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Why have we banished our own brethren? Indian Apartheid

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sir ... do stick with the topic otherwise you may get the infraction or warning.

I think you mate would look good in Pink but then you are trying your best to be very clever. lets see now and get back to topic. You are getting extremely hot under the collar and repeating the same rubbish over and over again in the hope to provoke some of us. But I see you for what you are. You are a liar for pretending that you were a dalit and then you said you were not. Secondly it really hurts you that India itself is such a backward country that a minority refers to the majority as backward. The irony of it is lost on thee likes of you. Never mind
True.. Only Indian get infracted for going off topic in response to an off topic post..

no we all do, MODS are very very fair, they banned me many times for reacting to a troll or for saying something to a indian.
I think you mate would look good in Pink but then you are trying your best to be very clever. lets see now and get back to topic. You are getting extremely hot under the collar and repeating the same rubbish over and over again in the hope to provoke some of us. But I see you for what you are. You are a liar for pretending that you were a dalit and then you said you were not. Secondly it really hurts you that India itself is such a backward country that a minority refers to the majority as backward. The irony of it is lost on thee likes of you. Never mind

sir, why are you issuing warning to me rather than talking on the topic...your personal tirade against me is really uncalled for. Sorry I have to report you.
True.. Only Indian get infracted for going off topic in response to an off topic post..

stop whining if you don't like it Indian go to an Indian forum. Don't question the integrity of our mods. Now get back on topic and talk about dalits?? have you abused one today or seen one get abused in India??
stop whining if you don't like it Indian go to an Indian forum. Don't question the integrity of our mods. Now get back on topic and talk about dalits?? have you abused one today or seen one get abused in India??

sir..please keep it generic in nature rather than talking personal question. I hope you understand me in the right spirit. Thanks.
sir, why are you issuing warning to me rather than talking on the topic...your personal tirade against me is really uncalled for. Sorry I have to report you.

By all means that is your prerogative. But I would say the troll is you. Your persistent lies are an affront to this forum. It is unjust that you refuse to acknowledge the suffering of dalits
By all means that is your prerogative. But I would say the troll is you. Your persistent lies are an affront to this forum. It is unjust that you refuse to acknowledge the suffering of dalits

I never did... they are economically backward but not politically. and please keep the conversation civil. Thanks.
sir..please keep it generic in nature rather than talking personal question. I hope you understand me in the right spirit. Thanks.

I wasn't talking to you in that post. Can you get back on to talking about the sufferings of dalits now. Have you abused a fellow Indian today?? Have you seen one get abused??
I never did... they are economically backward but not politically. and please keep the conversation civil. Thanks.

No you said they are from backward community you are liar. Go check old posts. Even if you have deleted it someone may have copied it,

Now tell me simply do you condemn abuse of dalits??
I wasn't talking to you in that post. Can you get back on to talking about the sufferings of dalits now. Have you abused a fellow Indian today?? Have you seen one get abused??

sir, as a senior member of the forum it is my duty and right to keep the discussion clean and on topic and stop someone from flaming. If you want to ask personal question than please PM me. Thanks.
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