofl:???????

And guess where they are trained from? You Indian do what ever you can but just remember What Gen. Zia said in Rajiv Gandhi's ear when leaving from India to Pakistan in 1987 cricket diplomacy. Bet you are good historian, if not consult someone really knew it.:pakistan:
So you guys want India to be happy, when Pakistan buys Missiles and all other military stuff? :rofl::azn:
Besides Dez....agree with me here....Pakistani media doesnt paint a rosy picture either.....the Pakistani propoganda machine is in full flow as well....Just that we have a media culture that has matured over a long time, with 1000s of channels, plus the market is huge...so more resources.....Pakistani media is picking up now with limited resources and a not so large market...
Indians too laugh at the likes of Zaid Hamid, Rupeenews, and everytime a militant killed is reported as "Shaheed" and an Indian soldier killed as "halaal"......LOL....

I want to know....how exactly do you suggest the situation should be??[/QUOTE
see peshwa,pakistan media or any other group,if it says something bad about india,so its only in a limit related to that topic,now indian media,you see i have seen many times they have being lying about pakistan alot.and i bet u pakistani media atleast dont say any lie about india..and zaid hamid is kinda insane.i dont give importance on wat ever he says,so just kick him out.and see as india is looking for pakistan's kashmir whereas pakistan even have a desire to get indian kashmir and pak claim that kashmir is a part of pakistan..and you will agree with me that these lashkars who are fighting with india are only to get independence(who controls them or gives aid thats not issue).and apart from that u have to agree with me that if pak and india want to gain progress,so they have to become friends...we need unity and should not interfare into other matters.hope for better future:cheers:
see peshwa,pakistan media or any other group,if it says something bad about india,so its only in a limit related to that topic,now indian media,you see i have seen many times they have being lying about pakistan alot.and i bet u pakistani media atleast dont say any lie about india..and zaid hamid is kinda insane.i dont give importance on wat ever he says,so just kick him out.and see as india is looking for pakistan's kashmir whereas pakistan even have a desire to get indian kashmir and pak claim that kashmir is a part of pakistan..and you will agree with me that these lashkars who are fighting with india are only to get independence(who controls them or gives aid thats not issue).and apart from that u have to agree with me that if pak and india want to gain progress,so they have to become friends...we need unity and should not interfare into other matters.hope for better future:cheers:


You cant just claim that what Pakistan says about India is acceptable and that India blatantly lies about Pakistan....Thats simply your opinion and a biased one at that being a Pakistani.....
We are all for peace my friend but not at the cost of our civilians and our development....
Pakistani public has recently started expiriencing the terror that us Indians have been living with for the past 3 decades....

You have to understand that terrorism in any form is unacceptable.....especially when it targets civilians as opposed to the army....whether the cause be justified or not!!!
If the Pakistani army wants to wage war with India and win Kashmir....I am all for it....but never will I support the justification of killing innocent civilians to forward the Kashmiri cause.....

You will agree with me, that India has progressed even though it has been hampered by the proxy war for the last few decadess......But you have to understand that Pakistan is now facing the same problem India did.....The only hope for Pakistan to come out of this is if it dismantles the terror network that it had propped up, and supported.....Because increasingly, these terrorrists will become more out of control and no one is to blame for this except Pakistan....
So India - Pak peace is very dependent on this!!!
nah friend peshwa we wont let this taliban to take we taking action agains them and soon gonna lush them out
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